1,582 research outputs found

    State against the market in South Africa: prelude to crisis

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    Legitimation and control: Ideological struggles within the South African state

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    African Studies Seminar series. Paper presented 8 August, 1983In June 1979, Piet Koornhof, minister for Cooperation and Development, proclaimed before the National Press Club in Washington that "apartheid is dead." He may have been grandstanding, of course, but Koornhof's words also resonated at home where doubts about ideological orthodoxy were being expressed both within and outside the state. The Bureau for Economic Policy and Analysis at the University of Pretoria, with well-developed contacts within the government and the Afrikaner business community, reported in July 1980 that the "failure of socio-economic growth in the territories of the Black national states ... is becoming embarrassing." (1) The head of the bureau, Jan Lombard, referred to "separate development" as a 'sinking philosophy." (2) The perception has spread to yet more official "think tanks": BENSO has published articles that now refer to the failure of the "development paradigm." Little wonder, then, that outside observers, like John Saul and Stephen Gelb and Stanley Greenberg, have begun to write of an "organic crisis" or a "crisis of hegemony." (4) To understand the ideological ferment in South Africa -- and move beyond generalized statements about crisis (5) -- it will be necessary to elaborate the thematic aspects of a disintegrating, dominant ideology and of an emergent, and still fragmentary market-based substitute. This ideological transformation, we shall see, is rooted in political struggles within the state that center on these thematic changes and that depend profoundly on "connections" with actors and struggles outside the state

    Trade Unionism in South Africa: An interview report

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    African Studies Seminar series. Paper presented February, 1974"Trade Unionism in South Africa" is a "working paper" of the most preliminary sort. I add that caveat not as a protection against criticism or quotation, but as genuine indication on the state of this research. This paper is based on interviewing still in progress (20 of 30 interviews are completed). The incompleteness is compounded by the mails and distance. Only six of the interview transcripts were available to me at the time of writing. The remainder were reconstructed from scattered notes and memory. Hence, my assessment of the labour movement is based on the roughest sorts of impressions and only limited access to my own data. I have imposed an artificial constraint on this paper which is not a consequence of the mails or incompleteness. I have decided to exclude nearly all historical analysis, choosing instead to concentrate on the interview material. A large percentage of my time in the last year has indeed been devoted to the examination of Trades and Labour Council records, reports and correspondence of TUCSA, various Commissions of Inquiry (particularly into industrial legislation), the role of labour in the Pact Government and subsequent governments, including the post-1948 Nationalist Government. While these materials will prove central to my later work and any future publication, they will little inform this discussion. I am afraid this report is a 'self-interested attempt on my part to make sense of some fairly diffuse, but exciting interviews

    Albertson v. School Board of Fenway: Is Racial Imbalance in Public Schools Unconstitutional--Yes

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    Tmaara and Stanley Greenberg to James Meredith (30 September 1962)

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    Restoration of CD28 Expression in CD28− CD8+ Memory Effector T Cells Reconstitutes Antigen-induced IL-2 Production

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    The control of many persistent viral infections by Ag-specific cytolytic CD8+ T cells requires a concurrent virus-specific CD4+ Th cell response. This reflects in part a requirement of activated effector CD8+ T cells for paracrine IL-2 production as a growth and survival factor. In human CMV and HIV infection, the majority of differentiated virus-specific CD8+ T cells notably lose the ability to produce IL-2 but also lose expression of CD28, a costimulatory molecule. Analysis of the fraction of memory CD8+ T cells that continue to express CD28 revealed these cells retain the ability to produce IL-2. Therefore, we examined if IL-2 production by CD28− CD8+ T cells could be restored by introduction of a constitutively expressed CD28 gene. Expression of CD28 in CD28− CD8+ CMV- and HIV-specific CD8+ T cells reconstituted the ability to produce IL-2, which could sustain an autocrine proliferative response after Ag recognition. These results suggest that the loss of CD28 expression during differentiation of memory/effector CD8+ T cells represents a decisive step in establishing regulation of responding CD8+ T cells, increasing the dependence on CD4+ Th for proliferation after target recognition, and has implications for the treatment of viral disease with adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells

    CD27 Expression Promotes Long-Term Survival of Functional Effector–Memory CD8+Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in HIV-infected Patients

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific CD8+ T cells persist in high frequencies in HIV-infected patients despite impaired CD4+ T helper response to the virus, but, unlike other differentiated effector cytotoxic T lymphocytes, most continue to express the tumor necrosis factor receptor family member CD27. Because the ligand for CD27 (CD70) is also overexpressed in HIV-infected hosts, we examined the nature of expression and potential functional consequences of CD27 expression on HIV-specific CD8+ T cells. Analysis of CD27+ and CD27− T cells derived from the same HIV-specific clone revealed that retention of CD27 did not interfere with acquisition of effector functions, and that after T cell receptor stimulation, CD27+ cells that concurrently were triggered via CD27 exhibited more resistance to apoptosis, interleukin 2 production, and proliferation than CD27− T cells. After transfer back into an HIV-infected patient, autologous HIV-specific CD27− T cells rapidly disappeared, but CD27+ T cells derived from the same clone persisted at high frequency. Our findings suggest that the CD27–CD70 interaction in HIV infection may provide CD27+ CD8+ T cells with a survival advantage and compensate for limiting or absent CD4+ T help to maintain the CD8 response

    New Pertussis Vaccination Strategies beyond Infancy: Recommendations by the Global Pertussis Initiative

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    Background. The Global Pertussis Initiative, an expert scientific forum, was established to address the ongoing problems associated with pertussis disease worldwide. Methods. The group analyzed pertussis disease trends, developed recommendations to improve disease control through expanded vaccination strategies, and proposed solutions to barriers to implementation and support of research activities. Results. Bordetella pertussis infection is endemic and continues to be a serious problem among unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated infants. In addition, the reported incidence of pertussis disease is increasing in adolescents and adults, who not only experience a considerable health burden themselves but also infect vulnerable infants. Conclusions. Current vaccination strategies need to be reinforced. Expanded vaccination should include adding booster doses to existing childhood schedules (preschool or adolescent) and booster doses for those specific adult subgroups that have the highest risk of transmitting B. pertussis infection to infants (i.e., new parents, other contacts of newborns, and health care workers). More epidemiological studies and studies of disease transmission and the cost-effectiveness of vaccination would be valuable, and surveillance, diagnostic improvements, and educational campaigns are needed for implementation. However, as a prelude to universal adult vaccination, immediate universal adolescent vaccination should be instituted in countries in which it is economically feasibl

    Efficacy of daclizumab beta versus intramuscular interferon beta-1a on disability progression across patient demographic and disease activity subgroups in DECIDE.

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    BACKGROUND: Demonstration of clinical benefits on disability progression measures is an important attribute of effective multiple sclerosis (MS) treatments. OBJECTIVE: Examine efficacy of daclizumab beta versus intramuscular (IM) interferon beta-1a on measures of disability progression in patient subgroups from DECIDE. METHODS: Twenty-four-week confirmed disability progression (CDP), 24-week sustained worsening on a modified Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite (MSFCS) where 3-Second Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test was replaced by Symbol Digit Modalities Test, and proportion of patients with clinically meaningful worsening in 29-Item Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale physical impact subscale (MSIS-29 PHYS) score from baseline to week 96 were examined in the overall population and subgroups defined by baseline demographic/disease characteristics. RESULTS: Daclizumab beta significantly reduced risk of 24-week CDP (hazard ratio (HR), 0.73; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.55-0.98), risk of 24-week sustained MSFCS progression (HR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.67-0.95), and odds of clinically meaningful worsening in MSIS-29 PHYS (odds ratio, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.60-0.95) versus IM interferon beta-1a. Point estimates showed trends favoring daclizumab beta over IM interferon beta-1a across several patient subgroups for all three outcome measures. CONCLUSION: Daclizumab beta showed consistent benefit versus IM interferon beta-1a across measures assessing patient disability/function and across a range of clinical baseline characteristics in patients with relapsing-remitting MS
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