62,899 research outputs found

    An overview of current Navy programs to develop thrust augmenting ejectors

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    The primary objective of Navy sponsored research in thrust augmentation is the development of an improved augmenter for V/STOL application. In support of this goal, a data base is being established to provide an accurate prediction capability for use in ejector design. A general technology development of ejectors and associated effects presently is split into the more specific areas of lift and control, since thrust augmenting ejectors may be suitable for both. Research areas examined include advanced diffuser and end wall design; advanced primary nozzles; analytic studies; augmenting reaction controls; and nozzle design

    Multifrequency broadband polarized horn antenna

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    A corrugated conical horn antenna is simultaneously fed a multiplicity of signals, two for each of five frequencies, with each of a pair of signals fed in each of two orthogonal planes for excitation of a desired spherical hybrid mode. The lowest frequency is fed into the horn through orthogonal pairs of colinear slots, each pair being fed by coaxial tee power dividers. Other signals are fed through a circular waveguide connected to the vertex. The highest frequency signals are fed through orthogonal ports near the far end of the circular waveguide. The intermediate frequency signals are fed through orthogonal ports spaced along the waveguide. Filtering is incorporated for each to maintain isolation and low insertion loss

    Highly-efficient horn/reflector antenna

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    Antenna has beam efficiency of 96 percent. Configuration is compact and relatively inexpensive

    Demonstration of the range over which the Langley Research Center digital computer charring ablation program (CHAP) can be used with confidence: Comparisons of CHAP predictions and test data for three ablation materials

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    Comparisons of ablation calculations with the charring ablation computer code and ablation test data are presented over a wide range of environmental conditions in air for three materials: low-density nylon phenolic, Avcoat 5026-39HC/G, and a filled silicon elastomer. Heat fluxes considered range from over 500 Btu/sq ft-sec to less than 50 Btu/sq ft-sec. Pressures range from 0.5 atm to .004 atm. Enthalpies range from about 2000 Btu/lb to 18000 Btu/lb. Predictions of recession, pyrolysis penetration, and thermocouple responses are considered. Recession predictions for nylon phenolic are good as steady state is approached, but strongly transient cases are underpredicted. Pyrolysis penetrations and thermocouple responses are very well predicted. Recession amounts for Avcoat and silicone elastomer are less well predicted, although high heat flux cases near steady state are fairly satisfactory. Pyrolysis penetrations and thermocouple responses are very well predicted

    Radio Images of 3C 58: Expansion and Motion of its Wisp

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    New 1.4 GHz VLA observations of the pulsar-powered supernova remnant 3C 58 have resulted in the highest-quality radio images of this object to date. The images show filamentary structure over the body of the nebula. The present observations were combined with earlier ones from 1984 and 1991 to investigate the variability of the radio emission on a variety of time-scales. No significant changes are seen over a 110 day interval. In particular, the upper limit on the apparent projected velocity of the wisp is 0.05c. The expansion rate of the radio nebula was determined between 1984 and 2004, and is 0.014+/-0.003%/year, corresponding to a velocity of 630+/-70 km/s along the major axis. If 3C 58 is the remnant of SN 1181, it must have been strongly decelerated, which is unlikely given the absence of emission from the supernova shell. Alternatively, the low expansion speed and a number of other arguments suggest that 3C 58 may be several thousand years old and not be the remnant of SN 1181.Comment: 12 pages; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Formation of Thin Continuous Films from Isolated Nuclei

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    Formation of thin continuous films from isolated nuclei and effect of electron beam, residual gases, and surface conditions on film growt

    A Study of Degenerate Four-quark states in SU(2) Lattice Monte Carlo

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    The energies of four-quark states are calculated for geometries in which the quarks are situated on the corners of a series of tetrahedra and also for geometries that correspond to gradually distorting these tetrahedra into a plane. The interest in tetrahedra arises because they are composed of {\bf three } degenerate partitions of the four quarks into two two-quark colour singlets. This is an extension of earlier work showing that geometries with {\bf two} degenerate partitions (e.g.\ squares) experience a large binding energy. It is now found that even larger binding energies do not result, but that for the tetrahedra the ground and first excited states become degenerate in energy. The calculation is carried out using SU(2) for static quarks in the quenched approximation with β=2.4\beta=2.4 on a 163×3216^3\times 32 lattice. The results are analysed using the correlation matrix between different euclidean times and the implications of these results are discussed for a model based on two-quark potentials.Comment: Original Raw PS file replace by a tarred, compressed and uuencoded PS fil

    Connection between the Loop Variable Formalism and the Old Covariant Formalsm for the Open Bosonic String

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    The gauge invariant loop variable formalism and old covariant formalism for bosonic open string theory are compared in this paper. It is expected that for the free theory, after gauge fixing, the loop variable fields can be mapped to those of the old covariant formalism in bosonic string theory, level by level. This is verified explicitly for the first two massive levels. It is shown that (in the critical dimension) the fields, constraints and gauge transformations can all be mapped from one to the other. Assuming this continues at all levels one can give general arguments that the tree S-matrix (integrated correlation functions for on-shell physical fields) is the same in both formalisms and therefore they describe the same physical theory (at tree level).Comment: Latex file, 24 page

    Quasi-isotropic spacecraft antenna system Final report

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    Spacecraft quasi-isotropic antenna system for space telemetr