
Lifting user generated comments to SIOC


International audienceHTML boilerplate code is acting on webpages as presentation directives for a browser to display data to a human end user. For the machine, our community made tremenduous e orts to provide querying endpoints using consensual schemas, protocols, and principles since the avent of the Linked Data paradigm. These data lifting e orts have been the primary materials for bootstraping the Web of data. Data lifting usually involves an original data structure from which the semantic architect has to produce a mapper to RDF vocabularies. Less e orts are made in order to lift data produced by a Web mining process, due to the di culty to provide an e cient and scalable solution. Nonetheless, the Web of documents is mainly composed of natural language twisted in HTML boilerplate code, and few data schemas can be mapped into RDF. In this paper, we present CommentsLifter, a system that is able to lift SIOC data from user-generated comments in the Web 2.0

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    Last time updated on 12/11/2016