34,314 research outputs found

    Extreme paths in oriented 2D Percolation

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    A useful result about leftmost and rightmost paths in two dimensional bond percolation is proved. This result was introduced without proof in \cite{G} in the context of the contact process in continuous time. As discussed here, it also holds for several related models, including the discrete time contact process and two dimensional site percolation. Among the consequences are a natural monotonicity in the probability of percolation between different sites and a somewhat counter-intuitive correlation inequality

    Early Results on Radioactive Background Characterization for Sanford Laboratory and DUSEL Experiments

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    Measuring external sources of background for a deep underground laboratory at the Homestake Mine is an important step for the planned low-background experiments. The naturally occurring γ\gamma-ray fluxes at different levels in the Homestake Mine are studied using NaI detectors and Monte Carlo simulations. A simple algorithm is developed to convert the measured γ\gamma-ray rates into γ\gamma-ray fluxes. A good agreement between the measured and simulated γ\gamma-ray fluxes is achieved with the knowledge of the chemical composition and radioactivity levels in the rock. The neutron fluxes and γ\gamma-ray fluxes are predicted by Monte Carlo simulations for different levels including inaccessible levels that are under construction for the planned low background experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, and 9 table

    Thermal design of the space shuttle external tank

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    The shuttle external tank thermal design presents many challenges in meeting the stringent requirements established by the structures, main propulsion systems, and Orbiter elements. The selected thermal protection design had to meet these requirements, and ease of application, suitability for mass production considering low weight, cost, and high reliability. This development led to a spray-on-foam (SOFI) which covers the entire tank. The need and design for a SOFI material with a dual role of cryogenic insulation and ablator, and the development of the SOFI over SLA concept for high heating areas are discussed. Further issuses of minimum surface ice/frost, no debris, and the development of the TPS spray process considering the required quality and process control are examined

    Ultrasound enhancement of microfiltration performance for natural organic matter removal

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    Sonication of water at 1500 W power prior to microfiltration showed that short sonication times (60 s) gave a reduced flux decline. It is suggested that a less potent, smaller molecular form of the natural organic matter (NOM) was produced by sonication. Longer sonication times diminished this beneficial effect. This may be due to the formation of aggregates or compounds that are more readily adsorbed on the membrane. Where the sonication was preceded by an alum treatment, the flux loss showed a regular decrease with longer sonication times. It is suggested that the effects of sonication on the alum flocs and on the flocs; NOM interactions may play a critical role in regulating the flux. Where sand was present on sonication at 800 and 1400 W, the cavitational energy was focussed on adsorbed organic material, resulting in more efficient destruction and the formation of compounds that counteracted the flux enhancement

    Probing the Phase Diagram of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d with Tunneling Spectroscopy

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    Tunneling measurements are performed on Ca-rich single crystals of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d (Bi2212), with various oxygen doping levels, using a novel point contact method. At 4.2 K, SIN and SIS tunnel junctions are obtained with well-defined quasiparticle peaks, robust dip and hump features and in some cases Josephson currents. The doping dependence of tunneling conductances of Ca-rich Bi2212 are analyzed and compared to stoichiometric Bi2212. A similar profile of energy gap vs. doping concentration is found although the Ca-rich samples have a slighly smaller optimum Tc and therefore smaller gap values for any doping level. The evolution of tunneling conductance peak height to background ratios with hole concentration are compared. For a given doping level, the Ca-rich spectra showed more broadened features compared to the stoichiometric counterparts, most likely due to increased disorder from the excess Ca. Comparison of the dip and hump features has provided some potential insights into their origins.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; presented at the Applied Superconductivity Conference (August 4-9, 2002) in Houston, TX; to be published in IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon

    A connection with parallel totally skew-symmetric torsion on a class of almost hypercomplex manifolds with Hermitian and anti-Hermitian metrics

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    The subject of investigations are the almost hypercomplex manifolds with Hermitian and anti-Hermitian (Norden) metrics. A linear connection D is introduced such that the structure of these manifolds is parallel with respect to D and its torsion is totally skew-symmetric. The class of the nearly Kaehler manifolds with respect to the first almost complex structure is of special interest. It is proved that D has a D-parallel torsion and is weak if it is not flat. Some curvature properties of these manifolds are studied.Comment: 18 page

    Rebuttal to "Comment by V.M. Krasnov on 'Counterintuitive consequence of heating in strongly-driven intrinsic junctions of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d Mesas' "

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    In our article [1], we found that with increasing dissipation there is a clear, systematic shift and sharpening of the conductance peak along with the disappearance of the higher-bias dip/hump features (DHF), for a stack of intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) of intercalated Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{\delta} (Bi2212). Our work agrees with Zhu et al [2] on unintercalated, pristine Bi2212, as both studies show the same systematic changes with dissipation. The broader peaks found with reduced dissipation [1,2] are consistent with broad peaks in the density-of-states (DOS) found among scanning tunneling spectroscopy [3] (STS), mechanical contact tunneling [4] (MCT) and inferred from angle (momentum) resolved photoemission spectroscopy [5] (ARPES); results that could not be ignored. Thus, sharp peaks are extrinsic and cannot correspond to the superconducting DOS. We suggested that the commonality of the sharp peaks in our conductance data, which is demonstrably shown to be heating-dominated, and the peaks of previous intrinsic tunneling spectroscopy (ITS) data implies that these ITS reports might need reinterpretation.Comment: Rebuttal to Comment of Krasnov arXiv:1007.451