448 research outputs found

    »Kje smo!? V Evropi ali v Albaniji?« Regionalizem v Dhërmiju/Drimadesu v južni Albaniji

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    This paper illustrates and explains how the villagers of Dhërmi/Drimades in Southern Albania envision and shape “their” place as a distinct region in relation to the European Union’s regional policies. Special attention is given to the local discourses about the inclusion and/or exclusion of the village space into and from the European Union, which is often referred to by the notion of Europe or Europi/Europa. The paper aims to explore the ways in which local people construct their regional identity and how they discuss it in their everyday lives. It questions the influences of historical, social, cultural, political and economic changes in postcommunist Albania on people’s perceptions of modernity, which they axiomatically link with “Europe” or the “West”. The paper argues that the local people of Dhërmi/Drimades negotiate their social and spatial boundaries and thus reconstruct their regional identity and belonging through debates about modernity and modernisation.Prispevek predstavi in analizira načine, skozi katere vaščani Dhërmija/Drimadesa v južni Albaniji vzpostavljajo »svoj« kraj kot distinktivno regijo in jo definirajo v soodvisnosti z regionalno politiko Evropske unije. Vsebina članka se osredotoči na lokalne diskurze o vključenosti in/ali izključenosti vaškega prostora v Evropsko unijo ali iz nje, oz. Europi/Europa kot jo naslavljajo številni vaščani. Pod drobnogled so postavljeni debate in pogajanja, skozi katere domačini vzpostavljajo regionalno identiteto. Kako zgodovinske, kulturne, politične in ekonomske spremembe v postkomunistični Albaniji vplivajo na lokalne predstave o modernosti, ki jo domačini aksiomatično povezujejo z »Evropo« ali »Zahodom«, predstavlja eno izmed osrednjih vprašanj. Avtorica trdi, da debate o modernosti, modernizaciji in potovanjih vzporedno z družbenimi in prostorskimi razmejevanji predstavljajo pomemben del identitetnih procesov, skozi katere domačini Dhërmija/Drimadesa pogajajo in poustvarjajo regionalnost in pripadnost vasi ali regiji

    Little Sestina

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    Radon Concentration in Thermal Water as an Indicator of Seismic Activity

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    Radon concentration in thermal springs at Hotavlje and Bled has been measured from October 2005 to June 2008 and from October 2005 to September 2007, respectively. At both locations several anomalies in radon concentration were observed, that might have been caused by seismic events. In this study all earthquakes with ratio (D/R) between strain radius (D) and distance to the epicenter (R) greater than 0.5 were taken into account. Five earthquakes occurred in the vicinity of Bled in this period, the strongest at a distance of 17 km with the magnitude ML=3.8 and four radon anomalies were observed. At Hotavlje fourteen earthquakes occurred in the vicinity with D/R ratio from 0.5 to 2.9. During this period three radon anomalies were observed

    Little Sestina

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    Boundary proceedings using field computer Note: 48 p., 2 tab., 24 fig., 3 ann.

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    The thesis discusses the issue in the usage of a field computer for determining the border in\ud the field, which represents one of the work stages provided by the geodetic services-border\ud regulation. It describes options and methods for the use of a field computer. The thesis also\ud presents the software and hardware as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this type of\ud work. The central point of the thesis is the execution of the border determination with the help\ud of modern equipment and technology and a practical example of a border regulation elaborate\ud in all work stages, from the received order, arrangements, and conduction of the border\ud regulation and up to the elaborate preparation. It also emphasizes the comparison of work\ud without and with the support of the field computer

    Interactions of recombinant pernisine with lipid membranes

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    Pernizin je zunajcelična proteaza iz hipertermofilne arheje Aeropyrum pernix, aktivna v širokem temperaturnem in pH območju. Zunajcelični encimi so lahko pritrjeni na celično membrano ali pa so prosti. V tej nalogi smo skušali odgovoriti na vprašanje ali je pernizin prost ali pritrjen encim. Rekombinanten pernizin smo proizvedli v bakteriji Escherichia coli, iz arhejskih lipidov pa smo pripravili poenostavljene modele celične membrane, liposome. S sedimentacijskim testom smo pokazali, da se pernizin ne veže na liposome pripravljene iz arhejskih lipidov (arheosomi), te ugotovitve pa smo potrdili z azokazeinskim testom. Z uporabo več metod (fluorescenčne emisijske spektrometrije, cirkularnega dikroizma in merjenje fluorescenčne polarizacije z membransko sondo difenilheksatrienom) smo pokazali, da se sekundarna struktura pernizina ob dodatku liposomov ne spremeni bistveno, kar potrjuje odsotnost hidrofobnih povezav med pernizinom in arheosomi. Iz rezultatov pridobljenih z zgoraj navedenimi metodami smo zaključili, da je pernizin prost encim. Ker so prosti encimi značilni za biofilme, smo preverili ali tudi arheja Aeropyrum pernix tvori biofilme. S cimogramom smo dokazali proteolitično aktivnost v sloju, ki je nastal na površini erlenmajerice med gojenjem arheje, kar dokazuje, da lahko arheje Aeropyrum pernix tvorijo biofilme, katerih sestavni del je pernizin.Pernisine, extracellular protease from hyper thermophilic archaea Aeropyrum pernix, is active in wide temperature and pH range. Secreted (extracellular) enzymes can be attached to the membrane or they can be free. The goal of this thesis was to determine whether pernisine is attached or free enzyme. Recombinant pernisine was produced in Escherichia coli, and liposomes, simplified models of cell membranes were prepared from archaeal lipids. With sedimentation test and azocasein test we showed that pernisine does not bind to the liposomes from archaeal lipids (archeosomes). Using several methods (fluorescence emission spectroscopy, circular dichroism, measurements of fluorescence polarization with membrane probe diphenylhexatriene) we showed that the secondary structure of pernisine in presence of liposomes is not changed significantly, which confirms the absence of hydrophobic interactions between pernisine and archeosomes. Using methods described above we concluded that pernisine is a free enzyme. Free enzymes are significant for biofilms, so we assumed that A. pernix is also forming biofilms. In flasks where archaea were cultivated, we observed a thin film. With zymogram we detected proteolytical activity in this film, which confirms our hypothesis that A. pernix is forming biofilms that consist of pernisine

    The development of an iOS application driven mobile robot

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    This thesis presents the design process and development of a mobile robot and all the necessary software to control it. The goal of the thesis is also to determine, whether a Raspberry Pi computer is a suitable platform to use for robotics related projects. The iOS application provides the ability to guide the robot, watch its video stream and control the angle of its video camera. By using five LED diodes for illumination it is possible to watch the video stream in low light conditions. The mobile application communicates over the network with a program written in Python, that runs on the Raspberry Pi and manages all robot’s functionalities. This work describes the design process of a robot, appropriate hardware and software selection, software development and integration of all needed components into a finished product