5 research outputs found

    Embodied decision biases during walking

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    For many years, research of psychology has viewed cognition as a sequential and modular process, with action being only as the output of a higher-level cognitive process. This is a problem when studying decision-making in everyday behavior, where lower-level motor control (such as walking) often needs to occur at the same time as higher-level decision processes (such as avoiding an obstacle to the left or right). For these situations, research in multitasking, embodiment, and specifically embodied decision-making suggests that information-processing at the level of motor control can influence decision-making through crosstalk between the processes and parallel feedback of action costs. This challenges the traditional view of decision-making as a modular and sequential process. Thus, we set out to investigate the assumed influences of lower-level actions on higher-level decisions when action and decision-making must run concurrently. To do that, we first implemented a novel experimental paradigm for studying decision-making during the whole-body movement of walking. Participants were asked to walk toward an obstacle and to concurrently decide to turn toward a target on the left or right for reward. We manipulated the action of walking toward the obstacle by predetermining the swing leg before turning in front of the obstacle. Results revealed that the body dynamics of concurrent action influenced decision-making. More specifically, participants preferred turning toward the side of the swing leg, even at the expense of receiving less reward. After validating the experimental paradigm, we investigated the type of embodied decision bias present in the walking task. Thereby, we focused on the bias by action costs during action. If the decision process receives parallel feedback during movement, the cost dynamics during movement should influence decision-making. In four experiments, we manipulated the action costs of turning under various conditions

    Auditory perception dominates in motor rhythm reproduction

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    It is commonly agreed that vision is more sensitive to spatial information, while audition is more sensitive to temporal information. When both visual and auditory information are available simultaneously, the modality appropriateness hypothesis predicts that, depending on the task, the most appropriate (i.e., reliable) modality dominates perception. While previous research mainly focused on discrepant information from different sensory inputs to scrutinize the modality appropriateness hypothesis, the current study aimed at investigating the modality appropriateness hypothesis when multimodal information was provided in a nondiscrepant and simultaneous manner. To this end, participants performed a temporal rhythm reproduction task for which the auditory modality is known to be the most appropriate. The experiment comprised an auditory (i.e., beeps), a visual (i.e., flashing dots), and an audiovisual condition (i.e., beeps and dots simultaneously). Moreover, constant as well as variable interstimulus intervals were implemented. Results revealed higher accuracy and lower variability in the auditory condition for both interstimulus interval types when compared to the visual condition. More importantly, there were no differences between the auditory and the audiovisual condition across both interstimulus interval types. This indicates that the auditory modality dominated multimodal perception in the task, whereas the visual modality was disregarded and hence did not add to reproduction performance

    Auditory perception dominates in motor rhythm reproduction

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    Dual-tasking modulates movement speed but not value-based choices during walking

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