6,290 research outputs found

    A hybrid approach for predicting the distribution of vibro-acoustic energy in complex built-up structures

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    Finding the distribution of vibro-acoustic energy in complex built-up structures in the mid-to-high frequency regime is a difficult task. In particular, structures with large variation of local wavelengths and/or characteristic scales pose a challenge referred to as the mid-frequency problem. Standard numerical methods such as the finite element method (FEM) scale with the local wavelength and quickly become too large even for modern computer architectures. High frequency techniques, such as statistical energy analysis (SEA), often miss important information such as dominant resonance behaviour due to stiff or small scale parts of the structure. Hybrid methods circumvent this problem by coupling FEM/BEM and SEA models in a given built-up structure. In the approach adopted here, the whole system is split into a number of subsystems which are treated by either FEM or SEA depending on the local wavelength. Subsystems with relative long wavelengths are modelled using FEM. Making a diffuse field assumption for the wave fields in the short wave length components, the coupling between subsystems can be reduced to a weighted random field correlation function. The approach presented results in an SEA-like set of linear equations which can be solved for the mean energies in the short wavelength subsystems

    How Costly is Financial (not Economic) Distress? Evidence from Highly Leveraged Transactions that Became Distressed

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    This paper studies thirty-one highly leveraged transactions (HLTs) of the 1980s that subsequently became financially distressed. At the time of distress, all sample firms have operating margins that are positive and in the majority of cases greater than the median for the industry. Therefore, we consider these firms financially distressed, not economically distressed. The net effect of the HLT and financial distress is a slight increase in value -- from pre-transaction to distress resolution, the sample firms experience a marginally positive change in (market- or industry-adjusted) value. This finding strongly suggests that, overall, the HLTs of the late 1980s succeeded in creating value. We also present quantitative and qualitative estimates of the (direct and indirect)costs of financial distress and their determinants. Our preferred estimates of the costs of financial distress are 10% of firm value. Our most conservative estimates do not exceed 23% of firm value. Operating margins of the distressed firms increase immediately after the HLT, decline when the firms become distressed and while they are distressed, but then rebound after the distress is resolved. Consistent with some costs of financial distress, we find evidence of unexpected cuts in capital expenditures, undesired asset sales, and costly managerial delay in restructuring. To the extent they occur, the costs of financial distress that we identify are heavily concentrated in the period after the firms become distressed, but before they enter Chapter 11.

    Exploration of Reaction Pathways and Chemical Transformation Networks

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    For the investigation of chemical reaction networks, the identification of all relevant intermediates and elementary reactions is mandatory. Many algorithmic approaches exist that perform explorations efficiently and automatedly. These approaches differ in their application range, the level of completeness of the exploration, as well as the amount of heuristics and human intervention required. Here, we describe and compare the different approaches based on these criteria. Future directions leveraging the strengths of chemical heuristics, human interaction, and physical rigor are discussed.Comment: 48 pages, 4 figure

    Heuristics-Guided Exploration of Reaction Mechanisms

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    For the investigation of chemical reaction networks, the efficient and accurate determination of all relevant intermediates and elementary reactions is mandatory. The complexity of such a network may grow rapidly, in particular if reactive species are involved that might cause a myriad of side reactions. Without automation, a complete investigation of complex reaction mechanisms is tedious and possibly unfeasible. Therefore, only the expected dominant reaction paths of a chemical reaction network (e.g., a catalytic cycle or an enzymatic cascade) are usually explored in practice. Here, we present a computational protocol that constructs such networks in a parallelized and automated manner. Molecular structures of reactive complexes are generated based on heuristic rules derived from conceptual electronic-structure theory and subsequently optimized by quantum chemical methods to produce stable intermediates of an emerging reaction network. Pairs of intermediates in this network that might be related by an elementary reaction according to some structural similarity measure are then automatically detected and subjected to an automated search for the connecting transition state. The results are visualized as an automatically generated network graph, from which a comprehensive picture of the mechanism of a complex chemical process can be obtained that greatly facilitates the analysis of the whole network. We apply our protocol to the Schrock dinitrogen-fixation catalyst to study alternative pathways of catalytic ammonia production.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Copyright-Notice Requirements-Pitfalls for the Unwary

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    Whether judicial remedy of the situation will be adequate or whether legislative change is necessary to remedy the situation presents another problem; but the need for remedy seems clear. The purpose of this comment is to discuss these pitfalls and to indicate present judicial trends regarding these problems. Proposed remedies, both legislative and judicial, will be listed and evaluated where possible

    On the robustness of goodness-of-fit tests for copulas

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    This paper is the first to analyze the robustness of goodness-of-fit for bivariate elliptical and archimedean copulas. To assess the tests’ robustness, we consider perturbations and outliers both in the dependence structure and the observations from the joint distribution. The Monte Carlo simulations show that independent of the underlying true copula, the GoF-test or chosen test statistic, even minor contaminations of the data can lead to a significant decrease in the GoF-tests’ power. In order to robustify the GoF-tests, several methods for the detection of multivariate outliers are applied to the contaminated data. The results show that the exclusion of outliers can have a beneficial effect on the power of the GoF-tests. Moreover, this robustification strategy improves the power of GoF-testing when used to identify the main component of a mixture copula. In the empirical risk management application, the practical usefullness of this strategy is exemplified for a set of bivariate portfolios

    Statistics of reversible bond dynamics observed in force-clamp spectroscopy

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    We present a detailed analysis of two-state trajectories obtained from force-clamp spectroscopy (FCS) of reversibly bonded systems. FCS offers the unique possibility to vary the equilibrium constant in two-state kinetics, for instance the unfolding and refolding of biomolecules, over many orders of magnitude due to the force dependency of the respective rates. We discuss two different kinds of counting statistics, the event-counting usually employed in the statistical analysis of two-state kinetics and additionally the so-called cycle-counting. While in the former case all transitions are counted, cycle-counting means that we focus on one type of transitions. This might be advantageous in particular if the equilibrium constant is much larger or much smaller than unity because in these situations the temporal resolution of the experimental setup might not allow to capture all transitions of an event-counting analysis. We discuss how an analysis of FCS data for complex systems exhibiting dynamic disorder might be performed yielding information about the detailed force-dependence of the transition rates and about the time scale of the dynamic disorder. In addition, the question as to which extent the kinetic scheme can be viewed as a Markovian two-state model is discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, Phys. Rev. E, in pres

    Nonlinear response theory for Markov processes: Simple models for glassy relaxation

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    The theory of nonlinear response for Markov processes obeying a master equation is formulated in terms of time-dependent perturbation theory for the Green's functions and general expressions for the response functions up to third order in the external field are given. The nonlinear response is calculated for a model of dipole reorientations in an asymmetric double well potential, a standard model in the field of dielectric spectroscopy. The static nonlinear response is finite with the exception of a certain temperature T0T_0 determined by the value of the asymmetry. In a narrow temperature range around T0T_0, the modulus of the frequency-dependent cubic response shows a peak at a frequency on the order of the relaxation rate and it vanishes for both, low frequencies and high frequencies. At temperatures at which the static response is finite (lower and higher than T0T_0), the modulus is found to decay monotonously from the static limit to zero at high frequencies. In addition, results of calculations for a trap model with a Gaussian density of states are presented. In this case, the cubic response depends on the specific dynamical variable considered and also on the way the external field is coupled to the kinetics of the model. In particular, a set of different dynamical variables is considered that gives rise to identical shapes of the linear susceptibility and only to different temperature dependencies of the relaxation times. It is found that the frequency dependence of the nonlinear response functions, however, strongly depends on the particular choice of the variables. The results are discussed in the context of recent theoretical and experimental findings regarding the nonlinear response of supercooled liquids and glasses.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Superpositions of the Orbital Angular Momentum for Applications in Quantum Experiments

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    Two different experimental techniques for preparation and analyzing superpositions of the Gaussian and Laguerre-Gassian modes are presented. This is done exploiting an interferometric method on the one hand and using computer generated holograms on the other hand. It is shown that by shifting the hologram with respect to an incoming Gaussian beam different superpositions of the Gaussian and the Laguerre-Gaussian beam can be produced. An analytical expression between the relative phase and the amplitudes of the modes and the displacement of the hologram is given. The application of such orbital angular momenta superpositions in quantum experiments such as quantum cryptography is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. to appear in Journal of Optics
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