5 research outputs found

    Design and development of a lexical data base of Portuguese

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    O desenvolvimento de recursos computacionais para PLN é, na maioria das vezes, uma tarefa árdua e demorada, principalmente na fase inicial, de aquisição de conhecimento. Esta tarefa pode ser simplificada com a centralização dos dados em um repositório que armazene todas as informações lexicais disponíveis de uma determinada língua. Este trabalho documenta o desenvolvimento da DlADORIM, uma base relacional de dados lexicais para a língua portuguesa, com cerca de 1.5 milhão de entradas. Os desafios linguísticos e computacionais encontrados durante todo o processo são discutidos. Várias interfaces de acesso e edição foram implementadas e avaliadas.The development of computational resources of NLP is usually an expensive task in terms of time complexity, mainly in knowledge acquisition phase. This task can be simplified by keeping the data in a central repository, which stores all the available lexical information of a particular language. This work describes the development process of DIADORIM, a relational lexical database for Brazilian Portuguese with around 1.5 million entries. Linguistics and computational development problems are deeply discussed. Interfaces for accessing and editing data were implemented and evaluated

    Design and development of a lexical data base of Portuguese

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    O desenvolvimento de recursos computacionais para PLN é, na maioria das vezes, uma tarefa árdua e demorada, principalmente na fase inicial, de aquisição de conhecimento. Esta tarefa pode ser simplificada com a centralização dos dados em um repositório que armazene todas as informações lexicais disponíveis de uma determinada língua. Este trabalho documenta o desenvolvimento da DlADORIM, uma base relacional de dados lexicais para a língua portuguesa, com cerca de 1.5 milhão de entradas. Os desafios linguísticos e computacionais encontrados durante todo o processo são discutidos. Várias interfaces de acesso e edição foram implementadas e avaliadas.The development of computational resources of NLP is usually an expensive task in terms of time complexity, mainly in knowledge acquisition phase. This task can be simplified by keeping the data in a central repository, which stores all the available lexical information of a particular language. This work describes the development process of DIADORIM, a relational lexical database for Brazilian Portuguese with around 1.5 million entries. Linguistics and computational development problems are deeply discussed. Interfaces for accessing and editing data were implemented and evaluated

    Semi-automatic generation of extended finite state machines from natural language standard document

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    Orientadores: Eliane Martins, Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni CarvalhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A representação de requisitos por modelos para auxiliar o processo de desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais já é utilizada há vários anos. Os modelos facilitam a identificação de erros e podem ser executados automaticamente por ferramentas específicas. Entretanto, muitos sistemas ainda têm seus requisitos expressos em língua natural e não foram encontradas regras sobre como transformar um conjunto de requisitos em um determinado modelo. Este trabalho propõe um processo de transformação de documentos de padronização em língua natural, em Máquinas Finitas de Estados Estendidas. O objetivo principal é desenvolver um método para a geração semiautomática de modelos a partir de documentos de padronização, visando melhorar a qualidade dos modelos gerados em relação à conformidade aos requisitos. A variabilidade dos requisitos é tratada por meio da aplicação de conceitos de Linhas de Produto de Software, em que modelos diferentes são gerados de acordo com as configurações feitas pelo usuário. Uma ferramenta para a geração dos modelos foi construído e o processo foi aplicado a um documento de padronização da área aeroespacial. Requisitos do documento foram selecionados e usados para a geração de modelos. Os modelos resultantes foram avaliados e validados com comparações com modelos manuais elaborados para o mesmo conjunto de requisitos, e por model checking, um método para a verificação formal de máquinas de estadosAbstract: The representation of requirements by means of models to help the development process of computational systems has been used along the years to facilitate the identification of errors. Models can be automatically executed by specific tools and be used during several phases of the development process. However, most requirements are still expressed in natural language, and no guidelines of how to transform natural language requirements into models were found. This work proposes a transformation process of standardization documents into Extended Finite State Machines. The main objective is to provide a way to semi-automatically generate models from natural language standard documents, aiming at improving the quality of generated models for requirements compliance. Variability in the requirements is dealt with Software Product Line concepts, in which different models are generated according to the configuration chosen by the user. A tool for semi-automatic model generation was developed, and the process was applied to a standardization document from the aerospace domain. Requirements described in the analysed document were processed, and the resultant models were evaluated and validated by means of a manual comparison between manual models and generated ones, and model checking, a formal method to evaluate state machinesDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutora em Ciência da Computaçã

    Modeling dependable product-families: from use cases to state machine models

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    Product Families are gaining interest because of the increasing demand for customizable products. However, testing a Product Family is a difficult task, in special, for dependable products, in which the exception handling must also be well tested. Model-based testing (MBT) can be useful for testing Product Families, in which a behavior model can be obtained from the requirements; this model being used for automatic test case generation. The use of MBT, however, requires a good modeling expertise from practitioners, as they are mainly used with informal, textual descriptions of the requirements. In this paper, we show how to apply a use-case modeling approach that allows the automatic extraction of a state machine model for a product. Use cases are described in a restricted format that comprises not only the representation of commonalities and variabilities but also the specification of exception handling for fault-tolerant behavior.Product Families are gaining interest because of the increasing demand for customizable products. However, testing a Product Family is a difficult task, in special, for dependable products, in which the exception handling must also be well tested. Model-b131134CAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORSEM INFORMAÇÃOSeventh Latin-American Symposium on Dependable ComputingOCT 19-21, 2016Cali, COLOMBI

    From natural language standard documents to state machines : advantages and drawbacks

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    Problems in requirements documents are among the root cause of a number of accidents in space missions. A common approach toward the minimization of these problems is to transform the requirements into models that represent the system’s behavior. However, this solution requires dealing with issues such as choosing the best modeling formalism, defining to what extent the transformation process should be automated, and assuring the quality of the requirements documents to be used as input. In space missions, requirements are frequently tailored from standard documents, such as the Packet Utilization Standard, which are composed of mandatory and optional requirements. This paper presents a semi-automatic method to transform standard requirements documents into extended finite state machines. To evaluate it, we apply the method to a set of requirements from the Packet Utilization Standard. We evaluate the method using some Packet Utilization Standard services. In light of the results, the paper discusses advantages and potential problems of each approac