16 research outputs found

    Analysis of the current logistics and transport challenges in the context of the changing environment

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    The rapidly changing world determines changes in the business processes. Logistics and transport are the areas facing constant changes. Therefore, an important point is to analyse the current problems of logistics and transport within the context of the changing environment. For many years, the experts of the Dept of Logistics and Transport Management of the Faculty of Transport Engineering from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University have been pursuing research both, in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) in Lithuania and foreign countries. This research has been directed toward improvements to logistics and the entire supply chain in pursuit of economic, social and ecological competitiveness, an increase in the competitiveness and attractiveness of the transport system in the context of sustainable development, the impact of this system on the economic and social welfare of society, an increase in the competitiveness and attractiveness of the transport sector of improving the legal framework and the application of innovative technologies (including IT) in the transport sector aimed at implementing economic and social cohesion goals. The article deals with some of the key issues of the above introduced research

    Feasibility of reviving and development of local public transport in lithuanian regions

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    The paper describes the problems of passenger transportation by local bus transport and possibilities to support rural public transport integrating it into the national and European passenger transportation networks. The emphasis is placed on Lithuanian local bus transport companies' capability to attract more passengers. The situation in the public transport market is analysed and major factors influencing the passenger flows on bus routes in Lithuania are described. A forecast for local passenger transport development is also presented

    Viešojo transporto paklausos paslaugų Vilniaus mieste socialinė ir ekonominė analizė

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    To determine the demand for public transport on the market, a survey was conducted in 2001 - 2002 concerning the situation in the suburban zones of newly - built up districts where public transport is either inaccessible or poorly developed. The analysis was based on major social and economic factors determining the demand for transport. They are: demographic structure and development, restructuring of productive forces and space planning; employment and unemployment; income and poverty; social insurance, pensions and welfare; the household structure; income and expenditures; mobility of the inhabitants and motorization. The accessibility of transport services to passengers and the choice of transport facilities is closely related to their purchasing power. The offer of public transport services is lower than the demand, especially in the suburbs. As a result, the competition of automobiles is very strong there: the preference given to a car is determined by inaccessibility of public transport on the route for 22 % of the inhabitants, while for 20 % the reason was long way to a bus stop or large intervals in the schedule of public transport facilities. Based on the results obtained, the public transport system in Vilnius should be developed along three main lines: 1) raising the quality of public transport provided on fixed routes; 2) revising and updating the system of fares; 3) integrating the suburban public transport system into the central city transport system. These are the priority tasks associated with general goals of improving the system of public transport so that it could satisfy the needs of the passengers in the city

    Possibility of passenger intermodality in Lithuania

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    An analysis of the passenger service market and today situation of passenger long-distance travel in Lithuania shows that the main weakness is as follows - an absence of the organized passenger intermodality in the country. The strengths - county's favourable geographic position, needs of the international trips, good conditions of road, air and water transport infrastructure - stimulate to improve the quality of passenger conveyance and to organize the intermodal service network [...]

    The analysis of the construction costs of transport infrastructure projects

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    The significant rise of the construction costs of transport investment projects at present days is considered in the paper. The analysis of reasons of cost rise is accomplished on the purpose to use the EU financial support and other financing resources for transport sector more effectively and to plan the further usage of investments for transport infrastructure. Costs, acting factors, financing resources influence on the priority projects of transport infrastructure are analysed and changes of construction costs are defined and the problems of the implementation of infrastructure project are clarified. The recommendations are offered concerning preventive measures for up the costs of transport infrastructure works and their application possibilities, and to substantiate the development of infrastructure projects

    Forecasting of the freight transportation by Lithuanian railways

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    An analysis of the passenger service market and today situation of passenger long-distance travel in Lithuania shows that the main weakness is as follows - an absence of the organized passenger intermodality in the country. The strengths - county's favourable geographic position, needs of the international trips, good conditions of road, air and water transport infrastructure - stimulate to improve the quality of passenger conveyance and to organize the intermodal service network [...]

    The influence of territory planning and social development on strategic decisions in passenger transport development

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    The main factors of space planning and social development which play an important role in making strategic decisions in passenger transportation have been analysed. A number of strategic aims based on major principles of territory transport planning have been formulated. The investigation made has shown that the operation of public transport is not closely connected with the main carcass of urban territories. This decreases the efficiency of public transport, making it less popular and competitive compared to automobiles. The creation of the strategy of public transport development for the period of its integration into the EU system requires the use of methods taking into account territory planning and social and economic development of the country. The integration of new territories into the existing transportation system, optimization of routes and the increase of transport service quality are aimed to provide higher living standards and better social and economic conditions for the inhabitants. The appropriate tactical decisions in planning the development of modern passenger transport may be made only if the harmonized and well‐grounded strategic aims are defined. First Published Online: 27 Oct 201

    The Analysis of Factors Influencing on the Process of Planning and Implementation of Transport Infrastructure Projects

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    During 2003–2008 years first fundamental transport infrastructure projects financial supported by the EU funds were being implemented in Lithuania. The study of the problematic situation of the implementation of following projects was accomplished in 2008. The results of analysis show that proceeding of project preparation and implementation has some particular obstructions and delays. The results of analysis of projects’ implementation confirmed that exist few important factors influencing on final economic result of projects’ implementation. Unforeseen risk was correlative with the delay of competitive procedures or financing incongruity to the seasonal periods, and increased cost of construction works. The economic calculations of the great part of the projects which have been finished during 2006 year were accomplished in 2004–2005. Exactly during this period the prices of fuel and material have been changing. Seeking to implement projects of the EU support the Ministry of Transport and Communications additionally budgeted the significant share of the total finance for road sector

    Research of the Life Quality Influence to the Usage of Public Transport in Lithuania

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    Sustainable development is a top priority for the EU, which takes environmental concerns into account in all its policy-making. A good quality of life depends on a whole series of factors, including having enough money and dwelling with good communication conditions, also being in good health. Public transport takes the significant influence to the town-people life style and city economy. It is incontestability the importance of public transport for the passenger communications in Lithuanian cities, as the usage of the regular transport reaches more than 60 % and it has considerably less influence on environment, infrastructure requirement, decreases the vehicles’ parking problems comparing with usage of cars. Therefore it is necessary to ensure beneficent functioning of public transport, especially buses and trolley-buses. The survey results show, that the main factor for the choice of public transport service is the purchasing power or life quality level of urban residents. Investigation of the passenger market corroborated the necessity of the public transport service and combination with the car usage for the sustainable development of communication systems in urban and suburb territories

    Peculiarities of Passenger Flows Forecast on the Reduced Market Conditions

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    The basic aim of public transport operator - National railway company – to provide passenger transportation services on the territory of network accessibility areas, also to enlarge volumes of passenger transportation and the quality of services necessary to satisfy needs of publicity and to reduce working loss. Accomplished overhaul of railway transport strategy and economic analysis of present passenger transportation activity allow defining features related to the selection of forecasting methods. Important socio-economic indicators selected as a frame for railway passenger transportation forecasts were influenced by present statistic data and indicator reliability during the period of economic crisis. Both economic and social factors have influence on passenger demand. Such indicators as GDP, average wages, level of automobilization, domestic income and expenditures, demographical indicators, changes on urban territories, economic changes, crisis cycle and other were evaluated. The forecasts on passenger volumes transported by trains and routes of JC Lithuanian Railway are prepared for local and international transportations. The priority is given to satisfaction of passenger market demands offering qualitative and quantitative balanced services. The forecasts on passenger transportation demand are prepared according to three scenarios of basic passenger transportation supply