23 research outputs found

    Genetic Variation in Selenoprotein Genes, Lifestyle, and Risk of Colon and Rectal Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Associations between selenium and cancer have directed attention to role of selenoproteins in the carcinogenic process. METHODS: We used data from two population-based case-control studies of colon (n = 1555 cases, 1956 controls) and rectal (n = 754 cases, 959 controls) cancer. We evaluated the association between genetic variation in TXNRD1, TXNRD2, TXNRD3, C11orf31 (SelH), SelW, SelN1, SelS, SepX, and SeP15 with colorectal cancer risk. RESULTS: After adjustment for multiple comparisons, several associations were observed. Two SNPs in TXNRD3 were associated with rectal cancer (rs11718498 dominant OR 1.42 95% CI 1.16,1.74 pACT 0.0036 and rs9637365 recessive 0.70 95% CI 0.55,0.90 pACT 0.0208). Four SNPs in SepN1 were associated with rectal cancer (rs11247735 recessive OR 1.30 95% CI 1.04,1.63 pACT 0.0410; rs2072749 GGvsAA OR 0.53 95% CI 0.36,0.80 pACT 0.0159; rs4659382 recessive OR 0.58 95% CI 0.39,0.86 pACT 0.0247; rs718391 dominant OR 0.76 95% CI 0.62,0.94 pACT 0.0300). Interaction between these genes and exposures that could influence these genes showed numerous significant associations after adjustment for multiple comparisons. Two SNPs in TXNRD1 and four SNPs in TXNRD2 interacted with aspirin/NSAID to influence colon cancer; one SNP in TXNRD1, two SNPs in TXNRD2, and one SNP in TXNRD3 interacted with aspirin/NSAIDs to influence rectal cancer. Five SNPs in TXNRD2 and one in SelS, SeP15, and SelW1 interacted with estrogen to modify colon cancer risk; one SNP in SelW1 interacted with estrogen to alter rectal cancer risk. Several SNPs in this candidate pathway influenced survival after diagnosis with colon cancer (SeP15 and SepX1 increased HRR) and rectal cancer (SepX1 increased HRR). CONCLUSIONS: Findings support an association between selenoprotein genes and colon and rectal cancer development and survival after diagnosis. Given the interactions observed, it is likely that the impact of cancer susceptibility from genotype is modified by lifestyle

    Das HAW-Projekt: Versuchseinlagerung hochradioaktiver Strahlenquellen im Salzbergwerk Asse Stoffbestand und Petrophysik des Steinsalzes im HAW-Feld (Asse, 800-m-Sohle)

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    The paper gives a summary of all geological, mineralogical, geochemical and petrophysical results of the studies performed to characterize rock salt before starting the actual test storage. Nevertheless it is incomplete, because the essential second part, i.e. the storage of high-level radioactive test sources (Co-60, Sr-90) together with a heating up and irradiation of the salt, is not carried out for reasons not to be justified here. However, in order to give a certain meaning to the many years of comprehensive studies, they are subsequently summarized with their most important results and thus made available for a possible later or other use. Yet one should not fail to see that the breaking off of the total project has had an impact on the results already achieved and is jointly responsible for possible gaps or unfinished parts of the work. (orig./HP)Der Bericht stellt eine Zusammenfassung aller geologischen, mineralogischen, geochemischen und petrophysikalischen Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen dar, die zur Charakterisierung des Steinsalzes vor Beginn der eigentlichen Versuchseinlagerung durchgefuehrt wurden. Gleichwohl bleibt er Stueckwerk, weil der wesentliche zweite Teil, d.h. die Einlagerung hochradioaktiver Versuchsquellen (Co-60, Sr-90) verbunden mit einer Aufheizung und Bestrahlung des Salzes, aus hier nicht zu vertretenden Gruenden nicht mehr zur Durchfuehrung kommt. Um den jahrelangen, umfangreichen Untersuchungen doch noch einen gewissen Sinn zu geben, werden sie mit den wichtigsten Ergebnissen nachfolgend zusammengefasst und dadurch fuer eine eventuelle spaetere bzw. anderweitige Verwendung bereitgestellt. Dabei darf nicht uebersehen werden, dass der Abbruch des Gesamtprojektes auch nicht ohne Auswirkung auf die bereits vorliegenden Ergebnisse geblieben und mitverantwortlich ist fuer eventuelle Luecken bzw. nicht zu Ende gefuehrte Teilarbeiten. (orig./HP)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RO 2674(994,16) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany); Commission of the European Communities (CEC), Luxembourg (Luxembourg)DEGerman