10 research outputs found

    Insurance of Assets as a Risk in Wood Sector

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    U četiri tvrtke koje se bave preradom drva analizirane su postojeće police osiguranja. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da promatrane tvrtke ne uviđaju potrebu za kvalitetnim osiguranjem. Analizom polica osiguranja u razdoblju od 2002. do 2006. godine uočen je trend kretanja prema širem i obuhvatnijem osiguranju imovine i imovinskih interesa, ali je taj trend prespor. Istodobno je opasnost od velikoga štetnog događaja koji nije obuhvaćen policama osiguranja znatna. Stabilnost tvrtki temelji se na sigurnosti u radu, a s kvalitetnim osiguranjem imovine i imovinskih interesa tvrtke bi sigurnije poslovale. Osiguranje imovine specifičan je problem i zahtijeva širu obradu kako bi potreba za osiguranjem bila kvalitetno prezentirana. Ovaj rad naglašava potrebu osiguranja imovine, a posebno će u vremenu koje dolazi osiguranje imovine i imovinskih interesa biti sve potrebnije i sve važnije za stabilno poslovanje tvrtki.The analysis of the existing situation in four companies involved in wood processing has shown that all of these were covered by insurance policies. The study revealed that the observed companies do not see the need for high-quality insurance. A trend was noted, albeit too slow, towards a wider and more comprehensive insurance coverage of assets and assets interests. At the same time there is a high and significant risk of a possible major accident that is not covered by insurance policies. The stability of companies is based on operations security, and better quality of assets and assets interest insurance would result in higher security of operations. Assets insurance is a specific issue and a wider perspective is required in order to properly present the need for insurance. The present paper will show that assets insurance is indispensable. The results of the study indicate that in the forthcoming period the insurance of assets and assets interests will become more essential and more significant


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    Današnji trend globalizacije svjetskog tržišta, konkurencije i sve veći zahtjevi potrošača učinili su kvalitetu proizvoda i usluga presudnim čimbenikom s kojim se osvaja tržište. Sve se to neupitno odražava i na proizvodnju namještaja u Republici Hrvatskoj zbog njene trajne orijentiranosti na izvoz kao jedini mogući način postizanja tržišne konkurentnosti.Istraživački poligoni su bile dvije tvornice pločastog namještaja. Tijekom godinu i pol dana snimljeni su, prikupljeni i obrađeni podaci odabranih proizvoda, na osnovi kojih su prikazani najutjecajniji činitelji sposobnosti procesa za svaki od poligona. Za rangiranje kriterija pri utvrđivanju sposobnosti tehnološkog procesa primijenjena je metoda Analitičkog Hijerarhijskog Procesa (AHP). Istraživanje je pokazalo da su kriteriji koji najviše utječu na sposobnost tehnološkog procesa u proizvodnji namještaja: čovjek, materijal i stroj. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata ovaj je rad prilog raspravi o poznatom i suvremenom razumijevanju kontrole kvalitete i predstavlja znanstvenu podlogu za izradu odgovarajućeg modela sposobnosti i stabilnosti.Today’s trend of world market globalization, competition and ever greater demands of customers have highlighted the quality of products and services as the key factor in conquering the market. It all impacts wood processing and furniture manufacturing in the Republic of Croatia due to its constant orientation to export as the only way of achieving market competitiveness.Research polygons were two factories of board furniture. Relevant data for considered products were gathered over 1.5 years, and then processed to determine factors with strongest influence on the process capability of each polygon. The criteria for determining technological processes capability were selected using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Research has shown that the most influencing criteria on technological process capability are human, material and machine. Based on obtained results, this paper is a contribution to the discussion on traditional and modern quality assurance models, and represents scientific grounds for implementing a suitable stability and capability model

    Analiza primjene integriranih informacijskih sustava u hrvatskoj drvoprerađivačkoj industriji

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    It can be said that Integrated Information Systems (IIS) are a fundamental operating tool in modern business systems and form the basis of successful company management. The goal of our research was to determine the IT level of business operations in Croatian wood processing industry and to assess how significant it has been in enhancing its business performance. A survey method was used to collect data, which resulted in gathering predominantly small and medium-sized companies. Our results indicate an average use of IIS modalities among surveyed companies. Using cluster analysis, three types of companies were identified with respect to the degree of system implementation. Analysis of financial benefits of the IIS implementation did not find any statistically significant relationship. However, subjective impressions on non-financial indicators show that companies in all three clusters see the greatest benefit of IIS in the improved inventory efficiency and sales efficiency.Možemo reći da su integrirani informacijski sustavi (IIS) temeljni operativni alat u modernim poslovnim sustavima i čine osnovu uspješnog upravljanja poduzećem. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu informatizacije poslovanja u hrvatskoj drvoprerađivačkoj industriji i ocijeniti koliko je ona važna za poboljšanje poslovnih rezultata poduzeća. Za prikupljanje podataka primijenjena je anketna metoda, koja je rezultirala odzivom pretežito malih i srednjih poduzeća. Naši rezultati upućuju na osrednju upotrebu modaliteta unutar IIS-a u anketiranim poduzećima. Klasterskom su analizom identificirana tri tipa poduzeća s obzirom na stupanj integracije sustava. Analiza financijskih koristi implementacije IIS-a nije se pokazala statistički značajnom. Međutim, subjektivni dojmovi o nefinancijskim pokazateljima govore da poduzeća u sva tri klastera vide najveću korist IIS-a u poboljšanju učinkovitosti upravljanja zalihama i poboljšanju učinkovitosti prodaje

    Working Characteristics of Terrain Leveler Machine in Forest Fire Road Construction and Carst Melioration

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    Cilj rada je istražiti učinkovitost drobilice kamena Vermeer T 855 pri pripremi buduće trase šumske protupožarne ceste, kao i pri meliora ciji krškog zemljišta obraslog makijom. Istraživanje je provedeno na području šumarije Zadar i šumarije Buzet tijekom 22 radna dana, pri čemu su se dne vno prikupljali sljedeći parametri: ukupno utrošeno vrijeme rada, efektivno (pogonsko) vrijeme stroja, potrošnja goriva, broj potrošenih noževa bubnja, duljina izrađene trase, dubina rada i vrsta podloge. Osnovna se podjela rad nih dana odnosi na dubinu rada i vrstu podloge. Iz mjerenih podataka je za svaki radni dan izračunat učinak stroja, izražen u duljini izrađene trase u jedi nici vremena, potrošnja goriva po jedinici vremena i duljini izrađene trase te potrošnja noževa po duljini izrađene trase. Na osnovi rezultata mjerenja, ponajprije se želi naglasiti mogućnosti pri mjene pokretne drobilice kamena Vermeer T 855 pri gradnji šumskih protupo žarnih cesta. Prednost pokretne drobilice ogleda se u mogućnosti korištenja kamenog materijala na trasi šumske protupožarne ceste, te u novoj tehnologi jie gradnje protupožarnih cesta, gdje rad jednog stroja djelomično zamjenjuje nekoliko građevinskih strojeva.The paper deals with performance of terrain leveler Vermeer T855 in forest fire road construction and carst melioration. Research was ca ried out in the Mediterranean region on southern part of Croatia (Dalmatia) exactly on the area of forest office Zadar and forest office Buzet. The research was performed during three weeks of the machine work and the following pa rameters were recorded on a daily basis: effective time, fuel consumption, number of broken knives, length of the processed route, working depth and type of surface. The data gathered covered 22 working days in total. The basic classification of the working days was made according to the depth of work and type of surface. The first 13 days the working depth was 40 cm and during first 3 days the fire-prevention road route was on the ground of loose stones, and the following 10 days, on hard stone ground. During 9 days of work on the depth of 75 cm, the machine was working 6 days on the ground consisting of loose stones and 3 days on hard rocky ground. The measured data served to calculate on a daily basis the efficiency of the machine expressed in the length of processed route within the time unit as well as the fuel consumption per time unit and the length of the processed route and dependence of number of broken knives on the length of the processed route The largest average productivity of the machine of 4.30 m/min has been ac hieved at the work in ground 40 cm deep consisting of loose stones. At the same working depth, the productivity appears to be considerably lower on hard rocky ground (2.42 m/min). A lower efficiency is achieved at larger wor king depth. A general conclusion can be made that the productivity depends on the working depth and the type of ground. The larger working depth and the harder ground, the lower productivity. The same sequence occurs when the consumption of knives is examined with regard to the working conditions. On average, when working on the depth of 40 cm in loose stone ground the smallest number of knives are used up. When working at 75 cm in hard stone, the consumption could be from 15 knives/km. The fuel consumption was researched in regard to the constructed route length and to the effective (productive) working time. There are no more signi ficant differences in fuel consumption within a time unit (from 0.89 L/min to 1.04 L/min) in regard to the working conditions. The average fuel consump tion regardless of different working conditions comes to 0.93 L/min. Neverthe less, the differences in fuel consumption according to the length of the constructed road route considerably differ with regard to the working depth and the surface. The consumption of only 0.21 L/m has been registered with the work on the depth of 40 cm in loose stone ground. At the same depth, the consumption is almost double by the route length on the rocky ground (0.41 L/m). As the working depth increases the consumption by route length increa ses too and the largest consumption was from 0.53 L/m established with the work on the depth of 75 cm in hard stone. Based on the measurement results and introductory study, we can make a conclusion on use of the terrain leveler Vermeer T855 in construction of the forest fire-prevention roads. The advantage of the terrain leveler lies in a pos sibility of use of the stone material on the forest fire-prevention roads route as well as in new technology of construction of fire-prevention roads where the operation of a machine substitutes several construction machines

    Driving Efficiency and Competitiveness: Trends and Innovations in ERP Systems for the Wood Industry

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems offer various functionalities to support an organization’s core functions. However, many anticipated benefits often need to materialize due to business context changes and users’ high expectations. Continuous adaptation and improvement are necessary to address user disappointments. This research focuses on ERP systems, exploring key factors influencing the success of their implementation. Recognizing challenges in ERP system implementation, this study provides a comprehensive literature review, identifying essential and contemporary Critical Success Factors (CSFs) influenced by technological advancements. Addressing challenges specific to the wood industry, this research introduces additional industry-adapted CSFs, including industry adaptability, integration with production machinery, effective warehouse management, and supply chain tracking. Furthermore, this paper emphasizes the need for continuous adaptation and improvement of ERP systems, especially in light of current trends and technological achievements. This study recommends a holistic approach, considering traditional or essential CSFs while adapting to new trends. Critical success factors in ERP implementation in the next decade involve considering cloud technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, data security, mobile access, IoT integration, user experience, and training. The main objective of this paper is to identify the latest CSFs in ERP implementation. This research highlights essential success factors in ERP implementation, and contemporary trends in ERP implementation with a particular focus on the specifics of wood industry. While organizations should aim to maximize the potential of ERP systems, they should also acknowledge the crucial role played by human intervention in the effective and responsible implementation of artificial intelligence

    Working Characteristics of Terrain Leveler Machine in Forest Fire Road Construction and Carst Melioration

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    Cilj rada je istražiti učinkovitost drobilice kamena Vermeer T 855 pri pripremi buduće trase šumske protupožarne ceste, kao i pri meliora ciji krškog zemljišta obraslog makijom. Istraživanje je provedeno na području šumarije Zadar i šumarije Buzet tijekom 22 radna dana, pri čemu su se dne vno prikupljali sljedeći parametri: ukupno utrošeno vrijeme rada, efektivno (pogonsko) vrijeme stroja, potrošnja goriva, broj potrošenih noževa bubnja, duljina izrađene trase, dubina rada i vrsta podloge. Osnovna se podjela rad nih dana odnosi na dubinu rada i vrstu podloge. Iz mjerenih podataka je za svaki radni dan izračunat učinak stroja, izražen u duljini izrađene trase u jedi nici vremena, potrošnja goriva po jedinici vremena i duljini izrađene trase te potrošnja noževa po duljini izrađene trase. Na osnovi rezultata mjerenja, ponajprije se želi naglasiti mogućnosti pri mjene pokretne drobilice kamena Vermeer T 855 pri gradnji šumskih protupo žarnih cesta. Prednost pokretne drobilice ogleda se u mogućnosti korištenja kamenog materijala na trasi šumske protupožarne ceste, te u novoj tehnologi jie gradnje protupožarnih cesta, gdje rad jednog stroja djelomično zamjenjuje nekoliko građevinskih strojeva.The paper deals with performance of terrain leveler Vermeer T855 in forest fire road construction and carst melioration. Research was ca ried out in the Mediterranean region on southern part of Croatia (Dalmatia) exactly on the area of forest office Zadar and forest office Buzet. The research was performed during three weeks of the machine work and the following pa rameters were recorded on a daily basis: effective time, fuel consumption, number of broken knives, length of the processed route, working depth and type of surface. The data gathered covered 22 working days in total. The basic classification of the working days was made according to the depth of work and type of surface. The first 13 days the working depth was 40 cm and during first 3 days the fire-prevention road route was on the ground of loose stones, and the following 10 days, on hard stone ground. During 9 days of work on the depth of 75 cm, the machine was working 6 days on the ground consisting of loose stones and 3 days on hard rocky ground. The measured data served to calculate on a daily basis the efficiency of the machine expressed in the length of processed route within the time unit as well as the fuel consumption per time unit and the length of the processed route and dependence of number of broken knives on the length of the processed route The largest average productivity of the machine of 4.30 m/min has been ac hieved at the work in ground 40 cm deep consisting of loose stones. At the same working depth, the productivity appears to be considerably lower on hard rocky ground (2.42 m/min). A lower efficiency is achieved at larger wor king depth. A general conclusion can be made that the productivity depends on the working depth and the type of ground. The larger working depth and the harder ground, the lower productivity. The same sequence occurs when the consumption of knives is examined with regard to the working conditions. On average, when working on the depth of 40 cm in loose stone ground the smallest number of knives are used up. When working at 75 cm in hard stone, the consumption could be from 15 knives/km. The fuel consumption was researched in regard to the constructed route length and to the effective (productive) working time. There are no more signi ficant differences in fuel consumption within a time unit (from 0.89 L/min to 1.04 L/min) in regard to the working conditions. The average fuel consump tion regardless of different working conditions comes to 0.93 L/min. Neverthe less, the differences in fuel consumption according to the length of the constructed road route considerably differ with regard to the working depth and the surface. The consumption of only 0.21 L/m has been registered with the work on the depth of 40 cm in loose stone ground. At the same depth, the consumption is almost double by the route length on the rocky ground (0.41 L/m). As the working depth increases the consumption by route length increa ses too and the largest consumption was from 0.53 L/m established with the work on the depth of 75 cm in hard stone. Based on the measurement results and introductory study, we can make a conclusion on use of the terrain leveler Vermeer T855 in construction of the forest fire-prevention roads. The advantage of the terrain leveler lies in a pos sibility of use of the stone material on the forest fire-prevention roads route as well as in new technology of construction of fire-prevention roads where the operation of a machine substitutes several construction machines

    Određivanje koristi od certifikacije FSC lanca sljedivosti u hrvatskoj drvnoj industriji

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    Croatian State Forest Enterprise covers more than seventy five percent of forest area in the Republic of Croatia and it is the biggest supplier of Croatian wood industry companies. From the year of national forests FSC certifi cation (2002) onwards, the number of issued FSC CoC certifi cates has exceeded two hundred. The increase of issued FSC certifi cates confirms that CoC certification has become a very important segment of the Croatian wood industry. In this research, the survey among Croatian FSC CoC certifi cate holders has been conducted. The aim of the research was to determine the reasons of implementing FSC CoC certifi cation, benefits of certification and problems arising out of implementation. The research has shown that the respondents were forced to implement FSC CoC by the request from their customers. Furthermore, respondents stated that the most important benefit from FSC CoC implementation was to keep the existing customers and for the largest part of respondents the main problem in FSC CoC implementation was related to high certification costs. Regarding the financial benefits of FSC CoC certification for respondents, the results showed small, but signifi cant positive correlation between certification duration and efficiency of total equity, as well as between certifi cation duration and return on assets.Hrvatske šume d.o.o. pokrivaju više od 75 % šumskog područja Republike Hrvatske i najveći su dobavljač sirovine za hrvatsku drvnu industriju. Od godine FSC certifi kacije državnih šuma (2002.) do danas broj izdanih FSC CoC certifi kata veći je od dvije stotine. Povećanje broja izdanih certifikata potvrđuje da je CoC certifikacija postala vrlo važna sastavnica poslovanja hrvatske drvne industrije. U sklopu ovog istraživanja provedena je anketa među hrvatskim nositeljima FSC CoC certifikata, a cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti razloge implementacije FSC CoC certifikacije, koristi od certifikacije i probleme koji nastaju pri implementaciji tog certifikata. Rezultati su pokazali da je implementacija FSC CoC certifi kacije u ispitanika najčešće potaknuta zahtjevima njihovih kupaca. Nadalje, najčešće isticana korist od FSC CoC implementacije jest zadržavanje postojećih kupaca, a za najveći dio ispitanika glavni su problem FSC CoC implementacije visoki troškovi tog postupka. S obzirom na financijske koristi od FSC CoC certifi kacije za ispitanike, rezultati su pokazali malu, ali pozitivnu korelaciju između trajanja certifikacije i ekonomičnosti cjelokupnog poslovanja, kao i između trajanja certifikacije i njezina utjecaja na povrat imovine

    Analiza primjene integriranih informacijskih sustava u hrvatskoj drvoprerađivačkoj industriji

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    Sawmilling in Croatia Part 1 – Historical Review of Croatian Sawmilling

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    U radu je prikazan razvoj pilanarstva u Hrvatskoj od pojave prvih pilana na pogon vodom pa sve do kraja 20. stoljeća. Prikaz se temelji na fragmentima radova različitih autora s ovih prostora koji su se bavili tom tematikom. Podaci o prvim pilanama u Hrvatskoj na pogon vodom (venecijanskim jarmačama) datiraju od početka 15. stoljeća. Prve parne pilane na području Hrvatske podižu se početkom druge polovice 19. stoljeća. Glavninu investicijskih ulaganja pri njihovu otvaranju i vođenju imao je inozemni kapital. Kao osnovni pilanski stroj u parnim pilanama rabile su se gotovo isključivo pune vertikalne jarmače. Određen broj parnih pilana održao se gotovo do početka drugoga svjetskog rata. Nakon rata, pa sve do 1952. godine osposobljeni su gotovo svi oštećeni kapaciteti, a ponovno je izgrađena i većina uništenih. Od 1953. do 1960. godine, zbog sve veće potrebe za kvalitetnijim piljenicama za finalnu industriju, uz istodobni pad kvalitete pilanskih trupaca prošireni su, grupirani i djelomično modernizirani kapaciteti pilana. Od 1960. do Domovinskog rata 1990. godine rekonstruirane su gotovo sve pilane na načelima tadašnje suvremene tehnike i tehnologije te zbog potreba za sve većom finalizacijom građe. Rat je donio velika materijalna razaranja. Prema nekim procjenama, oko 25 % proizvodnih kapaciteta drvne industrije potpuno je uništeno ili je pretrpjelo velika materijalna razaranja, a indirektne štete izazvane ratom i njegovim posljedicama nisu bile manje od toga. Kako bi se ispravilo to stanje, tijekom i nakon rata u novoj hrvatskoj državi počinje privatizacija i revitalizacija velikih drvnoindustrijskih poduzeća te zatvaranje starih i otvaranje novih pilanskih kapaciteta.This paper presents the development of sawmilling in Croatia from the time of the first water- driven sawmills until the end of the 20th century. This overview is based on resources from various authors from this country that have dealt with this theme. Data on the first water-driven sawmills in Croatia date back to the beginning of the 15th century. The first steam- driven sawmills in Croatia were built in the second half of the 19th century. Opening and managing these types of sawmills was mostly financed by foreign capital. The main machinery used in steam-driven sawmills was almost exclusively the vertical frame saw. A number of steam-driven sawmills were used until the beginning of World War II. In the period after World War II until 1952, most damaged mills were renewed and almost all ruined mills were reconstructed. Due to increasing demands for sawn wood used as final products, with a simultaneous drop in sawmilling log quality, sawmill capacities were expanded, grouped and partially modernized in the period between 1953 and 1960. From 1960 until the Homeland War in 1990, most sawmills were reconstructed according to modern techniques and technology of that time and in accordance with the demand for better finalization of sawn wood. The war brought material damages. According to some estimates, 25 % of wood industry production capacity was totally devastated or severely damaged and indirect damages caused by the war and its consequences were not smaller than that. During and after the war in the new Croatian state, in an attempt to fix the situation, privatization and revitalization of large wood industry enterprises began and old sawmills were closed and new sawmill capacities opened