67 research outputs found

    A Mixed Data-Based Deep Neural Network to Estimate Leaf Area Index in Wheat Breeding Trials

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    Remote and non-destructive estimation of leaf area index (LAI) has been a challenge in the last few decades as the direct and indirect methods available are laborious and time-consuming. The recent emergence of high-throughput plant phenotyping platforms has increased the need to develop new phenotyping tools for better decision-making by breeders. In this paper, a novel model based on artificial intelligence algorithms and nadir-view red green blue (RGB) images taken from a terrestrial high throughput phenotyping platform is presented. The model mixes numerical data collected in a wheat breeding field and visual features extracted from the images to make rapid and accurate LAI estimations. Model-based LAI estimations were validated against LAI measurements determined non-destructively using an allometric relationship obtained in this study. The model performance was also compared with LAI estimates obtained by other classical indirect methods based on bottom-up hemispherical images and gaps fraction theory. Model-based LAI estimations were highly correlated with ground-truth LAI. The model performance was slightly better than that of the hemispherical image-based method, which tended to underestimate LAI. These results show the great potential of the developed model for near real-time LAI estimation, which can be further improved in the future by increasing the dataset used to train the model

    Water management assessment in a historic garden: the case study of the Real Alcazar (Seville, Spain)

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    Irrigation plays a very important role in a Mediterranean garden. In spite of this, there are not many studies assessing irrigation water management of landscapes. Moreover, historic gardens represent a special challenge due to their unique characteristics. The aim of this work is the characterization and evaluation of water management in a historic garden. For that, the gardens of The Real Alcazar of Seville were used as a case study. They comprise a total of 20 gardens of different styles with a total area of nearly 7 ha. Landscape water requirements and irrigation volume applied were estimated and used in conjunction with other descriptive and financial variables to calculate 6 performance indicators. Only 20% of gardens showed adequate irrigation in the spring-autumn period, being 10% during summer. However, the two well-watered gardens represent 30% of the total irrigated area. Management, operation and maintenance costs are 0.63 €·m−2 representing 0.58 € per volume of irrigation water used (m−3). Results obtained support the need of improving irrigation management. For that, simple solutions such as installing metering devices, calculating actual water requirements or optimizing irrigation schedules can be implemented. Other more complex actions such as modifying the irrigation network or creating hydrozones might also be explored

    Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y trabajo en equipo: experiencia de innovación docente en hidráulica para graduados en Ingeniería Agrícola

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    En este trabajo se describe un proyecto de innovación docente para la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Hidráulica en el Grado de Ingeniería Agrícola. El proyecto consistió en plantear, en dos etapas diferenciadas, metodologías de aprendizaje basadas en proyectos y en el trabajo en equipo. En la primera etapa, un estudiante de último curso de titulación diseñó, construyó y validó la funcionalidad de dos bancos didácticos de ensayo de bombas centrífugas. Este trabajo le permitió alcanzar un nivel avanzado de conocimientos teórico-prácticos de Hidráulica así como la realización de su Proyecto Fin de Carrera. En una segunda etapa, los bancos didácticos de ensayo de bombas fueron utilizados en la docencia de la asignatura de Grado en la que se imparte Hidráulica. Los profesores propusieron a los estudiantes diversas actividades prácticas de trabajo en grupo en las que debían utilizar los bancos de ensayo. En estas actividades los estudiantes debían resolver empíricamente (i.e. utilizando los bancos) problemas planteados previamente por los profesores y comparar dichos resultados con los obtenidos de forma analítica de acuerdo a los contenidos teóricos explicados en las clases de aula. Los resultados de un único curso académico indican que la utilización y manipulación por parte de los estudiantes de sistemas de impulsión reales no incrementó el grado de adquisición de competencias específicas relacionadas con los sistemas hidráulicos de impulsión frente al resto de competencias específicas de la asignatura

    Leaf-to-branch scaling of C-gain in field-grown almond trees under different soil moisture regimes

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    Branch/tree-level measurements of carbon (C)-acquisition provide an integration of the physical and biological processes driving the C gain of all individual leaves. Most research dealing with the interacting effects of high-irradiance environments and soil-induced water stress on the C-gain of fruit tree species has focused on leaf-level measurements. The C-gain of both sun-exposed leaves and branches of adult almond trees growing in a semi-arid climate was investigated to determine the respective costs of structural and biochemical/physiological protective mechanisms involved in the behaviour at branch scale. Measurements were performed on well-watered (fully irrigated, FI) and drought-stressed (deficit irrigated, DI) trees. Leaf-to-branch scaling for net CO2 assimilation was quantified by a global scaling factor (fg), defined as the product of two specific scaling factors: (i) a structural scaling factor (fs), determined under well-watered conditions, mainly involving leaf mutual shading; and (ii) a water stress scaling factor (fws,b) involving the limitations in C-acquisition due to soil water deficit. The contribution of structural mechanisms to limiting branch net C-gain was high (mean fs ∼0.33) and close to the projected-to-total leaf area ratio of almond branches (ε = 0.31), while the contribution of water stress mechanisms was moderate (mean fws,b ∼0.85), thus supplying an fg ranging between 0.25 and 0.33 with slightly higher values for FI trees with respect to DI trees. These results suggest that the almond tree (a drought-tolerant species) has acquired mechanisms of defensive strategy (survival) mainly based on a specific branch architectural design. This strategy allows the potential for C-gain to be preserved at branch scale under a large range of soil water deficits. In other words, almond tree branches exhibit an architecture that is suboptimal for C-acquisition under well-watered conditions, but remarkably efficient to counteract the impact of DI and drought events

    Uso de imágenes térmicas aéreas en remolacha azucarera (Beta vulgaris) para propuesta de riego de precisión

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    Para un manejo adecuado del riego es necesario tener información disponible de una manera rápida y sencilla. Gracias a los avances tecnológicos, esto es posible. En este trabajo se han utilizado imágenes captadas mediante una cámara térmica montada sobre un vehículo aéreo para evaluar el estado hídrico de un cultivo de remolacha azucarera en una parcela con una gran variabilidad espacial en las propiedades del suelo. Los resultados se han comparado con mediciones puntuales de la humedad del suelo. No se ha percibido una relación directa entre el estado hídrico del suelo y del cultivo. Por otro lado, sí se advierte una tendencia decreciente en la producción en relación al estrés hídrico detectado en el cultivo gracias a las imágenes térmicas. Se observan claramente las diferencias entre los distintos tipos de suelo, de modo que queda patente la conveniencia de llevar a cabo estrategias de riego diferenciales en función de la distribución de los mismos, especialmente en parcelas muy heterogéneas

    Vertical Greening Systems and Sustainable Cities

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    Urban development is causing environmental and social concerns that are compromising human welfare and cities sustainability. New urban greening concepts are appearing in order to mitigate these problems in a sustainable and natural way. Vertical greening systems can be defined as structures which allow vegetation to spread over a building facade or interior wall. These systems are becoming popular though they are still evolving and more knowledge on some of their particular impacts is required. In the last five years, the number of studies published in the scientific literature on this topic, especially involving living walls, has significantly increased. This scientific interest has been corresponded with an increased and parallel attention by the general public. This work offers a broad description of the different systems and a comprehensive review of the particular benefits of these green infrastructures. Knowledge gaps and shortcomings have also been identified and discussed

    Use of Aerial Thermal Imaging to Assess Water Status Variability in Hedgerow Olive Orchards

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    Characterization of the spatial variability in tree water status is a prerequisite to conduct precise irrigation management within an orchard. This study assessed the suitability of a crop water stress index (CWSI) derived from high-resolution aerial thermal imagery to estimate tree water status variability in super high density (SHD) olive orchards. The experiment was conducted at a commercial SHD olive orchard near Seville (southwestern Spain). The drip irrigated trees were submitted to three irrigation regimes (four plots per treatment): a full irrigation treatment replacing the crop water needs (ETc) and two regulated deficit irrigation treatments replacing ca. 45% of ETc. During the irrigation season, meteorological variables, soil moisture content, leaf water potential and leaf gas exchange measurements were performed. Infrared temperature sensors (IRTS) installed about 1 m above the canopies were used to derive the required baselines for CWSI calculation. A thermal camera installed on a mini RPAS (Remote Piloted Aerial System) allowed recording high-resolution thermal images at 5 representative dates of the olive tree growing season. CWSI values derived from aerial thermal imagery were sensitive to the deliberately imposed variations in tree water status within the SHD olive orchard. Maximum stomatal conductance and midday stem water potential showed tight correlations with CWSI. We conclude that high resolution thermal imagery captured from a mini RPAS has proven to be a suitable tool to capture tree water status variability within SHD olive orchards.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2012- 34544/ECOLIMAJunta de Andalucía P12-AGR-122

    Estimación de producción en cítricos usando técnicas de aprendizaje automático

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    Estimar con exactitud la cosecha de un cultivo representa una información muy relevante para agricultores y cooperativas/agentes encargados de gestionar y vender el producto. De esta estimación depende la organización y logística necesarias para la recolección, planificación del almacenaje, stock y abastecimiento de los mercados. Actualmente la estimación de la cosecha se realiza en campo con personal experimentado realizando una inspección visual y en base a datos históricos, proceso que tiene riesgo de presentar errores humanos. Las redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN) basadas en el Deep Learning (DL), constituyen una herramienta prometedora para hacer estimaciones de rendimiento basadas en el reconocimiento y conteo de frutos. El objetivo del este trabajo ha sido crear un modelo basado en CNNs a partir de una arquitectura de red existente y entrenada para contar el número de frutos y estimar la producción de la parcela. Una vez entrenados los modelos, se testaron sobre imágenes tomadas con un dron multirrotor sobre 20 árboles seleccionados al azar de una parcela de cítricos Citrus sinensis (L.) cv. Navelina. Durante las tres campañas anuales en las que se han realizado las estimaciones, el error medio absoluto obtenido con DL fue entre 4-6% y el del técnico especialista en el aforo entorno al 8-11% frente a la producción real de la parcela. Estos resultados vislumbran un gran potencial de la metodología para la predicción del rendimiento de árboles de cítricos