28 research outputs found

    Improving productivity and worker conditions in assembly : part 2 : rapid deployment of learnable robot skills

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    Collaborative robots (cobots) have a strong potential to improve both productivity as well as the working conditions of assembly operators by assisting in their tasks and by decreasing their physical and cognitive stress. The use of cobots in factories however introduces multiple challenges: how should the overall assembly architecture look like? How to allocate specific (sub)tasks to the operator or the cobot? How to program and deploy the cobot? How to make changes to the robot program? In this paper dilogy, we briefly highlight our recent contributions to this field. In part I we presented our collaborative architecture for human-robot assembly tasks and discussed the working principles of our task allocation framework, based upon agent capabilities and ergonomic measurements. In this second part we focus on our programming by demonstration approach targeted at expediting the deployment of learnable robot skills

    Effect of withholding early parenteral nutrition in PICU on ketogenesis as potential mediator of its outcome benefit

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    Background: In critically ill children, omitting early use of parenteral nutrition (late-PN versus early-PN) reduced infections, accelerated weaning from mechanical ventilation, and shortened PICU stay. We hypothesized that fasting-induced ketogenesis mediates these benefits. Methods: In a secondary analysis of the PEPaNIC RCT (N = 1440), the impact of late-PN versus early-PN on plasma 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB), and on blood glucose, plasma insulin, and glucagon as key ketogenesis regulators, was determined for 96 matched patients staying ≥ 5 days in PICU, and the day of maximal 3HB-effect, if any, was identified. Subsequently, in the total study population, plasma 3HB and late-PN-affected ketogenesis regulators were measured on that average day of maximal 3HB effect. Multivariable Cox proportional hazard and logistic regression analyses were performed adjusting for randomization and baseline risk factors. Whether any potential mediator role for 3HB was direct or indirect was assessed by further adjusting for ketogenesis regulators. Results: In the matched cohort (n = 96), late-PN versus early-PN increased plasma 3HB throughout PICU days 1–5 (P < 0.0001), maximally on PICU day 2. Also, blood glucose (P < 0.001) and plasma insulin (P < 0.0001), but not glucagon, were affected. In the total cohort (n = 1142 with available plasma), late-PN increased plasma 3HB on PICU day 2 (day 1 for shorter stayers) from (median [IQR]) 0.04 [0.04–0.04] mmol/L to 0.75 [0.04–2.03] mmol/L (P < 0.0001). The 3HB effect of late-PN sta

    Внешнеторговое сотрудничество Республики Корея со странами Северо-Восточной Азии

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    Вследствие быстрого развития и усложнения мирохозяйственных связей и торгово-экономического взаимодействия государств, тенденции развитие международного сотрудничества приобретают особую актуальность. Северо-Восточная Азия (СВА) – это регион, в котором очень тонко переплетаются исторические, идеологические, политические особенности и экономическая целесообразность торговли. Страновой состав региона Северо-Восточной Азии может рассматриваться с разных точек зрения, в рамках данного исследования под странами данного региона понимаются Республика Корея, Китай, Япония и вся Россия. Взаимодействие Республики Корея с каждым из трех государств имеет уникальную историю, достаточный потенциал для развития торговли, а также свои особенности формирования внешнеэкономических связей. Усиление роли Китая в качестве торгового партнера, снижение значимости Японии и сложная экономическая ситуация в России на текущий момент оказывают существенное влияние на развитие Республики Корея, опорой экономического роста которой традиционно являлась торговля. Эти три страны являются одними из важнейших партнеров для Республики Корея, поэтому изучение процессов формирования внешнеэкономических связей в рамках региона Северо-Восточной Азии необходимо для определения основных тенденций, качественных изменений и факторов, определяющих вектор торговых отношений. Цель исследования – выявить основные тенденции сотрудничества Республики Корея и стран Северо-Восточной Азии в сфере внешней торговли. Практическая значимость работы состоит в возможности получения всестороннего анализа внешнеторгового сотрудничества Республики Корея и стран Северо-Восточной Азии, глубоко раскрытия данной тематики, что может послужить основой для дальнейших исследований торговли Республики Корея со странами региона и определения будущих перспектив в сотрудничестве для формирования внешнеторговой политики страны.The final project is devoted to trade cooperation of the Republic of Korea and North-East Asian countries. This region is influenced by many factors and analyses of dynamics and structure of trade are extremely significant to reveal the reasons of current trends of international cooperation between countries

    Accelerating interactive reinforcement learning by human advice for an assembly task by a cobot

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    The assembly industry is shifting more towards customizable products, or requiring assembly of small batches. This requires a lot of reprogramming, which is expensive because a specialized engineer is required. It would be an improvement if untrained workers could help a cobot to learn an assembly sequence by giving advice. Learning an assembly sequence is a hard task for a cobot, because the solution space increases drastically when the complexity of the task increases. This work introduces a novel method where human knowledge is used to reduce this solution space, and as a result increases the learning speed. The method proposed is the IRL-PBRS method, which uses Interactive Reinforcement Learning (IRL) to learn from human advice in an interactive way, and uses Potential Based Reward Shaping (PBRS), in a simulated environment, to focus learning on a smaller part of the solution space. The method was compared in simulation to two other feedback strategies. The results show that IRL-PBRS convergesmore quickly to a valid assembly sequence policy and does this with the fewest human interactions. Finally, a use case is presented where participants were asked to program an assembly task. Here, the results show that IRL-PBRS learns quickly enough to keep up with advice given by a user, and is able to adapt online to a changing knowledge base.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Probogotchi: a novel edutainment device as a bridge for interaction between a child with ASD and the typically developed sibling

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    There has been a considerable transformation in game preferences of children with the rapid development of information and communication technology. Computer games became the mostly preferred spare time activity for children of different ages. Several studies found that technology, ranging from computer applications to social robots, can act as a mediator to improve interaction for children with social impairments. The contribution presented is an intermediate step which combines the embodiment with tangible and intuitive interaction that social robots can offer and an affordable and autonomous solution as a computer game. Probogotchi is a way to play an educational computer game, where children have to interact with a toy equipped with sensors connected to a PC. The control architecture is built around an artificial homeostatic system for social agents and is set to simulate pet-like behavior, resulting in a dependency on the user's interactions. As such, affective human-computer interaction is achieved. The homeostatic regulation is an autonomous system that uses input stimuli from a tactile and object identification system to detect certain actions originating from the user. If an action is triggered, it will influence the internal needs that are subsequently translated into an emotional state. This emotional state is communicated back to the user by a virtual model showing the corresponding facial expression. For the evaluation section, a preliminary study using Probogotchi as a bridge for interaction between a child with ASD and his typically developed sibling is for the first time described. Quantitative data and qualitative observations are presented. The paper concludes with a focus on the technical limitations and also on future developments and implications for the clinical use of Probogotchi game for children with autism

    Improving Postural Ergonomics during Human–Robot Collaboration Using Particle Swarm Optimization: A Study in Virtual Environment

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    Musculoskeletal disorders caused by poor work posture are a serious concern in the industry since they lead to absenteeism and medical leave from work. In the context of human–robot collaboration, this issue can be mitigated if collaborative robots support human workers to perform their tasks more ergonomically. In this work, we propose a method to optimize human posture during human–robot collaboration using the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. Our approach involves assigning an appropriate location to the robot’s end-effector to minimize the distance between the optimized posture of the human and their current posture in the working space. To measure human posture, we use the Rapid Entire Body Assessment score (REBA) calculated from body joint angles captured by a Kinect camera. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conducted a user study with 20 participants in a virtual reality environment. The PSO algorithm could position the robot end-effector to the optimal position close to real time. Our results showed that our method could improve ergonomics by 66%, indicating its potential for use in human–robot collaborative applications

    Automated Grasp Planning and Finger Design Space Search Using Multiple Grasp Quality Measures

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    As the industry shifts to automated manufacturing and the assembly of parts in smaller batches, there is a clear need for an efficient design of grippers. This paper presents a method for automated grasp planning and finger design for multiple parts using four grasp quality measures that capture the following important requirements for grasping: (i) uniform contact force distribution; (ii) better gravity wrench resistance; (iii) robustness against gripper positioning error; and (iv) ability to resist larger external wrench on the object. We introduce the fingertip score to quantify the grasp performance of a fingertip design over all the objects. The method takes the CAD model of the objects as the input and outputs the optimal grasp location and the best finger design. We use the method for a three-point grasp with a parallel jaw gripper. We validate our method on two sets of objects. Results show how each grasp quality measure behaves on different objects and the variation in the fingertip score with finger design. Finally, we test the effectiveness of the optimal finger design experimentally. The three-point grasp is suitable for grasping objects larger than is possible with shape-matching fingertips