19,267 research outputs found

    The women in IT (WINIT) final report

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    The Women in IT (WINIT) project was funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) from March 2004 until April 2006 under HE ESF Objective 3: Research into equal opportunities in the labour market. Specifically the project came under Policy Field 2, Measure 2: Gender discrimination in employment. The project was run in the Information Systems Institute of the University of Salford. One of the Research Associates has an information systems (IS) background, the other has a background in sociology. We begin this report with an overview of the current situation with regards women in the UK IT sector. Whilst gender is only recently being recognised as an issue within the mainstream IS academic community, thirty years of female under-representation in the ICT field in more general terms has received more attention from academics, industry and government agencies alike. Numerous research projects and centres (such as the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology) exist to tackle the under-representation of women in SET careers, although the figures for women’s participation in the ICT sector remain disheartening, with current estimates standing at around 15% (EOC 2004). Various innovative initiatives, such as e-Skills’ Computer Clubs for Girls, appear to have had little impact on these low female participation rates. Additionally, these and other initiatives have been interpreted as a means to fill the skills gap and ‘make up the numbers’ to boost the UK economy (French and Richardson 2005), resulting in ‘add more women and stir’ solutions to the ‘problem’ of gender in relation to inclusion in IS and ICT (Henwood 1996). Given that there have been decades of equal opportunity and related policies as well as many government initiatives designed to address the gender imbalance in IT employment patterns, sex segregation in IT occupations and pay and progression disparity in the IT sector (including the latest initiative- a one million pound DTI funded gender and SET project), we could be forgiven for assuming that these initiatives have had a beneficial effect on the position and number of women in the IT workforce, and that even if we have not yet achieved gender equity, we can surely argue that there are positive moves in the right direction. Although we do not wish to make definitive claims about the success or failure of specific initiatives, our research, backed up by recent major surveys, paints a picture that remains far from rosy. Indeed a recent comparative survey of the IT workforce in Germany, Holland and the UK indicates that women are haemorrhaging out of the UK IT workforce (Platman and Taylor 2004). From a high point of 100,892 women in the UK IT workforce in 1999, Platman and Taylor (ibid., 8) report a drop to 53,759 by 2003. As the IT industry was moving into recession anyway, the number of men in the industry has also declined, but by nothing like as much, so the figures for women are stark. When it comes to number crunching who is employed in the UK IT sector and when trying to make historical comparisons, the first obstacle is defining the sector itself. Studies vary quite substantially in the number of IT workers quoted suggesting there is quite a bit of variation in what is taken to be an IT job. The IT industry has experienced considerable expansion over the past twenty years. In spring 2003 in Britain, it was estimated that almost 900,000 people worked in ICT firms, and there were over 1 million ICT workers, filling ICT roles in any sector (e-Skills UK, 2003). This growth has resulted in talk of a ‘skills shortage’ requiring the ‘maximization’ of the workforce to its full potential: ‘You don’t just need pale, male, stale guys in the boardroom but a diversity of views’ (Stone 2004). In spring 2003 the Equal Opportunities Commission estimated there to be 151,000 women working in ICT occupations compared with 834,000 men (clearly using a different, much wider job definition from that of Platman and Taylor (2004)) , whilst in the childcare sector, there were less than 10,000 men working in these occupations, compared with 297,000 women (EOC 2004). It is estimated that the overall proportion of women working in ICT occupations is 15% (EOC 2004). In the UK, Office of National Statistics (ONS) statistics indicate that women accounted for 30% of IT operations technicians, but a mere 15% of ICT Managers and only 11% of IT strategy and planning professionals (EOC 2004). Although women are making inroads into technical and senior professions there remains a ‘feminisation’ of lower level jobs, with a female majority in operator and clerical roles and a female minority in technical and managerial roles (APC 2004).

    More than just friends? Facebook, disclosive ethics and the morality of technology

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    Social networking sites have become increasingly popular destinations for people wishing to chat, play games, make new friends or simply stay in touch. Furthermore, many organizations have been quick to grasp the potential they offer for marketing, recruitment and economic activities. Nevertheless, counterclaims depict such spaces as arenas where deception, social grooming and the posting of defamatory content flourish. Much research in this area has focused on the ends to which people deploy the technology, and the consequences arising, with a view to making policy recommendations and ethical interventions. In this paper, we argue that tracing where morality lies is more complex than these efforts suggest. Using the case of a popular social networking site, and concepts about the morality of technology, we disclose the ethics of Facebook as diffuse and multiple. In our conclusions we provide some reflections on the possibilities for action in light of this disclosure

    Gambling in Great Britain:a response to Rogers

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    A recent issue of Practice: Social Work in Action featured a paper by Rogers that examined whether the issue of problem gambling was a suitable case for social work. Rogers’ overview was (in various places) out of date, highly selective, contradictory, presented unsupported claims and somewhat misleading. Rogers’ paper is to be commended for putting the issue of problem gambling on the social work agenda. However, social workers need up-to-date information and contextually situated information if they are to make informed decisions in helping problem gamblers

    The disappearing women: North West ICT project final report

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    Project Context The Disappearing Women: Northwest ICT project was embarked upon to further understand why more women leave the sector than are being recruited, 36% of new ICT recruits in the UK (in the first quarter of 2002) were women, yet in the same period, women accounted for 46% of all leavers or ‘disappearing’ women (The DTI Women in IT Champions report 2003, Grey and Healy 2004). This continuing trend shows a decline from 27% of women making up the ICT workforce in 1997 with a drop to 21% in 2004 (The DTI Women in IT Industry report 2005b). The number of women in the ICT sector remains disappointingly small considering that women make up around 50% of the total UK workforce and significantly this figure has gradually continued to fall despite numerous initiatives to attract more women into the sector (see Griffiths and Moore 2006 for a list of high profile ‘women in ICT’ initiatives). The research team’s first gender research project - Women in IT (WINIT) - ran for two years from January 2004 until March 2006 at the Information Systems Institute at The University of Salford and dealt solely with women who worked in the ICT sector in England. The WINIT Project via an online questionnaire and in-depth interviews gathered the stories and experiences of up to 500 participants and 19 interviewees respectively. The project enabled these women’s voices to be heard but the research team were constantly aware that a certain part of the female ICT workforce - the ‘disappearing’ women who had left ICT vowing never to return - had been overlooked and effectively silenced. It was these women who once found, may be able to facilitate a more in-depth understanding of why women were leaving the ICT sector. Having amassed skills and expertise, qualifications in ICT and crossed ICT recruitment barriers (DTI 2005a) the ‘disappearing’ women for whatever reasons decided to change their career trajectories and leave the sector. What ‘chilly’ (Falkner 2004) workplaces, disinterested organisational cultures and indifferent working conditions had these women encountered that became determining factors in leaving the ICT sector? There has been little (if any) research conducted involving this specific cohort of women and The Disappearing Women: North West ICT (DW: NW ICT) project seeks to make a research contribution to what is a continuing statistical and symbolic under-representation of women in the ICT labour market. The DW: NW ICT project was partly funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) from April 2006 until December 2006 under ESF Objective 3, Policy Field 5.1: Improving the Participation of Women. The DW: NW ICT project contributes research to priority 5 and its strategic objective to reduce the level of disadvantage faced by women in the labour market. The project was run in the Information Systems Group, Salford Business School of The University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK. The report is structured as follows. The first section presents the backdrop for the research, looking in general at women in the ICT labour market in England and then women leaving the ICT sector focussing on the North West of England and more explicitly women leaving ICT employment in the North West of England. The research aims of the project form the following section; they have been loosely classified in to two groupings, the push and pull factors that are contributing to the high attrition rate of women leaving ICT. The methodology follows with the route taken in how this ‘hard to reach’ target sample were finally located, once contacted the life history interview process and procedures adopted is explained in full. The vignettes of the ‘disappearing’ women are included to allow the reader an opportunity to ‘get to know’ these women a little more closely. Key themes that have naturally emerged throughout the interview data analysis process are presented, including hostilities in the ICT workplace, significant events and the process of leaving ICT workplaces and finally stories of the ‘appearing’ women and their current situations are heard. A discussion regarding the findings of the DW: NW ICT project concludes this report

    The star-forming environment of a ULX in NGC 4559: an optical study

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    We have studied the candidate optical counterparts and the stellar population in the star-forming complex around a bright ULX in NGC4559, using HST/WFPC2, XMM-Newton/OM, and ground-based data. We find that the ULX is located near a small group of OB stars. The brightest point source in the Chandra error circle is consistent with a single blue supergiant of mass ~ 20 M_sun and age ~ 10 Myr. A few other stars are resolved inside the error circle: mostly blue and red supergiants with masses ~ 10-15 M_sun and ages ~ 20 Myr. This is consistent with the interpretation of this ULX as a black hole (BH) accreting from a high-mass donor star in its supergiant phase, via Roche-lobe overflow. The observed optical colors and the blue-to-red supergiant ratio suggest a low metal abundance: 0.2 <~ Z/Z_sun <~ 0.4 (Padua tracks), or 0.05 <~ Z/Z_sun <~ 0.2 (Geneva tracks). The age of the star-forming complex is <~ 30 Myr. H-alpha images show that this region has a ring-like appearance. We propose that it is an expanding wave of star formation, triggered by an initial density perturbation, in a region where the gas was only marginally stable to gravitational collapse. A possible trigger was the collision with a satellite dwarf galaxy, visible a few arcsec north-west of the complex, going through the gas-rich outer disk of NGC4559. The X-ray data favour a BH more massive (M > 50 M_sun) than typical Milky Way BH candidates. The optical data favour a ``young'' BH originating in the recent episode of massive star formation; however, they also rule out an association with young massive star clusters. We speculate that other mechanisms may lead to the formation of relatively massive BHs (~ 50-100 M_sun) from stellar evolution processes in low-metallicity environments, or when star formation is triggered by galactic collisions.Comment: MNRAS accepted, 19 pages. Contact the first author for full-resolution picture

    A Generalized Circle Theorem on Zeros of Partition Function at Asymmetric First Order Transitions

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    We present a generalized circle theorem which includes the Lee-Yang theorem for symmetric transitions as a special case. It is found that zeros of the partition function can be written in terms of discontinuities in the derivatives of the free energy. For asymmetric transitions, the locus of the zeros is tangent to the unit circle at the positive real axis in the thermodynamic limit. For finite-size systems, they lie off the unit circle if the partition functions of the two phases are added up with unequal prefactors. This conclusion is substantiated by explicit calculation of zeros of the partition function for the Blume-Capel model near and at the triple line at low temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX. To be published in PRL. 3 Figures will be sent upon reques

    Identity and distribution of southern African sciaenid fish species of the genus Umbrina

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    Two Umbrina species, U. canariensis Valenciennes 1843 and U. robinsoni Gilchrist and Thompson 1908, are recognised from southern Africa. The latter species was hitherto believed to be a synonym of Umbrina ronchus Valenciennes 1843 (type locality Canary Islands). U. canariensis is distributed along the South Africa eastern seaboard from Cape Point to Sodwana Bay and U. robinsoni is known from False Bay to Madagascar and Oman. African Umbrina taxonomy has, however, been hindered by geographic samples that were either too few or consisted of specimens of disparate length; and as a result the identification and distribution of South African Umbrina species was confused. Morphological comparison of a large number of South African Umbrina with specimens from the type locality (Canary Islands) confirmed the identity of South African U. canariensis and allowed for an expanded description of the species. However, differences between specimens of U. ronchus and those of the second South African species (n = 251) led us to resurrect U. robinsoni (Gilchrist and Thompson 1908) as a valid name for this species. U. robinsoni differs from U. ronchus in having a smaller supraoccipital crest and thus a less steep pre-dorsal profile; a shallower preorbital bone (13–21% head length [HL] vs 21% HL); and a shorter nostril-orbit distance (2.4–6.9% HL vs 7.8–8.5% HL). Colour patterns also differ between the two species, with U. ronchus lacking the oblique, wavy, white stripes evident on the flanks of U. robinsoni. U. ronchus does not occur in South African waters, and is an eastern Atlantic species occurring from Gibraltar to Angola. Specimens from the east coast of Africa (Moçambique to Gulf of Oman) that were previously identified as U. ronchus are U. robinsoni. Differences between U. robinsoni and U. canariensis include: a lower modal number of soft dorsal fin rays, (22–27 vs 24–30); less deep body depth, (26–36% standard length [SL] vs 33–39% SL); shorter pectoral fin length (15–21% SL vs 20–25% SL); longer caudal peduncle length (26–34% SL vs 21–28% SL) and snout length (27–38% HL vs 23–32% HL); and smaller orbit diameter (14–33% HL vs 23–34% HL). Otoliths of U. robinsoni differ from those of U. canariensis in being smaller, less elongate, lacking a massive post-central umbo and having a post-dorsal spine remnant. The body colour and nature of the striping pattern on the flanks differs markedly between the species: in U. robinsoni the oblique stripes are thin, wavy, white lines; in U. canariensis the oblique stripes are thicker, nearly straight and brown; U. robinsoni also lacks the triangleshaped mark on the outer operculum and the dark pigmentation of the inner operculum that is found on U. canariensis. Spatial analysis of South African specimens collected with a variety of gear revealed U. robinsoni to be a shallow-water species found from the surf-zone to 40m, whereas U. canariensis occurs predominantly from 40 to 100m depth. Although both species occur throughout the South African eastern seaboard, U. canariensis is most common west of the Kei River, where the shelf is wider. Examination of three specimens of U. steindachneri Cadenat 1950 confirmed the presence of a fourth sub-Saharan Umbrina species that is limited to tropical West African waters from Senegal to Angola. U. steindachneri differs from the other African Umbrina in having a high number of soft dorsal rays (28–29), a greater 3rd dorsal spine length (25–27% SL) and a very pronounced and convoluted striping pattern on the flanks

    Channel kets, entangled states, and the location of quantum information

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    The well-known duality relating entangled states and noisy quantum channels is expressed in terms of a channel ket, a pure state on a suitable tripartite system, which functions as a pre-probability allowing the calculation of statistical correlations between, for example, the entrance and exit of a channel, once a framework has been chosen so as to allow a consistent set of probabilities. In each framework the standard notions of ordinary (classical) information theory apply, and it makes sense to ask whether information of a particular sort about one system is or is not present in another system. Quantum effects arise when a single pre-probability is used to compute statistical correlations in different incompatible frameworks, and various constraints on the presence and absence of different kinds of information are expressed in a set of all-or-nothing theorems which generalize or give a precise meaning to the concept of ``no-cloning.'' These theorems are used to discuss: the location of information in quantum channels modeled using a mixed-state environment; the CQCQ (classical-quantum) channels introduced by Holevo; and the location of information in the physical carriers of a quantum code. It is proposed that both channel and entanglement problems be classified in terms of pure states (functioning as pre-probabilities) on systems of p2p\geq 2 parts, with mixed bipartite entanglement and simple noisy channels belonging to the category p=3p=3, a five-qubit code to the category p=6p=6, etc.; then by the dimensions of the Hilbert spaces of the component parts, along with other criteria yet to be determined.Comment: Latex 32 pages, 4 figures in text using PSTricks. Version 3: Minor typographical errors correcte