234 research outputs found

    Utility of noninvasive methods for the characterization of nonalcoholic liver steatosis in the family practice. The "VARES" Italian multicenter study.

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    The diagnostic utilities of ultrasonography (US), fatty liver index (FLI) and an algorithm of nine serum markers (Fibromax) were evaluated in family practice to noninvasively characterize patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). A multicenter study was conducted by enrolling 259 consecutively observed patients (age 51 ± 10 years) with clinical and ultrasonographic features of NAFLD . Patients had mild (16.2%), moderate (69.9%), or severe (13.9%) liver steatosis and 60.2% had hypertransaminasemia. The percent of patients with overweight, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia were 42.7%, 46.5% (4.2% severe obesity), 24.7%, 40.9%, and 56.4% , respectively. Lean patients (10.8%) had normal transaminases in two/ thirds of the cases. A multivariate logistic regression (including age > 50 yrs, BMI > 30 kg/m 2 , HOMA > 3, and hypertransaminasemia) identified 12.3% of patients at risk for steatohepatitis. With a sensitivity of 50% and specificity of 94.7%, Fibromax identified 34 patients (13.1%) with likely advanced fibrosis and found that over 28% of patients with moderate (ultrasonographic) steatosis were likely to be carrying severe steatosis. Steatotest score was significantly associated with BMI, waist circumference, ALT, triglycerides, and FLI. Fibrotest correlated only with ALT. FLI identified 73.4% of patients as likely to be carrying a fatty liver. In conclusion, NAFLD should be systematically searched and characterized in all patients with metabolic disturbances and cardiovascular risk. Asymptomatic subjects at risk also should be screened for NAFLD. Fibromax is a promising noninvasive diagnostic tool in family medicine for identifying patients at risk for NAFLD who require targeted follow-up

    A para-religious setting for financial exploitation of the mentally incapacitated: when the habit doesn’t make a monk

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    Exploitation and circumvention of the mentally incapacitated is a criminal offence listed in the Italian penal code (Penal Code Art. 643). It involves the exploitation and circumvention of people who are fragile and vulnerable owing to their health conditions and/or mental status, and fits into the grey area between such subjects’ freedom to make decisions about their physical conditions and economic assets, and the abuse of their trust perpetrated by third parties for personal gain. The authors describe a case of financial exploitation and circumvention of a married couple that is remarkable in view of both the huge sums extorted from the victims and the duration of the peculiar illicit activities (that lasted more than 10 years). These were perpetrated by a charismatic figure leading a “para-religious” group. He claimed to be a prophet, but his private life was highly questionable. The method of ascertainment used to verify the victims’ mentally incapacitated state is described, analyzed and commented; the diagnosis could not be deferred in view of the characteristics of the prolonged penal offences committe

    Undetected patricide: Inaccuracy of cause of death determination without an autopsy

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    Patricide (killing the father) is uncommon form of homicide. Usually the assaults occur at home in the absence of witnesses and adult sons are frequently involved. Homicides in a domestic context usually do not tend to recurrence, because the motivation for the crime ends with the death of the parent. However, this is not what was observed in the present case study dealing with the death of a 70 years old white man originally misclassified as accident and discovered three years later only after an additional homicide in a family context of a 60 years old white lady. Multiple stab wounds to the neck and thorax were misinterpreted at the external male body examination as blunt trauma falling down stairs. No forensic autopsy was requested and no comparison of medical findings with the results from the death scene, such as a bloodstain analysis was performed by the police officers nor required by the judicial authority. This was quite surprising because an additional but preliminary post-mortem external examination performed by a general practitioner on the male body already raised the suspicion that the external lesions were stab wounds thus requiring a forensic autopsy. Only the exhumation of the elderly body, performed years later, confirmed the diagnostic hypothesis raised by the first physician. The present case is quite representative of a death investigation not run professionally and performed by individuals with no specific training where most of the medico-legal investigations (especially for traumatic and violent deaths) are restricted to an external body examination without subsequent autopsy. Although misinterpretation of external lesions is inevitable and significant discrepancies between external body examination and forensic autopsy are not rare, in the case of contradictory results of postmortem external examination or unclear/suspicious cause and manner of death, investigation should proceed necessarily with a forensic autopsy

    Radicalization in Correctional Systems: A Scoping Review of the Literature Evaluating the Effectiveness of Preventing and Countering Interventions

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    Although several prevention and countering radicalization programs in correctional institutions have been carried out in Europe and worldwide, little is known about their effectiveness. Thus, the current scoping review aimed at reporting on the state of the art of the literature assessing and evaluating such actions, identifying knowledge gaps, and examining methods used to assess their successfulness and impact. A total of eight studies that met eligibility criteria were reviewed after performing a search on Scopus, Web of Science, and PsychInfo (Ebsco) databases: Two studies evaluated a reintegration initiative based in the Netherlands; four focused on an Australian disengagement program; and two offered insights on a rehabilitation program carried out in Sri Lanka. Findings were discussed according to their evaluation methods (qualitative, mixed-methods, and quantitative) and instruments. Results highlighted that the evaluation process is still confronted with several methodological difficulties, such as a lack of agreement on how to univocally define and measure success and the identification of uniform indicators of deradicalization and disengagement. Additionally, results revealed that the effectiveness of these interventions is predominantly based on anecdotal evidence rather than on rigorous, empirical proofs. As such, it was not possible to compare these programs and determine which worked best. Suggestions for future research and practical implications for policymakers, prison governors, and practitioners are offered in the concluding section of this work

    Aspirin Colorectal Cancer Prevention in Lynch Syndrome: Recommendations in the Era of Precision Medicine

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    Cancer prevention in the era of precision medicine has to consider integrated therapeutic approaches. Therapeutic cancer prevention should be offered to selected cohorts with increased cancer risk. Undoubtedly, carriers of hereditary cancer syndromes have a well-defined high cancer risk. Lynch Syndrome is one of the most frequent hereditary syndromes; it is mainly associated with colorectal cancer (CRC). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, in particular, aspirin use, has been associated with reduced CRC risk in several studies, initially with contradictory results; however, longer follow-up confirmed a reduced CRC incidence and mortality. The CAPP2 study recruited 861 Lynch syndrome participants randomly assigned to 600 mg of aspirin versus placebo. Like sporadic CRCs, a significant CRC risk reduction was seen after an extended follow-up, with a median treatment time that was relatively short (2 years). The ongoing CAPP3 will address whether lower doses are equally effective. Based on pharmacology and clinical data on sporadic CRCs, the preventive effect should also be obtained with low-dose aspirin. The leading international guidelines suggest discussing with Lynch syndrome carriers the possibility of using low-dose aspirin for CRC prevention. We aim systematically promote this intervention with all Lynch syndrome carriers

    Pandemic and right to university study in prison

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    The article n°34 of the Italian Constitution establishes that the school is open to all, without any reference to the personal conditions of the student that can be deprived of his freedom.This right to education is inviolable.The education is an es- sential element to reach the re-educational function of the sentence.The article n°17 of the Norms for the Penitentiary Sy- stem establishes the important role of the in the external community and of private and public subjects to help in re-educating and re-socializing prisoners. In normal conditions there are often contradictions between the principle and the reality of prison condition so in a condition of crisis such as the covid-19 pandemic there is a high risk to break important achievements in this part. Our article starts from thoughts on the right to study in prison and on the history of Criminology’s attention to the treatment of the offender and from studies on the sector of sentence execution.Then our article presents the results of surveys carried out by the National Conference of Delegates of Rectors for the Prison University Centers at the prison facilities where they are established, during the Coronavirus Pandemic

    Double penalty and double right? Prison at the time of the Covid-19

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    The spreading of the new coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) in Italy caused inevitable consequences also on our penitentiary system and on all the people that live and work there.Thoughts, experiences and strategies for coping with the emergency are reported through three testimonies of three Directors of Italian Penitentiary Institutes. In some cases, the crisis was managed using creativity, imagination and motivation.This attitude lead to valid treatments profiles and to functional communication systems between the prison and the outside world.The mediation of conflicts and the inevitable tensions caused by the pandemic emergency were well handled and the results are visible and concrete

    Italian good practice recommendations on management of persons with Long-COVID

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    A significant number of people, following acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, report persistent symptoms or new symptoms that are sustained over time, often affecting different body systems. This condition, commonly referred to as Long-COVID, requires a complex clinical management. In Italy new health facilities specifically dedicated to the diagnosis and care of Long-COVID were implemented. However, the activity of these clinical centers is highly heterogeneous, with wide variation in the type of services provided, specialistic expertise and, ultimately, in the clinical care provided. Recommendations for a uniform management of Long-COVID were therefore needed. Professionals from different disciplines (including general practitioners, specialists in respiratory diseases, infectious diseases, internal medicine, geriatrics, cardiology, neurology, pediatrics, and odontostomatology) were invited to participate, together with a patient representative, in a multidisciplinary Panel appointed to draft Good Practices on clinical management of Long-COVID. The Panel, after extensive literature review, issued recommendations on 3 thematic areas: access to Long-COVID services, clinical evaluation, and organization of the services. The Panel highlighted the importance of providing integrated multidisciplinary care in the management of patients after SARS-CoV-2 infection, and agreed that a multidisciplinary service, one-stop clinic approach could avoid multiple referrals and reduce the number of appointments. In areas where multidisciplinary services are not available, services may be provided through integrated and coordinated primary, community, rehabilitation and mental health services. Management should be adapted according to the patient's needs and should promptly address possible life-threatening complications. The present recommendations could provide guidance and support in standardizing the care provided to Long-COVID patients
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