146 research outputs found

    Post-genomic insights into plant nodulation symbioses

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    Several legume genes involved in establishing nitrogen fixation have been discovered using functional genomics; when mutated, the genes affect symbioses, and all encode receptor kinases. This provides long-awaited insights into a complex plant-bacterium interaction and heralds the possibility of extending the range of plants susceptible to nitrogen-fixing nodulation

    A dicarboxylate transporter on the peribacteroid membrane of soybean nodules

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    AbstractUsing preparations of peribacteroid membrane (PBM)-enclosed bacteroids from soybean root nodules, we show here that the PBM possesses a dicarboxylate transporter capable of mediating a rapid flux of dicarboxylate anions, such as malate and succinate, to the bacteroids inside the nodule. The transporter has a higher affinity for the monovalent malate anion than for the succinate anion (Km = 2 and 15 μM, respectively) although the Vmax for malate− appears to be lower than for succinate− (Vmax = 11 and 30 nmol·min−1·mg protein−1, respectively)

    Lotus japonicus Nodulates and Fixes Nitrogen with the Broad Host Range Rhizobium sp. NGR234

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    Lotus japonicus possesses major advantages as a model legume for the study of plant-microbe interactions. The relative absence of genetic information on its normal microbial partner (i.e., Mesorhizobium loti) could limit its utility in research. Here we show for the first time that the broad host range Rhizobium strain NGR234 nodulates and fixes nitrogen in symbiosis with Lotus japonicus ecotypes "Gifu” and "Funakura”. We demonstrate that bacterial mutants deficient in nodulation or nitrogen fixation possess the expected phenotype with L.japonicus. Nodulation of L.japonicus was sensitive to nitrate. Vermiculite was an efficient synthetic growth substrate, allowing axenic growth in Magenta jars. The genetic analysis of the Lotus japonicus-Mesorhizobium interaction should be accelerated through the use of this well-defined microsymbion

    Advances in the identification of novel factors required in soybean nodulation, a process critical to sustainable agriculture and food security

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    Nodulation is a process of organogenesis that results from a symbiotic relationship between legume plants and soil-dwelling, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, called rhizobia. The rhizobia are housed in newly formed structures on the host roots, called nodules. Within nodules, the rhizobia fix atmospheric N2 into useable forms of nitrogen for the plant. This process is highly important to agriculture, as nitrogen is critical for plant growth and development and is typically the main component of fertilizers. Although fertilizers are effective, they are expensive and often pollute, making biological alternatives, such as legume nodulation, attractive for use in agriculture. Nodulation is regulated by the auto regulation of nodulation (AON) pathway, which enables the host plant to balance its needs between nitrogen acquisition and energy expenditure. Current research is elucidating the nodule development and AON signalling networks. Recent technological advances, such as RNA-sequencing, are revolutionizing the discovery of genes that are critical to nodulation. The discovery of such genes not only enhances our knowledge of the nodulation signalling network, but may help to underpin future work to isolate superior legume crops via modern breeding and engineering practices. Here, recent advances using the cutting-edge technique of RNA sequencing to identify new nodulation genes in soybean are discussed

    Bioinformatic analysis of the CLE signaling peptide family

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    Background. Plants encode a large number of leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases. Legumes encode several LRR-RLK linked to the process of root nodule formation, the ligands of which are unknown. To identify ligands for these receptors, we used a combination of profile hidden Markov models and position-specific iterative BLAST, allowing us to detect new members of the CLV3/ESR (CLE) protein family from publicly available sequence databases. Results. We identified 114 new members of the CLE protein family from various plant species, as well as five protein sequences containing multiple CLE domains. We were able to cluster the CLE domain proteins into 13 distinct groups based on their pairwise similarities in the primary CLE motif. In addition, we identified secondary motifs that coincide with our sequence clusters. The groupings based on the CLE motifs correlate with known biological functions of CLE signaling peptides and are analogous to groupings based on phylogenetic analysis and ectopic overexpression studies. We tested the biological function of two of the predicted CLE signaling peptides in the legume Medicago truncatula. These peptides inhibit the activity of the root apical and lateral root meristems in a manner consistent with our functional predictions based on other CLE signaling peptides clustering in the same groups. Conclusion. Our analysis provides an identification and classification of a large number of novel potential CLE signaling peptides. The additional motifs we found could lead to future discovery of recognition sites for processing peptidases as well as predictions for receptor binding specificity

    The structure and activity of nodulation-suppressing CLE peptide hormones of legumes

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    Abstract. Legumes form a highly-regulated symbiotic relationship with specific soil bacteria known as rhizobia. This interaction results in the de novo formation of root organs called nodules, in which the rhizobia fix atmospheric di-nitrogen (N2) for the plant. Molecular mechanisms that regulate the nodulation process include the systemic ‘autoregulation of nodulation ’ and the local nitrogen-regulation of nodulation pathways. Both pathways are mediated by novel peptide hormones called CLAVATA/ESR-related (CLE) peptides that act to suppress nodulation via negative feedback loops. The mature peptides are 12–13 amino acids in length and are post-translationally modified from the C-terminus of tripartite-domain prepropeptides. Structural redundancy between the prepropeptides exists; however, variations in external stimuli, timing of expression, tissue specificity and presence or absence of key functional domains enables them to act in a specific manner. To date, nodulation-regulating CLE peptides have been identified inGlycine max (L.) Merr.,Medicago truncatula Gaertn., Lotus japonicus (Regel) K.Larsen and Phaseolus vulgaris L. One of the L. japonicus peptides, called LjCLE-RS2, has been structurally characterised and found to be an arabinosylated glycopeptide. All of the known nodulation CLE peptides act via an orthologous leucine rich repeat (LRR) receptor kinase. Perception of the peptide results in the production of a novel, unidentified inhibitor signal that acts to suppress further nodulation events. Here, we contrast and compare the various nodulation-suppressing CLE peptides of legumes

    Triarabinosylation is required for nodulation-suppressive CLE peptides to systemically inhibit nodulation in Pisum sativum

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    Legumes form root nodules to house beneficial nitrogen-fixing rhizobia bacteria. However, nodulation is resource demanding; hence, legumes evolved a systemic signalling mechanism, called Autoregulation of Nodulation (AON), to control nodule numbers. AON begins with the production of CLE peptides in the root, which are predicted to be glycosylated, transported to the shoot, and perceived. We synthesised variants of nodulation-suppressing CLE peptides to test their activity using petiole feeding to introduce CLE peptides into the shoot. Hydroxylated, monoarabinosylated and triarabinosylated variants of soybean GmRIC1a and GmRIC2a were chemically synthesised and fed into recipient Pisum sativum (pea) plants, which were used due to the availability of key AON pathway mutants unavailable in soybean. Triarabinosylated GmRIC1a and GmRIC2a suppressed nodulation of wild-type pea, whereas no other peptide variant tested had this ability. Suppression also occurred in the supernodulating hydroxyproline O-arabinosyltransferase mutant, Psnod3, but not in the supernodulating receptor mutants, Pssym29, and to some extent, Pssym28. During our study, bioinformatic resources for pea became available and our analyses identified 40 CLE peptide-encoding genes, including orthologues of nodulation-suppressive CLE peptides. Collectively, we demonstrated that soybean nodulation-suppressive CLE peptides can function interspecifically in the AON pathway of pea and require arabinosylation for their activity

    Epigenome erosion and SOX10 drive neural crest phenotypic mimicry in triple-negative breast cancer

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    Intratumoral heterogeneity is caused by genomic instability and phenotypic plasticity, but how these features co-evolve remains unclear. SOX10 is a neural crest stem cell (NCSC) specifier and candidate mediator of phenotypic plasticity in cancer. We investigated its relevance in breast cancer by immunophenotyping 21 normal breast and 1860 tumour samples. Nuclear SOX10 was detected in normal mammary luminal progenitor cells, the histogenic origin of most TNBCs. In tumours, nuclear SOX10 was almost exclusive to TNBC, and predicted poorer outcome amongst cross-sectional (p = 0.0015, hazard ratio 2.02, n = 224) and metaplastic (p = 0.04, n = 66) cases. To understand SOX10’s influence over the transcriptome during the transition from normal to malignant states, we performed a systems-level analysis of co-expression data, de-noising the networks with an eigen-decomposition method. This identified a core module in SOX10’s normal mammary epithelial network that becomes rewired to NCSC genes in TNBC. Crucially, this reprogramming was proportional to genome-wide promoter methylation loss, particularly at lineage-specifying CpG-island shores. We propose that the progressive, genome-wide methylation loss in TNBC simulates more primitive epigenome architecture, making cells vulnerable to SOX10-driven reprogramming. This study demonstrates potential utility for SOX10 as a prognostic biomarker in TNBC and provides new insights about developmental phenotypic mimicry—a major contributor to intratumoral heterogeneity