508 research outputs found

    Industry-Academic Partnerships The View from the Corner Office

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    Industry-academic partnerships are described and discussed from the perspective of industry. Eight types of partnerships are discussed, including internships, mentoring, site visits, faculty-directed research, student research, consulting, in-class visits, and industry advisory boards. The benefits, problems, costs, motivation to participate, and advice for managing industry-academic partnerships are presented.industry partnerships, industry collaboration, internship, mentor, field trip, consulting, advisory board, Industrial Organization, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession, Q10, Q16,

    Industry-Academic Partnerships – Benefit or Burden?

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    In an applied discipline such as agribusiness management, there are many opportunities for collaboration between academia and industry. This article highlights opportunities for industry-academic partnerships through research, sabbatical leaves, consulting, outreach, student enrichment activities, and industry advisory boards. The principal benefits and pitfalls associated with each type of collaboration are discussed along with tips for managing industry-academic partnerships.industry partnerships, industry collaboration, Industrial Organization, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession, Q10,

    Probing the quantum states of a single atom transistor at microwave frequencies

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    The ability to apply gigahertz frequencies to control the quantum state of a single P atom is an essential requirement for the fast gate pulsing needed for qubit control in donor-based silicon quantum computation. Here, we demonstrate this with nanosecond accuracy in an all epitaxial single atom transistor by applying excitation signals at frequencies up to ≈13 GHz to heavily phosphorus-doped silicon leads. These measurements allow the differentiation between the excited states of the single atom and the density of states in the one-dimensional leads. Our pulse spectroscopy experiments confirm the presence of an excited state at an energy ≈9 meV, consistent with the first excited state of a single P donor in silicon. The relaxation rate of this first excited state to the ground state is estimated to be larger than 2.5 GHz, consistent with theoretical predictions. These results represent a systematic investigation of how an atomically precise single atom transistor device behaves under radio frequency excitations

    Medium-term environmental changes influence age-specific survival estimates in a salmonid population

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    Human-induced environmental change is a major stressor on freshwater habitats that has resulted in the population declines of many freshwater species. Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use and associated (st)age-specific requirements mean that impacts of environmental stressors can influence (st)ages in a population differently, and yet relatively few studies of freshwater fish populations account for their detail. We aimed to identify environmental and biotic factors affecting survival estimated for six age-classes of a European grayling population in the River Wylye, UK over a 17-year period. We used a Bayesian age-structured state space model to estimate survival of grayling cohorts between subsequent life stages (eggs to age 5 adults) for 16 annual transitions (2003–2004 to 2018–2019), whilst accounting for imperfect sampling of the population. We quantified the effects of seasonal water flow and temperature, in-stream habitat and prey resource, and potential competitors and predators on survival between subsequent life stages. We used Bayesian variable selection to gauge their relative importance on survival. Grayling abundances declined during the study period (>75% in all age-classes), predominately driven by a loss of mature adults. Changes to seasonal flows negatively influenced their survival: increased days of summer low flow related to decreased survival of subadults and mature adults, and lower winter flows related to reduced recruitment of juveniles from eggs. Higher summer macrophyte cover negatively influenced juvenile and subadult survival and increasing days of high temperature in summer appeared detrimental to juvenile survival. Abundance of brown trout (a potential competitor and predator) did not negatively influence grayling survival. Our results reveal the implications of environmental change on a salmonid population, where recent low summer flows and high temperatures, and below average winter flows, have negatively influenced grayling survival. These conditions appear to be becoming more frequent and persistent in our study river, which is towards the species’ southern range limit, which could render the population vulnerable to climate change. Our study demonstrates how careful analysis of long-term population monitoring and environmental datasets can identify factors affecting (st)age-specific fish population dynamics, and when combined with local expertise, results in realistic mitigation proposals to promote wildlife population persistence

    Trapped O2 and the origin of voltage fade in layered Li-rich cathodes

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    Oxygen redox cathodes, such as Li1.2Ni0.13Co0.13Mn0.54O2, deliver higher energy densities than those based on transition metal redox alone. However, they commonly exhibit voltage fade, a gradually diminishing discharge voltage on extended cycling. Recent research has shown that, on the first charge, oxidation of O2- ions forms O2 molecules trapped in nano-sized voids within the structure, which can be fully reduced to O2- on the subsequent discharge. Here we show that the loss of O-redox capacity on cycling and therefore voltage fade arises from a combination of a reduction in the reversibility of the O2-/O2 redox process and O2 loss. The closed voids that trap O2 grow on cycling, rendering more of the trapped O2 electrochemically inactive. The size and density of voids leads to cracking of the particles and open voids at the surfaces, releasing O2. Our findings implicate the thermodynamic driving force to form O2 as the root cause of transition metal migration, void formation and consequently voltage fade in Li-rich cathodes

    Industrial constructions of publics and public knowledge: a qualitative investigation of practice in the UK chemicals industry

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    This is a post print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below - © 2007 by SAGE PublicationsWhile the rhetoric of public engagement is increasingly commonplace within industry, there has been little research that examines how lay knowledge is conceptualized and whether it is really used within companies. Using the chemicals sector as an example, this paper explores how companies conceive of publics and "public knowledge," and how this relates to modes of engagement/communication with them. Drawing on qualitative empirical research in four companies, we demonstrate that the public for industry are primarily conceived as "consumers" and "neighbours," having concerns that should be allayed rather than as groups with knowledge meriting engagement. We conclude by highlighting the dissonance between current advocacy of engagement and the discourses and practices prevalent within industry, and highlight the need for more realistic strategies for industry/public engagement.Funding was received from the ESRC Science in Society Programme

    Is metal theft committed by organized crime groups, and why does it matter?

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    Using the example of metal theft in the United Kingdom, this study used mixed methods to evaluate the accuracy of police estimates of the involvement of organised crime groups (OCGs) in crime. Police estimate that 20-30% of metal theft is committed by OCGs, but this study found that only 0.5% of metal thieves had previous convictions for offences related to OCGs, that only 1.3% were linked to OCGs by intelligence information, that metal thieves typically offended close to their homes and that almost no metal thefts involved sophisticated offence methods. It appears that police may over-estimate the involvement of OCGs in some types of crime. The reasons for and consequences of this over-estimation are discussed

    Delocalized electron holes on oxygen in a battery cathode

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    Oxide ions in transition metal oxide cathodes can store charge at high voltage offering a route towards higher energy density batteries. However, upon charging these cathodes, the oxidized oxide ions condense to form molecular O2 trapped in the material. Consequently, the discharge voltage is much lower than charge, leading to undesirable voltage hysteresis. Here we capture the nature of the electron holes on O2− before O2 formation by exploiting the suppressed transition metal rearrangement in ribbon-ordered Na0.6[Li0.2Mn0.8]O2. We show that the electron holes formed are delocalized across the oxide ions coordinated to two Mn (O–Mn2) arranged in ribbons in the transition metal layers. Furthermore, we track these delocalized hole states as they gradually localize in the structure in the form of trapped molecular O2 over a period of days. Establishing the nature of hole states on oxide ions is important if truly reversible high-voltage O-redox cathodes are to be realized.</p

    Delocalized electron holes on oxygen in a battery cathode

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    Oxide ions in transition metal oxide cathodes can store charge at high voltage offering a route towards higher energy density batteries. However, upon charging these cathodes, the oxidized oxide ions condense to form molecular O2 trapped in the material. Consequently, the discharge voltage is much lower than charge, leading to undesirable voltage hysteresis. Here we capture the nature of the electron holes on O2− before O2 formation by exploiting the suppressed transition metal rearrangement in ribbon-ordered Na0.6[Li0.2Mn0.8]O2. We show that the electron holes formed are delocalized across the oxide ions coordinated to two Mn (O–Mn2) arranged in ribbons in the transition metal layers. Furthermore, we track these delocalized hole states as they gradually localize in the structure in the form of trapped molecular O2 over a period of days. Establishing the nature of hole states on oxide ions is important if truly reversible high-voltage O-redox cathodes are to be realized.</p
