75 research outputs found

    Absence of Langerhans Cells in Oral Hairy Leukoplakia, an AIDS-Associated Lesion

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    Oral hairy leukoplakia (HL) is a recently described manifestation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in which Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been shown to replicate. To seek evidence for a local defect in mucosal immunity, we assessed the presence of epithelial Langer-hans cells (LC) in these lesions and in autologous nonlesional mucosa. We used monoclonal antibodies against HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, and T6 antigens to identify LC in biopsy specimens of HL from 23 homosexual men. In all lesion specimens, LO either were not detected or were present only in greatly reduced numbers with at least 1 of the antibodies. In nonlesional oral mucosa from the same patients, LC were detected with all 3 antibodies in 11/12 specimens (92%) and were found in approximately normal numbers with at least 1 antibody. There was close correlation between the absence of LC and positive staining for EBV, human papillomavirus antigens, and candidal hyphae in the epithelium. We conclude that LC are absent or greatly reduced in the lesions of HL. Absence of normal LC function may be important in the pathogenesis of HL and may reflect an event in the pathogenesis of other features of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome

    Infection increases vulnerability to climate change via effects on host thermal tolerance

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    Unprecedented global climate change and increasing rates of infectious disease emergence are occurring simultaneously. Infection with emerging pathogens may alter the thermal thresholds of hosts. However, the effects of fungal infection on host thermal limits have not been examined. Moreover, the influence of infections on the heat tolerance of hosts has rarely been investigated within the context of realistic thermal acclimation regimes and potential anthropogenic climate change. We tested for effects of fungal infection on host thermal tolerance in a model system: frogs infected with the chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Infection reduced the critical thermal maxima (CTmax) of hosts by up to ~4 °C. Acclimation to realistic daily heat pulses enhanced thermal tolerance among infected individuals, but the magnitude of the parasitism effect usually exceeded the magnitude of the acclimation effect. In ectotherms, behaviors that elevate body temperature may decrease parasite performance or increase immune function, thereby reducing infection risk or the intensity of existing infections. However, increased heat sensitivity from infections may discourage these protective behaviors, even at temperatures below critical maxima, tipping the balance in favor of the parasite. We conclude that infectious disease could lead to increased uncertainty in estimates of species’ vulnerability to climate change

    Low formalin concentrations induce fine-tuned responses that are sex and age-dependent: A developmental study

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    The formalin test is increasingly applied as a model of inflammatory pain using high formalin concentrations (5–15%). However, little is known about the effects of low formalin concentrations on related behavioural responses. To examine this, rat pups were subjected to various concentrations of formalin at four developmental stages: 7, 13, 22, and 82 days of age. At postnatal day (PND) 7, sex differences in flinching but not licking responses were observed with 0.5% formalin evoking higher flinching in males than in females. A dose response was evident in that 0.5% formalin also produced higher licking responses compared to 0.3% or 0.4% formalin. At PND 13, a concentration of 0.8% formalin evoked a biphasic response. At PND 22, a concentration of 1.1% evoked higher flinching and licking responses during the late phase (10–30 min) in both males and females. During the early phase (0–5 min), 1.1% evoked higher licking responses compared to 0.9% or 1% formalin. 1.1% formalin produced a biphasic response that was not evident with 0.9 or 1%. At PND 82, rats displayed a biphasic pattern in response to three formalin concentrations (1.25%, 1.75% and 2.25%) with the presence of an interphase for both 1.75% and 2.25% but not for 1.25%. These data suggest that low formalin concentrations induce fine-tuned responses that are not apparent with the high formalin concentration commonly used in the formalin test. These data also show that the developing nociceptive system is very sensitive to subtle changes in formalin concentrations.Ihssane Zouikr, Melissa A. Tadros, Vicki L. Clifton, Kenneth W. Beagley, Deborah M. Hodgso

    Periodontal disease in HIV/AIDS.

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    Since the early 1990's, the death rate from AIDS among adults has declined in most developed countries, largely because of newer antiretroviral therapies and improved access to these therapies. In addition, from 2006 to 2011, the total number of new cases of HIV infection worldwide has declined somewhat and has remained relatively constant. Nevertheless, because of the large numbers of existing and new cases of HIV infection, the dental practitioner and other healthcare practitioners will still be required to treat oral and periodontal conditions unique to HIV/AIDS as well as conventional periodontal diseases in HIV-infected adults and children. The oral and periodontal conditions most closely associated with HIV infection include oral candidiasis, oral hairy leukoplakia, Kaposi's sarcoma, salivary gland diseases, oral warts, other oral viral infections, linear gingival erythema and necrotizing gingival and periodontal diseases. While the incidence and prevalence of these oral lesions and conditions appear to be declining, in part because of antiretroviral therapy, dental and healthcare practitioners will need to continue to diagnose and treat the more conventional periodontal diseases in these HIV-infected populations. Finding low-cost and easily accessible and acceptable diagnostic and treatment approaches for both the microbiological and the inflammatory aspects of periodontal diseases in these populations are of particular importance, as the systemic spread of the local microbiota and inflammatory products of periodontal diseases may have adverse effects on both the progression of HIV infection and the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy approaches. Developing and assessing low-cost and accessible diagnostic and treatment approaches to periodontal diseases, particularly in developing countries, will require an internationally coordinated effort to design and conduct standardized clinical trials

    Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-Infected Monocytes Facilitate Dissemination of EBV within the Oral Mucosal Epitheliumâ–¿

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) causes hairy leukoplakia (HL), a benign lesion of oral epithelium that occurs primarily in the setting of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated immunodeficiency. However, the mechanisms of EBV infection of oral epithelium are poorly understood. Analysis of HL tissues shows a small number of EBV-positive intraepithelial macrophages and dendritic/Langerhans cells. To investigate a role for these cells in spreading EBV to epithelial cells, we used tongue and buccal explants infected ex vivo with EBV. We showed that EBV first infects submucosal CD14+ monocytes, which then migrate into the epithelium and spread virus to oral epithelial cells, initiating productive viral infection within the terminally differentiated spinosum and granulosum layers. Incubation of EBV-infected monocytes and oral explants with antibodies to CCR2 receptor and monocyte chemotactic protein 1 prevented entry of monocytes into the epithelium and inhibited EBV infection of keratinocytes. B lymphocytes played little part in the spread of EBV to keratinocytes in our explant model. However, cocultivation of EBV-infected B lymphocytes with uninfected monocytes in vitro showed that EBV may spread from B lymphocytes to monocytes. Circulating EBV-positive monocytes were detected in most HIV-infected individuals, consistent with a model in which EBV may be spread from B lymphocytes to monocytes, which then enter the epithelium and initiate productive viral infection of keratinocytes
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