12,343 research outputs found

    Spectral weight redistribution in strongly correlated bosons in optical lattices

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    We calculate the single-particle spectral function for the one-band Bose-Hubbard model within the random phase approximation (RPA). In the strongly correlated superfluid, in addition to the gapless phonon excitations, we find extra gapped modes which become particularly relevant near the superfluid-Mott quantum phase transition (QPT). The strength in one of the gapped modes, a precursor of the Mott phase, grows as the QPT is approached and evolves into a hole (particle) excitation in the Mott insulator depending on whether the chemical potential is above (below) the tip of the lobe. The sound velocity of the Goldstone modes remains finite when the transition is approached at a constant density, otherwise, it vanishes at the transition. It agrees well with Bogoliubov theory except close to the transition. We also calculate the spatial correlations for bosons in an inhomogeneous trapping potential creating alternating shells of Mott insulator and superfluid. Finally, we discuss the capability of the RPA approximation to correctly account for quantum fluctuations in the vicinity of the QPT.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Demonstration of an inductively coupled ring trap for cold atoms

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    We report the first demonstration of an inductively coupled magnetic ring trap for cold atoms. A uniform, ac magnetic field is used to induce current in a copper ring, which creates an opposing magnetic field that is time-averaged to produce a smooth cylindrically symmetric ring trap of radius 5 mm. We use a laser-cooled atomic sample to characterize the loading efficiency and adiabaticity of the magnetic potential, achieving a vacuum-limited lifetime in the trap. This technique is suitable for creating scalable toroidal waveguides for applications in matter-wave interferometry, offering long interaction times and large enclosed areas

    Superfluidity of bosons on a deformable lattice

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    We study the superfluid properties of a system of interacting bosons on a lattice which, moreover, are coupled to the vibrational modes of this lattice, treated here in terms of Einstein phonon model. The ground state corresponds to two correlated condensates: that of the bosons and that of the phonons. Two competing effects determine the common collective soundwave-like mode with sound velocity vv, arising from gauge symmetry breaking: i) The sound velocity v0v_0 (corresponding to a weakly interacting Bose system on a rigid lattice) in the lowest order approximation is reduced due to reduction of the repulsive boson-boson interaction, arising from the attractive part of phonon mediated interaction in the static limit. ii) the second order correction to the sound velocity is enhanced as compared to the one of bosons on a rigid lattice when the the boson-phonon interaction is switched on due to the retarded nature of phonon mediated interaction. The overall effect is that the sound velocity is practically unaffected by the coupling with phonons, indicating the robustness of the superfluid state. The induction of a coherent state in the phonon system, driven by the condensation of the bosons could be of experimental significance, permitting spectroscopic detections of superfluid properties of the bosons. Our results are based on an extension of the Beliaev - Popov formalism for a weakly interacting Bose gas on a rigid lattice to that on a deformable lattice with which it interacts.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Photoionization and Photoelectric Loading of Barium Ion Traps

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    Simple and effective techniques for loading barium ions into linear Paul traps are demonstrated. Two-step photoionization of neutral barium is achieved using a weak intercombination line (6s2 1S0 6s6p 3P1, 791 nm) followed by excitation above the ionization threshold using a nitrogen gas laser (337 nm). Isotopic selectivity is achieved by using a near Doppler-free geometry for excitation of the triplet 6s6p 3P1 state. Additionally, we report a particularly simple and efficient trap loading technique that employs an in-expensive UV epoxy curing lamp to generate photoelectrons.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted to PRA 3/20/2007 -fixed typo -clarified figure 3 caption -added reference [15

    Neighbourhood greenspace is associated with a slower decline in physical activity in older adults: A prospective cohort study

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    Maintaining physical activity in later life is important for maintaining health and function. Activity outdoors, such as walking, jogging and cycling, may provide an accessible, sociable and practical solution, but maintaining outdoor mobility may be a challenge in later life. Providing green environments which are supportive of physical activity may facilitate this, yet research into how greenspace could be best used is inconclusive. This study evaluates the role of greenspace in protecting against decline in physical activity over time in older adults. Data from the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer Norfolk, UK, cohort 1993–2009 (N=15,672) was used. Linear regression modelling was used to examine the association between exposure to greenspace in the home neighbourhood and change in overall, recreational and outdoor physical activity measured in terms of metabolic equivalent cost (MET) in hours/week. Mediation analysis was conducted to assess if dog walking explained the relationship between greenspace and physical activity change. Models were adjusted for known and hypothesised confounders. People living in greener neighbourhoods experienced less of a decline in physical activity than those living in less green areas. Comparing change for those living in the greenest versus least green quartiles, participants showed a difference in overall physical activity of 4.21 MET hours/week (trend P=0.001), adjusted for baseline physical activity, age, sex, BMI, social class and marital status. This difference was 4.03 MET hours/week for recreational physical activity (trend P<0.001) and 1.28 MET hours/week for outdoor physical activity (trend P=0.007). Dog walking partially mediated the association between greenspace and physical activity change, by 22.6% for overall, 28.1% for recreational and 50.0% for outdoor physical activity (all P<0.001). Greenspace in the home neighbourhood may be protective against decline in physical activity among older people as they age. Dog walking is a potential mechanism in this relationship, and warrants further investigation as a way of maintaining physical activity in later life.This work was supported by the Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence. Funding from Cancer Research UK, the British Heart Foundation, the Economic and Social Research Council, the Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research, and the Wellcome Trust, under the auspices of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration, is gratefully acknowledged. The corresponding author was supported by the Medical Research Council, grant number MR/K025147/1. The study was also supported by the Medical Research Council, grant numbers MC_UU_12015/1 and MC_UU_12015/4

    Collective and single-particle excitations in 2D dipolar Bose gases

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    The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in 2D dipolar systems has been studied recently by path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations [A. Filinov et al., PRL 105, 070401 (2010)]. Here, we complement this analysis and study temperature-coupling strength dependence of the density (particle-hole) and single-particle (SP) excitation spectra both in superfluid and normal phases. The dynamic structure factor, S(q,omega), of the longitudinal excitations is rigorously reconstructed with full information on damping. The SP spectral function, A(q,omega), is worked out from the one-particle Matsubara Green's function. A stochastic optimization method is applied for reconstruction from imaginary times. In the superfluid regime sharp energy resonances are observed both in the density and SP excitations. The involved hybridization of both spectra is discussed. In contrast, in the normal phase, when there is no coupling, the density modes, beyond acoustic phonons, are significantly damped. Our results generalize previous zero temperature analyses based on variational many-body wavefunctions [F. Mazzanti et al., PRL 102, 110405 (2009), D. Hufnagl et al., PRL 107, 065303 (2011)], where the underlying physics of the excitation spectrum and the role of the condensate has not been addressed.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, 7 table

    Promoting the consumer voice : the role of Healthwatch Salford's Enter and View programme

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    The daily business of running a care home means that, outside of regulatory inspections, assessing and improving the user experience can often be forgotten. Healthwatch Salford discuss their process of gaining constructive feedback using their innovative Enter and View programm