6 research outputs found

    Production costs in Estonia dairy farms, 2009-2013

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    Põllumajandussektori üheks oluliseks põllumajanduslikuks tootmisharuks on piimatootmine, kuna enam kui kolmandiku põllumajanduse sissetulekust moodustab piimatootmine. Piima tootmisel ja sellega seotud teistel tootmisvaldkondadel on oluline roll ka ekspordis ning suur sotsiaalmajanduslik mõju riigi maaelu arengule tervikuna. Ettevõtte tootmistegevuse üheks põhinäitajateks on erinevad kulud, mille abil on võimalik anda hinnang tootmistegevusele. Aastatel 2009-2013 on Eesti piimatootjate kulud olnud kasvavas trendis, kuid seejuures on kasvanud ka piimatootjate tootmismaht. Tänu efektiivsetele juhtimisotsustele ja kulude juhtimisele on Eesti piimatootjad suurendanud tootmismahtu väiksemate kuludega. Juhtimisotsused ja kulude tekkimine on omavahelises seoses. Kulude kasvamine mõjutab eelkõige ettevõtte kasumlikkust, jätkusuutlikkust ning investeerimisvõimet.One of the most important agricultural industry in Estonia's agricultural sector is dairy farming, as its income accounts for more than a third of the milk producing. Milk production has an important role in exports and a major socioeconomic impact on the state of rural development as a whole. The main indicators of company’s manufacturing operations’ are different expenditures which becomes the basis for self-cost. Based on these economic indicators it is possible to provide an assessment of the activities of the Estonian dairy producers. 2009-2013 the Estonian dairy producers have been able to reduce costs, while increasing production. When costs increase, it particularly affects the company 's profitability , sustainability and the ability to invest

    Norwegian music students’ perceptions and experiences of challenges and resources for health

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    IntroductionMusic students in higher education experience health-related challenges linked to practice and performance, while an understanding of these challenges and access to resources to deal with them are required to promote the students´ health. Health literacy and health education are integral parts of health promotion and resources for health, which encompasses health-related knowledge and competence aiming to improve health. The aim of this study was to explore Norwegian music students’ perceptions and experiences of resources and challenges for health and address the following research question: What health-related challenges do music students in higher music education meet, and what health promoting resources do they need and use to deal with these challenges and promote their health?MethodsWe conducted a qualitative study including three focus group interviews with 13 music students aged between 19 and 31 years studying classical, folk, jazz or rhythmic genres from five different music departments in Norwegian universities. The Salutogenic model of health was used as theoretical framework and a few questions regarding the concept of health literacy were included in the interviews. We used thematic network analysis to analyze the data.ResultsMain health challenges were related to performance pressure and difficulties implementing good health habits in the students` daily lives. Furthermore, the findings revealed several resources that promoted the students’ health: (1) Personal resources included situational understanding, using adequate coping strategies, high motivation and participating in regular physical activity. (2) Social resources involved an understanding of the importance of social support from peers and teachers and synergy created between themselves and the audience through sharing of music. (3) Environmental resources were linked to access to good rehearsal rooms. The music students expressed a need for increased competence in health promoting routines during practice and performance and suggested that health-related topics should be an integrated part of education

    Norwegian music students’ perceptions and experiences of challenges and resources for health

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    Introduction: Music students in higher education experience health-related challenges linked to practice and performance, while an understanding of these challenges and access to resources to deal with them are required to promote the students´ health. Health literacy and health education are integral parts of health promotion and resources for health, which encompasses health-related knowledge and competence aiming to improve health. The aim of this study was to explore Norwegian music students’ perceptions and experiences of resources and challenges for health and address the following research question: What health-related challenges do music students in higher music education meet, and what health promoting resources do they need and use to deal with these challenges and promote their health? Methods: We conducted a qualitative study including three focus group interviews with 13 music students aged between 19 and 31 years studying classical, folk, jazz or rhythmic genres from five different music departments in Norwegian universities. The Salutogenic model of health was used as theoretical framework and a few questions regarding the concept of health literacy were included in the interviews. We used thematic network analysis to analyze the data. Results: Main health challenges were related to performance pressure and difficulties implementing good health habits in the students` daily lives. Furthermore, the findings revealed several resources that promoted the students’ health: (1) Personal resources included situational understanding, using adequate coping strategies, high motivation and participating in regular physical activity. (2) Social resources involved an understanding of the importance of social support from peers and teachers and synergy created between themselves and the audience through sharing of music. (3) Environmental resources were linked to access to good rehearsal rooms. The music students expressed a need for increased competence in health promoting routines during practice and performance and suggested that health-related topics should be an integrated part of education.publishedVersio

    The sound of music students' health promoting resources - Music students' experiences and perceptions of health and health literacy

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    Lyden av musikkstudenters helsefremmende ressurser - Musikkstudenters erfaringer, opplevelser og oppfatninger om helse og helsekompetanse Bakgrunn Musikkstudenter under høyere utdanning kan møte helseutfordringer, men har også ressurser som kan fremme helsen. Helsekompetanse kan bidra til helsefremming. Et ressursperspektiv for helse hos musikkstudenter, det vil si et salutogent perspektiv, er lite utforsket. Hensikt Å utforske musikkstudenters erfaringer, opplevelser og oppfatninger om helse i et salutogent perspektiv ved å belyse deres helserelaterte utfordringer og ressurser knyttet til å utøve musikk. I tillegg ble studentenes erfaringer og oppfatninger av helsekompetanse belyst. Metode Det ble gjennomført tre fokusgruppeintervjuer med totalt 13 musikkstudenter mellom 19-31 år fra fem ulike musikkutdanninger i Norge. Studentene studerte klassisk musikk, folkemusikk, jazzmusikk eller rytmisk sjanger. Data ble analysert gjennom tematisk nettverksanalyse. Analysen ble gjennomført med en fenomenologisk og salutogen innfallsvinkel. Funn Funnene ble inndelt i 26 grunnleggende, åtte organisatoriske og to globale tema. Prestasjonspress var den største helseutfordringen. Press på å ivareta helsen kunne øke prestasjonspresset. Musikkstudentene viste sterk opplevelse av sammenheng gjennom god forståelse av egen situasjon, god håndtering og mestring av utfordringer, samt høy opplevelse av mening knyttet til musikken. Samtidig uttrykte studentene at de hadde manglende kunnskap og kompetanse om helsefremming. Konklusjon Musikkstudentene var bevisst på ansvar for egen helse og hadde fysiske, psykiske og sosiale ressurser som de kunne bruke i møte med helserelaterte utfordringer, som prestasjonspress. Samtidig opplevde studentene at det var behov for å øke helsekompetansen i musikkutdanningen for å styrke mulighetene til å fremme egen helse og styrke sine levevilkår som studenter og senere i yrkeslivet. Nøkkelord Musikkstudenter, helse, salutogenese, helsekompetanse, helsefremming, fokusgrupper.The sound of music students' health promoting resources - Music students' experiences and perceptions of health and health literacy Introduction Music students in higher education face health challenges but have resources for promoting health and health literacy can be a contribution for health promotion. However, resources related to health among music students in a salutogenic perspective needs further exploration. Purpose To explore music students' experiences and perceptions of health and health-related challenges and resources in a salutogenic perspective and to explore theirs experiences and perceptions of health literacy. Methods Qualitative data was collected through three focus group interviews. A total of 13 music students between 19-31 years from five different music educations in Norway participated. They studied classical music, folk music, jazz music or rhythmic genre. Thematic network analyses with a phenomenological and salutogenic approach were used to analyze data. Results From the analyses 26 basic, eight organizational and two global themes emerged. Performance pressure was experienced as the biggest health challenge, and pressure to maintain good health could increase it. The students showed a strong sense of coherence through a comprehensive understanding of their situation, mastery of challenges and a high experience of meaning related to music performance. They expressed a lack of knowledge and competence regarding health promotion. Conclusion The music students expressed responsibility for own health and possessed physical, mental and social resources to use in health-related challenges. However, a need to increase health literacy in music education to strengthen music students' opportunities to promote health both as students and as musicians were expressed. Keywords Music students, health, salutogenesis, health literacy, health promotion, focus groups.Masteroppgave i helsefremmende arbeid og helsepsykologiHEFR395MAPS-LOGMAPS-HEF

    Competitiveness of Estonian dairy farm in the example of Viraito LLC

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    Magistritöö Ettevõtluse ja ökonoomika õppekavalKonkurentsivõimel on muutuvas majanduses olulise tähtsusega. Keeruliste turutingimuste tõttu on piimatootjate viimaste aastate tegevus kahjumlik. Töö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada OÜ Viraito konkurentsivõime. Käesolevas töös on konkurentsivõime samalaadne tootlikkusega ja tulemusnäitajatega. Konkurentsivõime välja selgitamiseks on vaadeldud ettevõtte tulemusi mõjutavaid tegureid, tulemusnäitajaid ja tootlikkusnäitajaid. Eesmärgi täitmiseks kasutatakse võrdlusuuringut, kus omavahel võrreldakse OÜ Viraito ja FADN andmebaasi testettevõtete majandustulemusi. Valimisse kuuluvad koos OÜ-ga Viraito veel 14 piimatootjat. Töös kasutatakse andmeid aastatel 2011-2015. Valitud ajavahemik on piisav, sest selle perioodi sisse jäävad turutingimuste muutused, mis mõjutavad piimatootjate tegevust. Töö tulemustest selgus, et aastatel 2011-2015 on valimis olevate piimatootjate konkurentsivõime oluliselt langenud. Konkurentsivõime langus tuleneb eelkõige põllumajandussaaduste tootjahindade drastilisest langusest ja põllumajandussaaduste tootmise vahendite ostuhindade tõusust. OÜ Viraito konkurentsivõime välja selgitamisel ilmnes, et ajavahemikul 2011-2015 on konkurentsivõimet suurendavaks teguriks stabiilselt tugev töö- ja maa tootlikkus. Teisalt vähendab ettevõtte konkurentsipositsiooni teiste tootjate seas kõrged loomakasvatuse erikulud ja söödakulud. Töö tulemused on rakendatavad OÜ Viraito konkurentsivõime parendamiseks. Keerulise turuolukorra ja raskete majanduslike tingimuste tõttu on konkurentsivõime säilitamiseks oluline välja selgitada ettevõtte konkurentsivõime probleemsed kohad ja teada tugevaid kohti.Competitiveness has an important role in a rapidly changing economy. The objective of this Master’s thesis is to find out the competitiveness of Viraito LLC. In this work competitiveness is considered as productivity and performance. To identify the competitiveness are used factors that influence company results, performance indicators and producitvity indicators. Benchmarking is used to compare the results. Author was prepared sample of dairy farms to compare the results. In sample are 15 dairy farmers- Viraito LLC and 14 dairy farms who are in FADN database and belong to the same economic size class that Viraito LLC. The data was used for the period of 2011-2015. The selected time is sufficient because in this periood the market conditions has changed and that affects dairy farmers directly. For the results, the periood of 2011-2015 the competitiveness of dairy farmers has fallen. The drastic decline of agricultural producer prices and rise of agricultural input purchase is the reason why the competitiveness has decreased. Competitiveness of Viraito LLC is the periood of 2011-2015 middle of sample. Company competitiveness has rised by labour productivity and land productivity. Viraito competitive position is decreased by specific costs of livestock and feed consumption. The results of this work are implemented for Viraito LLC to enhance the competitiveness. Viraito has to know their strengths and weaknesses to cope the critical market situation and difficult economic conditions

    Handling of radical prostatectomy specimens: total or partial embedding?

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    International audienceProper examination and accurate reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens (RPS) is essential in determining post-surgical treatment and predicting patient outcome. Surveys have demonstrated the absence of consensus on handling of RPS. Aims: To determine whether significant information is lost when only half of the horizontal tissue sections are examined. Methods and Results: During a one-year period, 238 RPS were sectioned into horizontal slices. Apex and basis was cut sagitally, and remaining slices were embedded in quadrants. Glass slides from every second horizontal slice were withheld. The remaining slides were evaluated microscopically, and essential pathological parameters were recorded. Subsequently, a full report was compiled, including the withheld slides. A median of 12 slides (30%) were withheld during initial assessment. In 8 RPS (3.2%) the pTNM stage had to be changed; in 6 cases (2.6%) from pT2b to pT2c and in 2 cases (0.8%) from pT2c to pT3a. In 1 RPS (0.4%) the surgical margin status was changed. Conclusions: Only little information is lost with systematic partial embedding, overlooking features significant for the postoperative treatment in only 1.2%. Partial embedding as suggested, decreasing the laboratory workload by 30%, is concluded to be acceptable for valid histopathological assessment