308 research outputs found

    Group analysis and renormgroup symmetries

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    An original regular approach to constructing special type symmetries for boundary value problems, namely renormgroup symmetries, is presented. Different methods of calculating these symmetries, based on modern group analysis are described. Application of the approach to boundary value problems is demonstrated with the help of a simple mathematical model.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX LATeX file, to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Электронно-библиотечная система как средство саморазвития студентов цифрового поколения Z (на примере изучения курса «Основы вожатской деятельности»)

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    The digital library system of universities is examined by the example of the learning course “The basic knowledge for summer camp leaders”. The theory of generations, socio-psycological characteristics of learning styles, and corresponding pedagogical methods and technologies in education and library and information services provided to the generation Z users, are discussed. The generation’s characteristics are: hypermobility, creativity and mental quickness, realistic attitude, rapid moving into adulthood, and the fact that they are not enthusiastic about hand writing. At the same time, the young adults are characterized by clip way of thinking, lack of motivation, laziness, no love for reading, communication through mems and emojies, low tolerance and responsibility. Within the digital information environment, the generation Z processes clip information in no time and, hence, they are not able to act thoughtfully, to concentrate and to analyze facts. These characteristics are admitted by psychologists, physiologists, sociologists, and pedagogues. New teaching methods and technologies have to be designed, learning and recreational information content based on digital convergent approach to be generated. The significance of cooperation and interaction between professionals in the education, information and library spheres is emphasized. The study is accomplished within teaching the optional course “The basic knowledge for summer camp leaders”.Рассмотрена электронно-библиотечная система в вузе на примере использования учебного курса «Основы вожатской деятельности». Представлена теория поколений, обозначены социально-психологические особенности восприятия поколения Z и обусловленные ими педагогические методы и технологии, применяемые в образовательном процессе и библиотечно-информационном обслуживании представителей этого поколения. Выделены их отличительные черты: гиперподвижность, креативность и живость мышления, трезвое представление о жизни, быстрое взросление, они не пишут от руки. Вместе с тем им свойственны так называемая клиповость восприятия, отсутствие мотивации, лень, нелюбовь к чтению, общение с помощью мемов и эмоджи, плохо развитые терпеливость и чувство долга. Постоянно находясь в информационно-цифровой среде, поколение Z научилось быстро обрабатывать «клиповую» информацию, вследствие чего его представителям не свойственны вдумчивость, способность сосредоточиваться, анализировать факты. Эти особенности поколения Z признаны психологами, физиологами, социологами, педагогами. Поэтому необходимо разрабатывать новые методы и технологии обучения, создавать информационно-образовательный и информационно-рекреационный контент, основанный на электронно-конвергентном подходе. Подчёркнута важность сотрудничества и взаимодействия специалистов в области образования, информатики и библиотечного дела. Исследование проведено в процессе преподавания курса по выбору «Основы вожатской деятельности»

    Possibilities of Discriminant Analysis in the Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Aspergillosis and Nonmicotic Lung Lesions

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    Objective: to improve the efficiency of differential diagnosis of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (СPA) based on the assessment of its probability using a discriminant mathematical model. Material and methods. The prospective study included 74 patients with CPA (57% women, median age 53 years) meeting the ERS/ESCMID criteria (2016). The control group consisted of 35 patients with lung diseases without CPA. Clinical and anamnestic data, the results of computed tomography (CT), laboratory and instrumental methods of research were analysed. By means of stepwise discriminant analysis, the model was created in order to differentiate compared groups. Results. The main forms of CPA were simple solitary aspergilloma (n = 30, 40%) and cavitary CPA (n = 21, 28%). On CT scans, in patients with CPA pulmonary emphysema (n = 50, 74%; 95% CI 63–83), bronchiectasis (n = 42, 56%; 95% CI 44–67), pleura thickening (n = 40, 56%; 95% CI 42–65) were detected with a high frequency. The sensitivity and specificity of typical for CPA air sickle symptom were 66.2% and 74.29%, respectively. The diagnostic informativeness of laboratory methods was characterized by high specificity (85–100%), however, it had sensitivity 40–60%. A discriminant model was worked up. It included five variables: mycological confirmation of the diagnosis (р < 0.001), air sickle symptom on CT (p = 0.03), ground glass opacity sympton on CT (p = 0.017), accompanying rheumatological diseases (p = 0,031), positive Aspergillus antigen in bronchoalveolar lavage (p = 0.036). The resulting model of differential diagnosis is statistically significant (F = (5.102) = 27.291; p < 0.001). Conclusion. CT-patterns of CPA include typical (air sickle symptom) and nonspecific (pleura thickening, emphysema, bronchiectasis) changes. Separately taken laboratory indicators and CT-symptoms are not always the determining criteria for diagnosis; an integrated approach is required to make a diagnosis. The proposed model improves the accuracy of differential diagnosis between CPA and nonmycotic lung diseases: increases sensitivity to 82.43%, specificity to 94.28% in comparison with separately analyzed laboratory data and typical CT-pattern of air sickle symptom. As a whole this model allows to classify the CPA and nonmycotic lung disease in 86,23% of cases

    Опыт создания личного кабинета студента – личной электронной библиотеки в РГАУ-МСХА им. К. А. Тимирязева

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    The article is devoted to the currently topical topic of using the electronic library system by means of creating a student's personal account – a personal electronic library. The problem of using information technologies to provide students with high-quality educational information is currently coming to the fore due to the emergence of a large flow of information and the lack of criteria for its selection among students. The purpose of the publication is to acquaint readers with the results of work on the development of a personal electronic library of a university student, to provide students with educational materials in full, as well as with the results of a study of the effectiveness of using a personal account in the process of teaching students. To achieve this goal, the authors carried out experimental work, consisting of three modules: basic, theoretical and intellectual, as well as experimental work to establish the influence of the developed personal electronic library on the level of educational motivation of students, as well as its relationship with academic performance. The results of the study show that the use of a personal electronic library increases the educational motivation of students to study the subject, and also positively affects the academic performance of students, improving the quality of education. The practical significance of the work lies in the creation of a student's personal electronic library based on the electronic library system of the RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazeva, which can be used in teaching university students.Статья посвящена использованию электронно-библиотечной системы с помощью личного кабинета студента – личной электронной библиотеки. В связи с появлением большого потока информации и отсутствием у студентов критериев её отбора проблема использования информационных технологий для обеспечения обучающихся качественной учебной информацией выходит на первый план. Статья знакоимт с результатами разработки личной электронной библиотеки, обеспечивающей студентов учебным материалом в полном объёме, а также с исследованием эффективности использования личного кабинета в процессе обучения. Авторы провели экспериментальную работу, состоящую из трёх модулей: базового, теоретического и интеллектуального, а также установили влияние личной электронной библиотеки на уровень учебной мотивации студентов и успеваемости. Результаты исследования показали, что личная электронная библиотека повышает учебную мотивацию студентов, положительно влияет на их успеваемость, повышая качество образования. Практическая значимость работы заключается в создании личной электронной библиотеки студента на базе электронно-библиотечной системы РГАУ-МСХА им. К. А. Тимирязева. Библиотека студента может использоваться при обучении студентов вуза

    Electrocardiographic diagnostics of cardiovascular pathology in athletes of youth sports schools

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    Objective: to evaluate the data of cardiac screening to identify cardiac pathology and determine sports participation among in athletes of Youth Sports Schools in five districts of St. Petersburg. Materials and methods: 9847 young athletes (average age 13.8 ± 4.9 years, 6127 men) were included in the study during 8 months. Clinical protocol uncluded the collection of complaints, anamnesis, family anamnesis, physical examination, ECG in 12 leads. If necessary, Holter monitoring, echocardiography, and an exercise test were performed. Results: typical ECG changes were registered in 60.4% of athletes, borderline in 0.05% and pathological in 3.69%. All athletes with pathological changes were excluded from the training and competitive process for the period of in-depth medical examination. In the end, two athletes were not allowed to continue participation in sport (2 with stressful ventricular arrhythmias). There was not any lethal outcomes for the entire period of the study. Conclusions: cardiological screening using the routine ECG method remains the main tool for identifying a possible pathological substrate and assessing the risk of sudden cardiac death. Early detection of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disturbances allow to take measures to prevent sudden cardiac death

    First measurements of spin correlations in the np -> d pi^0 reaction

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    The transverse spin correlations Axx and Ayy in the np-> d pi^0 reaction have been measured for the first time in quasi-free kinematics at the COSY-ANKE facility using a polarised deuteron beam incident on a polarised hydrogen cell target. The results obtained for neutron energies close to 353 MeV and 600 MeV are in good agreement with the partial wave analysis of data on the isospin-related pp-> d pi^+ reaction, though the present results cover also the small-angle region, which was largely absent from these data


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    Diagnostics, equally with  prevention and  treatment, is a basis of medical science and practice. For its history the medicine  has accumulated a great variety  of diagnostic methods for different diseases and  pathologic conditions. Nevertheless, new  tests,  methods and  tools are being  developed and recommended to application nowadays. Such  indicators as sensitivity and  specificity which  are defined on the basis  of fourfold contingency  tables   construction or  ROC-analysis method with  ROC  – curve  modelling (Receiver operating characteristic) are used  as the  methods to estimate the  diagnostic capability. Fourfold  table  is used  with  the purpose to estimate the method which confirms or denies the diagnosis, i.e. a quality indicator. ROC-curve, being a graph, allows making the estimation of model  quality by subdivision of two classes  on the  basis  of identifying the  point  of cutting off a continuous or discrete quantitative attribute.The method of logistic regression technique is introduced as a tool to develop some  mathematical-statistical forecasting model  of probability of the event the researcher is interested in if there are two possible variants of the outcome. The method of ROC-analysis is chosen and described in detail as a tool to estimate the  model  quality. The capabilities of the named methods are demonstrated by a real example of creation  and  efficiency estimation (sensitivity and  specificity) of a forecasting model  of probability of complication development in the form of pyodermatitis in children with  atopic dermatitis.Диагностика, наряду с профилактикой и лечением, является основой медицинской науки и  практики. За свою  историю медицина накопила множество диагностических  методов различных  заболеваний  и  патологических состояний. Тем не  менее, и в настоящее время разрабатываются и рекомендуются к применению новые тесты, методы и инструменты. В качестве методов оценки их  диагностической способности используются такие показатели, как  чувствительность и специфичность, которые определяются на основе построения четырехпольных таблиц сопряженности или  метода ROC-анализа  с  построением  ROC-кривой (Receiveroperatingcharacteristic). Четырехпольная таблица  используется в случае оценки метода, который подтверждает или  отрицает диагноз – качественный показатель. ROC-кривая, являясь графиком, позволяет дать  оценку качеству модели по разделению двух  классов на основе определения точки  отсечения непрерывного или дискретного количественного признака.В статье представлен метод  логистической регрессии в качестве инструмента по разработке математико-статистической модели прогноза вероятности наступления интересующего исследователя события при наличии двух  возможных  вариантов исхода. В качестве инструмента оценки качества модели избран и детально описан метод ROC-анализа. Возможности названных методов продемонстрированы на  реальном примере создания и оценки эффективности (чувствительности и специфичности) модели прогноза вероятности развития  у детей с атопическим дерматитом осложнения в форме пиодермита