338 research outputs found

    Learning the Roots of Visual Domain Shift

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    In this paper we focus on the spatial nature of visual domain shift, attempting to learn where domain adaptation originates in each given image of the source and target set. We borrow concepts and techniques from the CNN visualization literature, and learn domainnes maps able to localize the degree of domain specificity in images. We derive from these maps features related to different domainnes levels, and we show that by considering them as a preprocessing step for a domain adaptation algorithm, the final classification performance is strongly improved. Combined with the whole image representation, these features provide state of the art results on the Office dataset.Comment: Extended Abstrac

    A Weaker Faithfulness Assumption based on Triple Interactions

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    One of the core assumptions in causal discovery is the faithfulness assumption---i.e. assuming that independencies found in the data are due to separations in the true causal graph. This assumption can, however, be violated in many ways, including xor connections, deterministic functions or cancelling paths. In this work, we propose a weaker assumption that we call 2-adjacency faithfulness. In contrast to adjacency faithfulness, which assumes that there is no conditional independence between each pair of variables that are connected in the causal graph, we only require no conditional independence between a node and a subset of its Markov blanket that can contain up to two nodes. Equivalently, we adapt orientation faithfulness to this setting. We further propose a sound orientation rule for causal discovery that applies under weaker assumptions. As a proof of concept, we derive a modified Grow and Shrink algorithm that recovers the Markov blanket of a target node and prove its correctness under strictly weaker assumptions than the standard faithfulness assumption

    Conditional BRUNO: A neural process for exchangeable labelled data

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    We present a neural process that models exchangeable sequences of high-dimensional complex observations conditionally on a set of labels or tags. Our model combines the expressiveness of deep neural networks with the data-efficiency of Gaussian processes, resulting in a probabilistic model for which the posterior distribution is easy to evaluate and sample from, and the computational complexity scales linearly with the number of observations. The advantages of the proposed architecture are demonstrated on a challenging few-shot view reconstruction task which requires generalisation from short sequences of viewpoints

    Decision-Theoretic Planning with non-Markovian Rewards

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    A decision process in which rewards depend on history rather than merely on the current state is called a decision process with non-Markovian rewards (NMRDP). In decision-theoretic planning, where many desirable behaviours are more naturally expressed as properties of execution sequences rather than as properties of states, NMRDPs form a more natural model than the commonly adopted fully Markovian decision process (MDP) model. While the more tractable solution methods developed for MDPs do not directly apply in the presence of non-Markovian rewards, a number of solution methods for NMRDPs have been proposed in the literature. These all exploit a compact specification of the non-Markovian reward function in temporal logic, to automatically translate the NMRDP into an equivalent MDP which is solved using efficient MDP solution methods. This paper presents NMRDPP (Non-Markovian Reward Decision Process Planner), a software platform for the development and experimentation of methods for decision-theoretic planning with non-Markovian rewards. The current version of NMRDPP implements, under a single interface, a family of methods based on existing as well as new approaches which we describe in detail. These include dynamic programming, heuristic search, and structured methods. Using NMRDPP, we compare the methods and identify certain problem features that affect their performance. NMRDPPs treatment of non-Markovian rewards is inspired by the treatment of domain-specific search control knowledge in the TLPlan planner, which it incorporates as a special case. In the First International Probabilistic Planning Competition, NMRDPP was able to compete and perform well in both the domain-independent and hand-coded tracks, using search control knowledge in the latter

    Practical Kernel Tests of Conditional Independence

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    We describe a data-efficient, kernel-based approach to statistical testing of conditional independence. A major challenge of conditional independence testing, absent in tests of unconditional independence, is to obtain the correct test level (the specified upper bound on the rate of false positives), while still attaining competitive test power. Excess false positives arise due to bias in the test statistic, which is obtained using nonparametric kernel ridge regression. We propose three methods for bias control to correct the test level, based on data splitting, auxiliary data, and (where possible) simpler function classes. We show these combined strategies are effective both for synthetic and real-world data

    A kernel method for the two-sample-problem

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    We propose two statistical tests to determine if two samples are from different dis-tributions. Our test statistic is in both cases the distance between the means of the two samples mapped into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). The first test is based on a large deviation bound for the test statistic, while the second is based on the asymptotic distribution of this statistic. The test statistic can be com-puted in O(m2) time. We apply our approach to a variety of problems, including attribute matching for databases using the Hungarian marriage method, where our test performs strongly. We also demonstrate excellent performance when compar-ing distributions over graphs, for which no alternative tests currently exist

    Efficient Conditionally Invariant Representation Learning

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    We introduce the Conditional Independence Regression CovariancE (CIRCE), a measure of conditional independence for multivariate continuous-valued variables. CIRCE applies as a regularizer in settings where we wish to learn neural features φ(X) of data X to estimate a target Y , while being conditionally independent of a distractor Z given Y . Both Z and Y are assumed to be continuous-valued but relatively low dimensional, whereas X and its features may be complex and high dimensional. Relevant settings include domain-invariant learning, fairness, and causal learning. The procedure requires just a single ridge regression from Y to kernelized features of Z, which can be done in advance. It is then only necessary to enforce independence of φ(X) from residuals of this regression, which is possible with attractive estimation properties and consistency guarantees. By contrast, earlier measures of conditional feature dependence require multiple regressions for each step of feature learning, resulting in more severe bias and variance, and greater computational cost. When sufficiently rich features are used, we establish that CIRCE is zero if and only if φ(X) ⊥⊥ Z | Y . In experiments, we show superior performance to previous methods on challenging benchmarks, including learning conditionally invariant image features

    Of Law Commissioning

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