27 research outputs found

    Relationship between maternal personality traits and communication functions of the child

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    Opće je poznato da su djetetov temperament i njegove osobine ličnosti, kao i osobine ličnosti roditelja, povezane s obilježjima njihovih uzajamnih komunikacijskih izmjena. Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi povezanost osobina ličnosti majke i komunikacijskih funkcija djeteta. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 20-ero djece tipičnog razvoja i njihove majke, te 20-ero djece s utvrđenom dijagnozom poremećaja iz spektra autizma (PSA) i njihove majke. Komunikacijske funkcije djece analizirane su za svaki djetetov iskaz pomoću transkripata dobivenih iz videozapisa polustrukturiranih aktivnosti djece i majki. Majke su ispunile upitnik osobina ličnosti IPIPNEO-120, a sastoji se od 120 čestica, kojima se procjenjuje pet dimenzija ličnosti petfaktorskog modela: neuroticizam, ekstraverzija, otvorenost iskustvima, ugodnost i savjesnost. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji povezanost između prosječnih vrijednosti na dimenzijama ličnosti majki, te broja komunikacijskih funkcija iniciranja i odgovaranja djece, osim za dimenziju savjesnosti. Naime, dobivena je pozitivna povezanost između majčine savjesnosti i broja komunikacijskih funkcija odgovaranja djece, ali samo za skupinu djece sa PSA-om. U literaturi nisu pronađena jasna objašnjenja ovih rezultata, što ukazuje na mali broj radova o ovoj tematici i potrebom za podrobnijim istraživanjima odnosa ličnosti majke i obilježja komunikacije djeteta. To bi omogućilo stjecanje jasnih zaključaka, koji bi zasigurno imali važne kliničke implikacije u smislu suradnje s roditeljima djece uključene u terapiju s ciljem poboljšanja funkcionalne komunikacije.It is generally known that child\u27s temperament and personality traits, as well as parent\u27s personality traits, are related to the characteristics of their mutual communication exchanges. The aim of this paper was to determine the connection between certain personality traits of the mother and verbal communication functions of the child. 20 typically developing children and their mothers and 20 children with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their mothers took part in the study. Children\u27s communication functions were analyzed for each child\u27s statement using transcripts constructed from videos of semi-structured activities of children and mothers. The mothers filled out the IPIP-NEO-120 personality trait questionnaire, which consists of 120 items that assess 5 personality dimensions of the five-factor model: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to experiences, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. The results of this study showed that there is no statistically significant correlation between the average values on the domains of mothers\u27 personality and the number of communication functions of initiation and response of children, except for the domain of Conscientiousness. Namely, a statistically significant positive correlation was obtained between mother\u27s Conscientiousness and the number of children\u27s communication functions of response, but only for the group of children with ASD. No clear explanations of these results were found in literature, which indicates a small number of research papers dealing with this topic and the need for a more detailed research. This would enable the acquisition of clear conclusions that would certainly have important clinical implications in terms of cooperation with parents of children involved in therapy with the aim of improving functional communication

    Poređenje dijagnostičkih kriterijuma kod bolesnika sa amiotrofičnom lateralnom sklerozom - doprinos elektromiografskih nalaza

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    Diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is based on combination of clinical signs and electrophysiological correlates of pathological process which takes place in general. New electrophysiological criteria Awaji-Shima (AS) additionally qualify the complex fasciculations and neurogenically modified potentials of motor units as signs of active lesions of peripheral motor neuron, contrary to previously valid revised El Escorial criteria (rEE). The objective of this research was to determine the clinical significance and advantages of using the AS criteria in patients with ALS. Methods. Thirty patients (59.2 ± 10.9 years, 57% of them with spinal form of the disease) with clinically suspected ALS were monitored from the time of diagnosis until reaching the category of definitive diagnosis or death. The clinical evaluation and electromyographic (EMG) examinations were carried out at 3-month intervals. Results. By applying the AS criteria, the category of probable or definite diagnosis was achieved in all patients with ALS, except in one (96.6%), as contrary to the rEE (33.3%), after 6 months of the follow-up period. The subclinical affection in more than two body regions has been defined through detection of denervation potentials (80% of the patients by using the AS, or 67% by the rEE criteria). The complex fasciculations were registered particularly often in small muscles of the feet (37- 40%). Conclusion. Application of the AS criteria improve the achievment of category of probable or definite diagnosis of ALS by 2.7 months earlier compared to the rEE. This outcome is particularly affected by a higher frequency of positive EMG findings, when the AS criteria were employed. Early determination of diagnosis provides the better perspective and more frequent participation of the ALS patients in pharmacotherapy studies intended to establish new therapeutic options.Dijagnoza amiotrofične lateralne skleroze (LS) zasniva se na kombinaciji kliničkih znakova i elektrofizioloških korelata patološkog procesa koji se odvija u osnovi. Novi elektrofiziološki kriterijumi, Awaji-Shima (AS), dodatno kvalifikuju kompleksne fascikulacije i neurogeno izmenjene potencijale motornih jedinica kao znakove aktivnih lezija perifernog motornog neurona, nasuprot ranije važećim revidiranim El Escorial kriterijumima (rEE). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi klinički značaj i prednosti primene AS kriterijuma, kod obolelih od ALS. Metode. 30 bolesnika (59,2 ± 10,9 godina, od kojih 57% sa spinalnom formom bolesti) sa klinički suspektnom ALS, praćeno je od vremena postavljanja dijagnoze do postizanja kategorije definitivne dijagnoze ili smrtnog ishoda. Kod bolesnika su obavljane klinička evaluacija i elektromiografski (EMG) pregledi u tromesečnim intervalima. Rezultati. Primjenom AS kriterijuma, nakon 6 meseci praćenja, kategorija verovatne ili pouzdane dijagnoze postignuta je kod svih bolesnika sa ALS, izuzev jednog (96,6%), nasuprot rEE kriterijuma (33.3%). EMG nalazi bili su pozitivni u ≥ 2 telesna regiona kod 80% bolesnika primenom AS, odnosno 67% primenom rEE. Kompleksne fascikulacije zabeležene su posebno učestalo u malim mišićima stopala (37-40%). Zaključak. Primenom AS kriterijuma kategorija vjerovatne ili pouzdane dijagnoze ALS postiže se za 2,7 meseca ranije, u poređenju sa rEE, na šta posebno utiče veća učestalost pozitivnih EMG nalaza. Ranije utvrđivanje dijagnoze donosi perspektivu veće zastupljenosti obolelih u farmakoterapijskim studijama sa novim terapeutskim agensima

    Izvedivost multimodalne intervencije za prestanak pušenja tijekom hospitalizacije sa šetomjesečnim praćenjem nakon otpusta: pilot istraživanje

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    The main aim of this pilot project was to introduce multimodal smoking cessation intervention in the hospital setting and to analyze users’ satisfaction and efficacy of the intervention within six months post-discharge. Multimodal intervention for smoking cessation was used and it consisted of the “5 A’s” model (Ask, Advice, Assess, Assist, Arrange) for behavior change, printed self-help materials for smoking cessation, and telephone counseling (one, three and six months after discharge from the hospital). The main outcome of the study was smoking status at six months. A total of 103 participants were included in this pilot project. At six-month follow-up, 49% of participants self-reported continuous non-smoking. Among the remaining participants, 20 reported smoking reduction, 19 were still smoking, and 16 participants were unable to make contact with. In the logistic regression, among all analyzed variables, only two of them were positively associated with smoking cessation after six months: participants’ response that they would like to quit smoking within the next six months (B=4.688; p=0.018) and answering that they did not smoke when they were ill and bed-ridden due to illness (B=3.253; p=0.020). Satisfaction with the intervention was very high; 70% of participants rated the intervention as ‘excellent’. Therefore, multimodal smoking cessation intervention can be successfully introduced at hospital setting yielding high smoking abstinence rates at six months post-discharge and high level of user satisfaction. Healthcare workers who work in hospitals should be educated so they can provide such intervention on a regular basis.Glavni cilj ovoga probnog projekta bio je provesti multimodalnu intervenciju za prestanak pušenja kod hospitaliziranih bolesnika i analizirati učinkovitost intervencije šest mjeseci nakon otpusta iz bolnice, kao i zadovoljstvo korisnika intervencijom. Primijenjena je multimodalna intervencija za prestanak pušenja koja se sastojala od pristupa „5 P“ (Pitati, Poticati, Procijeniti, Pomoći i Pratiti) za promjenu ponašanja, tiskanih materijala za samopomoć kod prestanka pušenja i telefonskog savjetovanja (nakon jednog mjeseca, tri mjeseca i šest mjeseci od otpusta iz bolnice). Glavni ishod studije bio je pušački status nakon šest mjeseci. Uključeno je ukupno 103 sudionika. Nakon šest mjeseci praćenja 49% sudionika izjavilo je da su prestali pušiti. Među preostalim sudionicima 20 ih je smanjilo broj popušenih cigareta na dan, 19 ih je i dalje pušilo, a sa 16 sudionika se nije moglo stupiti u kontakt. U logističkoj regresiji su od svih analiziranih varijabla samo dvije bile pozitivno povezane s prestankom pušenja nakon šest mjeseci: odgovor sudionika da bi htjeli prestati pušiti u sljedećih šest mjeseci (B=4,688; p=0,018) i odgovor da ne puše kad su bolesni u toj mjeri da moraju ležati u krevetu (B=3,253; p=0,020). Zadovoljstvo intervencijom bilo je vrlo visoko; 70% sudionika ocijenilo je intervenciju kao “izvrsnu”. Stoga se multimodalna intervencija za prestanak pušenja može uspješno uvesti u bolničkim uvjetima, omogućuje visoku stopu apstinencije od pušenja šest mjeseci nakon otpusta i veliko zadovoljstvo korisnika. Zdravstveno osoblje koje radi u bolnicama trebalo bi se obrazovati kako bi mogli redovito pružati takvu intervenciju

    Vascular comorbidities in patients with multiple sclerosis and their impact on physical disability

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    Aim Given the impact of vascular comorbidities (VC) on the diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of multiple sclerosis (MS), we examined the incidence and correlation of VC and risk factors for vascular disease in people with MS (PwMS) compared to the general population, and the impact on the physical disability of patients. Methods Cross-sectional study involved 100 patients with MS and 50 healthy people from the general population, matched by sex and age. The values of demographic, biochemical, and anthropometric parameters, the presence of VC and risk factors for vascular diseases in both groups, and clinical parameters in PwMS were analysed. Statistical analysis included methods of descriptive statistics, χ2 test, Student's t-test, analysis of variance, correlation and regression analysis. Results Groups differed by a higher frequency of transient ischemic attack in the control group (p=0.024), and the treatment of hypertension (p=0.038) and smoking frequency (p=0.044) in the MS group. Normal triglycerides levels were statistically significantly more prevalent in the MS group (p=0.000). Total body weight and BMI were statistically significantly higher in the control group (p=0.000). The increase in Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score was associated with higher levels of total (p=0.001) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (p=0.003), and activated partial thromboplastin time APTT (p=0.002). Conclusion In PwMS it is necessary to pay attention to the higher frequency of smoking than in general population, and the impact of total cholesterol, LDL and APTT levels as significant parameters that affect physical disability

    Urine-based testing for Chlamydia trachomatis among young adults in a population-based survey in Croatia: Feasibility and prevalence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We assessed the feasibility of collecting urine samples for testing on genital <it>Chlamydia trachomatis </it>infection in a population-based survey, and prevalence of this infection among young people aged 18-25 in Croatia. In Croatia, as in the other countries of Eastern Europe, there is a lack of data on prevalence of <it>C trachomatis </it>in the general population, including young adults.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We sampled participants using a nationally representative, multi-stage stratified probability sample of young men and women. Detection of <it>C trachomatis </it>DNA in urine samples was performed by using a real-time PCR assay COBAS<sup>® </sup>TaqMan<sup>® </sup>CT Test, v2.0.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, 1005 young adults participated in the behavioural part of the survey, and 27.9% men and 37.5% women who were sexually experienced agreed to provide urine samples for testing on <it>C trachomatis</it>. Using multivariate analysis, women were significantly more likely to provide urine samples than men (aOR = 1.53, 95% CI 1.14-2.06) as were those who reported no condom use at last intercourse (aOR = 1.95, 95% CI 1.44-2.62). Prevalence of <it>C trachomatis </it>infection among those who were sexually experienced was 7.3% in men and 5.3% in women.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Population-based surveys that use probabilistic sampling are a feasible way to obtain population estimates of <it>C trachomatis </it>prevalence among young adults in Croatia, but it is challenging to obtain an adequate response rate. The prevalence of <it>C trachomatis </it>among young adults in Croatia found in this study was higher than that found in other European countries with similar survey response rates.</p


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    Osnova strateškog upravljanja svakog poduzeća jest rast i razvoj, konkurentska prednost te profit. Da bi poduzeće raslo i razvijalo se, glavnu ulogu ima menadžment koji donosi poslovne odluke. Međutim, da bi se donijela najbolja odluka, potrebna je kvalitetna informacija koja je vrlo bitna menadžmentu. Bez kvalitetne informacije, u današnje vrijeme nije moguće konkurirati u tržišnoj utakmici. Također, nekonkurentnost uvelike utječe na profit, jer donosi niz drugih problema, kao što su npr. prezaduženost, nelikvidnost, stagnaciju poslovanja i dr. koja za posljedicu ima otpuštanje radnika i/ili stečaj poduzeća. Da ne bi došlo do svega navedenog, potrebno je pratiti najnovije tehnologije i trendove kako bi se potaknula konkurentnost na tržištu koja se postiže strateškim upravljanjem. Zbog toga je nužan kvalitetan informacijski sustav za poslovanje u poduzeću. Bez njega, u vrijeme globalizacije i tržišne konkurencije, nije moguće poslovati, pa većina poduzeća ulaže u kvalitetan informacijski sustav. Cilj informacijskog sustava je pružiti kvalitetne informacije koje se koriste na različitim područjima djelovanja. To znači da se uz minimalne troškove prava informacija dostavlja u pravo vrijeme na pravo mjesto. S druge strane, zadatak poslovnog informacijskog sustava jest osigurati informacije i podatke koje su nužne za poslovanje. Veća poduzeća pronalaze razna programska rješenja kako bi se uklonili nedostaci s kojima se menadžment susreće u poslovanju. Jedan od njih je integralni poslovni informacijski sustav, tj. aplikacijski softver kojim se postiže efikasnost u poslovanju, jer se temelji na zajedničkoj bazi podataka. Svrha integralnog poslovnog sustava jest povezivanje informacija između pojedinih dijelova poslovanja u jedinstvenu bazu podataka koja pruža kompletan uvid informacija i podataka u poslovnom sustavu. U ovom završnom radu prikazat će se, između ostalog, primjena kvalitetnog informacijskog sustava na primjeru Kliničkog bolničkog centra Osijek.The foundation of strategic management of every company is growth and development, competitive advantage and profit. For the company to grow and develop the management has the leading role in making business decisions. However, in order to make the best possible decision, it is very important that the management has access to quality information. Nowadays, it is impossible to stay competitive in the market race without quality information. Also, uncompetitiveness has a huge impact on profit because it brings along a variety of problems, such as over-indebtedness, liquidity, business stagnation etc. which cause dismissals and/or bankruptcy. To prevent the aforementioned from happening it is necessary to keep track of the newest technologies and trends in order to induce competitiveness on the market, which is obtained by strategic management. This requires a quality information system for conducting business activity within a company. Without it, business activity in current globalization and market competition is not manageable. For that reason many companies invest in high quality information systems. The goal of an information system is to provide quality information which is used in different fields of company business. That means that the right information is delivered on the right time to the right place, with minimal costs. On the other hand, the task of a business information system is to ensure information and data which are vital for business activity. Bigger companies have found various programming solutions to remove faults that the management is facing in business activity. One of those is the integral business information system, i.e. application software which improves efficacy in business conduct because it is based on a common data base. The objective of the integral business system is to connect information between single parts of a business into a single data base, which will provide a complete insight into information and data within the company’s business system. This final paper shows the implementation of a quality information system on the example of the Clinical Hospital Centre Osijek


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    Svakodnevno, ljudi postaju svjesniji koliko zdrava prehrana utječe na kvalitetu života te da brza i nezdrava hrana za posljedicu imaju razna bolesna stanja poput pretilosti, kardiovaskularnih tegoba, dijabetesa, neuroloških problema, bolova u zglobovima i dr. Zdrava prehrana ključna je za borbu protiv raznih bolesti koje su sve češće u današnjem društvu. Iz tih razloga, a i jer se ukazala praznina kako na lokalnom i regionalnom tržištu, rodila se ideja o ekološkom uzgoju američke borovnice. Ideja se čini dobrom opcijom i zbog rasta potražnje za ovom svježom i ukusnom namirnicom koja je ujedno i bogata vitaminima i nutritivnim sastojcima. Svrha ovog diplomskog rada bila je utvrditi može li poslovna ideja prerasti u poslovnu priliku kroz dva dijela, teorijski i praktični. Teorijski dio prikazao je načine izrastanja poslovne ideje u poslovnu priliku kroz poduzetnički proces i poslovni plan. U praktičnom dijelu prikazan je poslovni plan za ekološki uzgoj američke borovnice na obradivoj poljoprivrednoj površini od 0,48 ha. Pritom su analizirani svi ključni aspekti ovog pothvata, te je na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključeno je li uzgoj borovnice, koji je važan resurs potreban za poboljšanje kvalitete života, dobra poslovna prilika. U teorijskom dijelu rada koristile su se metode deskripcije, klasifikacije, analize, kompilacije i komparacije, dok praktični dio rada predstavlja poslovni plan, u kojem su se koristile metode analize, sinteze, te induktivna i deduktivna metoda.Every day people are getting more conscious how healthy nutrition impacts the quality of life. They are conscious that fast and unhealthy food often has consequences in illnesses such as obesity, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, neurological problems, joint pains etc. Healthy nutrition is essential against the diseases which are more often every day in our society. For that reason, as well for a gap in both local and regional market, the idea of ecologic American blueberry cultivation was born. The idea seems to be a good option also for the reason of growing demand for this fresh and tasty fruit, which is also rich on vitamins as well as nutritional ingredients. The purpose of this thesis was to establish if this business idea could grow into a business opportunity; the thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part showed ways of growing of the business idea into a business opportunity through entrepreneurial process as well as business plan. In the practical part, for ecologic American blueberry cultivation in the land area of 0,48 acres was shown in a business plan. Throughout that process, all essential aspects of this venture were analyzed and based on these results, it was concluded if the cultivation of blueberry, as a resource needed for improvement of life quality, is a good business opportunity. In theoretical part of the thesis, the methods of description, classification, analysis, compilation and comparison were used, while the practical part refers to the business plan, which includes the methods of analysis, synthesis and inductive and deductive method


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    Svakodnevno, ljudi postaju svjesniji koliko zdrava prehrana utječe na kvalitetu života te da brza i nezdrava hrana za posljedicu imaju razna bolesna stanja poput pretilosti, kardiovaskularnih tegoba, dijabetesa, neuroloških problema, bolova u zglobovima i dr. Zdrava prehrana ključna je za borbu protiv raznih bolesti koje su sve češće u današnjem društvu. Iz tih razloga, a i jer se ukazala praznina kako na lokalnom i regionalnom tržištu, rodila se ideja o ekološkom uzgoju američke borovnice. Ideja se čini dobrom opcijom i zbog rasta potražnje za ovom svježom i ukusnom namirnicom koja je ujedno i bogata vitaminima i nutritivnim sastojcima. Svrha ovog diplomskog rada bila je utvrditi može li poslovna ideja prerasti u poslovnu priliku kroz dva dijela, teorijski i praktični. Teorijski dio prikazao je načine izrastanja poslovne ideje u poslovnu priliku kroz poduzetnički proces i poslovni plan. U praktičnom dijelu prikazan je poslovni plan za ekološki uzgoj američke borovnice na obradivoj poljoprivrednoj površini od 0,48 ha. Pritom su analizirani svi ključni aspekti ovog pothvata, te je na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključeno je li uzgoj borovnice, koji je važan resurs potreban za poboljšanje kvalitete života, dobra poslovna prilika. U teorijskom dijelu rada koristile su se metode deskripcije, klasifikacije, analize, kompilacije i komparacije, dok praktični dio rada predstavlja poslovni plan, u kojem su se koristile metode analize, sinteze, te induktivna i deduktivna metoda.Every day people are getting more conscious how healthy nutrition impacts the quality of life. They are conscious that fast and unhealthy food often has consequences in illnesses such as obesity, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, neurological problems, joint pains etc. Healthy nutrition is essential against the diseases which are more often every day in our society. For that reason, as well for a gap in both local and regional market, the idea of ecologic American blueberry cultivation was born. The idea seems to be a good option also for the reason of growing demand for this fresh and tasty fruit, which is also rich on vitamins as well as nutritional ingredients. The purpose of this thesis was to establish if this business idea could grow into a business opportunity; the thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part showed ways of growing of the business idea into a business opportunity through entrepreneurial process as well as business plan. In the practical part, for ecologic American blueberry cultivation in the land area of 0,48 acres was shown in a business plan. Throughout that process, all essential aspects of this venture were analyzed and based on these results, it was concluded if the cultivation of blueberry, as a resource needed for improvement of life quality, is a good business opportunity. In theoretical part of the thesis, the methods of description, classification, analysis, compilation and comparison were used, while the practical part refers to the business plan, which includes the methods of analysis, synthesis and inductive and deductive method