22 research outputs found

    Mistimed malaria parasites re‐synchronise with host feeding‐fasting rhythms by shortening the duration of intra‐erythrocytic development

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    AIMS: Malaria parasites exhibit daily rhythms in the intra‐erythrocytic development cycle (IDC) that underpins asexual replication in the blood. The IDC schedule is aligned with the timing of host feeding‐fasting rhythms. When the IDC schedule is perturbed to become mismatched to host rhythms, it readily reschedules but it is not known how. METHODS: We intensively follow four groups of infections that have different temporal alignments between host rhythms and the IDC schedule for 10 days, before and after the peak in asexual densities. We compare how the duration, synchrony and timing of the IDC differs between parasites in control infections and those forced to reschedule by 12 hours and ask whether the density of parasites affects the rescheduling process. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Our experiments reveal parasites shorten the IDC duration by 2–3 hours to become realigned to host feeding‐fasting rhythms with 5–6 days, in a density‐independent manner. Furthermore, parasites are able to reschedule without significant fitness costs for them or their hosts. Understanding the extent of, and limits on, plasticity in the IDC schedule may reveal targets for novel interventions, such as drugs to disrupt IDC regulation and preventing IDC dormancy conferring tolerance to existing drugs

    Limited impact of within-vector ecology on the evolution of malaria parasite transmission investment

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    Malaria parasites spend part of their life in a vertebrate host and the rest in an arthropod vector and must successfully navigate both environments to gain fitness. In vertebrate hosts, malaria parasites infect red blood cells and can either replicate asexually or develop into the sexual form required for transmission to the vector. Despite the clear fitness benefits of onward transmission, only a small proportion of malaria parasites convert to sexual development. Mathematical models seeking to test the plausibility of various hypotheses to explain these low “conversion rates” have focused almost exclusively on the vertebrate/host half of the parasite life cycle. Here, we examined how processes occurring in the vector, including density-dependent parasite development and parasite-induced vector mortality, influence the evolution of parasite conversion rate in the host by developing a multi-scale model of within-host infection dynamics and parasite within-vector developmental processes for rodent malaria. We found that, regardless of model specifications (e.g., definitions of fitness, magnitude of parasite-induced vector mortality), considering processes within the vector had only a weak influence on the optimal conversion rate, but substantially diminished the fitness returns for all strategies and resulted in a sharper declines off the optima. Our approach allowed us to derive new metrics of parasite fitness (which we call “infectivity functions”) that link within-host gametocyte density to the probability of transmission to new hosts after passing through the vector, and that prevent overestimation of parasite transmission potential

    The role of models in translating within-host dynamics to parasite evolution

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    Mathematical modelling provides an effective way to challenge conventional wisdom about parasite evolution and investigate why parasites ‘do what they do’ within the host. Models can reveal when intuition cannot explain observed patterns, when more complicated biology must be considered, and when experimental and statistical methods are likely to mislead. We describe how models of within-host infection dynamics can refine experimental design, and focus on the case study of malaria to highlight how integration between models and data can guide understanding of parasite fitness in three areas: (1) the adaptive significance of chronic infections; (2) the potential for tradeoffs between virulence and transmission; and (3) the implications of within-vector dynamics. We emphasize that models are often useful when they highlight unexpected patterns in parasite evolution, revealing instead why intuition yields the wrong answer and what combination of theory and data are needed to advance understanding

    Evolutionary consequences of feedbacks between within-host competition and disease control

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    Lay Summary: Competition often occurs among diverse parasites within a single host, but control efforts could change its strength. We examined how the interplay between competition and control could shape the evolution of parasite traits like drug resistance and disease severity

    Uncovering drivers of dose-dependence and individual variation in malaria infection outcomes.

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    To understand why some hosts get sicker than others from the same type of infection, it is essential to explain how key processes, such as host responses to infection and parasite growth, are influenced by various biotic and abiotic factors. In many disease systems, the initial infection dose impacts host morbidity and mortality. To explore drivers of dose-dependence and individual variation in infection outcomes, we devised a mathematical model of malaria infection that allowed host and parasite traits to be linear functions (reaction norms) of the initial dose. We fitted the model, using a hierarchical Bayesian approach, to experimental time-series data of acute Plasmodium chabaudi infection across doses spanning seven orders of magnitude. We found evidence for both dose-dependent facilitation and debilitation of host responses. Most importantly, increasing dose reduced the strength of activation of indiscriminate host clearance of red blood cells while increasing the half-life of that response, leading to the maximal response at an intermediate dose. We also explored the causes of diverse infection outcomes across replicate mice receiving the same dose. Besides random noise in the injected dose, we found variation in peak parasite load was due to unobserved individual variation in host responses to clear infected cells. Individual variation in anaemia was likely driven by random variation in parasite burst size, which is linked to the rate of host cells lost to malaria infection. General host vigour in the absence of infection was also correlated with host health during malaria infection. Our work demonstrates that the reaction norm approach provides a useful quantitative framework for examining the impact of a continuous external factor on within-host infection processes

    Epidemiological consequences of immune sensitisation by pre-exposure to vector saliva

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    <div><p>Blood-feeding arthropods—like mosquitoes, sand flies, and ticks—transmit many diseases that impose serious public health and economic burdens. When a blood-feeding arthropod bites a mammal, it injects saliva containing immunogenic compounds that facilitate feeding. Evidence from <i>Leishmania</i>, <i>Plasmodium</i> and arboviral infections suggests that the immune responses elicited by pre-exposure to arthropod saliva can alter disease progression if the host later becomes infected. Such pre-sensitisation of host immunity has been reported to both exacerbate and limit infection symptoms, depending on the system in question, with potential implications for recovery. To explore if and how immune pre-sensitisation alters the effects of vector control, we develop a general model of vector-borne disease. We show that the abundance of pre-sensitised infected hosts should increase when control efforts moderately increase vector mortality rates. If immune pre-sensitisation leads to more rapid clearance of infection, increasing vector mortality rates may achieve greater than expected disease control. However, when immune pre-sensitisation prolongs the duration of infection, e.g., through mildly symptomatic cases for which treatment is unlikely to be sought, vector control can actually increase the total number of infected hosts. The rising infections may go unnoticed unless active surveillance methods are used to detect such sub-clinical individuals, who could provide long-lasting reservoirs for transmission and suffer long-term health consequences of those sub-clinical infections. Sensitivity analysis suggests that these negative consequences could be mitigated through integrated vector management. While the effect of saliva pre-exposure on acute symptoms is well-studied for leishmaniasis, the immunological and clinical consequences are largely uncharted for other vector-parasite-host combinations. We find a large range of plausible epidemiological outcomes, positive and negative for public health, underscoring the need to quantify how immune pre-sensitisation modulates recovery and transmission rates in vector-borne diseases.</p></div

    Both ordinary (ODE) and delay (DDE) differential equation models point to the possibility of an adverse consequence of moderate vector control interventions.

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    <p>Shown are the percentage of infection cases relative to the pre-intervention level predicted by (a) the ODE model and (b) the DDE model plotted against the intensity of intervention-driven vector mortality. The colour keys are as described in <a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0005956#pntd.0005956.g003" target="_blank">Fig 3</a>.</p

    The severity and detectable signs of the adverse interaction between vector saliva pre-exposure and increased vector mortality are likely to be influenced by the effect of saliva pre-sensitisation in reducing the rate of recovery and the assumption about the variability in parasite development.

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    <p>Shown are (a) the level of intervention-driven vector mortality (“effort”) required to achieve a 90% reduction in the number of infected hosts and (b) the percentage of the pre-intervention number of infected hosts after a small reduction (25%) in vector lifespan due to vector control. The x-axis denotes the assumed effect of saliva pre-exposure on recovery as the proportional reduction in recovery rate.</p