1,688 research outputs found

    Modern Michelson-Morley experiment using cryogenic optical resonators

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    We report on a new test of Lorentz invariance performed by comparing the resonance frequencies of two orthogonal cryogenic optical resonators subject to Earth's rotation over 1 year. For a possible anisotropy of the speed of light c, we obtain 2.6 +/- 1.7 parts in 10^15. Within the Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl test theory, this implies an isotropy violation parameter beta - delta - 1/2 of -2.2 +/- 1.5 parts in 10^9, about three times lower than the best previous result. Within the general extension of the standard model of particle physics, we extract limits on 7 parameters at accuracies down to a part in 10^15, improving the best previous result by about two orders of magnitude

    Storage-ring measurement of the hyperfine induced 47Ti18+(2s 2p 3P0 -> 2s2 1S0) transition rate

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    The hyperfine induced 2s 2p 3P0 > 2s2 1S0 transition rate AHFI in berylliumlike 47Ti18+ was measured. Resonant electron-ion recombination in a heavy-ion storage ring was employed to monitor the time dependent population of the 3P0 state. The experimental value AHFI=0.56(3)/s is almost 60% larger than theoretically predicted.Comment: 4 pages. 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Dissociative recombination measurements of HCl+ using an ion storage ring

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    We have measured dissociative recombination of HCl+ with electrons using a merged beams configuration at the heavy-ion storage ring TSR located at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. We present the measured absolute merged beams recombination rate coefficient for collision energies from 0 to 4.5 eV. We have also developed a new method for deriving the cross section from the measurements. Our approach does not suffer from approximations made by previously used methods. The cross section was transformed to a plasma rate coefficient for the electron temperature range from T=10 to 5000 K. We show that the previously used HCl+ DR data underestimate the plasma rate coefficient by a factor of 1.5 at T=10 K and overestimate it by a factor of 3.0 at T=300 K. We also find that the new data may partly explain existing discrepancies between observed abundances of chlorine-bearing molecules and their astrochemical models.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (July 7, 2013

    Dielectronic Recombination in Photoionized Gas. II. Laboratory Measurements for Fe XVIII and Fe XIX

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    In photoionized gases with cosmic abundances, dielectronic recombination (DR) proceeds primarily via nlj --> nl'j' core excitations (Dn=0 DR). We have measured the resonance strengths and energies for Fe XVIII to Fe XVII and Fe XIX to Fe XVIII Dn=0 DR. Using our measurements, we have calculated the Fe XVIII and Fe XIX Dn=0 DR DR rate coefficients. Significant discrepancies exist between our inferred rates and those of published calculations. These calculations overestimate the DR rates by factors of ~2 or underestimate it by factors of ~2 to orders of magnitude, but none are in good agreement with our results. Almost all published DR rates for modeling cosmic plasmas are computed using the same theoretical techniques as the above-mentioned calculations. Hence, our measurements call into question all theoretical Dn=0 DR rates used for ionization balance calculations of cosmic plasmas. At temperatures where the Fe XVIII and Fe XIX fractional abundances are predicted to peak in photoionized gases of cosmic abundances, the theoretical rates underestimate the Fe XVIII DR rate by a factor of ~2 and overestimate the Fe XIX DR rate by a factor of ~1.6. We have carried out new multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock and multiconfiguration Breit-Pauli calculations which agree with our measured resonance strengths and rate coefficients to within typically better than <~30%. We provide a fit to our inferred rate coefficients for use in plasma modeling. Using our DR measurements, we infer a factor of ~2 error in the Fe XX through Fe XXIV Dn=0 DR rates. We investigate the effects of this estimated error for the well-known thermal instability of photoionized gas. We find that errors in these rates cannot remove the instability, but they do dramatically affect the range in parameter space over which it forms.Comment: To appear in ApJS, 44 pages with 13 figures, AASTeX with postsript figure

    Ion-lithium collision dynamics studied with an in-ring MOTReMi

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    We present a novel experimental tool allowing for kinematically complete studies of break-up processes of laser-cooled atoms. This apparatus, the 'MOTReMi', is a combination of a magneto-optical trap (MOT) and a Reaction Microscope (ReMi). Operated in an ion-storage ring, the new setup enables to study the dynamics in swift ion-atom collisions on an unprecedented level of precision and detail. In first experiments on collisions with 1.5 MeV/amu O8+^{8+}-Li the pure ionization of the valence electron as well as ionization-excitation of the lithium target has been investigated

    Role of Projectile Coherence in Close Heavy Ion-Atom Collisions

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    We have measured fully differential cross sections for single ionization and transfer ionization (TI) in 16 MeV O7++He collisions. The impact parameters mostly contributing to single ionization are about an order of magnitude larger than for TI. Therefore, the projectile beam was much more coherent for the latter compared to the former process. The measured data suggest that, as a result, TI is significantly affected by interference effects which are not present in single ionization

    Regularity for eigenfunctions of Schr\"odinger operators

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    We prove a regularity result in weighted Sobolev spaces (or Babuska--Kondratiev spaces) for the eigenfunctions of a Schr\"odinger operator. More precisely, let K_{a}^{m}(\mathbb{R}^{3N}) be the weighted Sobolev space obtained by blowing up the set of singular points of the Coulomb type potential V(x) = \sum_{1 \le j \le N} \frac{b_j}{|x_j|} + \sum_{1 \le i < j \le N} \frac{c_{ij}}{|x_i-x_j|}, x in \mathbb{R}^{3N}, b_j, c_{ij} in \mathbb{R}. If u in L^2(\mathbb{R}^{3N}) satisfies (-\Delta + V) u = \lambda u in distribution sense, then u belongs to K_{a}^{m} for all m \in \mathbb{Z}_+ and all a \le 0. Our result extends to the case when b_j and c_{ij} are suitable bounded functions on the blown-up space. In the single-electron, multi-nuclei case, we obtain the same result for all a<3/2.Comment: to appear in Lett. Math. Phy

    Dielectronic Recombination (via N=2 --> N'=2 Core Excitations) and Radiative Recombination of Fe XX: Laboratory Measurements and Theoretical Calculations

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    We have measured the resonance strengths and energies for dielectronic recombination (DR) of Fe XX forming Fe XIX via N=2 --> N'=2 (Delta_N=0) core excitations. We have also calculated the DR resonance strengths and energies using AUTOSTRUCTURE, HULLAC, MCDF, and R-matrix methods, four different state-of-the-art theoretical techniques. On average the theoretical resonance strengths agree to within <~10% with experiment. However, the 1 sigma standard deviation for the ratios of the theoretical-to-experimental resonance strengths is >~30% which is significantly larger than the estimated relative experimental uncertainty of <~10%. This suggests that similar errors exist in the calculated level populations and line emission spectrum of the recombined ion. We confirm that theoretical methods based on inverse-photoionization calculations (e.g., undamped R-matrix methods) will severely overestimate the strength of the DR process unless they include the effects of radiation damping. We also find that the coupling between the DR and radiative recombination (RR) channels is small. We have used our experimental and theoretical results to produce Maxwellian-averaged rate coefficients for Delta_N=0 DR of Fe XX. For kT>~1 eV, which includes the predicted formation temperatures for Fe XX in an optically thin, low-density photoionized plasma with cosmic abundances, our experimental and theoretical results are in good agreement. We have also used our R-matrix results, topped off using AUTOSTRUCTURE for RR into J>=25 levels, to calculate the rate coefficient for RR of Fe XX. Our RR results are in good agreement with previously published calculations.Comment: To be published in ApJS. 65 pages with 4 tables and lots of figure

    Radiative rotational lifetimes and state-resolved relative detachment cross sections from photodetachment thermometry of molecular anions in a cryogenic storage ring

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    Photodetachment thermometry on a beam of OH^- in a cryogenic storage ring cooled to below 10 K is carried out using two-dimensional, frequency and time dependent photodetachment spectroscopy over 20 minutes of ion storage. In equilibrium with the low-level blackbody field, we find an effective radiative temperature near 15 K with about 90% of all ions in the rotational ground state. We measure the J = 1 natural lifetime (about 193 s) and determine the OH^- rotational transition dipole moment with 1.5% uncertainty. We also measure rotationally dependent relative near-threshold photodetachment cross sections for photodetachment thermometry.Comment: Manuscript LaTeX with 5 pages, 3 figures, and 1 table plus LaTeX supplement with 12 pages, 3 figures and 3 tables. This article has been accepted by Physical Review Letter