27 research outputs found

    Innovations of the new public administration language: professionally prestigious sociolectisms or the signs of communicative failures?

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    This article is devoted to the study of the formation and functioning of professional innovations in the language of Russian public administration, reflecting the manifestation of tendencies toward standardization and informality in the choice of lexical items and syntactic constructions. To conduct a research, we used methods of linguistic observation and description, methods of component, comparative and lexicographic analysis, as well as the methodology of complex cognitively oriented synchronous diachronic analysis of language subsystems and their units. Printed text versions of speeches by people in the Government and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation were the materials for the study. A language analysis of the new public administration made it possible to single out a whole series of lexical-semantic, word-formative, morphological and syntactic innovations, which are identification marks of the studied subsystem and necessary elements of the thesaurus of a civil servant personality. A special group of language innovations of the new public administration is formed by the so-called thematically reoriented semantic neologisms. It is established that the language development of the new public administration is on the way to expand the field of functioning and strengthening its influence on the linguistic taste formation of Russian society. It is noted that the written form of communication in the field of public administration is significantly influenced by the oral colloquial element, and the results of this effect are manifested in all aspects: from lexical to communicative-pragmatic. Researchers are particularly worried about the consolidation in the professional language of the studied sphere of linguistic items violating linguistic and ethical-moral standards that create barriers for effective communication. In conclusion, it is unacceptable to actualize reduced professional language elements that contribute to the inefficiency of communication between representatives of authority and the community


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    In an experiment on female Wistar white rats, the osteoprotective effect of atorvastatin, simvastatin and rosuvastatin was studied in a model of experimental osteoporosis caused by bilateral ovariectomy. It was found that after ovariectomy in female rats develops endothelial dysfunction, including the vessels of the microcirculatory of the bone, leading to a deterioration of blood supply to bone tissue and the occurrence of osteoporosis. It was found that atorvastatin, simvastatin and rosuvastatin, possessing endothelioprotective activity, prevent deterioration of blood supply to bone tissue and thinning of bone trabeculae, thus having anti-osteoporotic activity. Key words: osteoporosis, endothelial dysfunction, statins, atorvastatin, simvastatin, rosuvastatin, strontium ranelate

    The Development of Russian-Chinese Relations: Prospects for Cooperation in Crisis

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    In the context of the global economic crisis and the trend towards deterioration of relations between Russia and the Russian-Chinese cooperation with Western countries it is one of the most promising areas of Russian foreign policy. China in recent history becomes more and more powerful geopolitical player in the world and try to take as much as possible an active part in world affairs. China's participation in organizations such as the UN, APEC, SCO, BRICS, etc. allowing it to implement its national interests. As a global trading power, and based on his potential and its intensified role on the world stage, China is forming a new foreign policy. As is known, Russia and China are now solved similar problems is “the transition to an innovative model of development” (Russia) and the “creation of the state of innovative type” (China). The modernization of the Russian economy requires a major upgrade production facilities and the development of transport infrastructure, largely due to large-scale foreign investment and the import of modern technologies. Part of the problem can be solved with the help of China, which is the world leader in terms of gold reserves and constantly increases the volume of its foreign investments. In our view, the prospects for the development of Russian-Chinese relations in the bilateral economic cooperation are, above all, in the initiation and development of major projects. The key point of the Russian-Chinese economic relations should also be cross-border cooperation. Keywords: world financial crisis, Russian-Chinese relations, innovative development, trade cooperation, economic cooperation JEL Classification: G01, O31, P1

    Mutational re-modeling of di-aspartyl intramembrane proteases: uncoupling physiologically-relevant activities from those associated with Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    The intramembrane proteolytic activities of presenilins (PSEN1/PS1 and PSEN2/PS2) underlie production of beta-amyloid, the key process in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Dysregulation of presenilin-mediated signaling is linked to cancers. Inhibition of the gamma-cleavage activities of PSENs that produce Abeta, but not the epsilon-like cleavage activity that release physiologically essential transcription activators, is a potential approach for the development of rational therapies for AD. In order to identify whether different activities of PSEN1 can be dissociated, we designed multiple mutations in the evolutionary conserved sites of PSEN1. We tested them in vitro and in vivo assays and compared their activities with mutant isoforms of presenilin-related intramembrane di-aspartyl protease (IMPAS1 (IMP1)/signal peptide peptidase (SPP)). PSEN1 auto-cleavage was more resistant to the mutation remodeling than the epsilon-like proteolysis. PSEN1 with a G382A or a P433A mutation in evolutionary invariant sites retains functionally important APP epsilon- and Notch S3- cleavage activities, but G382A inhibits APP gamma-cleavage and Abeta production and a P433A elevates Abeta. The G382A variant cannot restore the normal cellular ER Ca(2+) leak in PSEN1/PSEN2 double knockout cells, but efficiently rescues the loss-of-function (Egl) phenotype of presenilin in C. elegans. We found that, unlike in PSEN1 knockout cells, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+) leak is not changed in the absence of IMP1/SPP. IMP1/SPP with the analogous mutations retained efficiency in cleavage of transmembrane substrates and rescued the lethality of Ce-imp-2 knockouts. In summary, our data show that mutations near the active catalytic sites of intramembrane di-aspartyl proteases have different consequences on proteolytic and signaling functions

    Comparative Evaluation of Pyrolysis and Hydrothermal Liquefaction for Obtaining Biofuel from a Sustainable Consortium of Microalgae Arthrospira platensis with Heterotrophic Bacteria

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    This article presents a comparative evaluation of pyrolysis and hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) for obtaining biofuel from microalgal biomass (MAB). The research was carried out using biomass of a stable microalgae-bacteria consortium based on Arthrospira platensis. A. platensis was chosen because of its simple cultivation and harvesting. Pyrolysis was carried out at temperatures of 300, 400, 500, and 600 °C with a constant rate of temperature change of 10 °C/min; HTL was carried out at temperatures of 270, 300, and 330 °C. The bio-oil yield obtained by HTL (38.8–45.7%) was significantly higher than that of pyrolysis (up to 21.9%). At the same time, the bio-coal yields using both technologies were almost the same—about 27%. Biochar (bio-coal) can be considered as an alternative strategy for CO2 absorption and subsequent storage since it is 90% geologically stabilized carbon

    Methane pyrolysis on sponge iron powder for sustainable hydrogen production

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    Methane pyrolysis is one of the possible methods to produce low-carbon hydrogen. One of the most promising catalysts for methane pyrolysis is Fe due to its availability, relatively low cost and high working temperature. In the presented paper, the methane pyrolysis on unsupported (without a carrier) sponge iron in the form of powder was studied in the temperature range of 700–1100 ◦ C. Methane pyrolysis was carried out in a stainless-steel tube reactor with an inner diameter of 10 mm. The reactor was heated locally by propane burner, the length of the heated zone was about 8 cm along the reactor tube. Methane feed rates were about 50, 100, and 200 ml/min, and the residence time of methane in the 8 cm long reaction zone was about 4, 2 and 1 s, respectively. The hydrogen yield increased with an increase in the temperature and a decrease in methane feed rate. At 700–800 ◦C, the hydrogen yield did not exceed 20%. At 900 ◦C, the yield reached 28.6% at a residence time of about 4 s. At 1000 ◦C, hydrogen yield was about 40 and 66.5% at a residence time of about 1 and 4 s, respectively. At 1100 ◦C, hydrogen yield varied in the range of 70–85%. The use of a catalyst increased the hydrogen yield by 81% compared to the experiment without a catalyst at 1100 ◦C. The catalytic effect of sponge iron powder can be used in the development of methane pyrolysis plants

    A global view of the OCA2-HERC2 region and pigmentation

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    Mutations in the gene OCA2 are responsible for oculocutaneous albinism type 2, but polymorphisms in and around OCA2 have also been associated with normal pigment variation. In Europeans, three haplotypes in the region have been shown to be associated with eye pigmentation and a missense SNP (rs1800407) has been associated with green/hazel eyes (Branicki et al. in Ann Hum Genet 73:160–170, 2009). In addition, a missense mutation (rs1800414) is a candidate for light skin pigmentation in East Asia (Yuasa et al. in Biochem Genet 45:535–542, 2007; Anno et al. in Int J Biol Sci 4, 2008). We have genotyped 3,432 individuals from 72 populations for 21 SNPs in the OCA2-HERC2 region including those previously associated with eye or skin pigmentation. We report that the blue-eye associated alleles at all three haplotypes were found at high frequencies in Europe; however, one is restricted to Europe and surrounding regions, while the other two are found at moderate to high frequencies throughout the world. We also observed that the derived allele of rs1800414 is essentially limited to East Asia where it is found at high frequencies. Long-range haplotype tests provide evidence of selection for the blue-eye allele at the three haplotyped systems but not for the green/hazel eye SNP allele. We also saw evidence of selection at the derived allele of rs1800414 in East Asia. Our data suggest that the haplotype restricted to Europe is the strongest marker for blue eyes globally and add further inferential evidence that the derived allele of rs1800414 is an East Asian skin pigmentation allele

    To the Issue of Development of the National Innovation System of Russia

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    The article studies specific features of formation and development of national innovation systems under conditions of the modern world economy and analyses the role of technology transfer as an instrument of innovation transformation of economy, which is caused by urgent problems of development of domestic economy in the part of formation of methodological approaches to development of the national innovation system. Technology transfer, being a tool of formation and development of competitive advantages of the subjects of Russian economy as full participants of international economic relations, should become one of the vectors of formation of the innovation model of the Russian economy under modern conditions

    Assessing the tourist and recreational potential in the South of Russia

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    The article is concerned with the holistic approach to the study of the tourism potential of the South of Russia. The paper presents analyses of various techniques to the research of the tourist opportunities of territories both in Russia and in other countries. Methodological approaches are described in the study of the macroregions tourist potential. The assessment and ranking of the natural, cultural, and socio-economic potential of all administrative entities forming the South of Russia in terms of their importance for tourism have been carried out. The aggregate indicator of tourist and recreational potential of each entity has been calculated. Regions with a high level of tourist and recreational potential, relatively high, average, and relatively low are identified

    DNA Methylation Alterations in Blood Cells of Toddlers with Down Syndrome

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    Recent research has provided evidence on genome-wide alterations in DNA methylation patterns due to trisomy 21, which have been detected in various tissues of individuals with Down syndrome (DS) across different developmental stages. Here, we report new data on the systematic genome-wide DNA methylation perturbations in blood cells of individuals with DS from a previously understudied age group—young children. We show that the study findings are highly consistent with those from the prior literature. In addition, utilizing relevant published data from two other developmental stages, neonatal and adult, we track a quasi-longitudinal trend in the DS-associated DNA methylation patterns as a systematic epigenomic destabilization with age