108 research outputs found

    Method of variational calculation of influence of the propulsion plants of forestry machines upon the frozen and thawing soil grounds

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    The forests, which grow in the conditions of complete expansion of the perpetually frozen ground, are unique forests in accordance with their taxational characteristics, quality indicators of the felled timber, and the ecological functions, which these forests perform in the nature. They are characterised by the low biological productivity, as well as by the high vulnerability due to climatological changes and human economic activities. It is fair to say that conservation of the permafrost is one of the main functions of the forests, which grow within the cryolithozone. Because of this, it is necessary to ensure special regimes for the forestry management and forest exploitation within the forests of the cryolithozone. We formulated the variational problem in order to determine influence of the changeability of the physical and mechanical properties of the thawing soil ground at the boundary with the permafrost ground. © 2019 SERSC

    Application of confidential intervals for verification of reservoir model at interpretation of well test data

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    The information on arguments of an oil reservoir to a well test from the point of view of the Bayesian inference are express through even allocation of odds in room of arguments. In article application of confidential spacing for a quantitative appraisal of the information receive from the analysis of results of well test which one are us for upgrading of allocations of odds are offered. Use of confidential spacing for an appraisal of a correctness of a choice of a laboratory formation are show

    Efficiency improvement of forest machinery exploitation

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    The purpose of this work was to develop a model of the interaction process between the wheeled forwarder and the soil of the cutting area, which allows evaluating the influence of soil conditions, the parameters of the wheeled forwarder, as well as load and number of cycles of its application, on the indicators of resistance and adhesion of the forwarder to the traction surface. Modeling results for 3-and 4-Axle forest machines with different load levels showed that for different soil categories, types of bodies, and tire sizes. The results of the approximation analysis enabled the derive of calculation formulas for estimating the propulsive coefficient and rut depth after the first passage depending on the values of load-bearing capacity, body load coefficient, wheel width, and soil deformation module. The proposed model can be used at laying down the skidding roads and its optimization not only in economic terms but also with respect to the environment as intensive harvesting operations lead to extensive soil destructions. The practical application of the results is expressed in increased performance capacities of wood skidding operations and minimization of costs for restoring the productivity of forest area. © 2020 Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics. All rights reserved

    Legal regulation of medical care with the use of telemedical technologies by regulatory acts of the Russian Federation

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the regulation of relations for the provision of medical care using telemedicine technologies by the regulations of the Russian Federation.Цель исследования – определение регламентации отношений по оказанию медицинской помощи с применением телемедицинских технологий нормативными актами Российской Федерации

    Influence of different forest management techniques on the quality of wood

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    The issue of accelerated forestry plantation with high-quality wood using the best soils in terms of productivity, fertilizers, and intensive treatment has become quite relevant due to increased demand for forestry products and higher requirements for environmentally friendly use of forest resources. This paper presents the results of a study on the impact of various techniques for treating coniferous plantations, including thinning, fertilization, and herbicide processing, on wood quality key indicators. The paper examined the wood density, correlation of early and late wood zones, and the cell wall thickness for 38-year-old pine trees grown on the sample plots of Siversky leskhoz (Leningrad region, Gatchinskiy district) at different treatment and density control techniques. It has been established that the highest basis density of wood corresponds to the samples grown at the density variant of 1 t/ha and double herbicides treatment, and the lowest basis density value was recorded at the option of 4 t/ha with combined treatment. It has been shown that the increase of width index for early wood is influenced by the lower density of 1 t/ha and one-time herbicide treatment, for late wood – by the lower density of 1 t/ha and repeated treatment with herbicides. The increase in average cell wall thickness for early and late wood is observed when the density increases up to 4 t/ha and double herbicides treatment. The results obtained provide a valuable scientific contribution to general forestry knowledge and have practical value in plantation forestry. © 2021, Tech Science Press. All rights reserved

    Modeling the effect of wheeled tractors and skidded timber bunches on forest soil compaction

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    An increasing demand for forest products incites a large number of log transportation operations, which may lead to negative consequences for the soil and the ecosystem as a whole. This paper is focused on establishing a mathematical model to estimate the soil deformation and compaction processes under tires of wheeled forest machines and individual components of the skidding system such as forwarder, limbs, butts, and tops of tree-lengths in high latitudes, permafrost soil and forests. The method applied is based on simulating the impact processes of elastic tires and the skidding system on the soil through a mathematical device for the measurement of the compaction parameters for different types of soil and the size of the shelterbelt. The effectiveness of the proposed models was evaluated according to experimental results. The influence of the rheological (elastic, viscous, and plastic) properties of soil were studied. The elasticity of tires and the running speed of forest machines can help to control the performance of forest machines. This can be done by reducing the pressure exerted on the soil and increasing the number of skidder passes 1.5-2-fold. Comparative analysis showed that the calculated data differ from the experimental ones by no more than 10%. The obtained results and the developed model will allow for a qualitative and quantitative assessment of technological impact on the soil during the projecting maps for logging operations. © 2021 Institut za Istrazivanja. All rights reserved


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    The research objective consists in an estimation of modern exposure doses for the inhabitants of six settlements located on the coasts of the river Yenisei, including the doses caused by artificial radioactive contamination, connected with activity of FSUE «Mining and Chemical Establishment». Results of the work testify that the exposure doses for population caused by an artificial component, do not exceed the established hygienic limits, and the exposure doses for the population of the specified settlements as a whole do not exceed total exposure doses for the inhabitants of Krasnoyarsk region.Цель исследования заключается в оценке современных доз облучения жителей шести населенных пунктов, расположенных в пойме реки Енисей, в том числе доз, обусловленных техногенным радиоактивным загрязнением, связанным с деятельностью ФГУП «Горно-химический комбинат».Результаты работы свидетельствуют о том, что дозы облучения населения, обусловленные техногенной составляющей, не превышают установленных гигиенических нормативов, а дозы облучения населения указанных населённых пунктов в целом не превышают суммарных доз облучения жителейКрасноярского края

    Two-dimensional spanning webs as (1,2) logarithmic minimal model

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    A lattice model of critical spanning webs is considered for the finite cylinder geometry. Due to the presence of cycles, the model is a generalization of the known spanning tree model which belongs to the class of logarithmic theories with central charge c=2c=-2. We show that in the scaling limit the universal part of the partition function for closed boundary conditions at both edges of the cylinder coincides with the character of symplectic fermions with periodic boundary conditions and for open boundary at one edge and closed at the other coincides with the character of symplectic fermions with antiperiodic boundary conditions.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Факторы риска формирования гастроэнтерологической патологии после инфекционных гемоколитов у детей

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    The aim of the study was to determine the risk factors for the formation of gastroenterological pathology in convalescents of infectious hemocolites. In the Department of intestinal infections, 120 children aged over 1 month who had intestinal infections with hemocolitis syndrome were observed. The etiology of the disease was verified, clinical and laboratory signs of intoxication, dehydration, local and systemic inflammatory response were detected. Non-specific complications (respiratory diseases, urinary tract infection) were diagnosed. In the acute period of the disease, the composition of the intestinal microbiota was evaluated by PCR-RT. During 6 months, 65 convalescents were observed in the catamnesis. If there were complaints from the gastrointestinal tract, functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) were diagnosed. When «symptoms of anxiety» appeared, organic intestinal lesions were detected. When «symptoms of anxiety» appeared, organic intestinal lesions were detected. The results were evaluated using the student's test, the Mann-Whitney U-test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, the Pearson correlation method, and discriminant analysis. Studies have shown that there were 43 children with a favorable outcome (66.2%), 17 children with FGID (26.1%), and 5 children with organic intestinal lesions (7.7%). In patients who formed organic lesions, the bacterial etiology of hemocolitis was more often noted. Gastroenterocolitis was more often diagnosed in patients with a favorable outcome (41.9%; p > 0,05). Non-specific complications were more often observed in patients who formed FGID and organic lesions. The frequency of FGID decreased with age and was higher in girls (58.8%) than in boys (41.2%) (p > 0,05). Organic intestinal lesions were observed only in girls. In convalescents with FGID, more often (83.3%) than in convalescents with a favorable outcome (64.3%), signs of anaerobic intestinal imbalance were detected. A complex of clinical and laboratory signs of an acute period of infectious hemocolites that determine the risk of FGID formation has been established. It was shown that the risk of developing FGID is higher in young convalescents, and the risk of forming organic intestinal lesions is higher in girls of preschool and school age. Patients who showed more pronounced systemic inflammatory responses in the acute period of the disease were more likely to have a favorable outcome.Цель исследования — определение факторов риска формирования гастроэнтерологической патологии у реконвалесцентов инфекционных гемоколитов. В отделении кишечных инфекций наблюдали 120 детей в возрасте старше 1 месяца, переносивших кишечные инфекции с синдромом гемоколита. Верифицировали этиологию заболевания, выявляли клинико-лабораторные признаки синдромов интоксикации, обезвоживания, местного и системного воспалительного ответа. Диагностировали неспецифические осложнения (респираторные заболевания, инфекцию мочевых путей). В остром периоде заболевания оценивали состав микробиоты кишечника методом ПЦР-РВ. В катамнезе в течение 6 месяцев наблюдали 65 реконвалесцентов. При наличии жалоб со стороны желудочно-кишечного тракта диагностировали функциональные гастроинтестинальные расстройства (ФГИР). При появлении «симптомов тревоги» выявляли органические поражения кишечника. При оценке результатов использовали критерий Стьюдента, U-критерий Манна-Уитни, критерий Краскела-Уоллиса, метод корреляции Пирсона, дискриминантный анализ. Исследования показали, что детей с благоприятным исходом было 43 (66,2%); детей, сформировавших ФГИР — 17 (26,1%), детей с органическими поражениями кишечника — 5 (7,7%). У пациентов, сформировавших органические поражения, чаще отмечали бактериальную этиологию гемоколита. Гастроэнтероколит чаще диагностировали у пациентов, имевших благоприятный исход (41,9%; p > 0,05). Неспецифические осложнения чаще отмечали у пациентов, сформировавших ФГИР и органические поражения. Частота ФГИР с возрастом снижалась, была выше у девочек (58,8%), чем у мальчиков (41,2%) (p > 0,05). Органические поражения кишечника отмечали только у девочек. У реконвалесцентов с ФГИР, чаще (83,3%), чем у реконвалесцентов с благоприятным исходом (64,3%) выявляли признаки анаэробного дисбаланса кишечника. Установлен комплекс клинико-лабораторных признаков острого периода инфекционных гемоколитов, определяющих риск формирования ФГИР. Показано, что риск развития ФГИР выше у реконвалесцентов раннего возраста, а риск формирования органических поражений кишечника выше у девочек дошкольного и школьного возраста. Пациенты, демонстрировавшие в остром периоде заболевания более выраженные реакции системного воспалительного ответа, чаще имели благоприятный исход

    Способ получения конструкционной стоматологической керамики на основе оксида алюминия

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    Изобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к ортопедической стоматологии, и предназначено для изготовления безметалловых зубных протезов. В качестве материала, содержащего оксид алюминия, используют порошок сфероидизированного белого электрокорунда марки 25А фракции 20-40 мкм. Формуют керамический блок с заданными формой, геометрическими размерами и припусками на чистовую обработку путем послойного плазменного напыления на подложку сфероидизированного белого электрокорунда. Толщину слоя, напыляемого за один проход плазмотрона, обеспечивают от 20 до 50 мкм. В качестве плазмообразующего газа используют воздух. После отделения полученного керамического блока от подложки сторону керамического блока, обращенную к подложке, сошлифовывают. Кроме того, предварительно на подложке формируют пленку из хлористого натрия толщиной не менее 200 мкм. Способ, за счет получения стоматологической керамики из белого электрокорунда и снижения в ней примесей, позволяет расширить арсенал средств для получения конструкционной стоматологической керамики на основе оксида алюминия и улучшить биосовместимость стоматологической керамики