5,180 research outputs found

    Sewing the Tiger’s Stripes Back On: Examining Dress and the “Female Other”

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    I’ve been seduced by the Moulin Rouge, World Fairs, the Isabella Stuart Gardener Museum, Wunderkammers, and the world of parasols and painted fans. I read the story the Western world told without questioning it and cherished its opulent beauty. I loved what I was looking at but my art historical education has deepened my understanding of what I was looking at, Orientalism, and its partners exoticism and primitivism, all of which particularly project onto the female image. My own art appreciation has turned into an urgency to deconstruct and reassess history and ideas through material culture. Othering and alterity studies offer stories yet untold because they belong to the outsiders and the silent members of society

    Effects of exotic species and soil depth on a rare serpentine jewelflower

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    Editorial: toward getting some facts less snarled?

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    SUMMARY The dialogue sparked off by the World Bank's 1981 Accelerated Development Report has clearly been necessary and in many respects positive. It has resulted in significant reappraisal of some of the new conventional wisdom's initial tenets. Although far from monolithic in their analysis of the issues involved IDS members have tended to form a middle ground. Emphases have changed but three themes remain central: a stress on complexity as opposed to highly simplified analysis and policy; recognition of the diversity in sub?Saharan African economic contexts, structures, policies and performance; and the implications of interaction between different strands of analysis and policy. SOMMAIRE Le dialogue initié par le rapport sur le Développement accéléré de la Banque mondiale en 1981 était clairement très nécessaire et a été positif à de nombreux égards. Des réévaluations de grande portée en ont découlé en ce qui concerne certains des principes initiaux de la nouvelle sagesse classique. Bien qu'ils soient loin d'être monolithiques dans leur analyse des problèmes impliqués, les membres de IDS ont eu tendance à être modérés. L'accent a changé, mais trois thèmes restent essentiels: une insistance sur la complexité opposée à une analyse et à une politique simplifiées au plus haut point; reconnaissance de la diversité dans les contextes économiques, les structures, politiques et performances de l'Afrique subsaharienne; et les implications de l'interaction entre les différents courants de l'analyse et de la politique. RESUMEN El informe de Desarrollo Acelerado del Banco Mundial 1981 desencadenó un diálogo necesario y positivo desde distintos puntos de vista. Como consecuencia se han reconsiderado algunas premisas iniciales de la nueva ortodoxia. En lugar de ser monolíticos en su análisis de los temas, los integrantes del IDS han tendido a formar una posición intermedia. Aunque el énfasis ha cambiado, tres temas continúan siendo centrales: un acento en la complejidad en oposición a análisis y políticas simplificadas; el reconocimiento de la diversidad de contextos, estructuras, políticas y desempeño económico de la región del sub?Sahara del Africa; y, las implicancias de la interrelación entre diversos aspectos de análisis y políticas

    Toward Getting Some Facts Less Snarled?

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    Draft version of editorial article

    The development of peer coaching skills in primary school children in years 5 and 6

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    Can peer coaching skills be developed through ‘non academic’ tasks? The enquiry also aims to answer the following question: Can children give and receive feedback? The research methods reported are ethnographic combined with pre- and post- responses to the drawing task. The categorisation of the children’s drawings and their use of feedback were analysed and for the majority of children the quality of the feedback did not affect their choice of accepting the feedback or ignoring the suggestions made, which appeared counter to our initial hypothesis

    Purification, Biotinylation, and Testing of a Monoclonal Antibody to Identify B Cells in Trachemys Scripta, the Red-Eared Slider Turtle

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    There is a shortage of research in reptile immunity which is further hampered by lack of reptile-specific reagents. Evidence suggests there are important differences between reptile and mammalian immune strategies and our laboratory is interested in reptile B cell development and function. Our undergraduate research project involved the preparation of a previously developed monoclonal antibody (HL673) that recognizes turtle light chain protein. To begin, culture supernatant from the HL673 mAb murine cell line was received and was applied to a protein A affinity column. Unbound proteins were then washed away, and the bound proteins were removed from the column using low pH glycine-HCl buffer. The purified antibody proteins were collected in fractions, OD at 280nm measured, then positive fractions were pooled and dialyzed. The concentration of the purified antibodies was determined, and reactivity tested using an ELISA plate coated with dilute turtle serum. Dilutions of the purified HL673 were detected by anti-mouse IgG-horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Furthermore, some of the antibody preparation was conjugated to biotin. After dialysis, the HL673-biotin was tested by ELISA with dilute turtle serum and detected by streptavidin-HRP. The newly biotinylated antibody was incubated with blood and spleen samples from both adult and hatchling red- eared slider turtles. Bound antibodies were detected using streptavidin-fluorochrome and B cell populations identified using flow cytometry. Our results showed successful detection of turtle B cells using the labeled mAb in both hatchling and adult turtle cell samples. Future studies will use this reagent to investigate the distribution and function of B cells in reptile gut immunity. This work was supported by NSF 1725199 and NIH 1R15AI140118 – 01.https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/urs2021bio/1007/thumbnail.jp