316 research outputs found

    Current-induced two-level fluctuations in pseudo spin-valves (Co/Cu/Co) nanostructures

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    Two-level fluctuations of the magnetization state of pseudo spin-valve pillars Co(10 nm)/Cu(10 nm)/Co(30 nm) embedded in electrodeposited nanowires (~40 nm in diameter, 6000 nm in length) are triggered by spin-polarized currents of 10^7 A/cm^2 at room temperature. The statistical properties of the residence times in the parallel and antiparallel magnetization states reveal two effects with qualitatively different dependences on current intensity. The current appears to have the effect of a field determined as the bias field required to equalize these times. The bias field changes sign when the current polarity is reversed. At this field, the effect of a current density of 10^7 A/cm^2 is to lower the mean time for switching down to the microsecond range. This effect is independent of the sign of the current and is interpreted in terms of an effective temperature for the magnetization.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, revised version, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Antireflection of an absorbing substrate by an absorbing thin film at normal incidence

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    An absorbing substrate of complex refractive index n2 - jk2 at wavelength λ can be coated by an absorbing thin film of complex refractive index n1 - jk1 and thickness d to achieve zero reflection at normal incidence. For given n2,k2 multiple solutions (n1,k1,d/λ) are found that correspond to infinitely many distinct antireflection layers. This is demonstrated for a Si substrate at two wavelengths (6328 and 4420 Å). The response of these absorbing antireflection layers to changes of the angle of incidence from 0 to 45° and to changes of thickness of ±10% is also determined and compared to the limting case of a nonabsorbing antireflection layer

    Antireflection of an absorbing substrate by an absorbing thin film at normal incidence

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    An absorbing substrate of complex refractive index n2 - jk2 at wavelength λ can be coated by an absorbing thin film of complex refractive index n1 - jk1 and thickness d to achieve zero reflection at normal incidence. For given n2,k2 multiple solutions (n1,k1,d/λ) are found that correspond to infinitely many distinct antireflection layers. This is demonstrated for a Si substrate at two wavelengths (6328 and 4420 Å). The response of these absorbing antireflection layers to changes of the angle of incidence from 0 to 45° and to changes of thickness of ±10% is also determined and compared to the limting case of a nonabsorbing antireflection layer

    Global linear stability analysis of kinetic Trapped Ion Mode (TIM) turbulence in tokamak plasma using spectral method

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    Trapped ion modes (TIM) which belong to the family of ion temperature gradient (ITG) modes, is one of the important ingredients in heat turbulent transport at the ion scale in tokamak plasmas. It is essential to properly estimate their linear growth rate to understand their influence on ion-scale turbulent transport. A global linear analysis of a reduced gyro-bounce kinetic model for trapped particle modes is performed, and a spectral method is proposed to solve the dispersion relation. Importantly, the radial profile of the particle drift velocity is taken into account in the linear analysis by considering the exact magnetic flux {\psi} dependency of the equilibrium Hamiltonian H_{eq}({\psi}) in the quasi-neutrality equation and equilibrium gyro-bounce averaged distribution function F_{eq} . Using this spectral method, linear growth-rates of TIM instability in presence of different temperature profiles and precession frequencies of trapped ions, with an approximated constant Hamiltonian and the exact {\psi} dependent equilibrium Hamiltonian, are investigated. The growth-rate depends on the logarithmic gradient of temperature \kappa_{T} , density \kappa_{n} and equilibrium Hamiltonian \kappa_{\Lambda} . With the exact {\psi} dependent Hamiltonian, the growth rates and potential profiles are modified significantly, compared to the cases with approximated constant Hamiltonian. All the results from the global linear analysis agree with a semi-Lagrangian based linear Vlasov solver with a good accuracy. This spectral method is very fast and requires very less computation resources compared to a linear version of Vlasov-solver based on a semi-Lagrangian scheme

    Spin-transfer in an open ferromagnetic layer: from negative damping to effective temperature

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    Spin-transfer is a typical spintronics effect that allows a ferromagnetic layer to be switched by spin-injection. Most of the experimental results about spin transfer are described on the basis of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation of the magnetization, in which additional current-dependent damping factors are added, and can be positive or negative. The origin of the damping can be investigated further by performing stochastic experiments, like one shot relaxation experiments under spin-injection in the activation regime of the magnetization. In this regime, the N\'eel-Brown activation law is observed which leads to the introduction of a current-dependent effective temperature. In order to justify the introduction of these counterintuitive parameters (effective temperature and negative damping), a detailed thermokinetic analysis of the different sub-systems involved is performed. We propose a thermokinetic description of the different forms of energy exchanged between the electric and the ferromagnetic sub-systems at a Normal/Ferromagnetic junction. The corresponding Fokker Planck equations, including relaxations, are derived. The damping coefficients are studied in terms of Onsager-Casimir transport coefficients, with the help of the reciprocity relations. The effective temperature is deduced in the activation regime.Comment: 65 pages, 10 figure

    Fermi-Edge Singularities in AlxGa1-xAs Quantum Wells : Extrinsic Versus Many-Body Scattering Processes

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    A Fano resonance mechanism is evidenced to control the formation of optical Fermi-edge singularities in multi-subband systems such as remotely doped AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures. Using Fano parameters, we probe the physical nature of the interaction between Fermi-sea electrons and empty conduction subbands. We show that processes of extrinsic origin like alloy-disorder prevail easily at 2D over multiple diffusions from charged valence holes expected by many-body scenarios.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Bacterial lipid II analogs : novel in vitro substrates for mammalian oligosaccharyl diphosphodolichol diphosphatase (DLODP) activities

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    Mammalian protein N-glycosylation requires the transfer of an oligosaccharide containing 2 residues of N-acetylglucosamine, 9 residues of mannose and 3 residues of glucose (Glc3Man9 GlcNAc2) from Glc3Man9GlcNAc2-diphospho (PP)-dolichol (DLO) onto proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Under some pathophysiological conditions, DLO biosynthesis is perturbed, and truncated DLO is hydrolyzed to yield oligosaccharyl phosphates (OSP) via unidentified mechanisms. DLO diphosphatase activity (DLODP) was described in vitro, but its characterization is hampered by a lack of convenient non-radioactive substrates. Our objective was to develop a fluorescence-based assay for DLO hydrolysis. Using a vancomycin-based solid-phase extraction procedure coupled with thin layer chromatography (TLC) and mass spectrometry, we demonstrate that mouse liver membrane extracts hydrolyze fluorescent bacterial lipid II (LII: GlcNAc-MurNAc(dansyl-pentapeptide)-PP-undecaprenol) to yield GlcNAc-MurNAc(dansyl-pentapeptide)-P (GM5P). GM5P production by solubilized liver microsomal proteins shows similar biochemical characteristics to those reported for human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cell DLODP activity. To conclude, we show, for the first time, hydrolysis of lipid II by a eukaryotic enzyme. As LII and DLO are hydrolyzed by the same, or closely related, enzymes, fluorescent lipid II analogs are convenient non-radioactive substrates for investigating DLODP and DLODP-like activities

    Spin relaxation in low-dimensional systems

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    We review some of the newest findings on the spin dynamics of carriers and excitons in GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells. In intrinsic wells, where the optical properties are dominated by excitonic effects, we show that exciton-exciton interaction produces a breaking of the spin degeneracy in two-dimensional semiconductors. In doped wells, the two spin components of an optically created two-dimensional electron gas are well described by Fermi-Dirac distributions with a common temperature but different chemical potentials. The rate of the spin depolarization of the electron gas is found to be independent of the mean electron kinetic energy but accelerated by thermal spreading of the carriers.Comment: 1 PDF file, 13 eps figures, Proceedings of the 1998 International Workshop on Nanophysics and Electronics (NPE-98)- Lecce (Italy

    Spatiotemporal PET reconstruction using ML-EM with learned diffeomorphic deformation

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    Patient movement in emission tomography deteriorates reconstruction quality because of motion blur. Gating the data improves the situation somewhat: each gate contains a movement phase which is approximately stationary. A standard method is to use only the data from a few gates, with little movement between them. However, the corresponding loss of data entails an increase of noise. Motion correction algorithms have been implemented to take into account all the gated data, but they do not scale well, especially not in 3D. We propose a novel motion correction algorithm which addresses the scalability issue. Our approach is to combine an enhanced ML-EM algorithm with deep learning based movement registration. The training is unsupervised, and with artificial data. We expect this approach to scale very well to higher resolutions and to 3D, as the overall cost of our algorithm is only marginally greater than that of a standard ML-EM algorithm. We show that we can significantly decrease the noise corresponding to a limited number of gates