184 research outputs found

    Lifting user generated comments to SIOC

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    International audienceHTML boilerplate code is acting on webpages as presentation directives for a browser to display data to a human end user. For the machine, our community made tremenduous e orts to provide querying endpoints using consensual schemas, protocols, and principles since the avent of the Linked Data paradigm. These data lifting e orts have been the primary materials for bootstraping the Web of data. Data lifting usually involves an original data structure from which the semantic architect has to produce a mapper to RDF vocabularies. Less e orts are made in order to lift data produced by a Web mining process, due to the di culty to provide an e cient and scalable solution. Nonetheless, the Web of documents is mainly composed of natural language twisted in HTML boilerplate code, and few data schemas can be mapped into RDF. In this paper, we present CommentsLifter, a system that is able to lift SIOC data from user-generated comments in the Web 2.0

    FoP: Never-Ending Learner for Multimedia Knowledge Extraction

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    International audience—In this paper we present our system Faces of Politics (henceforth FoP), that is able to continuously learn multimedia knowledge of Web multimedia resources about the presence of person(s) in a pictures and to leverage this knowledge to the Linked Open Data cloud (LOD-cloud). FoP promotes both scalability of the data lift process for this domain and a structured knowledge representation for complex queries. The system was bootstraped using Freebase data about politicians and their pictures, and we show that the model provides a good generalization with an error rate below 7%. Meantime, FoP not only relates a person to a multimedia resource, but it also detects and publishes metadata on the position of the person in the picture. Moreover, it supports the presence of several persons in the picture. At this step, FoP is also giving data in return to the LoD cloud that fed him in the first place: it leverages Linked Data on people recognized in these pictures, and on which rectangle area. This allows fine-grained queries like creating a curation of documents in which a person is depicted relatively to another for instance. On a technical point-of-view, we also provide a Website for browsing FoP knowledge base as Web users, and we also offer a public SPARQL endpoint for robots or other Web applications

    Learning from visualizing and Interacting with the Semantic Web Dog Food

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    International audienceSemantic Web conferences such as WWW and ISWC fos- tered a collaborative e ort for the leveraging of Linked Data about con- ferences people, papers and talks. This e ort gave birth to the Semantic Web Conference Corpus, a.k.a. the Semantic Web Dog Food Corpus. Many other conferences and journals contributed afterwards to this cor- pus, so that it is today a representative semantic data archive about our research community activities and progression. These metadata are con- sistent with Linked Data principles and therefore can be semantically processed by the machine. Although it is a matchless source of scienti c knowledge for our community, it is di cult for the researcher, as a hu- man, to browse this corpus that contains more than 180k unique triples. This paper presents our e ort to bring a user-friendly Web application based on the Semantic Web Dog Food corpus that show the topics trends in Semantic Web research. The application was made freely available to the researcher as an end user. In this work we identify speci c issues and barriers encountered when building the system, discuss how these were approached in this software, and how the lessons learnt can drive future implementations fostering the Web of Data

    Conflict resolution when axioms are materialized in semantic-based smart environments.

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    International audienceIn SemanticWeb applications, reasoning engines that are data intensive commonly materialise inferences to speed up processing at query time. However, in evolving systems, such as smart environments, semantic-based context aware systems (SCAS) [6] or social software with user-generated data, knowledge does not grow monotonically: newer facts may contradict older ones, knowledge may be deprecated, discarded or updated such that knowledge must sometimes be retracted. We are describing a technique to retract explicit and inferred statements, when some information becomes obsolete, as well as retracting any statement that would lead to get back the removed explicit statements. This technique is based on OWL justifications and is triggered whenever a knowledge base becomes inconsistent, such that the system stays in a consistent state all the time, in spite of uncontrolled evolution.We prove termination and correctness of the algorithm, and describe the implementation and evaluation of the proposal

    Plongement de métrique pour le calcul de similarité sémantique à l'échelle

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    National audiencePlongement de métrique pour le calcul de similarité sémantique à l'échelle Résumé. In this paper, we explore the embedding of the shortest-path metrics from a knowledge base (Wordnet) into the Hamming hypercube, in order to enhance the computation performance. We show that, although an isometric embedding is untractable, it is possible to achieve good non-isometric embeddings. We report a speedup of three orders of magnitude for the task of computing Leacock and Chodorow (LCH) similarities while keeping strong correlations

    Coping with collaborative and competitive episodes within collaborative remote laboratories

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    International audienceIn this paper, we provide an original approach to the support of group awareness within collaborative remote laboratories. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning sessions present successively collaborative and emulation episodes. The idea developed here is the elaboration of an architecture for dealing with those two aspects of collaborative sessions for practical remote hands-on approaches. Our purpose is to manage and enhance the learning experience brought to the students who are using collaborative remote laboratories by managing several synchronous accesses made on the remote laboratories platform itself. This contribution relies on an original domain ontology and the associated knowledge management system

    Extraction de commentaires utilisateurs sur le Web

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    National audienceDans cet article, nous présentons CommentsMiner, une solution d'ex-traction non supervisée pour l'extraction de commentaires utilisateurs. Notre approche se base sur une combinaison de techniques de fouille de sous-arbres fréquents, d'extraction de données et d'apprentissage de classement. Nos expéri-mentations montrent que CommentsMiner permet de résoudre le problème d'ex-traction de commentaires sur 84% d'un jeu de données représentatif et publique-ment accessible, loin devant les techniques existantes d'extraction

    Collaborative remote laboratory in virtual wolrd

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    International audiencewe present in this paper a remote lab that is generic, i.e independent to the controlled device thanks to a semantic web approach. The graphical user interface and functionalities are described thanks to ontology. The proposed remote lab is also collaborative since it is prove that the collaboration takes an important place in the learning process. The collaboration is made in a virtual world called wonderland allowing sharing of information and audio channels between users' avatars

    Ad-hoc virtual communities for rehabilitation exercising

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    International audienceSome patients may have to stay at home, however they may need also some rehabilitation exercises. Sometimes this is not possible due to several constraints: distance, cost, availability, etc. Traditionally, rehabilitation sessions are performed individually or in groups in the same place. Studies have shown that group sessions can lead to better motivation and results. In this paper, we propose a system that allows rehabilitation sessions, within a distributed group of people, under the computer-assisted supervision of a coach. The system makes use of wearable technologies, web applications and pervasive computing. Group awareness and self-awareness are enhanced for better motivation and results

    Mining user-generated comments

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    International audience—Social-media websites, such as newspapers, blogs, and forums, are the main places of generation and exchange of user-generated comments. These comments are viable sources for opinion mining, descriptive annotations and information extraction. User-generated comments are formatted using a HTML template, they are therefore entwined with the other information in the HTML document. Their unsupervised extraction is thus a taxing issue – even greater when considering the extraction of nested answers by different users. This paper presents a novel technique (CommentsMiner) for unsupervised users comments extraction. Our approach uses both the theoretical framework of frequent subtree mining and data extraction techniques. We demonstrate that the comment mining task can be modelled as a constrained closed induced subtree mining problem followed by a learning-to-rank problem. Our experimental evaluations show that CommentsMiner solves the plain comments and nested comments extraction problems for 84% of a representative and accessible dataset, while outperforming existing baselines techniques
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