13 research outputs found

    The Interaction between Reactive Peritoneal Mesothelial Cells and Tumor Cells via Extracellular Vesicles Facilitates Colorectal Cancer Dissemination

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    Simple SummaryEmerging evidence has suggested that cancer-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) have a crucial role in mediating directional metastasis to the peritoneal surface in colorectal cancer (CRC). We investigated the EV-mediated crosstalk between tumor and mesothelial cells which may drive remodeling of the premetastatic niche to allow tumor spread to the peritoneal surface. Our findings demonstrated that cancer-derived EVs triggered apoptosis and reduced mesothelial cell invasiveness and mesothelial-to-mesenchymal transition. On the other hand, mesothelial cells actively supported tumor invasion by releasing EVs, which induced upregulation of the major pro-invasive system in tumor cells. For the first time, we provide evidence of EV-driven mechanisms of CRC progression in patient-derived models, highlighting the crucial role of EVs in the reprogramming of mesothelial and tumor cells to establish the metastatic process.Advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) is highly metastatic and often results in peritoneal dissemination. The extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by cancer cells in the microenvironment are important mediators of tumor metastasis. We investigated the contribution of EV-mediated interaction between peritoneal mesothelial cells (MCs) and CRC cells in generating a pro-metastatic environment in the peritoneal cavity. Peritoneal MCs isolated from peritoneal lavage fluids displayed high CD44 expression, substantial mesothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (MMT) and released EVs that both directed tumor invasion and caused reprogramming of secretory profiles by increasing TGF-beta 1 and uPA/uPAR expression and MMP-2/9 activation in tumor cells. Notably, the EVs released by tumor cells induced apoptosis by activating caspase-3, peritoneal MC senescence, and MMT, thereby augmenting the tumor-promoting potential of these cells in the peritoneal cavity. By using pantoprazole, we reduced the biogenesis of EVs and their pro-tumor functions. In conclusion, our findings provided evidence of underlying mechanisms of CRC dissemination driven by the interaction of peritoneal MCs and tumor cells via the EVs released in the peritoneal cavity, which may have important implications for the clinical management of patients

    Benefits and Implications of Resveratrol Supplementation on Microbiota Modulations: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Abstract: Resveratrol is a polyphenol that has been shown to possess many applications in different fields of medicine. This systematic review has drawn attention to the axis between resveratrol and human microbiota, which plays a key role in maintaining an adequate immune response that can lead to different diseases when compromised. Resveratrol can also be an asset in new technologies,such as gene therapy. PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar were searched to find papers that matched our topic dating from 1 January 2017 up to 18 January 2022, with English‐language restriction using the following Boolean keywords: (“resveratrol” AND “microbio*”). Eighteen studies were included as relevant papers matching the purpose of our investigation. Immune response, prevention of thrombotic complications, microbiota, gene therapy, and bone regeneration were retrieved as the main topics. The analyzed studies mostly involved resveratrol supplementation and its effects on human microbiota by trials in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo. The beneficial activity of resveratrol is evident by analyzing the changes in the host’s genetic expression and the gastrointestinal microbial community with its administration. The possibility of identifying individual microbial families may allow to tailor therapeutic plans with targeted polyphenolic diets when associated with microbial dysbiosis, such as inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, degenerative diseases, tumors, obesity, diabetes, bone tissue regeneration, and metabolic syndrome

    COVID-19 Infection in Children and Infants: Current Status on Therapies and Vaccines

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    Since the beginning in December 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak appeared to affect mostly the adult population, sparing the vast majority of children who only showed mild symptoms. The purpose of this investigation is to assess the status on the mechanisms that give children and infants this variation in epidemiology compared to the adult population and its impact on therapies and vaccines that are aimed towards them. A literature review, including in vitro studies, reviews, published guidelines and clinical trials was performed. Clinical trials concerned topics that allowed a descriptive synthesis to be produced. Four underlying mechanisms were found that may play a key role in providing COVID-19 protection in babies. No guidelines are available yet for therapy due to insufficient data; support therapy remains the most used. Only two vaccines are approved by the World Health Organization to be used in children from 12 years of age, and there are currently no efficacy or safety data for children below the age of 12 years. The COVID-19 clinical frame infection is milder in children and adolescents. This section of the population can act as vectors and reservoirs and play a key role in the transmission of the infection; therefore, vaccines are paramount. More evidence is required to guide safely the vaccination campaign

    Artificial Intelligence and Its Clinical Applications in Orthodontics: A Systematic Review

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    This review aims to analyze different strategies that make use of artificial intelligence to enhance diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring in orthodontics. Orthodontics has seen significant technological advancements with the introduction of digital equipment, including cone beam computed tomography, intraoral scanners, and software coupled to these devices. The use of deep learning in software has sped up image processing processes. Deep learning is an artificial intelligence technology that trains computers to analyze data like the human brain does. Deep learning models are capable of recognizing complex patterns in photos, text, audio, and other data to generate accurate information and predictions. Materials and Methods: Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science were used to discover publications from 1 January 2013 to 18 October 2023 that matched our topic. A comparison of various artificial intelligence applications in orthodontics was generated. Results: A final number of 33 studies were included in the review for qualitative analysis. Conclusions: These studies demonstrate the effectiveness of AI in enhancing orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, and assessment. A lot of articles emphasize the integration of artificial intelligence into orthodontics and its potential to revolutionize treatment monitoring, evaluation, and patient outcomes

    White Spots: Prevention in Orthodontics—Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Early-stage dental demineralization, called white spots (WS), get their name from the characteristic colour that enamel takes on due to the acid attack of salivary cariogenic bacteria. They are often associated with fixed orthodontic therapy (FOT) and, if left untreated, evolve into caries with repercussions on oral health and dental aesthetics. This review aims to identify the most effective prophylaxis strategies to prevent WS during FOT. The search for the reviewed studies was conducted on the Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases, selecting English-only articles published in the 5 years from January 2018 to January 2023. The keywords used were “WS” and “fixed orthodontic*”, using “AND” as the Boolean operator. A total of 16 studies were included for qualitative analysis. Prevention begins with maintaining proper oral hygiene; fluoride in toothpaste, mouthwashes, gels, varnishes, and sealants can be added to prophylaxis and used regularly. Using a laser in combination with fluoride helps prevent the occurrence of WS and assists in the repair processes of initial lesions. Further studies are needed to establish international guidelines for preventing WS in orthodontically treated patients

    Root Resorption during Orthodontic Treatment with Clear Aligners vs. Fixed Appliances—A Systematic Review

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    The external apical root resorption that occurs during orthodontic treatment was the focus of this study, using either fixed appliances (FA) or clear aligners (CA). Using the Boolean keywords “APICAL ROOT RESORPTION” and “CLEAR ALIGNERS”, the study searched PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, with a restriction to English-language publications. A total of 50 publications were found by the computerized search, but after eliminating duplicates, completing reviews, and determining eligibility, only 9 papers could be used in the study. In conclusion, apical root resorption (ARR) is a frequent consequence of orthodontic tooth movement that mainly affects the lower incisors, which may compromise the success of the procedure and the health of the patient’s teeth. Several variables, including the type of tooth, have an impact on the severity of ARR

    Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Using Autologous Platelet Concentrates (Platelet-Rich Plasma, Platelet-Rich Fibrin, and Concentrated Growth Factor) Combined with Bone Graft: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The current review aims to provide an overview of the most recent research on the potentials of concentrated growth factors used in the maxillary sinus lift technique. Materials and methods: “PRP”, “PRF”, “L-PRF”, “CGF”, “oral surgery”, “sticky bone”, “sinus lift” were the search terms utilized in the databases Scopus, Web of Science, and Pubmed, with the Boolean operator “AND” and “OR”. Results: Of these 1534 studies, 22 publications were included for this review. Discussion: The autologous growth factors released from platelet concentrates can help to promote bone remodeling and cell proliferation, and the application of platelet concentrates appears to reduce the amount of autologous bone required during regenerative surgery. Many authors agree that growth factors considerably enhance early vascularization in bone grafts and have a significantly positive pro-angiogenic influence in vivo when combined with alloplastic and xenogeneic materials, reducing inflammation and postoperative pain and stimulating the regeneration of injured tissues and accelerating their healing. Conclusions: Even if further studies are still needed, the use of autologous platelet concentrates can improve clinical results where a large elevation of the sinus is needed by improving bone height, thickness and vascularization of surgical sites, and post-operative healing

    Mandibular Crowding: Diagnosis and Management—A Scoping Review

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    Background: Crowding is the most frequent malocclusion in orthodontics, with a strong hereditary tendency. It already occurs in pediatric age and is mainly hereditary. It is a sign of a lack of space in the arches, and is not self-correcting, but can worsen over time. The main cause of the worsening of this malocclusion is a progressive and physiological decrease in the arch perimeter. Methods: To identify relevant studies investigating the most common possible treatments for mandibular dental crowding, a comprehensive search of PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science was conducted encompassing the last 5 years (2018–2023) using the following MeSH: “mandibular crowding AND treatment” and “mandibular crowding AND therapy “. Results: A total of 12 studies were finally included. An orthodontic treatment cannot ignore the concept of “guide arch”, which concerns the lower arch, because of the objective difficulty in increasing its perimeter; the bone structure of the lower jaw is more compact than that of the upper one. Its expansion, in fact, is limited to a slight vestibularization of the incisors and lateral sectors that may be associated with a limited distalization of the molars. Conclusions: There are various therapeutic solutions available to the orthodontist, and a correct diagnosis through clinical examination, radiographs and model analysis are essential. The decision of how to deal with crowding cannot be separated from an overall assessment of the malocclusion to be treated

    Efficacy of Carbamide and Hydrogen Peroxide Tooth Bleaching Techniques in Orthodontic and Restorative Dentistry Patients: A Scoping Review

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    Background: Dental aesthetic procedures aim to rectify flaws in dental elements’ shape, alignment, or overly dark color. One of the most common dental aesthetic procedures is tooth whitening. This study attempts to introduce key aspects of bleaching and describe the different techniques and the mechanism of action of bleaching agents, focusing on the clinical implications in orthodontic and on composite restorations. Methods: The research was performed on PubMed, Web of Science, and Science Direct databases for articles on our topic published between 2017 and 2023, and we found a total of 1512 studies. In total, 57 papers were considered for the qualitative analysis in the review. Results: This study found that both carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide were clinically effective, although patients’ level of tooth sensitivity seemed to be lessened by the latter. However, the latter appears to be more effective at reducing patient-experienced tooth sensitivity. Conclusion: Carbamide and hydrogen peroxide based whitening techniques were shown to be equally successful at treating tooth discoloration after bracket composite removal, with no discernible differences between them. To increase the effectiveness of whitening on composites, more research is needed. To achieve the desired results and avoid the negative effects of whitening gels on teeth and soft tissue, a patient-specific approach is advised

    Antispike Immunoglobulin-G (IgG) Titer Response of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-Vaccine (BNT162b2): A Monitoring Study on Healthcare Workers

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    The secretion of IgG SARS-CoV-2 antispike antibodies after vaccination with BNT162b2 and the protection represent the response of the human organism to the viral vector symptomatic infections. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the immune reaction in health workers of the Polyclinic of Bari to identify the relationship of antispike titers with blood type, sex, age, and comorbidities. This prospective observational study (RENAISSANCE) had as its primary endpoint the assessment of serologic response to BNT162b2 at three blood titers: the first at 60 days after the second dose (3 February 2021); the second titer at 75 days after the first titer; and the third titer at 130 days after the second titer. Out of 230 enrolled staff members, all responded excellently to the mRna Pfizer (BNT162b) vaccine. Only one patient, 40 days after the second dose (3 February 2021), was positive on the swab control performed on 15 March 2021, although completely asymptomatic, and was negative on the subsequent molecular swab performed on 30 March 2021. All the patients responded to the mRNA Pfizer (BNT162b) vaccine with an antispike IgG level above 500 BAU/mL at the first antispike protein essay (60 days after the second dose on 3 April 2021); at the second titer (75 days after the first titer on 20 June 2021), 4 (1.7% of 230 enrolled) patients showed an antispike IgG level under 500 BAU/mL; at the third titer (130 days after the second titer on 30 June 2021, which means 9 months after the second dose), 37 (16.1% of 230 enrolled) patients showed an antispike IgG level under 500 BAU/mL. The data analysis demonstrated that patients belonging to blood group 0, regardless of their rhesus factor, showed the strongest level of antibodies compared to the other groups. No dependency was found between low antibodies level and sex or age. Molecular swab controls were performed every 15th of the month continuously. However, the enrolled patients’ activity was at high risk because they carried out medical activities such as dental and surgical as well with droplets of water vaporized by the effect of turbines, piezosurgery. The vaccination campaign among health workers of the Policlinico of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” led to an excellent serological response and the complete absence of COVID-19 incident cases, so the antibody response was excellent. The COVID-19 vaccine booster shot should be administered after 9 months and not without prompt antispike titer detection to assess if any sign of waning immunity is present in that specific patient