12 research outputs found

    European economic and monetary union establishment and its development possibilities

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    The article introduces European Economic Unions that operated up to the year 1952. It analyses the reasons that determined the establishment of Economic Monetary Union in Europe. European Union has come a long way from the times when the first six member states asked to join European countries that accept their ideas. By common efforts they established European Coal and Steel Community in 1952, European Economic Union in 1958, then in 1993 they signed Maastricht Agreement that was the basis of European Union establishment. After implementation of Jacques Delor's plan European countries, which satisfy Maastricht criteria, introduce the common currency - the Euro. European countries' willingness to have the common economic currency is economically based. After the establishment of European countries' common economic market it is important to use its advantage, but to do this it is necessary to have common currency and monetary policy that would ensure the higher monetary system stability of European member states. Now the Euro is the accounting currency in 13 countries, the other countries could join the common currency system after achieving convergence criteria

    Modern portfolio theory genesis and development

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    Straipsnio tikslas - apibendrinti modernios portfelio teorijos genezės aspektus, kurių pagrindu suformuojamos portfelio teorijos vystymosi prielaidos. H. Markowitz teorija ir kapitalo rinkos vertinimo modelis dažniausiai taikomi vertybinių popierių portfelio rizikai įvertinti. Bet praktikoje vertybinių popierių rizika priklauso ne tik nuo svyruojančių jų kainų. Galima drąsiai teigti, kad kapitalinių aktyvų įkainojimo (CAPM) modelis yra modernios finansų teorijos ašis. Kadangi CAPM turi šiek tiek nerealios ekonomikos požymių, S. Ross patobulino modelį, įtraukdamas į jį papildomų veiksnių. Arbitražo įkainojimo teorijos (APT) teorijos šalininkai nurodo du APT privalumus prieš CAPM. Pirma, APT turi mažiau hipotetinių apribojimų, lemiančių investuotojo rizikos ir pelno santykio suvokimą. Antra, APT gali būti patikrinama ir patvirtinama empirinės studijos metu. Nors APT laikoma prastesne nei CAPM, tačiau ji įvertina vertybinių popierių pelningumo priklausomybę nuo įvairių bendraekonominių veiksnių, pvz., BNP didėjimo, infliacijos lygio ir realiųjų palūkanų normų prognozių, įmonių dydžio bei kainos ir pelningumo santykio. Plėtojant portfelinių investicijų mokslą, atsiranda naujų, perteikiančių naujausias rinkos tendencijas, vertybinių popierių portfelio sudarymo ir valdymo teorijų bei modelių, tokių kaip vidurkio - absoliutaus nuokrypio požiūris, praradimų optimizavimo modelis, minimax modelis ir kiti. Nagrinėjant daugybę jau egzistuojančių vertybinių popierių portfelių sudarymo ir valdymo metodų, visada susiduriama su jų taikymo rinkoje problema bei jų rezultatų patikimumu. Šios problemos ir yra nuolatinės naujų modelių paieškos ir klasikinių modelių modifikacijos skatinimas.An investment theory enters a new stage with H. Markowitz'(1952) efficient portfolio that is described as a concept having both risk and return characteristics. H. Markowitz' "Portfolio theory" was the incentive for other scientists to contribute to the further modern financial market theory development. His followers such as J. Tobin (1958), W. Sharpe (1964), S. Ross (1976), G. Fama and K. French (1993) and others analyzed the portfolio construction criteria, the portfolio optimization problems, assets allocation and their pricing specific aspects and factors influencing the portfolio value, at the same time searching for the ways how to quantify the m. The article presents the modern portfolio theory genesis that reflects various scientists' contribution to assets portfolio management, including portfolio construction, the expected portfolio return forecast and portfolio monitoring problems. While developing the conception of the investment selection, new portfolio construction and management theories and models are generated, such as the mean-absolute deviation approach, the expected loss optimization model, minmax model and others, which reflect brand-new market trends. There are ongoing academic discussions on these models' advantages, disadvantages and their applicability in practice. Analyzing a great number of existent assets portfolio construction and management methods, the researcher always faces their applicability and the results reliability problems. These problems are the incentive for the ongoing new models search and for the modification of classic models

    Impact of fundamental and technical factors of portfolio formation

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    Lietuvoje vertybinių popierių rinka darosi vis aktyvesnė, nes tie, kurie taupo, nėra patenkinti ko¬mercinių bankų už indėlius siūlomomis palūkano¬mis, kurios net nepadengia oficialiosios infliacijos lygio, todėl vis aktyviau dalyvaujama prekyboje vertybiniais popieriais. Tačiau sėkmingam investa¬vimui yra būtina tam tikra filosofija, leisianti išvengti sunkių pasekmių investuojant vertybinių popierių rinkoje. Straipsnyje pateikiamos pagrin¬dinės vertybinių popierių analizės kryptys: vertybi¬nių popierių fundamentalioji ir techninė analizė. Straipsnio tikslas - identifikuoti fundamentinius ir techninius veiksnius, turinčius įtakos verty¬binių popierių portfelio formavimui, ir sudaryti jų įvertinimo modelį. Straipsnio objektas - vertybinių popierių ver¬tės indikatoriai. Rengiant straipsnį buvo atlikta sisteminė mokslinės literatūros anali¬zė ir sintezė, loginė ir lyginamoji analizė, naudotasi apiben¬drinimo metodais, indukcija, dedukcija, modeliavimo elementais.The Lithuanian securities market is becoming more active due to an increased share of population shifting from traditional methods of saving in the form of bank deposits (which fail to cover the official inflation rate) to investments into securities. To make an investment a success an investor has to follow a certain philosophy which could help avoid grievous consequences while investing into securities. The article provides the basic trends of securities analysis: the fundamental and technical analysis of securities. The aim of the article – identify fundamental and technical factors affecting the formation of a securities portfolio and draft its evaluation model. The subject of the article – value indicators of securities. The process of writing the article involved analysis and synthesis of scholarly works, logical and comparative analysis, application of generalisation methods, induction, deduction, modelling

    Application of bankruptcy diagnostics methodology under Lithuanian economic conditions

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    Rinkos ekonomikos sąlygomis nė viena bendrovė nėra tikra, kad jos prekės ar paslaugos bus paklausios. Todėl vadovai privalo įvertinti riziką bei bankrotą lemiančias priežastis. Straipsnio tikslas – apibendrinti ir numatyti pagrindinius pasaulyje paplitusius įmonių bankroto diagnozavimo metodus ir modelius bei išnagrinėti ir įrodyti jų pritaikomumą pasirinktoje Lietuvos įmonėje. Daugelio ekonomistų nuomone, įmonių bankrotui prognozuoti tinka finansinių ataskaitų straipsnių pokyčių tyrimas. Jis identifikuoja įmonės veiklos trūkumus, bet nenustato veiksnių, lemiančių įmonių bankrotą. Todėl siekiant detaliau diagnozuoti bankrotą, būtina apskaičiuoti įmonių būklę apibūdinančius santykinius rodiklius, jų grupes bei nustatyti ryšius tarp jų. Atlikus tyrimą Lietuvos įmonėje nustatyta, kad Altman 2 rodiklių modelio Z koeficientas per visą analizuojamąjį laikotarpį išliko neigiamas. Remiantis šio modelio modifikacija, galima daryti išvadą, kad bankroto tikimybė tiriamoje bendrovėje yra mažesnė nei 50 proc. Kitų dviejų Altman modelio modifikacijų taikymas leidžia tvirtinti, kad bankroto tikimybė bendrovėje yra labai maža. Galima teigti, kad kreditingumo indeksų, apskaičiuotų pagal įvairius modelius, pokyčiai rodo, kad prielaidos bendrovės bankrotui yra. Lietuvoje bankroto diagnostikai atlikti yra plačiau taikomas tradicinis Altman modelis, įvertinama finansinių ataskaitų straipsnių pokyčių įtaka įmonės finansiniam stabilumui. Kita vertus, išsamesnei bankroto tikimybės analizei rekomenduotina taikyti ir kitus mažiau žinomus modelius.It is obvious that almost every business, which operates in market economy, takes a risk. Some managers are likely to run a risk and some are not so their companies are not able to compete with each other, thus some companies go bankrupt. Like many business decisions in uncertain environment some of these changes have been successful, and others have had unintended consequences. Avoidance or mitigaton of most of these unintended consequences is possible with the right understanding of a new role of risk management. That is why the process, by which financial or investment decisions can be made effectively, is very important. Risk management and timely financial analysis could prevent companies from going bankrupt. A great number of Lithuanian enterprises are doomed to failure. Therefore timely identification of bankruptcy reasons and forethought of possible measures to eradicate them is very important both to the owners and managers of the companies. That is why the article formulates problems of failed companies. It overviews financial literature of the last decade, analyzes and systematizes the traditional insolvency prediction models and new methods identifying failing companies. The article estimates the use of Altman, Taffler & Tisshaw, Fulmer, Springate and Ca-Score insolvency prediction models in practice

    Arbitrage pricing theory application assumptions

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    Financial markets are characterized as the most dynamic markets, because prices and trade conditions of financial instruments are always changing. Therefore, asset pricing remains the object for the scientific discussion for a long time. The article gives the explicit arbitrage pricing theory (APT) conception, revealing the most important asset pricing history moments, its basic assumptions and its mathematical background for better application in practice. APT was developed as an alternative asset pricing model, when CAPM - the core of modern financial theory - seemed to have failed to explain asset returns properly. CAPM and APT were compared on the basis of their application assumptions and their limitations, it allowed to identify their similarities and differences. The article presents APT empirical studies results; that allowed to summarize limitations and strengths of the theory. It also allowed to disclose the potential of APT application in emerging (or non-effective) markets, where assets are likely to be mispriced more often than in the developed (effective) markets. The sequential methodology and presented basic macro-economical factors of the country have to facilitate APT application process in order to ensure more effective portfolio management

    Modelling of the Lithuanian enterprises' capital structure : under the aspect of the international capital mobility

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    Ekonominių procesų globalizacijos sąlygomis aktyvėja tarptautinis kapitalo judėjimas, kuris paskutiniaisiais dešimtmečiais daro vis didesnę įtaką tarptautinei prekių ir paslaugų bei technologijų srautų kaitai ir jų struktūrai. Lietuvos įmonėms aktyviau dalyvaujant tarptautiniuose sandoriuose, augant finansavimo poreikiui ir siekiant sumažinti galinčius atsirasti mikroekonominius ir makroekonominius nuostolius, reikia formuoti tikslinę finansavimo strategiją, akcentuojant alternatyviųjų finansavimo šaltinių kaštus rizikos ir neapibrėžtumo sąlygomis. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama teorinių metodologinių kapitalo struktūros formavimo aspektų pagrindu suformuoti sisteminį kapitalo svertų, skatinančių EVA augimą, valdymo modelį ir jį pritaikyti Lietuvos pramonės įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimo ir valdymo sprendimams tarptautinio kapitalo judėjimo sąlygomis. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Racionali kapitalo struktūra; Ekonominė pridėtinė vertė; Finansinio sverto lygis; Skolinto kapitalo kvota; Skolos ir nuosavybės koeficientas.; Rational capital structure; Economic value added (EVA); Financial leveradge; Equity coefficient; Debt capitalThe interlace of various fields of enterprise management is the result of rapid globalisation processes. Therefore, the present businesses and economic environment need modern and complex instruments for managing enterprises' financial-economical activities. Under the conditions of economic processes' globalisation, the mobility of international capital between East and West becomes more active; moreover, these processes affect international goods and services, technology flow changes and their structure. The enterprises of smaller countries are seeking the opportunity to conclude contracts in the international finance market and to become competitive in the international market. They need additional financial resources to cover their activities. As Lithuanian enterprises more actively participate in international transactions, the financing demand is growing, and in order to minimize possible microeconomic and macroeconomic loss, it is necessary to form the expedient strategy of financing; emphasising costs of alternative financial sources under the condition of risk and uncertainty. Analyses conducted in the paper sought to contribute both conceptually and practically to the financing of companies' activities and to the maximizing of economic value added. The aim of this paper is to compose and practically apply the model allowing formatting financing policy according to the effectiveness zone of rational capital structure levers determining the growth of EVA, while assessing the uncertainty of proportions and reliability of possible results and referring it to risk management conception, under the aspect of the international capital mobility

    Securities portfolios formation on the basis of fundamental analysis

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    Portfolio formation is quite a new tendency in Lithuania as its financial markets are still less active than in other European countries. Many well-known economists are interested in portfolio formation problems, they develop new asset assessment models, study asset allocation possibilities which ensure better portfolio diversification and higher return. Lithuanian economists try to adopt developed theories of portfolio formation in Lithuania. The basics of fundamental analysis have become more and more important lately as it allows to identify companies the capital market ratios of which are quite attractive and company's the stocks of which fit for the portfolio perfectly taking into consideration their risk return trade-off. Thus, the paper describes how to identity effective combinations of stocks and form the optimal portfolios for different investors. Some investors are risk averse and others are risk tolerant, there for their preferences are different and they hold portfolios with different risk return trade-off. The paper applies the mentioned investment analysis tools in practice. It analyzes a three-year price history of selected stocks, returns for the same period and correlation and covariance between stocks. The results of optimal portfolio analysis which allows the investor make effective investment decisions are presented in the paper