242 research outputs found

    Night Thoughts / Beauty

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    OER Metadata Rosetta Stone

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    This document is the technical specification of core and contextual elements for Open Educational Resources using existing schema to create a Metadata Application Profile. It provides a list of relevant classes and properties used in OER metadata records at the institutional and repository level. It is our hope that this document will support best practices for OER repositories and institutions to leverage existing library expertise and networks

    Navigating SEL From the Inside Out: Looking Inside & Across 18 Leading SEL Programs: A Practical Resource for Schools and OST ProvidersMiddle & High School Focus

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    The field of social and emotional learning (SEL) is rapidly expanding, as evidence emerges that social and emotional skills have a positive impact on learning and life outcomes. This guide to evidence-based SEL programs provides detailed information on 18 middle and high school programs, encompassing curricular content and program highlights. School or out-of-school-time program practitioners interested in SEL can use the resource to look "inside and across" SEL programs to better understand their content and assess their fit with school district or community needs.?The guide was written by Harvard Graduate School of Education professor Stephanie Jones, an expert in social and emotional learning, and a team of researchers. It is a practical resource that provides profiles of each program, including the specific skills targeted and instructional methods used. Some programs, for example, are designed to help students regulate their behavior and build positive relationships, while others are aimed at developing certain mindsets or character traits.Much of the guide focuses on detailed program information, while introductory chapters discuss a range of topics, including SEL in out-of-school-time (OST) programming, equitable SEL and a trauma-sensitive approach to SEL.In addition to helping schools and OST providers make decisions about choosing a social and emotional learning program, the guide is designed to be a useful resource for those who want to better understand social and emotional learning and the landscape of available programs or assess the effectiveness of one they are already using. A supplement includes worksheets to help users select a program and think through considerations on everything from program components to program duration and cost.??Key components of the guide include: Background information on SEL and its benefits, including key features of effective programs and common implementation challenges, A summary of the evidence base for each of the 18 programs, Recommendations for adapting the programs to OST settings, Summary tables that allow users to compare unique features, program components, and instructional methods, as well as see which skills each program targets, and Detailed individual profiles for each of the programs

    Chemodynamics of Compact Stellar Systems in NGC 5128: How similar are Globular Clusters, Ultra-Compact Dwarfs, and Dwarf Galaxies?

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    Velocity dispersion measurements are presented for luminous GCs in NGC 5128 derived from high-res. UVES spectra. The measurements are made with the pPXF code that parametrically recovers line-of-sight velocity dispersions. Combining the measured velocity dispersions with surface photometry and structural parameter data from HST enables both dynamical masses and M/L ratios to be derived. The fundamental plane relations of these clusters are investigated in order to fill the apparent gap between the relations of Local Group GCs and more massive early-type galaxies. It is found that the properties of these massive stellar systems match those of nuclear clusters in dwarf elliptical galaxies and UCDs better than those of Local Group GCs, and that all objects share similarly old (>8 Gyr) ages, suggesting a possible link between the formation and evolution of dE,Ns, UCDs and massive GCs. We find a very steep correlation between dynamical (M/L) ratio and dynamical mass of the form (M/L)_dyn ~ M_dyn^(0.24+/-0.02) above M_dyn = 2x10^6 Msol. Formation scenarios are investigated with a chemical abundance analysis using absorption line strengths calibrated to the Lick/IDS index system. The results lend support to two scenarios contained within a single general formation scheme. Old, massive, super-solar [alpha/Fe] systems are formed on short (<100 Myr) timescales through the merging of single-collapse GCs which themselves are formed within single, giant molecular clouds. More intermediate- and old-aged (~3-10 Gyr), solar- to sub-solar [alpha/Fe] systems are formed on much longer (~Gyr) timescales through the stripping of dE,Ns in the 10^13-10^15 Msol potential wells of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters.Comment: 12 pages (ApJ style) with 11 figures and 7 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Navigating Social and Emotional Learning from the Inside Out: ?????????????????????Looking Inside and Across 33 leading SEL Programs: A Practical Resource for Schools and OST Providers

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    The field of social and emotional learning (SEL) is rapidly expanding, as educators bring a sharper focus to helping children build skills beyond academic knowledge. School climate initiatives, anti-bullying work, positive behavior supports and other SEL efforts are now steering programs in schools and out-of-school-time (OST) settings across the country. Building children's SEL skills has taken on even more urgency in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.This updated and expanded guide to evidence-based SEL programs offers detailed information on 33 pre-K through elementary school programs, encompassing curricular content and program highlights. Practitioners from schools, early childhood education (ECE) providers and out-of-school time (OST) can use this resource to look "inside and across" programs to better understand program content and assess program fit with their district or community needs.New chapters in the 2021 edition include recommendations for achieving equitable SEL (including common barriers and best practices) and guidance on trauma-informed or trauma-sensitive approaches to SEL, which includes principles, practices and recommendations for integrating SEL into regular practice

    Short-term changes in ultrasound tomography measures of breast density and treatment-associated endocrine symptoms after tamoxifen therapy

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    Although breast density decline with tamoxifen therapy is associated with greater therapeutic benefit, limited data suggest that endocrine symptoms may also be associated with improved breast cancer outcomes. However, it is unknown whether endocrine symptoms are associated with reductions in breast density after tamoxifen initiation. We evaluated treatment-associated endocrine symptoms and breast density change among 74 women prescribed tamoxifen in a 12-month longitudinal study. Treatment-associated endocrine symptoms and sound speed measures of breast density, assessed via novel whole breast ultrasound tomography (m/s), were ascertained before tamoxifen (T0) and at 1-3 (T1), 4-6 (T2), and 12 months (T3) after initiation. CYP2D6 status was genotyped, and tamoxifen metabolites were measured at T3. Using multivariable linear regression, we estimated mean change in breast density by treatment-associated endocrine symptoms adjusting for age, race, menopausal status, body mass index, and baseline density. Significant breast density declines were observed in women with treatment-associated endocrine symptoms (mean change (95% confidence interval) at T1:-0.26 m/s (-2.17,1.65); T2:-2.12 m/s (-4.02,-0.22); T3:-3.73 m/s (-5.82,-1.63); p-trend = 0.004), but not among women without symptoms (p-trend = 0.18) (p-interaction = 0.02). Similar declines were observed with increasing symptom frequency (p-trends for no symptoms = 0.91; low/moderate symptoms = 0.03; high symptoms = 0.004). Density declines remained among women with detectable tamoxifen metabolites or intermediate/efficient CYP2D6 metabolizer status. Emergent/worsening endocrine symptoms are associated with significant, early declines in breast density after tamoxifen initiation. Further studies are needed to assess whether these observations predict clinical outcomes. If confirmed, endocrine symptoms may be a proxy for tamoxifen response and useful for patients and providers to encourage adherence
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