8 research outputs found

    The neural mobilization technique modulates the expression of endogenous opioids in the periaqueductal gray and improves muscle strength and mobility in rats with neuropathic pain

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    Background\ud The neural mobilization (NM) technique is a noninvasive method that has been proven to be clinically effective in reducing pain; however, the molecular mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. The aim of this study was to analyze whether NM alters the expression of the mu-opioid receptor (MOR), the delta-opioid receptor (DOR) and the Kappa-opioid receptor (KOR) in the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and improves locomotion and muscle force after chronic constriction injury (CCI) in rats.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud The CCI was imposed on adult male rats followed by 10 sessions of NM every other day, starting 14 days after the CCI injury. At the end of the sessions, the PAG was analyzed using Western blot assays for opioid receptors. Locomotion was analyzed by the Sciatic functional index (SFI), and muscle force was analyzed by the BIOPAC system.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud An improvement in locomotion was observed in animals treated with NM compared with injured animals. Animals treated with NM showed an increase in maximal tetanic force of the tibialis anterior muscle of 172% (p < 0.001) compared with the CCI group. We also observed a decrease of 53% (p < 0.001) and 23% (p < 0.05) in DOR and KOR levels, respectively, after CCI injury compared to those from naive animals and an increase of 17% (p < 0.05) in KOR expression only after NM treatment compared to naive animals. There were no significant changes in MOR expression in the PAG.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud These data provide evidence that a non-pharmacological NM technique facilitates pain relief by endogenous analgesic modulation.FAPESP [2010/20026-6;2010/52520-0;2012/05840-4; 2012/24408-6]CAPE

    The retrocondylar retinaculum (Osborne’s ligament) and Struther's ligament

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    Many of the musculofascial and osteofibrous structures of the upper limbs, and which are of the normal human structural constituent (pattern), are notably neglected in general anatomical descriptions. Their complex structures, and sometimes controversial or incomplete descriptions, have significant implications in important neurovascular conditions, such as compressive trauma, and those of orthopedic reconstructions. Thus, we objective a detailed study, structural and historical, of the literature, on two of the most important osteofibrous formations - the retrocondylar retinaculum (Osborne's ligament), together with the aponeurosis of the flexor carpi ulnar muscle (Osborne's fascia), and the Struther's ligament in association with the supracondylar process and foramen homonym

    Effects of the combination os Ultrasound an low-power Laser therapy in nociception and functional recovery of rats with peripheral nerve injury.

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, em ratos, a eficácia da aplicação conjunta do Ultrassom e do Laser na nocicepção e recuperação funcional do nervo isquiático submetido à lesão por pinçamento. Neste estudo, os ratos foram submetidos ao pinçamento do nervo isquiático (pinça regulável á 5000g durante 5 minutos). Este pinçamento acarretou hiperalgesia mecânica e térmica, alodinia mecânica, além de disfunção motora. O Ultrassom, na dosagem de 1.0 W/cm2 e o Laser, na dosagem de 6 J, causaram antinocicepção e induziram recuperação funcional parcial. A aplicação conjunta de ambos os recursos físicos, além de antinocicepção, acarretou melhor recuperação funcional. Em conclusão, a aplicação conjunta do Ultrassom e Laser é eficaz no controle da nocicepção resultante do pinçamento do nervo isquiático, além de acelerar o processo de regeneração nervosa, favorecendo o restabelecimento da função motora.The aim of this study was to evaluate, in rats, the effectiveness of the application of the Ultrasound and Laser in nociception and functional recovery of rat sciatic nerve injury. In this study, the sciatic nerve was submitted to crush injury by a forceps especially constructed for this purpose and calibrated for a static load of 5000 g, for 5 minutes. The nerve crushing causes the development of mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia, mechanical allodynia, and motor dysfunction. The Ultrasound, at a dosage of 1.0 W/cm2, and the Laser, at a dose of 6 J, induced antinociception and partial functional recovery. The combined application of both physical resources, in addition to antinociception, resulted in a faster histopathological changes recovery. In conclusion, the application of Ultrasound and Laser is effective in the control of nociception resulting from sciatic nerve crushing, and in accelerating the process of nerve regeneration, favoring the restoration of motor function

    Distúrbios osteomusculares autorreferidos em funcionários de supermercado

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of self-reported pains in employees of a supermarket chain. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional observational study conducted in a supermarket chain in the city of São Paulo from January 2011 to February 2012, with a sample of 300 employees. Information on sociodemographics, physical activity and characterization of the labor process were collected. It was assumed as the outcome the reports of symptoms of musculoskeletal pain obtained through The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. For statistical analysis, frequencies and percentages were calculated. Results: The population was mostly composed of young, single women who attended up to the 2nd year of high school. Only 25 % of employees performed physical activities. All employees had presented sometype of musculoskeletal symptoms in the last 12 months, and half of them (50%) had three or more symptoms. The pain predominantly occurred in the lower limbs, followed by the thoracic and lumbar spine. Age may be associated with the onset of neck pain. In addition, the job is associated with pain in elbows, lumbar spine and legs. Finally, the lumbar spine is the region with the highest association among the independent variables. Conclusion: It was verified that the employees investigated in the supermarket chain presented a prevalence of pains or some type of musculoskeletal symptom in the past 12 months in the lower limb, regions that make up the spine, wrists, fingers and hands. doi:10.5020/18061230.2014.p13Objetivo: Verificar la prevalencia de dolores auto reportadas por empleados de una red de centros comerciales. Métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal y descriptivo, realizado en una red de centros comerciales en una capital entre enero de 2011 y febrero de 2012 con una muestra de 300 empleados. Fueron recogidas informaciones sociodemográficas, de actividad física y caracterización del proceso de trabajo. Se asumió como desenlace el relato de síntomas de dolores osteomusculares a través del Cuestionario Nórdico de Síntomas Osteomusculares. En el análisis estadístico fueron calculados frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: La población era en su mayoría del sexo femenino, joven, soltera y de educación secundaria como máxima escolaridad. Solamente el 25% de los empleados realizaban actividades físicas. Todos habían presentado algún tipo de sintomatología en la musculatura esquelética de los últimos 12 meses y la mitad (50%) presentó tres o más síntomas. El dolor fue predominante en los miembros inferiores, seguido de la columna torácica y lumbar. La edad puede estar asociada a la aparición de dolores del cuello. Además, la función se asocia a dolores del codo, columna lumbar y miembros inferiores. Por fin, la columna lumbar es la región con más asociación de las variables independientes. Conclusión: Se identificó que los empleados investigados de la referida red de centro comercial presentaron prevalencia de dolores o algún síntoma musculoesquelético en los últimos 12 meses que incluyeron el miembro inferior, regiones que constituyen la columna vertebral, puños, dedos y manos. doi:10.5020/18061230.2014.p13Objetivo: Verificar a prevalência das algias autorreferidas em funcionários de uma rede de supermercados. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal, descritivo, realizado em uma rede de supermercados da capital paulista, no período de janeiro de 2011 a fevereiro de 2012, em uma amostra de 300 funcionários. Foram coletadas informações sociodemográficas, de atividade física e caracterização do processo de trabalho. Assumiu-se como desfecho o relato de sintomas de dores osteomusculares, por meio do Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares. Para análise estatística, foram calculadas frequências e porcentagens. Resultados: A população, em sua maioria, era do sexo feminino, jovem, solteira e possuía escolaridade até o 2º grau. Apenas 25% dos funcionários realizavam atividades físicas. Todos haviam apresentado algum tipo de sintomatologia musculoesquelética nos últimos 12 meses e metade (50%) apresentou três ou mais sintomas. A dor apareceu predominante nos membros inferiores, seguida pela coluna torácica e lombar. A idade pode estar associada ao aparecimento de dores no pescoço. Além disso, a função associa-se a dores no cotovelo, coluna lombar e membros inferiores. Por fim, a coluna lombar é a região com maior associação dentre as variáveis independentes. Conclusão: Identificou-se que os funcionários investigados da referida rede de supermercado apresentavam prevalência de algias ou algum sintoma musculoesquelético nos últimos 12 meses, que englobaram o membro inferior, regiões que compõem a coluna vertebral, região dos punhos, dedos e mãos. doi:10.5020/18061230.2014.p1