2,752 research outputs found

    Elastohydrodynamic lubrication

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    The development of EHL theory from its tentative beginnings is outlined, with an account of how Ertel explained its relation to Hertz contact theory. The problems caused by the failure of the early numerical analysts to understand that the film thickness depends on only two variables are emphasised, and answers of the form H = F ( P , S ) given. Early methods of measuring the film thickness are described, but these became archaic with the development of optical EHL. The behaviour of surface roughness as it passes through the high pressure region and suffers elastic deformation is described, and the implication for the traditional Λ -ratio noted. In contrast, the understanding of traction is far from satisfactory. The oil in the high pressure region must become non-Newtonian: the early explanation that the viscosity reduction is the effect of temperature proved inadequate. There must be some form of shear thinning (perhaps according to the Eyring theory), but also a limiting shear stress under which the lubricant shears as an elastic solid. It seems that detailed, and difficult, measurements of the high pressure, high shear-rate behaviour of individual oils are needed before traction curves can be predicted.</jats:p

    The detection of multiple global directions: Capacity limits with spatially segregated and transparent-motion signals

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    An important constraint on motion processing is the maximum number of directions that can be perceived at the same time. When transparent-motion stimuli are constructed based solely on direction differences, prior studies demonstrate that no more than two directions are seen simultaneously. However, this limit has been extended to three when signal directions drive independent speed- or disparity-tuned global-motion systems. The present study sought to determine whether this three-direction capacity reflects the specific mechanisms of transparent-motion detection or a more general restriction on global-motion processing. Using both transparent and spatially segregated stimuli, observers indicated which of the two intervals contained the most directions, with simultaneous processing ensured through brief durations and n vs. n + 1 signal comparisons. When spatially segregated directions were interleaved in patches, no more than two were seen, as with direction-defined transparent motion. In contrast, separating these directions into distinct spatial regions allowed the detection of up to three. Signal-detection thresholds did not vary across these signal arrangements, suggesting that the two-direction capacity results from signal-to-noise pooling across the entire stimulus, with the higher capacity for spatially distinct directions arising from independent pooling within each region. Together, these results provide further evidence for an upper capacity of three directions within the global-motion stage

    Dissociable effects of visual crowding on the perception of colour and motion

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    Our ability to recognise objects in peripheral vision is fundamentally limited by crowding, the deleterious effect of clutter that disrupts the recognition of features ranging from orientation and colour to motion and depth. Prior research is equivocal on whether this reflects a singular process that disrupts all features simultaneously or multiple processes that affect each independently. We examined crowding for motion and colour, two features that allow a strong test of feature independence. ‘Cowhide’ stimuli were presented 15 degrees in peripheral vision, either in isolation or surrounded by flankers to give crowding. Observers reported either the target direction (clockwise/counterclockwise from upwards) or its hue (blue/purple). We first established that both features show systematic crowded errors (predominantly biased towards the flanker identities) and selectivity for target-flanker similarity (with reduced crowding for dissimilar target/flanker elements). The multiplicity of crowding was then tested with observers identifying both features: a singular object-selective mechanism predicts that when crowding is weak for one feature and strong for the other that crowding should be all-or-none for both. In contrast, when crowding was weak for colour and strong for motion, errors were reduced for colour but remained for motion, and vice versa with weak motion and strong colour crowding. This double dissociation reveals that crowding disrupts certain combinations of visual features in a feature-specific manner, ruling out a singular object-selective mechanism. The ability to recognise one aspect of a cluttered scene, like colour, thus offers no guarantees for the correct recognition of other aspects, like motion

    Foveal target repetitions reduce crowding

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    Crowding is the limitation of peripheral vision by clutter. Objects that are easily identified when presented in isolation are hard to identify when presented flanked by similar close-by objects. It is often assumed that the signal of a crowded target is irretrievably lost because it is combined with the signals of the flankers. Here, we asked whether a target signal can be enhanced (or retrieved) by items presented far outside the crowding region. We investigated whether remote items matching a peripheral, crowded target enhanced discrimination compared to remote items not matching the target. In Experiment 1, we presented the remote item at different locations in the visual field and found that, when presented in the fovea, a matching remote item improved target discrimination compared to a nonmatching remote item. In Experiment 2, we varied stimulus onset asynchronies between target and remote items and found a strong effect when the remote item was presented simultaneously with the target. The effect diminished (or was absent) with increasing temporal separation. In Experiment 3, we asked whether semantic knowledge of a target was sufficient to improve target discrimination and found that this was not the case. We conclude that crowded target signals are not irretrievably lost. Rather, their accurate recognition is facilitated in the presence of remote items that match the target. We suggest that long-range grouping mechanisms underlie this "uncrowding" effect

    Retinal changes precede visual dysfunction in the complement factor h knockout mouse

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    We previously reported that aged mice lacking complement factor H (CFH) exhibit visual defects and structural changes in the retina. However, it is not known whether this phenotype is age-related or is the consequence of disturbed development. To address this question we investigated the effect of Cfh gene deletion on the retinal phenotype of young and mid-age mice. Cfh (-/-) mouse eyes exhibited thickening of the retina and reduced nuclear density, but relatively normal scotopic and photopic electroretinograms. At 12 months there was evidence of subtle astroglial activation in the Cfh (-/-) eyes, and significant elevation of the complement regulator, decay-accelerating factor (DAF) in Müller cells. In the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of young control and Cfh (-/-) animals mitochondria and melanosomes were oriented basally and apically respectively, whereas the apical positioning of melanosomes was significantly perturbed in the mid-age Cfh (-/-) RPE. We conclude that deletion of Cfh in the mouse leads to defects in the retina that precede any marked loss of visual function, but which become progressively more marked as the animals age. These observations are consistent with a lifelong role for CFH in retinal homeostasis

    Population receptive field estimates for motion-defined stimuli

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    The processing of motion changes throughout the visual hierarchy, from spatially restricted ‘local motion’ in early visual cortex to more complex large-field ‘global motion’ at later stages. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine spatially selective responses in these areas related to the processing of random-dot stimuli defined by differences in motion. We used population receptive field (pRF) analyses to map retinotopic cortex using bar stimuli comprising coherently moving dots. In the first experiment, we used three separate background conditions: no background dots (dot-defined bar-only), dots moving coherently in the opposite direction to the bar (kinetic boundary) and dots moving incoherently in random directions (global motion). Clear retinotopic maps were obtained for the bar-only and kinetic-boundary conditions across visual areas V1-V3 and in higher dorsal areas. For the global-motion condition, retinotopic maps were much weaker in early areas and became clear only in higher areas, consistent with the emergence of global-motion processing throughout the visual hierarchy. However, in a second experiment we demonstrate that this pattern is not specific to motion-defined stimuli, with very similar results for a transparent-motion stimulus and a bar defined by a static low-level property (dot size) that should have driven responses particularly in V1. We further exclude explanations based on stimulus visibility by demonstrating that the observed differences in pRF properties do not follow the ability of observers to localise or attend to these bar elements. Rather, our findings indicate that dorsal extrastriate retinotopic maps may primarily be determined by the visibility of the neural responses to the bar relative to the background response (i.e. neural signal-to-noise ratios) and suggests that claims about stimulus selectivity from pRF experiments must be interpreted with caution

    Childhood amblyopia: current management and new trends

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    INTRODUCTION OR BACKGROUND: With a prevalence of 2-5%, amblyopia is the most common vision deficit in children in the UK and the second most common cause of functional low vision in children in low-income countries. SOURCES OF DATA: Pubmed, Cochrane library and clinical trial registries (clinicaltrials.gov, ISRCTN, UKCRN portfolio database). AREAS OF AGREEMENT: Screening and treatment at the age of 4-5 years are cost efficient and clinically effective. Optical treatment (glasses) alone can improve visual acuity, with residual amblyopia treated by part-time occlusion or pharmacological blurring of the better-seeing eye. Treatment after the end of the conventional 'critical period' can improve vision, but in strabismic amblyopia carries a low risk of double vision. AREAS OF CONTROVERSY: It is not clear whether earlier vision screening would be cost efficient and associated with better outcomes. Optimization of treatment by individualized patching regimes or early start of occlusion, and novel binocular treatment approaches may enhance adherence to treatment, provide better outcomes and shorten treatment duration. GROWING POINTS: Binocular treatments for amblyopia. AREAS TIMELY FOR DEVELOPING RESEARCH: Impact of amblyopia on education and quality of life; optimal screening timing and tests; optimal administration of conventional treatments; development of child-friendly, effective and safe binocular treatments

    Eye movements elevate crowding in idiopathic infantile nystagmus syndrome

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    Idiopathic infantile nystagmus syndrome is a disorder characterised by involuntary eye movements, which leads to decreased acuity and visual function. One such function is visual crowding - a process whereby objects that are easily recognised in isolation become impaired by nearby flankers. Crowding typically occurs in the peripheral visual field, although elevations in foveal vision have been reported in congenital nystagmus, similar to those found with amblyopia. Here, we examine whether elevated foveal crowding with nystagmus is driven by similar mechanisms to those of amblyopia - long-term neural changes associated with a sensory deficit - or by the momentary displacement of the stimulus through nystagmus eye movements. A Landolt-C orientation identification task was used to measure threshold gap sizes with and without either horizontally or vertically placed Landolt-C flankers. We assume that a sensory deficit should give equivalent crowding in these two dimensions, whereas an origin in eye movements should give stronger crowding with horizontal flankers given the predominantly horizontal eye movements of nystagmus. We observe elevations in nystagmic crowding that are above crowding in typical vision but below that of amblyopia. Consistent with an origin in eye movements, elevations were stronger with horizontal than vertical flankers in nystagmus, but not in typical or amblyopic vision. We further demonstrate the same horizontal elongation in typical vision with stimulus movement that simulates nystagmus. Consequently, we propose that the origin of nystagmic crowding lies in the eye movements, either through image smear of the target and flanker elements or through relocation of the stimulus into the peripheral retina
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