148 research outputs found

    A survey of the life of Hugh MacColl (1837-1909)

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    Introduction Contrary to a widespread assumption the modern history of modal logic did not start with C. I. Lewis’ Survey of Symbolic Logic [Lewis 1918]. His eminent work was preceded by some 20 years by H. MacColl’s fifth article on ‘The Calculus of Equivalent Statements’. This article was read at the London Mathematical Society on 12 November 1896. Some months later it was published in the Society’s Proceedings [MacColl 1896-1897]. During the following years MacColl presented his logic prim..

    Comparative Analysis of American Heart Association and European Society of Hypertension Ambulatory Blood Pressure Thresholds for Diagnosing Hypertension in Children.

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    Introduction: The influence of using 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) thresholds recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA) (24-hour mean ABP \u3e95th percentile and ABP load \u3e25%) or the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) (mean 24-hour ABP \u3e95th percentile or \u3e130/80 mm Hg if mean ABP 95th percentile exceeds 130/80 mm Hg) on the diagnosis of pediatric hypertension has been understudied. Methods: In a cross-sectional, retrospective study of 159 children from a tertiary care outpatient clinic, we classified office blood pressure (OBP) as normotension or hypertension based on the OBP thresholds recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the fourth report on the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure in children and adolescents (herein referred to as the fourth report) by the National High Blood Pressure Educational Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents separately. Thereafter, we evaluated the agreement between the ambulatory AHA and ESH thresholds for diagnosing normotension, white-coat hypertension (WCH), masked hypertension (MH), and hypertension based on the patient\u27s ABP and OBP hypertension pattern. Results: With office hypertension as per the AAP thresholds, the AHA and ESH thresholds classified 85% of subjects similarly into normotension, WCH, MH, and hypertension (Îș = 0.78; 95% CI, 0.67-0.89). The agreement between the AHA and ESH thresholds did not change when OBP was reclassified by the fourth-report OBP thresholds (Îș = 0.77; 95% CI, 0.65-0.88). With OBP classified by either AAP or fourth-report thresholds, the ESH thresholds diagnosed 6% to 7% more children as hypertensive, whereas the AHA threshold classified 11% more children as normotensive. Conclusion: The AHA and ESH thresholds have good agreement in classifying OBP. However, the ESH threshold classifies more OBP as hypertensive and the AHA threshold classifies more OBP as normotensive

    Use of optical fibres for multi-parameter monitoring in electrical AC machines

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    This paper describes a new approach to multi-parameter monitoring for electrical AC machines. It is demonstrated that speed, torque and temperature can be measured using optical fibres incorporating sensors in the form of fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) distributed around the machine. One fibre can incorporate several FBGs and hence provide several measurements. Experimental results showing speed, torque, direction of rotation, stator housing vibration and temperature measured using the FBG method are presented and validated against measurements obtained from conventional sensors. The results show that the optical fibre based approach allows multiple parameters to be monitored accurately and simultaneously with only a fraction of the usual monitoring equipment required. Another advantage of the proposed method is the EMI immunity naturally provided by optical solutions. The presented measurement technique can also offer a new alternative approach to sensorless control

    Diaphragm Disease: NSAID-Induced Small Bowel Stricture

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    The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is ubiquitous. However, it remains an oftentimes under-recognized risk factor for the development of strictures and small bowel obstruction. Herein we describe the case of a 63-year-old female with a prolonged course of abdominal pain and occult anemia found to have a diaphragmatic stricture in the small bowel related to chronic NSAID use

    The Chronic Urticaria Registry: rationale, methods and initial implementation

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    Background: Chronic urticaria (CU) is a common disease, characterized by the recurrent appearance of wheals, angioedema or both for more than 6 weeks. Its underlying biology is not well understood, and many patients do not obtain sufficient relief from recommended treatments. Patient registries are rapidly growing as a form of research, because they can provide powerful, data-driven insights about the epidemiology of diseases, real-world effectiveness of treatments, rare patient types, safety monitoring, healthcare costs and opportunities for quality improvement of healthcare delivery. Objectives: The Chronic Urticaria Registry (CURE) has been designed to improve the scientific understanding, clinical treatment and healthcare planning of CU patients. This report describes the rationale, methods and initial implementation of this registry. Methods: Chronic Urticaria Registry is an ongoing, prospective, international, multicentre, observational, voluntary registry of patients with CU. Participation in CURE is open to any physician treating CU patients, regardless of location, medical specialty or type of practice setting. CURE aims to collect data on all CU patients, with no intentional selection or exclusion criteria. It collects baseline and follow-up data on the patient's demographics, history, symptoms, trigger and risk factors, therapies and healthcare utilization. Results: Chronic Urticaria Registry is a landmark achievement of the global urticaria medical community. As of 26 February 2020, 39 centres around the world have joined the registry and 35 have entered baseline data on a total of 2946 patients. Publications of this data will be forthcoming soon. Conclusions: Chronic Urticaria Registry is eagerly seeking the participation of more physicians and the support of more governmental, charitable and commercial sponsors from around the world. Here, in this paper, we invite other physicians to join this unique project to improve the lives of patients with CU

    Mechanisms underlying the diminished sensitivity to prolactin negative feedback during lactation: Reduced STAT5 signaling and up-regulation of cytokine-inducible SH2 domain-containing protein (CIS) expression in tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons

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    Hyperprolactinaemia during lactation is a consequence of the sucking stimulus and in part due to reduced prolactin (PRL) negative feedback. To date, the mechanisms involved in this diminished sensitivity to PRL feedback are unknown but may involve changes in PRL signal transduction within tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA) neurons. Therefore, we investigated signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) 5 signaling in the TIDA neurons of lactating rats. Dual-label confocal immunofluorescence studies were used to determine the intracellular distribution of STAT5 within TIDA neurons in the dorsomedial arcuate nucleus. In lactating rats with pups removed for 16 h, injection of ovine PRL significantly (P < 0.05) increased the STAT5 nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio compared with vehicle-treated mothers. In contrast, ovine PRL injection did not increase the STAT5 nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio in lactating mothers with pups, demonstrating that PRL signal transduction through STAT5 is reduced in TIDA neurons in the presence of pups. To investigate possible mechanisms involved in reduced PRL signaling, we examined the expression of suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins. Northern analysis on whole hypothalamus showed that CIS (cytokine-inducible SH2 domain-containing protein), but not SOCS1 or SOCS3, mRNA expression was significantly (P < 0.01) up-regulated in suckled lactating rats. Semiquantitative RT-PCR on arcuate nucleus micropunches also showed up-regulation of CIS transcripts. Immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that CIS is expressed in all TIDA neurons in the dorsomedial arcuate nucleus, and the intensity of CIS staining in these neurons is significantly (P < 0.05) increased in lactating rats with sucking pups. Together, these results support the hypothesis that loss of sensitivity to PRL-negative feedback during lactation is a result of increased CIS expression in TIDA neurons

    How Infection and Vaccination Are Linked to Acute and Chronic Urticaria: A Special Focus on COVID-19

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    Since more than a century ago, there has been awareness of the connection between viral infections and the onset and exacerbation of urticaria. Our knowledge about the role of viral infection and vaccination in acute and chronic urticaria improved as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic but it has also highlighted knowledge gaps. Viral infections, especially respiratory tract infections like COVID-19, can trigger the onset of acute urticaria (AU) and the exacerbation of chronic urticaria (CU). Less frequently, vaccination against viruses including SARS-CoV-2 can also lead to new onset urticaria as well as worsening of CU in minority. Here, with a particular focus on COVID-19, we review what is known about the role of viral infections and vaccinations as triggers and causes of acute and chronic urticaria. We also discuss possible mechanistic pathways and outline the unmet needs in our knowledge. Although the underlying mechanisms are not clearly understood, it is believed that viral signals, medications, and stress can activate skin mast cells (MCs). Further studies are needed to fully understand the relevance of viral infections and vaccinations in acute and chronic urticaria and to better clarify causal pathways
