385 research outputs found

    Ecological assessment of physical changes in the Scheldt estuary

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    The relationship between morphodynamics and ecology is a major research topic in the Scheldt estuary. The discussion about access to Antwerp harbour and the implementation of strict EU-legislation for nature conservation are responsible for this. Another development is the quest for indicators that summarize the physical and ecological state of water systems in a way that managers and policy makers can understand. The paper presents two studies by RIKZ tackling these two issues. One study explores physical parameters at the scale of a complete water system (such as the Western Scheldt) that characterize the potential of the system for the maintenance or development of habitats such as tidal flats and salt marshes. A graphical presentation of these parameters should allow immediate assessment of the physical state of the system in for ecology relevant terms. A promising combination of parameters is the total cross section of tidal channels and the amount of water that moves in an out at each tide. Another study focuses on the potential importance of the curvature (vertical profile) and sediment composition of tidal flats, apart from the density of benthos (the birds’ food supply), for the food intake of waders such as Oystercatchers. Present impact assessments (e.g. MOVE) only consider changes in available foraging area at low tide, while other studies show that sediment characteristics and emergence period determine foraging opportunities of waders as well. The studies are placed in the context of the present discussion on increased dredging of the shipping channel to Antwerp

    Prey choice, provisioning behaviour, and effects of early nutrition on nestling phenotype of titmice

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    [EN] It is generally assumed that blue and great tits (Cyanistes caeruleus, Parus major) compete for the same type of food (Lepidoptera larvae) during the breeding season and that the former have some advantage because they are usually earlier and can exploit small caterpillars that are often more abundant and are not consumed by great tits. However, it is not clear whether, when confronted with similar circumstances (e.g., nestling demand), blue and great tits show similar preferences for a particular caterpillar type. In this 2-y study, we compare the diet of both tit species in detail by controlling for hatching date and brood size. We also examine how the contribution of caterpillars and spiders to the diet is related to nestling development. A positive relationship was found between the percentage of spiders in the diet and nestling tarsus length in both species, reinforcing the idea that neonatal nutrition could have a strong influence on nestling phenotype (e.g., offspring size). Such a correlation may arise because spiders contain a high level of taurine, an essential nutrient in the early development of young, and/or this prey type contains more calcium than other food items, which may affect the rate of nestling bone mineralization. Blue tits fed their young double the number of tortricid larvae in comparison with great tits, whereas the latter showed a clear preference for noctuids and exploited, with a low frequency, a type of larvae not consumed by blue tits, hairy caterpillars (Lasiocampidae). Our results point to resource partitioning by these species in this forest ecosystem and contribute to a better understanding of feeding ecology of titmice, which is particularly timely in a global warming context [FR] Il est généralement admis que les mésanges bleues (Cyanistes caeruleus) et les mésanges charbonnières (Parus major) se font compétition pour le même type de nourriture (larves de lépidoptères) durant la période de reproduction. Il est également admis que les mésanges bleues possèdent un certain avantage, car elles se reproduisent plus tôt et mangent de petites chenilles souvent plus abondantes qui ne sont pas consommées par les mésanges charbonnières. Cependant, il n'est pas clair si dans les mêmes conditions (ex. de demande en nourriture des oisillons), les mésanges bleues et charbonnières préfèrent les mêmes types de chenilles. Dans cette étude de 2 ans, nous avons comparé en détail les régimes alimentaires des 2 espèces de mésanges en contrôlant pour la date de ponte et la taille de la couvée. Nous avons aussi examiné si les contributions des chenilles et des araignées au régime alimentaire étaient reliées au développement des oisillons. Chez les 2 espèces, une relation positive a été trouvée entre le pourcentage d'araignées dans le régime alimentaire et la longueur du tarse des oisillons renforçant ainsi l'idée que la nutrition néonatale peut avoir une grande influence sur le phénotype des oisillons (ex. la taille des jeunes). Une telle corrélation peut résulter du fait que les araignées ont un taux élevé de taurine, un nutriment essentiel au développement précoce des jeunes, et/ou que ce type de proie contient plus de calcium que d'autres aliments ce qui peut influencer le taux de minéralisation des os chez les oisillons. Les mésanges bleues ont nourri leurs jeunes avec deux fois plus de larves de tortricidés que les mésanges charbonnières qui elles ont montré une nette préférence pour les noctuidés. Ces dernières ont aussi consommé, quoique peu fréquemment, des livrées (Lasiocampidae), un type de larves boudé par les mésanges bleues. Nos résultats pointent vers une division des ressources entre ces espèces dans cet écosystème forestier et contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de l'écologie alimentaire des mésanges ce qui est particulièrement utile dans un contexte de réchauffement climatiqueV. García-Navas was supported by a FPI predoctoral fellowship (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN)-European Social Fund). This study was financed by the MICINN (grant reference: GCL2007-61395)Peer Reviewe

    Livestock density as risk factor for livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, the Netherlands

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    To determine whether persons living in areas of high animal density are at increased risk for carrying livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA), we used an existing dataset of persons in the Netherlands with LA-MRSA carriage and controls who carried other types of MRSA. Results of running univariate and multivariate logistic regression models indicated that living in livestock-dense areas increases the odds of nasal carriage of LA-MRSA. We found that doubling pig, cattle, and veal calf densities per municipality increased the odds of LA-MRSA carriage over carriage of other types of MRSA by 24.7% (95% CI 0.9%–54.2%), 76.9% (95% CI 11.3%–81.3%), and 24.1% (95% CI 5.5%–45.9%), respectively, after adjusting for direct animal contact, living in a rural area, and the probable source of MRSA carriage. Controlling the spread of LA-MRSA thus requires giving attention to community members in animal-dense regions who are unaffiliated with livestock farming

    Persistence of Livestock Associated MRSA CC398 in Humans Is Dependent on Intensity of Animal Contact

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    INTRODUCTION: The presence of Livestock Associated MRSA (LA-MRSA) in humans is associated with intensity of animal contact. It is unknown whether the presence of LA-MRSA is a result of carriage or retention of MRSA-contaminated dust. We conducted a longitudinal study among 155 veal farmers in which repeated nasal and throat swabs were taken for MRSA detection. Periods with and without animal exposure were covered. METHODS: Randomly, 51 veal calf farms were visited from June-December 2008. Participants were asked to fill in questionnaires (n = 155) to identify potential risk factors for MRSA colonisation. Nasal and throat swabs were repeatedly taken from each participant for approximately 2 months. Swabs were analysed for MRSA and MSSA by selective bacteriological culturing. Spa-types of the isolates were identified and a ST398 specific PCR was performed. Data were analyzed using generalized estimation equations (GEE) to allow for correlated observations within individuals. RESULTS: Mean MRSA prevalence was 38% in farmers and 16% in family members. Presence of MRSA in farmers was strongly related to duration of animal contact and was strongly reduced in periods with absence of animal contact (-58%). Family members, especially children, were more often carriers when the farmer was a carrier (OR = 2,

    Weekly high-dose cisplatin is a feasible treatment option: Analysis on prognostic factors for toxicity in 400 patients

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    In the present study we describe the toxicity of weekly high-dose (70-85 mg m-2) cisplatin in 400 patients (203 men, 197 women; median age 54 years) with advanced solid tumours treated in the period 1990-2001 who took part in phase I/II trials, investigating the feasibility and efficacy of weekly cisplatin alone, or in combination with paclitaxel or etoposide. Cisplatin was administered in 250 ml NaCl 3% over 3 h, for six intended administrations. The mean number of administrations was 53 (range, 1-6 administrations). Reasons not to complete six cycles were disease progression (7.5%), haematological toxicity (9%), nephrotoxicity (7%), ototoxicity (2.5%), neurotoxicity (1%), gastrointestinal toxicity (1%), cardiovascular complications (0.5%) or a combination of reasons including noncompliance and patient's request (5.5%). Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate baseline parameters for prognostic value regarding toxicity. Leukopenia correlated with etoposide cotreatment, and thrombocytopenia with cisplatin dose and prior (platinum-based) chemotherapy. Risk factors for nephrotoxicity were older age, female gender, smoking, hypoalbuminaemia and paclitaxel coadministration. Neurotoxicity >grade I (11% of patients) was associated with prior chemotherapy and paclitaxel coadministration. Symptomatic hearing loss occurred in 15% with anaemia as the predisposing factor. We conclude that weekly high-dose cisplatin administered in hypertonic saline is a feasible treatment regimen