629 research outputs found

    The impact of government expenditure on growth: Empirical evidence from a heterogeneous panel

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    This paper investigates the impact of government expenditure on growth, in a heterogeneous panel for 15 developing countries. Using GMM techniques, we show that countries with substantial government expenditure have strong growth effects, which vary considerably across the nations

    Non-normality and recursive unit root test for PPP: Solving the PPP puzzle?

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    In this paper we carry out unit root tests on real exchange rates recursively as in Caporale et al (2003), but, following Arghyrou and Gregoriou (2007), we adjust the residuals for non-normality using a wild bootstrap method. The results are striking: the correction for non-normality dramatically increases the rejection percentages of the unit root null, and attenuates the erratic behaviour of the t-statistic, thus providing strong evidence in favour of PPP, and suggesting that such a correction might at least go some way towards solving the “PPP puzzle”

    The composition of government spending and growth: Is current or capital spending better?

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    This article is available open access through the publisher’s website at the link below. Copyright @ 2008 Oxford University Press.In an endogenous growth framework with two public goods with differing productivities, this paper analytically characterizes optimal fiscal policy for a decentralized economy, whereby the optimal values of the growth rate, tax rate and expenditure shares on the two public goods are linked directly to their productivity parameters. Using panel data for 15 developing countries over 28 years, we show using GMM techniques, that current (capital) spending has positive (negative) and significant effects on the growth rate, contrary to commonly held views. For instance, spending on operations and maintenance has a stronger impact on growth than both health and education spending. We consider the various components on the revenue side of the government budget constraint to take into account possible omitted variable bias that could arise if tax revenue alone was considered