95 research outputs found

    Satellite Capabilities Mapping - Utilizing Small Satellites

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    The cost and schedule advantages small satellites have over larger legacy systems have been studied, but there has been very little experimentation performed to determine whether small satellites can actually deliver the capabilities of larger spacecraft. To date, a desired operational capability has not been fully realized by a scalable satellite design. Advances in sensor technology have led to significant reductions in size, weight, and power (SWaP) presenting an opportunity to exploit the evolution of space operations by using small satellites to perform specific missions. This paper describes a methodology that maps a specific set of large space vehicle capabilities to CubeSats. The process examines the utility of advanced sensors. Space weather has been identified as an excellent mission area to exploit the potential of small satellites. Advances in micro-electronics have produced sensors with reduced SWaP, making them viable test subjects. Mapping capabilities to a single or constellation of small satellites, could provide solutions and affordable options to the adverse challenges facing space operations. The methodology developed here selects sensor of the National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Space Environmental Sensor Suite (SESS) and maps them to a CubeSat illustrating a small satellite can perform an operational mission

    Exploring Gusev Crater with spirit: Review of science objectives and testable hypotheses

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    Gusev Crater was selected as the landing site for the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Spirit mission. Located at the outlet of Ma'adim Vallis and 250 km south of the volcano Apollinaris Patera, Gusev is an outstanding site to achieve the goals of the MER mission. The crater could have collected sediments from a variety of sources during its 3.9 Ga history, including fluvial, lacustrine, volcanic, glacial, impact, regional and local aeolian, and global air falls. It is a unique site to investigate the past history of water on Mars, climate and geological changes, and the potential habitability of the planet, which are central science objectives of the MER mission. Because of its complex history and potential diversity, Gusev will allow the testing of a large spectrum of hypotheses with the complete suite of MER instruments. Evidence consistent with long-lived lake episodes exist in the landing ellipse area. They might offer a unique opportunity to study, for the first time, Martian aqueous sediments and minerals formed in situ in their geological context. We review the geological history and diversity of the landing site, the science hypotheses that can be tested during the MER mission, and the relevance of Gusev to the MER mission objectives and payload

    Miscarriage and stillbirth following maternal Zika virus infection in nonhuman primates.

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) infection is associated with congenital defects and pregnancy loss. Here, we found that 26% of nonhuman primates infected with Asian/American ZIKV in early gestation experienced fetal demise later in pregnancy despite showing few clinical signs of infection. Pregnancy loss due to asymptomatic ZIKV infection may therefore be a common but under-recognized adverse outcome related to maternal ZIKV infection

    Non-surgical treatment of primary female urethral cancer

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    Primary carcinomas of the female urethra are extremely rare, with an annual incidence of less than ten in one million. Currently, there is no consensus regarding management of this malignancy. However, there have been several case reports demonstrating the efficacy of chemoradiation in the treatment of female urethral cancer. In this report we present two cases of female primary urethral adenocarcinoma that were treated by concomitant chemotherapy and external beam radiotherapy, followed by interstitial brachytherapy