22 research outputs found

    Principal AFL

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    A (full) principal AFL is a (full) AFL generated by a single language, i.e., it is thesmallest (full) AFL containing the given language. In the present paper, a study is made of such AFL. First, an AFA (abstract family of acceptors) characterization of (full) principal AFL is given. From this result, many well-known families of AFL can be shown to be (full) principal AFL. Next, two representation theorems for each language in a (full) principal AFL are given. The first involves the generator and one application each of concatenation, star, intersection with a regular set, inverse homomorphism, and a special type of homomorphism. The second involves an a-transducer, the generator, and one application of concatenation and star. Finally, it is shown that if ℒ1 and ℒ2 are (full) principal AFL, then so are (a) the smallest (full) AFL containing {L1∩L2/L1 in ℒ1, L2 in ℒ2 and (b) the family obtained by substituting ε-free languages of ℒ2 into languages of ℒ1

    Reset machines

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    AbstractA reset tape has one read-write head which moves only left-to-right except that the head can be reset once to the left end and the tape rescanned; a multiple-reset machine has reset tapes as auxiliary storage and a one-way input tape. Linear time is no more powerful than real time for nondeterministic multiple-reset machines and so the family MULTI-RESET of languages accepted in real time by nondeterministic multiple-reset machines is closed under linear erasing. MULTI-RESET is closed under Kleene. It can be characterized as the smallest family of languages containing the regular sets and closed under intersection and linear-erasing homomorphic duplication or as the smallest intersection-closed semiAFL containing COPY = {ww | w in {a, b}∗}. A circular tape is read full-sweep from left-to-right only and then reset to the left, any number of times; a nonwriting circular tape cannot be altered after the first sweep. For nondeterministic machines operating in real time, multiple reset tapes, circular tapes or nonwriting circular tapes have the same power. Languages in MULTI-RESET can be accepted in real time by nondeterministic machines using only three reset tapes or using only one reset tape and one nonwriting circular tape

    Monadic recursion schemes: The effect of constants

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    AbstractWhen the class of monadic recursion schemes is augmented by individual constants, some of the properties change. It becomes undecidable whether “S diverges” or “S is strongly equivalent to T” for S, T schemes with individual constants. The family of value languages generated by this class of schemes is the family of recursively enumerable languages. The subclass of free schemes with constants is also investigated. It remains decidable whether “S halts” or “S diverges” for S a free scheme with individual constants, but it becomes undecidable whether “T has a strongly equivalent free scheme” for T an arbitrary scheme with individual constants