13 research outputs found

    Application of next-generation sequencing to Enterobacter hormaechei subspecies analysis during a neonatal intensive care unit outbreak

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    Introduction: The Enterobacter cloacae complex (ECC) species are potential neonatal pathogens, and ECC strains are among the most commonly encountered Enterobacter spp. associated with nosocomial bloodstream infections. Outbreaks caused by ECC can lead to significant morbidity and mortality in susceptible neonates. At the molecular level, ECC exhibits genomic heterogeneity, with six closely related species and subspecies. Genetic variability poses a challenge in accurately identifying outbreaks by determining the clonality of ECC isolates. This difficulty is further compounded by the limitations of the commonly used molecular typing methods, such as pulsed field gel electrophoresis, which do not provide reliable accuracy in distinguishing between ECC strains and can lead to incorrect conclusions. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) offers superior resolution in determining strain relatedness. Therefore, we investigated the clinical pertinence of incorporating NGS into existing bundle measures to enhance patient management during an outbreak of ECC in a level-3 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Germany. Methods: As the standard of care, all neonates on the NICU received weekly microbiological swabs (nasopharyngeal and rectal) and analysis of endotracheal secretion, where feasible. During the 2.5-month outbreak, colonisation with ECC was detected in n = 10 neonates. The phylogenetic relationship and potential antimicrobial resistance genes as well as mobile genetic elements were identified via bacterial whole-genome sequencing (WGS) using Illumina MiSeq followed by in silico data analysis. Results: Although all ECC isolates exhibited almost identical antimicrobial susceptibility patterns, the WGS data revealed the involvement of four different ECC clones. The isolates could be characterised as Enterobacter hormaechei subspecies steigerwaltii (n = 6, clonal), subsp. hoffmannii (n = 3, two clones) and subsp. oharae (n = 1). Despite the collection of environmental samples, no source of this diffuse outbreak could be identified. A new standardised operating procedure was implemented to enhance the management of neonates colonised with MRGN. This collaborative approach involved both parents and medical professionals and successfully prevented further transmission of ECC. Conclusions: Initially, it was believed that the NICU outbreak was caused by a single ECC clone due to the similarity in antibiotic resistance. However, our findings show that antibiotic susceptibility patterns can be misleading in investigating outbreaks of multi-drug-resistant ECC. In contrast, bacterial WGS accurately identified ECC at the clonal level, which significantly helped to delineate the nature of the observed outbreak

    results fo the German Conn-registry

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    Eine Störung der Glukosehomöostase wurde bei Patienten mit primärem Hyperaldosteronismus (PHA) untersucht, allerdings zeigen die meisten Studien widersprüchliche Ergebnisse. Daher ist es das Ziel dieser Studie, die Prävalenz des Typ-2-Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) und des metabolischen Syndroms (MetS) bei neu diagnostizierten Patienten mit PHA mit einer gematchten populationsbasierten Kontrollkohorte zu vergleichen. Insgesamt wurden 305 PHA- Patienten des prospektiven deutschen Conn-Registers mit der bevölkerungsbezogenen „Study of Health in Pomerania“ – Studie (SHIP1; n = 2.454) verglichen. Mit der Geschlechts-, Alter-, Blutdruck- und BMI-gematchten Kohorte wurden in einem 1:1 Verhältnis 269 Paare in Bezug auf Diabetes Typ 2 und 183 Paare bezüglich des MetS gebildet. Bei 153 Patienten mit PHA wurde ein oraler Glukosetoleranztest (oGTT) zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose durchgeführt und 38 Patienten mit PHA wurden ein Jahr im Verlauf neu bewertet. Bei 76 PHA- Patienten wurde eine komplette Analyse des MetS zu Studienbeginn und im Ein- Jahres-Verlauf durchgeführt. Der T2DM und das MetS waren signifikant häufiger bei Patienten mit PHA anzutreffen als in der Kontrollpopulation (17,2% vs. 10,4%; p = 0,03; 56,8% vs. 44,8%; p = 0,02). Auch war der HbA1c-Werte bei PHA- Patienten höher als in der Kontrollgruppe (p <0,01). Von den nicht- diabetischen Patienten mit PHA zeigten 35,3% einen abnormalen oGTT (davon waren ¼ neu diagnostizierte Patienten mit T2DM und ¾ hatten eine gestörte Glukosetoleranz). Diese PHA-Patienten mit einem abnormalen oGTT zu Studienbeginn zeigten deutlich verbesserte 2h-oGTT-Glukosewerte (P = 0,01) bei der Nachuntersuchung. Eine negative Korrelation zwischen 2h-oGTT-Glukosewerten und Serum-Kalium wurde ebenfalls festgestellt (P <0,01). Es wurde deutlich, dass der Glukosestoffwechsel der Hauptgrund für die erhöhte Prävalenz des MetS bei PHA-Patienten war. Das Lipidprofil verschlechterte sich jedoch ein Jahr nach Therapiebeginn. Der T2DM und das MetS sind häufiger bei Patienten mit PHA als bei den Geschlecht-, Alter-, BMI- und Blutdruck- gematchten Kontrollpaaren zu finden. Dies erklärt teilweise die erhöhte kardiovaskuläre Erkrankung, Morbidität und Mortalität bei Patienten mit PHA.Abnormalities in glucose homeostasis have been described in patients with primary hyperaldosteronism (PHA) but most studies show inconsistent results. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in newly diagnosed PHA patients to a matched control cohort of the background population. In total, 305 PHA patients of the prospective German Conn's Registry were compared to the population-based Study of Health In Pomerania (SHIP1; n=2454). A 1:1 match regarding sex, age, blood pressure and BMI resulted in 269 matched pairs regarding type 2 diabetes and 183 matched pairs regarding MetS. Of the total, 153 PHA patients underwent oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) at diagnosis and 38 PHA patients were reevaluated at follow-up. 76 PHA patients underwent a complete evaluation of the MetS at baseline and at one-year follow-up. Type 2 diabetes and MetS were significantly more frequent in PHA patients than in the control population (17.2% vs 10.4%, P=0.03; 56.8% vs 44.8%, P=0.02). Also, HbA1c levels were higher in PA patients than in controls (P<0.01). Of the total, 35.3% of non-diabetic PHA patients showed an abnormal OGTT (¼ newly diagnosed T2DM and ¾ impaired glucose tolerance). PHA patients with an abnormal OGTT at baseline presented significantly improved 2 h OGTT glucose (P=0.01) at follow-up. A negative correlation between 2 h OGTT glucose levels and serum potassium (P<0.01) was detected. It became apparent that the glucose metabolism was the main reason for the increased prevalence for MetS in PHA patients. The lipid profiles worsen one year after therapy initiation. Type 2 diabetes and MetS are more prevalent in patients with PHA than in controls matched for sex, age, BMI, and blood pressure. This may explain in part the increased cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in PHA patient

    Post-saline infusion test aldosterone levels indicate severity and outcome in primary aldosteronism

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    ObjectiveThe saline infusion test (SIT) is widely used as a confirmatory test for primary aldosteronism (PA). SIT results are judged as follows: post-test aldosterone levels &lt;50 ng/l exclude PA, whereas levels &gt;50 ng/l confirm PA. We hypothesized that post-SIT aldosterone concentrations indicate the severity of PA and might predict outcome.DesignThe study includes 256 PA patients of the German Conn's Registry who prospectively underwent SIT. The data of 126 patients with complete follow-up of 1.2±0.3 years after diagnosis were analyzed. The patients were divided into two groups with post-SIT aldosterone levels of 50–100 ng/l (group 1; n=38) and of &gt;100 ng/l (group 2; n=88).ResultsPatients in group 2 had a significantly shorter duration of hypertension (7.5 vs 11.7 years (median), P=0.014), higher systolic blood pressure (BP; 151±16 vs 143±17 mmHg, P=0.036), lower serum potassium (3.3±0.6 vs 3.5±0.4 mmol/l, P=0.006), higher 24-h urine protein excretion (7.4 vs 5.4 mg/dl (median), P=0.012), and were more often female (P=0.038). They showed more often unilateral disease (P&lt;0.005) with larger tumors (14±10 vs 7±10 mm, P=0.021), underwent more often adrenalectomy (75% vs 37%, P&lt;0.005), required a lower number of antihypertensive drugs after adrenalectomy (1.2±1.2 vs 2.5±1.4, P=0.001), had a faster normalization of urinary protein excretion (with medical treatment P=0.049; with Adx P&lt;0.005) at follow-up, and more frequently underlying well-characterized mutation (P=0.047).ConclusionsPA patients with post-SIT aldosterone levels of &gt;100 ng/l have a more rapid development of PA caused more frequently by unilateral disease with larger aldosterone-producing adenomas. However, this group of patients may have a significantly better outcome following specific treatment.</jats:sec

    Primary and Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Patients with Primary Aldosteronism - Findings From the German Conn's Registry

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    CONTEXT Recent studies support a bidirectional interaction between aldosterone and parathyroid hormone (PTH), possibly increasing the individual cardiovascular risk. Primary aldosteronism (PA) and primary hyperparathyroidism can occur simultaneously. OBJECTIVE Our aim was to investigate the prevalence of hyperparathyroidism in PA. PATIENTS We performed a case finding of primary hyperparathyroidism in a retrospective series of 503 patients with PA (cohort 1). We analysed primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism in 141 prospective PA patients who underwent PTH, serum calcium and phosphate measurements at time of diagnosis of PA (cohort 2). RESULTS The prevalence for primary hyperparathyroidism was 1.2% in cohort 1, and 2.1% in cohort 2. Secondary hyperparathyroidism was found in 54.6% of the patients. Patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism had significantly higher aldosterone and lower potassium levels and took more antihypertensive medications compared to those with normal PTH levels. In multivariate analysis, aldosterone and 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were significantly correlated with serum PTH levels. There was a nonsignificant trend to a higher cardiovascular morbidity in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism. Patients with aldosterone producing adenoma had significantly higher PTH levels compared to patients with bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. After treatment, there was a significant decrease of PTH levels in both groups. CONCLUSION Patients with PA frequently have primary or secondary hyperparathyroidism, which is alleviated by correction of PA by surgical or medical means. Patients affected by secondary hyperparathyroidism seem to have a more severe phenotype of PA and have a trend towards more cardiovascular co-morbidities

    Evaluating the Use of Neonatal Colonization Screening for Empiric Antibiotic Therapy of Sepsis and Pneumonia

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    (1) Background: Since 2013, weekly screening for multidrug-resistant Gram-negative (MDRGN) bacteria has been performed in German neonatal intensive care units (NICU). National guidelines recommend considering these colonization analyses for antibiotic treatment regimens. Our retrospective single center study provides insight into the clinical dichotomy of bacterial colonization and infection rates in neonates. (2) Methods: We analyzed microbiological data of neonates admitted to our tertiary level NICU over nine years. Colonization with MDRGN/Serratia marcescens (SERMA) was compared to microbiological findings in sepsis and pneumonia. (3) Results: We analyzed 917 blood and 1799 tracheal aspirate samples. After applying criteria from the Nosocomial Infection Surveillance for Neonates (NEO-KISS), we included 52 and 55 cases of sepsis and pneumonia, respectively; 19.2% of sepsis patients and 34.5% of pneumonia patients had a prior colonization with MDRGN bacteria or SERMA. In these patients, sepsis was not attributable to MDRGN bacteria yet one SERMA, while in pneumonias, ten MDRGN bacteria and one SERMA were identified. We identified late-onset pneumonia and cesarean section as risk factors for MDRGN/SERMA acquisition. (4) Conclusions: Colonization screening is a useful tool for hygiene surveillance. However, our data suggest that consideration of colonization with MDRGN/SERMA might promote extensive use of last resort antibiotics in neonates

    Increased prevalence of diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome in patients with primary aldosteronism of the German Conn's Registry

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    DesignAbnormalities in glucose homeostasis have been described in patients with primary aldosteronism (PA) but most studies show inconsistent results. Therefore, we aimed to compare the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in newly diagnosed PA patients to a matched control cohort of the background population.MethodsIn total, 305 PA patients of the prospective German Conn's Registry were compared to the population-based Study of Health In Pomerania (SHIP1;n=2454). A 1:1 match regarding sex, age, and BMI resulted in 269 matched pairs regarding type 2 diabetes and 183 matched pairs regarding MetS. Of the total, 153 PA patients underwent oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) at diagnosis and 38 PA patients were reevaluated at follow-up.ResultsType 2 diabetes and MetS were significantly more frequent in PA patients than in the control population (17.2% vs 10.4%,P=0.03; 56.8% vs 44.8%,P=0.02 respectively). Also, HbA1c levels were higher in PA patients than in controls (P&lt;0.01). Of the total, 35.3% of non-diabetic PA patients showed an abnormal OGTT (¼ newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and ¾ impaired glucose tolerance). PA patients with an abnormal OGTT at baseline presented with significantly improved 2 h OGTT glucose (P=0.01) at follow-up. We detected a negative correlation between 2 h OGTT glucose levels and serum potassium (P&lt;0.01).ConclusionsType 2 diabetes and MetS are more prevalent in patients with PA than in controls matched for sex, age, BMI, and blood pressure. This may explain in part the increased cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in PA patients.</jats:sec

    Evaluating the Use of Neonatal Colonization Screening for Empiric Antibiotic Therapy of Sepsis and Pneumonia

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    (1) Background: Since 2013, weekly screening for multidrug-resistant Gram-negative (MDRGN) bacteria has been performed in German neonatal intensive care units (NICU). National guidelines recommend considering these colonization analyses for antibiotic treatment regimens. Our retrospective single center study provides insight into the clinical dichotomy of bacterial colonization and infection rates in neonates. (2) Methods: We analyzed microbiological data of neonates admitted to our tertiary level NICU over nine years. Colonization with MDRGN/Serratia marcescens (SERMA) was compared to microbiological findings in sepsis and pneumonia. (3) Results: We analyzed 917 blood and 1799 tracheal aspirate samples. After applying criteria from the Nosocomial Infection Surveillance for Neonates (NEO-KISS), we included 52 and 55 cases of sepsis and pneumonia, respectively; 19.2% of sepsis patients and 34.5% of pneumonia patients had a prior colonization with MDRGN bacteria or SERMA. In these patients, sepsis was not attributable to MDRGN bacteria yet one SERMA, while in pneumonias, ten MDRGN bacteria and one SERMA were identified. We identified late-onset pneumonia and cesarean section as risk factors for MDRGN/SERMA acquisition. (4) Conclusions: Colonization screening is a useful tool for hygiene surveillance. However, our data suggest that consideration of colonization with MDRGN/SERMA might promote extensive use of last resort antibiotics in neonates

    “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children” (MIS-C) after COVID-19 Infection in the Metropolitan Area of Nuremberg-Erlangen, Germany—Expectations and Results of a Two-Year Period

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    Background: Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a rare autoimmune disorder occurring after a latency period following acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. The therapeutic regime of MIS-C is adapted to the therapy of the Kawasaki disease, as clinical symptoms are similar. Since the Kawasaki disease can potentially result in severe symptoms, which may even affect long-term health, it is essential to gain further knowledge about MIS-C. Thus, we aimed to investigate the incidence, symptoms, therapeutical procedure and outcome of MIS-C patients in the metropolitan area of Nuremberg-Erlangen during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic. Material and Methods: Retrospective analysis of clinical charts of MIS-C patients was carried out at three children’s hospitals covering the medical care of the metropolitan area of Nuremberg-Erlangen in Germany. Demographic characteristics and symptoms at first visit, their clinical course, therapeutic regime and outcome were recorded within the time period January 2021–December 2022. Results: Analysis of 10 patients (5 male, 5 female) with MIS-C resulting in an incidence of 2.14/100.000 children. The median time between COVID-19 infection and admission to hospital was 5 weeks. The median age was 7 years. Symptoms comprised fever (100%), rash (70%), bilateral non-purulent conjunctivitis (70%) and urticaria (20%). At the time of presentation, diagnosis-defining inflammation parameters were increased and the range for C-reactive protein was 4.13 mg/dL to 28 mg/dL, with a median of 24.7 mg/dL. Procalcitonin was initially determined in six patients (1.92 ng/mL to 21.5 ng/mL) with a median value of 5.5 pg/mL. Two patients displayed leukocytosis and two displayed leukopenia. None of the patients presented coronary pathologies. Nine of the ten patients received intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy. In addition, patients received intravenous steroids (80%) and acetylsalicylic acid (80%). Conclusion: SARS-CoV virus may rarely exert multiorgan manifestations due to hyperinflammatory immunological processes. Within two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, we identified ten patients with COVID-induced MIS-C in the metropolitan area Nuremberg-Erlangen. In the description of the patient collective, we can confirm that MIS-C is distinguished from the Kawasaki disease by the lack of coronary manifestations. Interestingly, although having monitored all pediatric facilities in the investigated area, we find lower incidences of MIS-C compared to findings in the literature. In conclusion, an overestimation of incidences in the upcoming MIS-C during the pandemic needs to be considered