20 research outputs found

    Ordered Carboxylates on TiO (110) Formed at Aqueous Interfaces

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    As models for probing the interactions between TiO2 surfaces and the dye molecules employed in dye-sensitized solar cells, carboxylic acids are an important class of molecules. In this work we present a scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED) study of three small carboxylic acids (formic, acetic, and benzoic) that were reacted with the TiO2(110) surface via a dipping procedure. The three molecules display quite different adsorption behavior, illustrating the different inter-adsorbate interactions that can occur. After exposure to a 10 mM solution, formic acid forms a rather disordered formate overlayer with two distinct binding geometries. Acetic acid forms a well-ordered (2 × 1) acetate overlayer similar to that observed following deposition from vapor. Benzoic acid forms a (2 × 2) overlayer which is stabilized by intermolecular interactions between the phenyl groups

    A Combined Laboratory and Synchrotron In-Situ Photoemission Study of the Rutile TiO2 (110) / Water Interface

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    In-situ analysis of the TiO2 / water interface via NAP-XPS is demonstrated in both a lab based system (NAP-cell configuration) and synchrotron endstation (backfill configuration). Ultra-thin wetting layers (UTWL) of liquid water (~10 nm) are formed on a rutile TiO2 surface with minimal contamination present in addition to unique insight during the growth of the liquid films as indicated via NAP-XPS, in-situ sample temperature and background vapour pressure monitoring. Chemical changes at the solid / liquid interface are also demonstrated via healing of Ti3+ surface defect states. Photon depth profiling of the as grown liquid layers indicate that the formed films are ultra-thin (~10 nm) and likely to be continuous in nature. This work demonstrates a novel and flexible approach for studying the solid / liquid interface via NAP-XPS which is readily integrated with any form of NAP-XPS system, thereby making a critical interface of study available to a wide audience of researchers for use in operando electrochemical and photocatalytic research

    Determination of H-Atom Positions in Organic Crystal Structures by NEXAFS Combined with Density Functional Theory: a Study of Two-Component Systems Containing Isonicotinamide

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    It is important to be able to identify the precise position of H-atoms in hydrogen bonding interactions to fully understand the effects on the structure and properties of organic crystals. Using a combination of near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) quantum chemistry calculations, we demonstrate the sensitivity of core-level X-ray spectroscopy to the precise H-atom position within a donor-proton-acceptor system. Exploiting this sensitivity, we then combine the predictive power of DFT with the experimental NEXAFS, confirming the H-atom position identified using single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques more easily than using other H-atom sensitive techniques, such as neutron diffraction. This proof of principle experiment confirms the H-atom positions in structures obtained from XRD, providing evidence for the potential use of NEXAFS as a more accurate and easier method of locating H-atoms within organic crystals

    Water-Induced Reversal of the TiO₂(011)-(2 × 1) Surface Reconstruction: Observed with in Situ Surface X-ray Diffraction

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    The (011) termination of rutile TiO2 is reported to be particularly effective for photocatalysis. Here, the structure of the interface formed between this substrate and water is revealed using surface X-ray diffraction. While the TiO2(011) surface exhibits a (2 × 1) reconstruction in ultra-high vacuum (UHV), this is lifted in the presence of a multilayer of water at room temperature. This change is driven by the formation of Ti-OH at the interface, which has a bond distance of 1.93 ± 0.02 Å. The experimental solution is in good agreement with density functional theory and first-principles molecular dynamics calculations. These results point to the important differences that can arise between the structure of oxide surfaces in UHV and technical environments and will ultimately lead to an atomistic understanding of the photocatalytic process of water splitting on TiO2 surfaces

    Pitfalls in identifying active catalyst species

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    Orientation of acetic acid hydrogen bonded to acetate terminated TiO2(110)

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    Acetic acid is a common pollutant for which photocatalytic degradation over titania provides a mitigating strategy. Knowledge of the bonding of acetate/acetic acid to this substrate is needed to aid interpretation of the photocatalytic data. In this work we use ambient pressure near edge X-ray absorption fine structure to measure the coverage and geometry of acetate in the TiO2(110) contact layer as well as acetic acid in an additional layer. A saturation coverage of 0.5 monolayers in both layers is found up to an acetic acid pressure of 10−1 Torr at 266 K. The geometry of acetate appears to be unchanged by adsorption of an additional layer of acetic acid, with the contact layer involving a majority acetate species bidentate bonded to neighboring Ti5c sites and a minority acetate species bonded in a perpendicular geometry. Acetic acid has a similar geometry dictated by hydrogen bonding to the contact layer as well as the substrate