192 research outputs found

    The structure of the South-Central-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt as constrained by subsurface data

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    The interpretation of the available seismic lines of the South-Central-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt, conveniently tied with the exploration wells, define the main structural features of this realm of the Pyrenees. In particular, they define the geometry and areal extension of the autochthonous foreland underneath the sole thrust. The mapping ofseveral selected structural lines brings constraints for the structural interpretation of the South-Central Pyrenees, including the cut-off lines between selected stratigraphic horizons of the autochthonous foreland and the branch line between basement-involved thrust sheets and the sole thrust. The thrust salient which characterizes at surface the geometry of the South-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt contrasts with the linear trend of these structural lines at subsurface. This salient has been the result of a secondary progressive curvature developed since Middle Eocene times by thrust displacement gradients during verthrusting of the South-Pyrenean thrust sheets above a Paleogene autochthonous sequence. Displacement gradients resulted from the uneven distribution of weak salt layers, mostly the Triassic and the Upper Eocene ones. The minimum amount of South-directed displacement from early MiddleEocene times to Late Oligocene is 52km, which would be significantly higher if internal shortening by folding and cleavage/fracture development as well as hanging-wall erosion is added

    Structure and kinematics of the Ayora-Cofrentes Diapir (eastern Betics). Role of basement faulting in the salt and suprasalt deformation of the Mesozoic cover

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    The Ayora-Cofrentes Diapir is a 34 km long N-trending salt wall cutting the Valencian Domain that is made by Middle to Upper Triassic salt. On both sides, it is flanked by parallel half grabens offsetting the subtabular strata of the Jurassic to Cretaceous suprasalt carbonate successions. Based on detailed geological mapping and cross-sections, one of them supported by a new magnetotelluric profile, this study analyses the structure and kinematics of this salt wall with the purpose of establishing the role played by the subsalt structure in its development; and, thus, help in the interpretation of diapirs currently incorporated in fold and thrust belts. In this regard, the study evidences the presence of a subsalt basement fault (the Ayora Fault), active as extensional during the Early Jurassic, and reactivated with a reverse throw sometime between the latest Cretaceous and middle Miocene. Both motions are older than the salt wall growth (middle-late Miocene). This strongly suggest that the Ayora-Cofrentes Diapir was not triggered by the vertical motion of the underlying Ayora basement fault but by thin-skinned processes for which this pre-existing basement fault appears to have played a crucial role as salt/suprasal strain localizer

    Variscan and Alpine structure of the hills of Barcelona: geology in an urban area

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    Line 9 of the underground railway is currently being constructed in Barcelona. This undertaking necessitates tunnelling through a number of hills that are mainly made up of Paleozoic rocks, which exhibit a complex structure due to the superposition of Variscan, Mesozoic, Paleogene, and Neogene structures. We present a geological map of the hills of Barcelona originally compiled at 1:5000 scale. Unpublished field notes from surveys carried out in the 1940s and in the early 1970s were crucial for drawing up this detailed map, which together with subsurface data from public works and our study of the few remaining outcrops, enabled us to provide fresh insights into the structure of this area. We also discuss the age of the structures on the basis of cross-cutting relationships and regional considerations. Our conclusions highlight the ongoing need for a geological survey of cities given that our understanding of their geology depends on impermanent outcrops and on the recovery of lost subsurface data. These considerations call for a suitable management of the geological information in urban areas with a complex geology for planning and developing safe infrastructures

    Weld kinematics of synrift salt during basement-involved extension and subsequent inversion: Results from analog models

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    Scaled analog models based on extensional basins with synrift salt show how basement topography exerts a control factor on weld kinematics during the extension and inversion phases. In the case of basement-involved extension, syn-rift salt thickness differences may lead to variable degrees of extensional decoupling between basement topography and overburden, which in turn have a strong impact on the development of salt structures. With ongoing extension and after welding, the basin kinematics evolves toward a coupled deformation style. The basin architecture of our experimental results record the halokinetic activity related to growing diapirs and the timing of weld formation during extension. Moreover, the structures that result from any subsequent inversion of these basins strongly depends on the inherited welds and salt structures. While those basins are uplifted, the main contractional deformation during inversion is absorbed by the pre-existing salt structures, whose are squeezed developing secondary welds that often evolve into thrust welds. The analysis of our analog models shows that shortening of diapirs is favored by: 1) basement topography changes that induce reactivation of primary welds as thrust welds; 2) reactivation of the salt unit as a contractional detachment; and 3) synkinematic sedimentation during basin inversion. Finally in this article we also compare two natural examples from the southern North Sea that highlight deformation patterns very similar to those observed in our analog models

    In Vivo Detection of Perinatal Brain Metabolite Changes in a Rabbit Model of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

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    Background Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a risk factor for abnormal neurodevelopment.We studied a rabbit model of IUGR by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS), to assess in vivo brain structural and metabolic consequences, and identify potential metabolic biomarkers for clinical translation. Methods IUGR was induced in 3 pregnant rabbits at gestational day 25, by 40-50% uteroplacental vessel ligation in one horn; the contralateral horn was used as control. Fetuses were delivered at day 30 and weighted. A total of 6 controls and 5 IUGR pups underwent T2-w MRI and localized proton MRS within the first 8 hours of life, at 7T. Changes in brain tissue volumes and respective contributions to each MRS voxel were estimated by semi-automated registration of MRI images with a digital atlas of the rabbit brain. MRS data were used for: (i) absolute metabolite quantifications, using linear fitting; (ii) local temperature estimations, based on the water chemical shift; and (iii) classification, using spectral pattern analysis. Results Lower birth weight was associated with (i) smaller brain sizes, (ii) slightly lower brain temperatures, and (iii) differential metabolite profile changes in specific regions of the brain parenchyma. Specifically, we found estimated lower levels of aspartate and N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus (suggesting neuronal impairment), and higher glycine levels in the striatum (possible marker of brain injury). Our results also suggest that the metabolic changes in cortical regions are more prevalent than those detected in hippocampus and striatum. Conclusions IUGR was associated with brain metabolic changes in vivo, which correlate well with the neurostructural changes and neurodevelopment problems described in IUGR. Metabolic parameters could constitute non invasive biomarkers for the diagnosis and abnormal neurodevelopment of perinatal origin

    Allochthonous salt advance recorded by the adjacent syn-kinematic sedimentation: Example from the Les Avellanes diapir (South Central Pyrenees)

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    This work aims to present the Les Avellanes diapir as a field analog to inquire how the origin, advance, and emplacement of an allochthonous salt body in continental settings influence the local sedimentation in terms of facies distribution, sediment provenance, and stratigraphic relationships. At the frontal part of the South-Central Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt (Spain), the Les Avellanes diapir is an outcropping salt structure made of Triassic evaporites, lutites and carbonates. At the diapir's western boundary, a structurally controlled sub-basin presents a well-preserved, early Oligocene in age, mixed clastic-evaporitic sedimentary sequence which recorded the lateral extrusion of the diapir and its emplacement as an allochthonous salt sheet. To define the events and processes recorded by the adjacent sedimentary sequences, and to unravel the diapir evolution and the nature of the diapir contact at the study area, we have combined sedimentary, petrologic, and stratigraphic data. Three stratigraphic sections have been built, from which 8 lithostratigraphic facies associations have been described, interpreted, and correlated across the sub-basin. The deformation within the diapir deposit is also described and interpreted together with the sedimentary rocks. A prograding alluvial to colluvial system is associated with the piercing of the salt, which was exposed at the surface towards the NE area of the sub-basin. The dissolution of the salt resulting in the formation of a caprock with stacks of stringers of intrasalt carbonates and dolerites layers. The ongoing uplifting at the NE caused the incision of the local drainage network, marked as a paleo-relief in the stratigraphic sequence, filled by syn-kinematic breccias derived by the erosion, transport, and sedimentation of the caprock. The headward erosion reached the salt underneath the caprock, triggering the lateral extrusion. Thus, salt flowed southwards, favored by the local topography, overriding the syn-kinematic breccia deposit. Foliation and other shear-related deformation structures are observed in a megabreccia made of caprock remnants which overlap the sedimentary, syn-kinematic breccias along the base of the salt sheet deposit. These structures were probably formed during the advance of the salt sheet. The data acquired and interpreted in this work allows for the conceptualization of the relative lateral movement of a salt sheet front as recorded by adjacent syn-kinematic sedimentation in continental settings. Salt supply and erosion rates are compared with topographic slope, sedimentation, and salt dissolution as major controlling parameters of the salt sheet advance. The resulting combinations are expressed by the progradation, aggradation, and retrogradation in terms of proximal over distal facies

    Modeling the interaction between presalt seamounts and gravitational failure in salt-bearing passive margins: The Messinian case in the northwestern Mediterranean Basin

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    The northwest Mediterranean Basin includes a thick Messinian salt sequence composed of three evaporitic units. From these, the intermediate unit, which is dominantly composed of halite, acted as a gravitational detachment favoring the downslope failure of the overlying sediments in a thin-skinned deformation regime. As a result, the structure of the margin is characterized by an upper extensional domain with basinward-dipping listric normal faults and a lower contractional domain that accommodates upslope extension by folding, salt inflation, or diapir squeezing. Lower to middle Miocene volcanic seamounts (presalt reliefs) located at the upper extensional domain locally disrupted the evaporitic units and produced salt flow perturbations. They acted as passive buttresses during the gravitational failure modifying the structural zonation of the margin. Using an experimental approach (sandbox models), we analyze the role played by seamounts during the kinematic evolution of passive margins and how they alter salt flow and suprasalt deformation during gravitational gliding. The experiments found that the seamounts locally interrupt the structural zonation of the margin because they hindered downdip salt flow during early deformation. Seamounts initially compartmentalize the margin architecture, resulting in the development of two gravitational subsystems with two extensional/contractional pairs that are subsequently reconnected when the accumulation of salt analog upslope of the relief is enough to overthrust it. From this point onward, the cover is passively translated downslope as a regional system. The changes in the viscous layer flow velocity related to the dip differences between the flanks and edges of the seamount determine the kinematic evolution of this system. Our experiments also provide geometric constraints to consider during interpretation of these structures, which are commonly poorly imaged in seismic data

    Influence of Syntectonic sedimentation and décollement rheology on the geometry and evolution of orogenic wedges: analog modelling of the Kuqa Fold-and-thrust belt (NW China)

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    Contractional deformation in the outer parts of fold‐and‐thrust belts is in part controlled by the presence of syntectonic sediments and multiple dĂ©collements (e.g., the Apennines, the Appalachians, the Pyrenees, the Zagros, or the Sub‐Andean and Kuqa fold‐and‐thrust belts). To better understand the influence of these parameters in the kinematic evolution of fold‐and‐thrust systems, we carried out an experimental study including four 3‐D sandbox models inspired by one of the previously mentioned prototypes, the Kuqa fold‐and‐thrust belt. This belt contains two dĂ©collements: a weak synorogenic salt layer and a deeper, preorogenic, and frictionless dĂ©collement (i.e., organic‐rich shales) showing along strike variations of rheology. The experimental results show that increasing synkinematic sedimentation rate (i) generates a progressive change from distributed to localized deformation and (ii) delays the development of frontal contractional structures detached on the salt, favoring the formation and reactivation of more hinterland thrusts and backthrusts. With respect to the rheology, our study reveals that as the viscosity of the prekinematic dĂ©collement increases, (i) the deformation propagates more slowly toward the foreland, and (ii) the underlying thrust stack becomes broader and lower and has a gentler thrust taper angle. The rheology of the prekinematic dĂ©collement defines the distribution and geometry of the structures detached on it that in turn influence the development of overlying, salt‐detached structures. Subsalt structures can (i) determine the areal extent of the salt and therefore of any fold‐and‐thrust system detached on it and (ii) hamper or even prevent the progressive foreland propagation of deformation above the salt

    Salt sheet extrusion and emplacement within the South-Central Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt: the Les Avellanes Diapir case-of-study

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    A detailed geological map of the Les Avellanes salt Diapir (South-Central Pyrenees, Spain) that includes both the diapir body and adjacent areas is presented to understand the diapir evolution and geometry. Structural, stratigraphical, and sedimentary data north and south of the diapir is used to infer the timing of its emplacement. The northern diapir boundary is characterized by a set of extensional faults oblique to the main Pyrenean trend, while the southern boundary is an extrusive salt sheet that overlays the late Eocene-early Oligocene sequence in three adjacent sub-basins. Salt extrusion occurred due to synorogenic folding.The topography created as salt extruded trapped the arrival of external sediments from the north, blocking the transport pathways southward. Low sedimentation rates southwards allowed for the lateral salt extrusion, advancing southwards from the feeder. The salt sheet emplacement was postdated by Oligocene conglomerates, indicating that the salt extrusion was a relatively quick event.</p
