206 research outputs found

    Quantum diagonalization of Hermitean matrices

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    To measure an observable of a quantum mechanical system leaves it in one of its eigenstates and the result of the measurement is one of its eigenvalues. This process is shown to be a computational resource: Hermitean (N ×N) matrices can be diagonalized, in principle, by performing appropriate quantum mechanical measurements. To do so, one considers the given matrix as an observable of a single spin with appropriate length s which can be measured using a generalized Stern-Gerlach apparatus. Then, each run provides one eigenvalue of the observable. As the underlying working principle is the `collapse of the wavefunction' associated with a measurement, the procedure is neither a digital nor an analogue calculation - it defines thus a new example of a quantum mechanical method of computation

    SIC-POVMs and the Extended Clifford Group

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    We describe the structure of the extended Clifford Group (defined to be the group consisting of all operators, unitary and anti-unitary, which normalize the generalized Pauli group (or Weyl-Heisenberg group as it is often called)). We also obtain a number of results concerning the structure of the Clifford Group proper (i.e. the group consisting just of the unitary operators which normalize the generalized Pauli group). We then investigate the action of the extended Clifford group operators on symmetric informationally complete POVMs (or SIC-POVMs) covariant relative to the action of the generalized Pauli group. We show that each of the fiducial vectors which has been constructed so far (including all the vectors constructed numerically by Renes et al) is an eigenvector of one of a special class of order 3 Clifford unitaries. This suggests a strengthening of a conjuecture of Zauner's. We give a complete characterization of the orbits and stability groups in dimensions 2-7. Finally, we show that the problem of constructing fiducial vectors may be expected to simplify in the infinite sequence of dimensions 7, 13, 19, 21, 31,... . We illustrate this point by constructing exact expressions for fiducial vectors in dimensions 7 and 19.Comment: 27 pages. Version 2 contains some additional discussion of Zauner's original conjecture, and an alternative, possibly stronger version of the conjecture in version 1 of this paper; also a few other minor improvement

    Calculation of two-loop virtual corrections to b --> s l+ l- in the standard model

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    We present in detail the calculation of the virtual O(alpha_s) corrections to the inclusive semi-leptonic rare decay b --> s l+ l-. We also include those O(alpha_s) bremsstrahlung contributions which cancel the infrared and mass singularities showing up in the virtual corrections. In order to avoid large resonant contributions, we restrict the invariant mass squared s of the lepton pair to the range 0.05 < s/mb^2 < 0.25. The analytic results are represented as expansions in the small parameters s/mb^2, z = mc^2/mb^2 and s/(4 mc^2). The new contributions drastically reduce the renormalization scale dependence of the decay spectrum. For the corresponding branching ratio (restricted to the above s-range) the renormalization scale uncertainty gets reduced from +/-13% to +/-6.5%.Comment: 41 pages including 9 postscript figures; in version 2 some typos and inconsistent notation correcte

    Transformation laws of the components of classical and quantum fields and Heisenberg relations

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    The paper recalls and point to the origin of the transformation laws of the components of classical and quantum fields. They are considered from the "standard" and fibre bundle point of view. The results are applied to the derivation of the Heisenberg relations in quite general setting, in particular, in the fibre bundle approach. All conclusions are illustrated in a case of transformations induced by the Poincar\'e group.Comment: 22 LaTeX pages. The packages AMS-LaTeX and amsfonts are required. For other papers on the same topic, view http://theo.inrne.bas.bg/~bozho/ . arXiv admin note: significant text overlap with arXiv:0809.017

    Complete gluon bremsstrahlung corrections to the process b -> s l+ l-

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    In a recent paper, we presented the calculation of the order (alpha_s) virtual corrections to b->s l+ l- and of those bremsstrahlung terms which are needed to cancel the infrared divergences. In the present paper we work out the remaining order(alpha_s) bremsstrahlung corrections to b->s l+ l- which do not suffer from infrared and collinear singularities. These new contributions turn out to be small numerically. In addition, we also investigate the impact of the definition of the charm quark mass on the numerical results.Comment: 20 pages including 11 postscript figure

    Reconstructing a pure state of a spin s through three Stern-Gerlach measurements: II

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    The density matrix of a spin s is fixed uniquely if the probabilities to obtain the value s upon measuring n.S are known for 4s(s+1) appropriately chosen directions n in space. These numbers are just the expectation values of the density operator in coherent spin states, and they can be determined in an experiment carried out with a Stern-Gerlach apparatus. Furthermore, the experimental data can be inverted providing thus a parametrization of the statistical operator by 4s(s+1) positive parameters

    Differential Calculi on Commutative Algebras

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    A differential calculus on an associative algebra A is an algebraic analogue of the calculus of differential forms on a smooth manifold. It supplies A with a structure on which dynamics and field theory can be formulated to some extent in very much the same way we are used to from the geometrical arena underlying classical physical theories and models. In previous work, certain differential calculi on a commutative algebra exhibited relations with lattice structures, stochastics, and parametrized quantum theories. This motivated the present systematic investigation of differential calculi on commutative and associative algebras. Various results about their structure are obtained. In particular, it is shown that there is a correspondence between first order differential calculi on such an algebra and commutative and associative products in the space of 1-forms. An example of such a product is provided by the Ito calculus of stochastic differentials. For the case where the algebra A is freely generated by `coordinates' x^i, i=1,...,n, we study calculi for which the differentials dx^i constitute a basis of the space of 1-forms (as a left A-module). These may be regarded as `deformations' of the ordinary differential calculus on R^n. For n < 4 a classification of all (orbits under the general linear group of) such calculi with `constant structure functions' is presented. We analyse whether these calculi are reducible (i.e., a skew tensor product of lower-dimensional calculi) or whether they are the extension (as defined in this article) of a one dimension lower calculus. Furthermore, generalizations to arbitrary n are obtained for all these calculi.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX. Revision: A remark about a quasilattice and Penrose tiling was incorrect in the first version of the paper (p. 14

    Gauge Formalism for General Relativity and Fermionic Matter

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    A new formalism for spinors on curved spaces is developed in the framework of variational calculus on fibre bundles. The theory has the same structure of a gauge theory and describes the interaction between the gravitational field and spinors. An appropriate gauge structure is also given to General Relativity, replacing the metric field with spin frames. Finally, conserved quantities and superpotentials are calculated under a general covariant form.Comment: 18 pages, Plain TEX, revision, explicit expression for superpotential has been adde

    bsγb\to s\gamma Constraints on the Minimal Supergravity Model with Large tanβ\tan\beta

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    In the minimal supergravity model (mSUGRA), as the parameter tanβ\tan\beta increases, the charged Higgs boson and light bottom squark masses decrease, which can potentially increase contributions from tH±tH^\pm, \tg\tb_j and \tz_i\tb_j loops in the decay bsγb\to s\gamma. We update a previous QCD improved bsγb\to s\gamma decay calculation to include in addition the effects of gluino and neutralino loops. We find that in the mSUGRA model, loops involving charginos also increase, and dominate over tWtW, tH±tH^\pm, \tg\tq and \tz_i\tq contributions for \tan\beta\agt 5-10. We find for large values of tanβ35\tan\beta \sim 35 that most of the parameter space of the mSUGRA model for μ<0\mu <0 is ruled out due to too large a value of branching ratio B(bsγ)B(b\to s\gamma). For μ>0\mu >0 and large tanβ\tan\beta, most of parameter space is allowed, although the regions with the least fine-tuning (low m0m_0 and m1/2m_{1/2}) are ruled out due to too low a value of B(bsγ)B(b\to s\gamma). We compare the constraints from bsγb\to s\gamma to constraints from the neutralino relic density, and to expectations for sparticle discovery at LEP2 and the Fermilab Tevatron ppˉp\bar p colliders. Finally, we show that non-universal GUT scale soft breaking squark mass terms can enhance gluino loop contributions to bsγb\to s\gamma decay rate even if these are diagonal.Comment: 14 page REVTEX file plus 6 PS figure

    Discrete Moyal-type representations for a spin

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    In Moyal’s formulation of quantum mechanics, a quantum spin s is described in terms of continuous symbols, i.e., by smooth functions on a two-dimensional sphere. Such prescriptions to associate operators with Wigner functions, P or Q symbols, are conveniently expressed in terms of operator kernels satisfying the Stratonovich-Weyl postulates. In analogy to this approach, a discrete Moyal formalism is defined on the basis of a modified set of postulates. It is shown that appropriately modified postulates single out a well-defined set of kernels that give rise to discrete symbols. Now operators are represented by functions taking values on (2s+1)2 points of the sphere. The discrete symbols contain no redundant information, contrary to the continuous ones. The properties of the resulting discrete Moyal formalism for a quantum spin are worked out in detail and compared to the continuous formalism