86 research outputs found

    Neutrino statistics and non-standard commutation relations

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    Recently it was suggested that the neutrino may violate the Pauli exclusion Principle (PEP). This renews interest in the systematic search for bilinear commutation relations that could describe deviations from PEP. In the context of this search we prove a no-go theorem which forbids a finite occupancy limit for an arbitrary system with a bilinear commutation relation. In other words, either the upper limit on the occupancy number is 1 (the ordinary fermionic case) or there is no upper limit at all. Some examples of the latter class include the usual Bose statistics, as well as non-standard quon statistics and infinite statistics.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX

    Probing Lorentz and CPT violation with space-based experiments

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    Space-based experiments offer sensitivity to numerous unmeasured effects involving Lorentz and CPT violation. We provide a classification of clock sensitivities and present explicit expressions for time variations arising in such experiments from nonzero coefficients in the Lorentz- and CPT-violating Standard-Model Extension.Comment: 15 page

    Threshold analyses and Lorentz violation

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    In the context of threshold investigations of Lorentz violation, we discuss the fundamental principle of coordinate invariance, the role of an effective dynamical framework, and the conditions of positivity and causality. Our analysis excludes a variety of previously considered Lorentz-breaking parameters and opens an avenue for viable dispersion-relation investigations of Lorentz violation.Comment: 9 page

    Overview of the SME: Implications and Phenomenology of Lorentz Violation

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    The Standard Model Extension (SME) provides the most general observer-independent field theoretical framework for investigations of Lorentz violation. The SME lagrangian by definition contains all Lorentz-violating interaction terms that can be written as observer scalars and that involve particle fields in the Standard Model and gravitational fields in a generalized theory of gravity. This includes all possible terms that could arise from a process of spontaneous Lorentz violation in the context of a more fundamental theory, as well as terms that explicitly break Lorentz symmetry. An overview of the SME is presented, including its motivations and construction. Some of the theoretical issues arising in the case of spontaneous Lorentz violation are discussed, including the question of what happens to the Nambu-Goldstone modes when Lorentz symmetry is spontaneously violated and whether a Higgs mechanism can occur. A minimal version of the SME in flat Minkowski spacetime that maintains gauge invariance and power-counting renormalizability is used to search for leading-order signals of Lorentz violation. Recent Lorentz tests in QED systems are examined, including experiments with photons, particle and atomic experiments, proposed experiments in space and experiments with a spin-polarized torsion pendulum.Comment: 40 pages, Talk presented at Special Relativity: Will it Survive the Next 100 Years? Potsdam, Germany, February, 200

    Lorentz and CPT Violation in Neutrinos

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    A general formalism is presented for violations of Lorentz and CPT symmetry in the neutrino sector. The effective hamiltonian for neutrino propagation in the presence of Lorentz and CPT violation is derived, and its properties are studied. Possible definitive signals in existing and future neutrino-oscillation experiments are discussed. Among the predictions are direction-dependent effects, including neutrino-antineutrino mixing, sidereal and annual variations, and compass asymmetries. Other consequences of Lorentz and CPT violation involve unconventional energy dependences in oscillation lengths and mixing angles. A variety of simple models both with and without neutrino masses are developed to illustrate key physical effects. The attainable sensitivities to coefficients for Lorentz violation in the Standard-Model Extension are estimated for various types of experiments. Many experiments have potential sensitivity to Planck-suppressed effects, comparable to the best tests in other sectors. The lack of existing experimental constraints, the wide range of available coefficient space, and the variety of novel effects imply that some or perhaps even all of the existing data on neutrino oscillations might be due to Lorentz and CPT violation.Comment: 25 pages REVTe

    On Paragrassmann Differential Calculus

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    Explicit general constructions of paragrassmann calculus with one and many variables are given. Relations of the paragrassmann calculus to quantum groups are outlined and possible physics applications are briefly discussed. This paper is the same as the original 9210075 except added Appendix and minor changes in Acknowledgements and References. IMPORTANT NOTE: This paper bears the same title as the Dubna preprint E5-92-392 but is NOT identical to it, containing new results, extended discussions, and references.Comment: 19p

    Relation between CPT Violation in Neutrino masses and mixings

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    The neutrino parameters determined from the solar neutrino data and the anti-neutrino parameters determined from KamLAND reactor experiment are in good agreement with each other. However, the best fit points of the two sets differ from each other by about 10510^{-5} eV2^2 in mass-square differenc and by about 22^\circ in the mixing angle. Future solar neutrino and reactor anti-neutrino experiments are likely to reduce the uncertainties in these measurements. This, in turn, can lead to a signal for CPT violation in terms a non-zero difference between neutrino and anti-neutrino parameters. In this paper, we propose a CPT violating mass matrix which can give rise to the above differences in both mass-squared difference and mixing angle and study the constraints imposed by the data on the parameters of the mass matrix.Comment: 10page

    the WAF method for non-homogeneous SWE with pollutant

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    This paper deals with the extension of the WAF method to discretize Shallow Water Equations with pollutants. We consider two different versions of the WAF method, by approximating the intermediate waves using the flux of HLL or the direct approach of HLLC solver. It is seen that both versions can be written under the same form with different definitions for the approximation of the velocity waves. We also propose an extension of the method to non-homogeneous systems. In the case of homogeneous systems it is seen that we can rewrite the third component of the numerical flux in terms of an intermediate wave speed approximation. We conclude that – in order to have the same relation for non-homogeneous systems – the approximation of the intermediate wave speed must be modified. The proposed extension of the WAF method preserves all stationary solutions, up to second order accuracy, and water at rest in an exact way, even with arbitrary pollutant concentration. Finally, we perform several numerical tests, by comparing it with HLLC solver, reference solutions and analytical solutions

    Component efficient solutions in line-graph games with applications

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    Recently, applications of cooperative game theory to economic allocation problems have gained popularity. We investigate a class of cooperative games that generalizes some economic applications with a similar structure. These are the so-called line-graph games being cooperative TU-games in which the players are linearly ordered. Examples of situations that can be modeled like this are sequencing situations and water distribution problems. We define four properties with respect to deleting edges that each selects a unique component efficient solution on the class of line-graph games. We interpret these solutions and properties in terms of dividend distributions, and apply them to economic situations. © 2006 Springer-Verlag

    A resonant-term-based model including a nascent disk, precession, and oblateness: application to GJ 876

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    Investigations of two resonant planets orbiting a star or two resonant satellites orbiting a planet often rely on a few resonant and secular terms in order to obtain a representative quantitative description of the system's dynamical evolution. We present a semianalytic model which traces the orbital evolution of any two resonant bodies in a first- through fourth-order eccentricity or inclination-based resonance dominated by the resonant and secular arguments of the user's choosing. By considering the variation of libration width with different orbital parameters, we identify regions of phase space which give rise to different resonant ''depths,'' and propose methods to model libration profiles. We apply the model to the GJ 876 extrasolar planetary system, quantify the relative importance of the relevant resonant and secular contributions, and thereby assess the goodness of the common approximation of representing the system by just the presumably dominant terms. We highlight the danger in using ''order'' as the metric for accuracy in the orbital solution by revealing the unnatural libration centers produced by the second-order, but not first-order, solution, and by demonstrating that the true orbital solution lies somewhere ''in-between'' the third- and fourth-order solutions. We also present formulas used to incorporate perturbations from central-body oblateness and precession, and a protoplanetary or protosatellite thin disk with gaps, into a resonant system. We quantify these contributions to the GJ 876 system, and thereby highlight the conditions which must exist for multi-planet exosystems to be significantly influenced by such factors. We find that massive enough disks may convert resonant libration into circulation; such disk-induced signatures may provide constraints for future studies of exoplanet systems.Comment: 39 pages of body text, 21 figures, 5 tables, 1 appendix, accepted for publication in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom