1,728 research outputs found

    Depressive symptoms in asymptomatic stage B heart failure with Type II diabetic mellitus.

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    BackgroundThe presence of concomitant Type II diabetic mellitus (T2DM) and depressive symptoms adversely affects individuals with symptomatic heart failure (HF).HypothesisIn presymptomatic stage B HF, this study hypothesized the presence of greater inflammation and depressive symptoms in T2DM as compared to non-T2DM Stage B patients.MethodsThis cross-sectional study examined clinical parameters, inflammatory biomarkers, and depressive symptoms in 349 T2DM and non-T2DM men with asymptomatic stage B HF (mean age 66.4 years ±10.1; range 30-91).ResultsFewer diabetic HF patients had left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction (P < .05) although more had LV diastolic dysfunction (P < .001). A higher percentage of T2DM HF patients were taking ACE-inhibitors, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, statins, and diuretics (P values < .05). T2DM HF patients had higher circulating levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) (P < .01), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (P < .01), and soluble ST2 (sST2) (P < .01) and reported more somatic/affective depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory II) (P < .05) but not cognitive/affective depressive symptoms (P = .20). Among all patients, in a multiple regression analysis predicting presence of somatic/affective depressive symptoms, sST2 (P = .026), IL-6 (P = .010), B-type natriuretic peptide (P = .016), and sleep (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index [P < .001]) were significant predictors (overall model F = 15.39, P < .001, adjusted R2 = .207).ConclusionsSomatic/affective but not cognitive/affective depressive symptoms are elevated in asymptomatic HF patients with T2DM patients. Linkages with elevated inflammatory and cardiac relevant biomarkers suggest shared pathophysiological mechanisms among T2DM HF patients with somatic depression, and these conditions are responsive to routine interventions, including behavioral. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Family tree and or map-like approaches to Slavic languages?

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    The file consists of the presenters' raw notes and the PowerPoint presentation delivered at the "Slavic Languages: Time and Contingency” conference, UC Berkeley 12–13 Feb. 2010.Lexicostatistics is decades old, but newer techniques for computational approaches to historical linguistics have gained new attention with the rise of more sophisticated methods of data handling. Thus, for example, Gray and Atkinson (2003) claim to have established, using lexicostatistics and a Bayesian (MCMC) model, an authoritative Stammbaum for the Indo-European language family, including absolute chronologies of its branching. Others have argued that such methods, while valid for biology, cannot yield authoritative dates for language data (Atkinson 2009: 128). The present paper examines a smaller subset of languages—Slavic—using new lexicostatistical methods in attempt to compare the computational results with received analyses that are closer to the present. We assume that examining a group of languages closer in time to the present, where the splits are more easily verifiable, allows testing of quantifiable methods. If a close fit can be found between a lexicostatistical approach and traditional analysis in Slavic, it should allow extension to greater time depths and larger families such as Indo-European. The present paper applies several methods to two corpora, one the Slavic subset of Indo-European in Dyen, Kruskal and Black (1992) and the Slavic text-token set in Mańczak 2004. References Atkinson, Quentin D. 2009. Review of Language Classification by Numbers. By April McMahon and Robert McMahon. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp xvii, 265. Diachonica 26/1: 125–133. Dyen, Isidore, Joseph B. Kruskal, and Paul Black. 1992. An Indoeuropean Classification: A Lexicostatistical Experiment. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. Gray, Russell D. and Quentin D. Atkinson. 2003. Language-Tree Divergence Times Support the Anatolian Theory of Indo-European Origin. Nature 426: 435–439. Mańczak, Witold. 2004. Przedhistoryczne migracje słowian i pochodzenie języka staro-cerkiewno-słowianskiego. Cracow: PAU

    HIV prevalence and associated risk factors among individuals aged 13-34 years in Rural Western Kenya.

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    OBJECTIVES: To estimate HIV prevalence and characterize risk factors among young adults in Asembo, rural western Kenya. DESIGN: Community-based cross-sectional survey. METHODS: From a demographic surveillance system, we selected a random sample of residents aged 13-34 years, who were contacted at home and invited to a nearby mobile study site. Consent procedures for non-emancipated minors required assent and parental consent. From October 2003 - April 2004, consenting participants were interviewed on risk behavior and tested for HIV and HSV-2. HIV voluntary counseling and testing was offered. RESULTS: Of 2606 eligible residents, 1822 (70%) enrolled. Primary reasons for refusal included not wanting blood taken, not wanting to learn HIV status, and partner/parental objection. Females comprised 53% of 1762 participants providing blood. Adjusted HIV prevalence was 15.4% overall: 20.5% among females and 10.2% among males. HIV prevalence was highest in women aged 25-29 years (36.5%) and men aged 30-34 years (41.1%). HSV-2 prevalence was 40.0% overall: 53% among females, 25.8% among males. In multivariate models stratified by gender and marital status, HIV infection was strongly associated with age, higher number of sex partners, widowhood, and HSV-2 seropositivity. CONCLUSIONS: Asembo has extremely high HIV and HSV-2 prevalence, and probable high incidence, among young adults. Further research on circumstances around HIV acquisition in young women and novel prevention strategies (vaccines, microbicides, pre-exposure prophylaxis, HSV-2 prevention, etc.) are urgently needed

    742-4 Radial Artery Graft: Angiographic Follow-up

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    Interest in the use of the radial artery (RA) as a coronary bypass graft has increased. Attention to harvesting and use of perioperative calcium channel inhibitors have ameliorated problems with spasm noted in earlier studies. Since 1993, 72 patients (pts) underwent grafting using a free RA from the non-dominant forearm. Re-angiography was performed in 24 pts to date and is the subject of this study. Pts ranged from 39–79 years (mean 55.5); all had 2 or 3 vessel disease and an average of 3 grafts/pt were constructed (range 2–4). Left internal thoracic artery (L1TA) was used in all cases except 1. The RA was a single graft in 19 including 2 to the LAD system, 12 to the circumflex system and 5 to the RCA. The RA-was sequential in 5 cases. Of the 24 pts catheterized an average of 9 weeks post-op 24/24 RA's were patent: 1 (sequential) RA had a mid-graft stenosis. There was no spasm seen in any RA. RA distal diameters (2.6mm) were well matched to the recipient vessel (RV) (2.2mm). The ratio RV/graft diameter was 0.83 for the radial artery similar to the ratio for the L1TA (0.90).ConclusionThe RA is a viable coronary conduit, easily harvested and has excellent early patency rates

    Talking Tools to Assist Students Who are Blind in Laboratory Courses

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    A number of tools and techniques have been developed to assist students with blindness and visual impairment who are studying in secondary and post-secondary science laboratories. Commercial electronic probes and their associated software packages allow real-time viewing and collection of data using a personal computer; however, until now, these data have been inaccessible to students with blindness or visual impairment because of the incompatibility of the data acquisition software with screen-reading software. Recent programming modifications now allow a new level of compatibility, which promotes a greater degree of independence and accessibility to laboratory science for people with visual impairments

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 25, 1971

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    Pettit reconsiders open dorm issue; USGA sets seven • Crime on campus continues; Checks, calculators copped • State of our prisons: Prison wardens defend merits of penal system • Editorial: Communications gap • Focus: Daphne Kline • Letters to the editor: Flak on Fred Flott; Haircut scholarships; Borish letter; Do-nothing air-heads; Sacred dormitories; Pettit praised • Movie critic: Friday night movies • Bloody good show • Grapplers finish winners; Ursinus\u27 big ten sighted • Delaware hosts female hoopmen • Tennis squad set; Jacob seeded 1st • Schaal honored; Named all starhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1142/thumbnail.jp

    High and Persistent HIV Seroincidence in Men Who Have Sex with Men across 47 U.S. Cities

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    OBJECTIVE: To provide HIV seroincidence data among men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States and to identify predictive factors for seroconversion. METHODS: From 1998-2002, 4684 high-risk MSM, age 18-60 years, participated in a randomized, placebo-controlled HIV vaccine efficacy trial at 56 U.S. clinical trial sites. Demographics, behavioral data, and HIV status were assessed at baseline and 6 month intervals. Since no overall vaccine efficacy was detected, data were combined from both trial arms to calculate HIV incidence based on person-years (py) of follow-up. Predictors of seroconversion, adjusted hazards ratio (aHR), were evaluated using a Cox proportional hazard model with time-varying covariates. RESULTS: Overall, HIV incidence was 2.7/100 py and was relatively uniform across study sites and study years. HIV incidence was highest among young men and men reporting unprotected sex, recreational drug use, and a history of a sexually transmitted infection. Independent predictors of HIV seroconversion included: age 18-30 years (aHR = 2.4; 95% CI 1.4,4.0), having >10 partners (aHR = 2.4; 95% CI 1.7,3.3), having a known HIV-positive male sex partner (aHR = 1.6; 95% CI 1.2, 2.0), unprotected anal intercourse with HIV positive/unknown male partners (aHR = 1.7; 95% CI 1.3, 2.3), and amphetamine (aHR = 1.6; 95% CI 1.1, 2.1) and popper (aHR = 1.7; 95% CI 1.3, 2.2) use. CONCLUSIONS: HIV seroincidence was high among MSM despite repeated HIV counseling and reported declines in sexual risk behaviors. Continuing development of new HIV prevention strategies and intensification of existing efforts will be necessary to reduce the rate of new HIV infections, especially among young men

    Kinetic Approach to Fractional Exclusion Statistics

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    We show that the kinetic approach to statistical mechanics permits an elegant and efficient treatment of fractional exclusion statistics. By using the exclusion-inclusion principle recently proposed [Phys. Rev. E49, 5103 (1994)] as a generalization of the Pauli exclusion principle, which is based on a proper definition of the transition probability between two states, we derive a variety of different statistical distributions interpolating between bosons and fermions. The Haldane exclusion principle and the Haldane-Wu fractional exclusion statistics are obtained in a natural way as particular cases. The thermodynamic properties of the statistical systems obeying the generalized exclusion-inclusion principle are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, REVTE
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