437 research outputs found

    Replica theory for fluctuations of the activation barriers in glassy systems

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    We consider the problem of slow activation dynamics in glassy systems undergoing a random first order phase transition. Using an effective potential approach to supercooled liquids, we determine the spectrum of activation barriers for entropic droplets. We demonstrate that fluctuations of the configurational entropy and of the liquid glass surface tension are crucial to achieve an understanding of the barrier fluctuations in glassy systems and thus are ultimatively responsible for the broad spectrum of excitations and heterogeneous dynamics in glasses. In particular we derive a relation between the length scale for dynamic heterogeneity and the related barrier fluctuations. Diluted entropic droplets are shown to have a Gaussian distribution of barriers, strongly suggesting that non-Gaussian behavior results from droplet-droplet interactions.Comment: 16 pages, 9 eps figure

    Conceptualization of a cognitively enriched walking program for older adults: a co-design study with experts and end users

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    BACKGROUND: Research in controlled laboratory settings shows that physical activity programs enriched with cognitive challenges enhance the benefits of physical activity on cognition in older adults. This translational study aimed to conceptualise a real-life, cognitively enriched walking program for older adults (65+) by investigating (a) which cognitive tasks are most suited for cognitive enrichment of a walking program, and (b) how to embed these tasks in a walking program to become feasible, enjoyable and effective. METHODS: A co-design process was followed with input of 34 academic experts and 535 end users. First, an online, three-rounds Delphi process was used to obtain consensus amongst academic experts on the key characteristics that a real-life cognitively enriched walking program should have. Next, end users provided feedback and suggestions on what the experts concluded, and gave more insight into their preferences and concerns by means of an online/telephone survey. RESULTS: Combined input from experts and end users resulted in a list of recommendations to guide the further development of the cognitively enriched walking program. First, it is important to provide a range of cognitive tasks to choose from. Each of these tasks should (a) provide variation and differentiation, (b) be implemented with increasing levels of difficulty, and (c) be integrated in the walk. Second, divide the walk into three parts: 5–10 min brisk walking, cognitive tasks for most of the walk, and 5–10 min free walking. Finally, the program should strive for a minimal session frequency of twice a week, include competition occasionally and carefully, ensure safety and keep the walks fun. CONCLUSIONS: The co-design process resulted in recommendations to guide the next steps in the program development process. Additional studies will be performed to improve the enjoyability and feasibility, and to assess the effectiveness of the cognitively enriched walking program to improve cognitive functioning and physical activity in older adults (65+). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12877-022-02823-z

    OH(6-2) spectra and rotational temperature measurements at Davis, Antarctica

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    International audienceThe OH(6-2) band was monitored during 1990 at Davis, Antarctica (68.6°S, 78.0°E) using a Czerny-Turner scanning spectrometer. Spectra obtained with a 0.15-nm bandwidth and wavelength steps of 0.005 nm have been recorded in an attempt to isolate auroral features. This has enabled detailed study of weak features in the region ?837.5?855.5 nm. These weak features can contribute to the apparent intensity of P-branch lines and to the background. Their presence is allowed for in our calculation of rotational temperature, but the P1(3) line is excluded because of significant contamination. An average temperature of 221±2 K is obtained from a selected data set of 104 spectra. The mid-winter average temperature, for the months of May, June and July, is 224±2 K, which is consistent with the 1986 CIRA model values for mid-winter at this height and latitude, but this result is dependent on the choice of transition probabilities. Preliminary assessments of seasonal and diurnal variations in rotational temperature and intensity are presented

    Hydroxyl (6?2) airglow emission intensity ratios for rotational temperature determination

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    International audienceOH(6?2) Q1/P1 and R1/P1 airglow emission intensity ratios, for rotational states up to j' = 4.5, are measured to be lower than implied by transition probabilities published by various authors including Mies, Langhoff et al. and Turnbull and Lowe. Experimentally determined relative values of j' transitions yield OH(6?2) rotational temperatures 2 K lower than Langhoff et al., 7 K lower than Mies and 13 K lower than Turnbull and Lowe.Key words: Atmospheric composition and structure (airglow and aurora; pressure, density and temperature)</p

    Trend analysis from 1970 to 2008 and model evaluation of EDGARv4 global gridded anthropogenic mercury emissions

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    The Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) provides a time-series of man-made emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived atmospheric pollutants from 1970 to 2008. Mercury is included in EDGARv4.tox1, thereby enriching the spectrum of multi-pollutant sources in the database. With an average annual growth rate of 1.3% since 1970, EDGARv4 estimates that the global mercury emissions reached 1287 tonnes in 2008. Specifically, gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) (Hg[superscript 0]) accounted for 72% of the global total emissions, while gaseous oxidised mercury (GOM) (Hg[superscript 2 +]) and particle bound mercury (PBM) (Hg-P) accounted for only 22% and 6%, respectively. The less reactive form, i.e., Hg[superscript 0], has a long atmospheric residence time and can be transported long distances from the emission sources. The artisanal and small-scale gold production, accounted for approximately half of the global Hg[superscript 0] emissions in 2008 followed by combustion (29%), cement production (12%) and other metal industry (10%). Given the local-scale impacts of mercury, special attention was given to the spatial distribution showing the emission hot-spots on gridded 0.1° × 0.1° resolution maps using detailed proxy data. The comprehensive ex-post analysis of the mitigation of mercury emissions by end-of-pipe abatement measures in the power generation sector and technology changes in the chlor-alkali industry over four decades indicates reductions of 46% and 93%, respectively. Combined, the improved technologies and mitigation measures in these sectors accounted for 401.7 tonnes of avoided mercury emissions in 2008. A comparison shows that EDGARv4 anthropogenic emissions are nearly equivalent to the lower estimates of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)'s mercury emissions inventory for 2005 for most sectors. An evaluation of the EDGARv4 global mercury emission inventory, including mercury speciation, was performed using the GEOS-Chem global 3-D mercury model. The model can generally reproduce both spatial variations and long-term trends in total gaseous mercury concentrations and wet deposition fluxes.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Atmospheric Chemistry Program Grant 1053648

    Reduced activation and increased inactivation of thyroid hormone in tissues of critically ill patients

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    Critical illness is often associated with reduced TSH and thyroid hormone secretion as well as marked changes in peripheral thyroid hormone metabolism, resulting in low serum T(3) and high rT(3) levels. To study the mechanism(s) of the latter changes, we determined serum thyroid hormone levels and the expression of the type 1, 2, and 3 iodothyronine deiodinases (D1, D2, and D3) in liver and skeletal muscle from deceased intensive care patients. To study mechanisms underlying these changes, 65 blood samples, 65 liver, and 66 skeletal muscle biopsies were obtained within minutes after death from 80 intensive care unit patients randomized for intensive or conventional insulin treatment. Serum thyroid parameters and the expression of tissue D1-D3 were determined. Serum TSH, T(4), T(3), and the T(3)/rT(3) ratio were lower, whereas serum rT(3) was higher than in normal subjects (P < 0.0001). Liver D1 activity was down-regulated and D3 activity was induced in liver and skeletal muscle. Serum T(3)/rT(3) ratio correlated positively with liver D1 activity (P < 0.001) and negatively with liver D3 activity (ns). These parameters were independent of the type of insulin treatment. Liver D1 and serum T(3)/rT(3) were highest in patients who died from severe brain damage, intermediate in those who died from sepsis or excessive inflammation

    Statistical Mechanics of Glass Formation in Molecular Liquids with OTP as an Example

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    We extend our statistical mechanical theory of the glass transition from examples consisting of point particles to molecular liquids with internal degrees of freedom. As before, the fundamental assertion is that super-cooled liquids are ergodic, although becoming very viscous at lower temperatures, and are therefore describable in principle by statistical mechanics. The theory is based on analyzing the local neighborhoods of each molecule, and a statistical mechanical weight is assigned to every possible local organization. This results in an approximate theory that is in very good agreement with simulations regarding both thermodynamical and dynamical properties

    Cost-effectiveness study of early versus late parenteral nutrition in critically ill children (PEPaNIC)

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    __Background:__ The multicentre randomised controlled PEPaNIC trial showed that withholding parenteral nutrition (PN) during the first week of critical illness in children was clinically superior to providing early PN. This study describes the cost-effectiveness of this new nutritional strategy. __Methods:__ Direct medical costs were calculated with use of a micro-costing approach. We compared the costs of late versus early initiation of PN (n = 673 versus n = 670 pa

    The Ultimate Fate of Supercooled Liquids

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    In recent years it has become widely accepted that a dynamical length scale {\xi}_{\alpha} plays an important role in supercooled liquids near the glass transition. We examine the implications of the interplay between the growing {\xi}_{\alpha} and the size of the crystal nucleus, {\xi}_M, which shrinks on cooling. We argue that at low temperatures where {\xi}_{\alpha} > {\xi}_M a new crystallization mechanism emerges enabling rapid development of a large scale web of sparsely connected crystallinity. Though we predict this web percolates the system at too low a temperature to be easily seen in the laboratory, there are noticeable residual effects near the glass transition that can account for several previously observed unexplained phenomena of deeply supercooled liquids including Fischer clusters, and anomalous crystal growth near T_g
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