8 research outputs found

    Intra-guild spatial niche overlap among three small falcon species in an area of recent sympatry

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    Climate warming and land-use change are reshuffling the distribution of wild organisms on a global scale. Some species may expand their ranges and colonize new regions, which may greatly affect ecological interactions among pre-existing species and colonizers. In the last decades, such processes have originated a unique condition of sympatry among three Eurasian small Falco species (common kestrel F. tinnunculus, lesser kestrel F. naumanni, red-footed falcon F. vespertinus) in the intensively cultivated farmland habitats of the Po Plain (Northern Italy). This provides an excellent opportunity to investigate patterns of spatial niche overlap during the initial phases of the establishment of sympatry. To investigate spatial niche overlap of the three falcon species, we relied on Environmental Niche Models (ENMs) based on widespread breeding occurrence data obtained through field surveys and citizen science programs (during the 2018-2020 period). ENMs were based on bioclimatic and land-use variables in an ensemble modelling framework. We estimated species-specific relative contributions of each climatic and land-use variable and its response curves effect. Eventually, we generated spatial correlation maps of the potential species' distributions to derive spatially-explicit predictions of potential co-occurrence areas among the three species. Overall, eco-climatic determinants of the distribution of lesser kestrel and red-footed falcon were similar, resulting in a strong association with intensive arable lands and dry continental climate. Consistently, we found a high spatial correlation between the suitability maps of the two species, with highly suitable areas located in the Central-Eastern area of the Po Plain, corresponding to the core range of both species. Conversely, the common kestrel emerged as a habitat generalist and was widely distributed throughout the Po Plain. Our findings suggest that the recent sympatry between lesser kestrels and red-footed falcons in the Po Plain may promote ecological interactions and intra-guild competition

    Long-term population trends of bird communities in artificially-protected wetlands of Northern Italy

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    Artificial wetlands have become a common conservation approach to contrast the decline of biodiversity globally, as a result of the ongoing loss and fragmentation of natural habitats. Assessments on the trend of the avian biodiversity in artificial wetlands are essential to understand their conservation value. This study aims to analyse temporal changes in the abundance of bird guilds and species in small artificial wetlands in Northern Italy. We surveyed bird populations over the 2005-2019 period from three adjacent wetlands, and examined temporal trends of species as both single species and grouped in guilds. We found the water systems analysed supported a high diversity of species. Overall, we found Swans and Geese, Cormorants, Raptors and Large wading birds had an increasing trend between 2005 and 2019, while Gulls and Terns were stable, Ducks, Rails and Cranes, and Grebes and Divers were uncertain, and Shorebirds decreased. Species-specific trends were revealed: Circus cyaneus (+13.40%) and Falco vespertinus (+21.32%) increased, while Calidris pugnax decreased (-7.91%) and Aythya nyroca was uncertain (+6.30%). Furthermore, dominant species had mainly a stable abundance (e.g. Larus ridibundus and Anas platyrhynchos), while Anas crecca increased (+2.97%), Vanellus vanellus decreased (-3.65%), and Fulica atra had an uncertain trend. We described these local systems as of vital importance to sustain the local and regional avian biodiversity, also urging to ensure national and international functional connectivity between natural and artificial system

    Vegetation height and structure drive foraging habitat selection of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) in intensive agricultural landscapes

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    Habitat selection in animals is a fundamental ecological process with key conservation implications. Assessing habitat selection in endangered species and populations occupying the extreme edges of their distribution range, or living in highly anthropized landscapes, may be of particular interest as it may provide hints to mechanisms promoting potential range expansions. We assessed second- and third-order foraging habitat selection in the northernmost European breeding population of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni), a migratory falcon of European conservation interest, by integrating results obtained from 411 direct observations with those gathered from nine GPS-tracked individuals. The study population breeds in the intensively cultivated Po Plain (northern Italy). Direct observations and GPS data coincide in showing that foraging lesser kestrels shifted their habitat preferences through the breeding cycle. They positively selected alfalfa and other non-irrigated crops during the early breeding season, while winter cereals were selected during the nestling-rearing phase. Maize was selected during the early breeding season, after sowing, but significantly avoided later. Overall, vegetation height emerged as the main predictor of foraging habitat selection, with birds preferring short vegetation, which is likely to maximise prey accessibility. Such a flexibility in foraging habitat selection according to spatio-temporal variation in the agricultural landscape determined by local crop management practices may have allowed the species to successfully thrive in one of the most intensively cultivated areas of Europe. In the southeastern Po Plain, the broad extent of hay and non-irrigated crops is possibly functioning as a surrogate habitat for the pseudo-steppe environment where most of the European breeding population is settled, fostering the northward expansion of the species in Europe. In intensive agricultural landscapes, the maintenance of alfalfa and winter cereals crops and an overall high crop heterogeneity (deriving from crop rotation) is fundamental to accommodate the ecological requirements of the species in different phases of its breeding cycle

    Ecological and social factors affecting the occurrence of kleptoparasitism in two recently established sympatric breeding falcons

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    Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species can lead to direct agonistic interactions, including kleptoparasitism, where one individual consumes trophic resources acquired by another. We documented facultative kleptoparasitism in two similarly-sized raptors, the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) and the red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus). These two species currently co-occur in Northern Italy due to recent range shifts influenced by climate and land-use changes. Multi-year focal observations revealed that single or multiple red-footed falcons were associated with 72% of foraging groups of lesser kestrels. Red-footed falcons initiated kleptoparasitic attacks on lesser kestrels in 46% of foraging group observations, with a success rate of 34%. Attacks were more likely when the prey capture rate (i.e. a proxy of foraging efficiency) of lesser kestrels was high. Red-footed falcons were more successful in stealing prey when the food items carried by lesser kestrels were larger, and kleptoparasitic attacks by groups of red-footed falcons had a higher success rate than attacks by singletons. Overall, we propose that such frequent kleptoparasitic events, which have never been previously documented in these two species, may have emerged as a consequence of their recently established co-occurrence. Kleptoparasitism could reduce the foraging efficiency and fitness of lesser kestrels, potentially leading to broader ecological consequences, such as population declines or range shifts. These findings highlight how species redistributions associated with global changes may lead to novel interspecific interactions with unforeseen ecological implications

    Intra-guild spatial niche overlap among three small falcon species in an area of recent sympatry

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    Climate warming and land-use change are reshuffling the distribution of wild organisms on a global scale. Some species may expand their ranges and colonize new regions, which may greatly affect ecological interactions among pre-existing species and colonizers. In the last decades, such processes have originated a unique condition of sympatry among three Eurasian small Falco species (common kestrel F. tinnunculus, lesser kestrel F. naumanni, red-footed falcon F. vespertinus) in the intensively cultivated farmland habitats of the Po Plain (Northern Italy). This provides an excellent opportunity to investigate patterns of spatial niche overlap during the initial phases of the establishment of sympatry. To investigate spatial niche overlap of the three falcon species, we relied on Environmental Niche Models (ENMs) based on widespread breeding occurrence data obtained through field surveys and citizen science programs (during the 2018–2020 period). ENMs were based on bioclimatic and land-use variables in an ensemble modelling framework. We estimated species-specific relative contributions of each climatic and land-use variable and its response curves effect. Eventually, we generated spatial correlation maps of the potential species’ distributions to derive spatially-explicit predictions of potential co-occurrence areas among the three species. Overall, eco-climatic determinants of the distribution of lesser kestrel and red-footed falcon were similar, resulting in a strong association with intensive arable lands and dry continental climate. Consistently, we found a high spatial correlation between the suitability maps of the two species, with highly suitable areas located in the Central-Eastern area of the Po Plain, corresponding to the core range of both species. Conversely, the common kestrel emerged as a habitat generalist and was widely distributed throughout the Po Plain. Our findings suggest that the recent sympatry between lesser kestrels and red-footed falcons in the Po Plain may promote ecological interactions and intra-guild competition