7,285 research outputs found

    An Engineering Approach to the Variable Fluid Property Problem in Free Convection

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    An analysis is made for the variable fluid property problem for laminar free convection on an isothermal vertical flat plate. For a number of specific cases, solutions of the boundary layer equations appropriate to the variable property situation were carried out for gases and liquid mercury. Utilizing these findings, a simple and accurate shorthand procedure is presented for calculating free convection heat transfer under variable property conditions. This calculation method is well established in the heat transfer field. It involves the use of results which have been derived for constant property fluids, and of a set of rules (called reference temperatures) for extending these constant property results to variable property situations. For gases, the constant property heat transfer results are generalized to the variable property situation by replacing beta (expansion coefficient) by one over T sub infinity and evaluating the other properties at T sub r equals T sub w minus zero point thirty-eight (T sub w minus T sub infinity). For liquid mercury, the generalization may be accomplished by evaluating all the properties (including beta) at this same T sub r. It is worthwhile noting that for these fluids, the film temperature (with beta equals one over T sub infinity for gases) appears to serve as an adequate reference temperature for most applications. Results are also presented for boundary layer thickness and velocity parameters

    A Panchromatic View of Brown Dwarf Aurorae

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    Stellar coronal activity has been shown to persist into the low-mass star regime, down to late M-dwarf spectral types. However, there is now an accumulation of evidence suggesting that at the end of the main sequence there is a transition in the nature of the magnetic activity from chromospheric and coronal to planet-like and auroral, from local impulsive heating via flares and MHD wave dissipation to energy dissipation from strong large-scale magnetospheric current systems. We examine this transition and the prevalence of auroral activity in brown dwarfs through a compilation of multi-wavelength surveys of magnetic activity, including radio, X-ray, and optical. We compile the results of those surveys and place their conclusions in the context of auroral emission as the consequence of large-scale magnetospheric current systems that accelerate energetic electron beams and drive the particles to impact the cool atmospheric gas. We explore the different manifestation of auroral phenomena in brown dwarf atmospheres, like Hα\alpha, and define their distinguishing characteristics. We conclude that large amplitude photometric variability in the near infrared is most likely a consequence of clouds in brown dwarf atmospheres, but that auroral activity may be responsible for long-lived stable surface features. We report a connection between auroral Hα\alpha emission and quiescent radio emission in ECMI pulsing brown dwarfs, suggesting a potential underlying physical connection between the quiescent and auroral emissions. We also discuss the electrodynamic engines powering brown dwarf aurorae and the possible role of satellites around these systems to both power the aurorae and seed the magnetosphere with plasma.Comment: 26 pages, 17 figures, and 2 tables; accepted to Ap

    The evolution and star formation of dwarf galaxies in the Fornax Cluster

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    We present the results of a spectroscopic survey of 675 bright (16.5<Bj<18) galaxies in a 6 degree field centred on the Fornax cluster with the FLAIR-II spectrograph on the UK Schmidt Telescope. We measured redshifts for 516 galaxies of which 108 were members of the Fornax Cluster. Nine of these are new cluster members previously misidentified as background galaxies. The cluster dynamics show that the dwarf galaxies are still falling into the cluster whereas the giants are virialised. Our spectral data reveal a higher rate of star formation among the dwarf galaxies than suggested by morphological classification: 35 per cent have H-alpha emission indicative of star formation but only 19 per cent were morphologically classified as late-types. The distribution of scale sizes is consistent with evolutionary processes which transform late-type dwarfs to early-type dwarfs. The fraction of dwarfs with active star formation drops rapidly towards the cluster centre. The star-forming dwarfs are concentrated in the outer regions of the cluster, the most extreme in an infalling subcluster. We estimate gas depletion time scales for 5 dwarfs with detected HI emission: these are long (of order 10 Gyr), indicating that active gas removal must be involved if they are transformed into gas-poor dwarfs as they fall further into the cluster. In agreement with our previous results, we find no compact dwarf elliptical (M32-like) galaxies in the Fornax Cluster.Comment: To appear in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies: a new class of compact stellar system discovered in the Fornax Cluster

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    We have used the 2dF spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain a complete spectroscopic sample of all objects in the magnitude range, Bj= 16.5 to 19.8, regardless of morphology, in an area centred on the Fornax Cluster of galaxies. Among the unresolved targets are five objects which are members of the Fornax Cluster. They are extremely compact stellar systems with scale lengths less than 40 parsecs. These ultra-compact dwarfs are unlike any known type of stellar system, being more compact and significantly less luminous than other compact dwarf galaxies, yet much brighter than any globular cluster.Comment: To appear in IAU Symposium 207: Extragalactic Star Cluster

    An HI survey of the Bootes Void. II. The Analysis

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    We discuss the results of a VLA HI survey of the Bootes void and compare the distribution and HI properties of the void galaxies to those of galaxies found in a survey of regions of mean cosmic density. The Bootes survey covers 1100 Mpc3^{3}, or \sim 1\% of the volume of the void and consists of 24 cubes of typically 2 Mpc * 2 Mpc * 1280 km/s, centered on optically known galaxies. Sixteen targets were detected in HI; 18 previously uncataloged objects were discovered directly in HI. The control sample consists of 12 cubes centered on IRAS selected galaxies with FIR luminosities similar to those of the Bootes targets and located in regions of 1 to 2 times the cosmic mean density. In addition to the 12 targets 29 companions were detected in HI. We find that the number of galaxies within 1 Mpc of the targets is the same to within a factor of two for void and control samples, and thus that the small scale clustering of galaxies is the same in regions that differ by a factor of \sim 6 in density on larger scales. A dynamical analysis of the galaxies in the void suggests that on scales of a few Mpc the galaxies are gravitationally bound, forming interacting galaxy pairs, loose pairs and loose groups. One group is compact enough to qualify as a Hickson compact group. The galaxies found in the void are mostly late-type, gas rich systems. A careful scrutiny of their HI and optical properties shows them to be very similar to field galaxies of the same morphological type. This, combined with our finding that the small scale clustering of the galaxies in the void is the same as in the field, suggests that it is the near environment that mostly affects the evolution of galaxies.Comment: Latex file of abstract. The postscript version of the complete paper (0.2 Mb in gzipped format) including all the figures can be retrieved from http://www.astro.rug.nl:80/~secr/ To appear in the February 1996 issue of the Astronomical Journa

    Strain Gradients in Epitaxial Ferroelectrics

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    X-ray analysis of ferroelectric thin layers of Ba1/2Sr1/2TiO3 with different thickness reveals the presence of internal strain gradients across the film thickness and allows us to propose a functional form for the internal strain profile. We use this to calculate the direct influence of strain gradient, through flexoelectric coupling, on the degradation of the ferroelectric properties of thin films with decreasing thickness, in excellent agreement with the observed behaviour. This work highlights the link between strain relaxation and strain gradients in epitaxial films, and shows the pressing need to avoid strain gradients in order to obtain thin ferroelectrics with bulk-like properties.Comment: 4 pages, 3 embedded figures (1 color), revTex