10 research outputs found

    Teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principo įgyvendinimo bruožai

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    The author chose to write this article due to the demand for theoretical analysis of the regulation in the legal norms of principle of fair pay for work. The aim of the scientific research is to reveal the essential implementation features of the fair pay for work principle. The conclusion is drawn in the article that the fair pay for work principle covers the definition of fair pay for accomplished work, as the principle determines aims, content and validity ground of legal norms regulating fair pay for accomplished work. The fair pay for work principle at the international level is determined in International Labor Organization Conventions—content of employees rights to fair pay is revealed by Article 4 of the European Social Charter enacted within European Council frames. Elements of the principle of fair pay for work at the regional level are implemented in primary and secondary EU law. The establishment of norms, whose goal is to implement fair pay for work in international agreements allows the statement that this principle is a principle of international labor law, as well implemented on regional level—legal acts of the European Union. The principle of fair pay for work covers not only the implementation of employee’s rights set in Article 4 of the European Social Charter, but also unity of labor evaluation criteria and elements, fundamental equity laws in payment for work, and the relation with other labor law principles (notification of employees, the right to timely salary payment, the principle of nondiscrimination). It is set in the Constitution as a material element of every person’s behavior.Therefore, the implementation of fair pay for work principle arises from international law, indirectly enabling the state to pursue and execute assumed obligations and regulate its own behavior in respect of each other (pacta sunt servanda principle), taking into account international law implied sanctions (reprisals), as well from the Constitution, determining and enabling the application of legal norms in implementing it, taking into account the content of implemented legal principles. After Lithuania gained independence, the criteria for fair pay for accomplished work in legal acts has changed—payment for work according to the amount and quality of accomplished work, results of work, and criteria of a company’s economic activity were supplemented by the criteria of pay for work dependence from demand and supply in the labor market. The regulation of a variable part of payment for work was liberalized by a declining in detailed governmental regulation.Straipsnyje aptariami teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principo įgyvendinimo reglamentavimo bruožai nacionaliniuose, regioniniuose bei tarptautiniuose teisės aktuose. Atskleidžiama teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principo samprata, paliečiami šio principo reikšmės bei vietos kitų darbo teisės principų sistemoje klausimai, teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principo elementų reglamentavimas nacionaliniuose, Europos Sąjungos ir tarptautiniuose teisės aktuose. Aptariama teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principo elementų kaita teisės aktuose taikant istorinį bei lyginamąjį metodus. Pateikiamos šio principo privalomumo prielaidos. Atsižvelgiant į atliktą tyrimą pateikiamos išvados

    Kintamosios darbo užmokesčio dalies nustatymo ir keitimo problemos siekiant įgyvendinti teisingo darbo apmokėjimo principą

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    The existence of the prohibition of an employer’s unilateral reduction of the size of the variable part of wage without an employee’s written consent is related to the form of variable part of wage implementation in the company. Therefore, the rights and responsibilities of subjects of the Labour Law in the context of the variable part of wage, the assumption of their change, withdrawal or emergence directly depend on the form of the implementation of these responsibilities. Even when an employer motives the employee on his own discretion, substantive law obligates the employer to apply the principle of fair remuneration for work, in compliance with the procedures of determination and information listed in Article 95 part 3, Article 188 of the Labour Code. When qualifying the wage condition that has special meaning as a mandatory condition of the contract, confusion arises in the linguistic interpretation of the norm. The assumption is drawn to interpret broadly not only the conditions of the Labour Contract set in Article 95 of the Labour Code, but the related norms as well—to broaden the list of dispute categories, set in part 1 of Article 297 of the Labour Code due to which the legislator sets one month limit and the employee uses a different dispute settlement procedure which would be a direct appeal to the Court without application to the Labour Dispute Commission. Article 297 part 1 of the Labour Code indicates the definition of “mandatory condition of employment contract”. This definition includes place of work and job functions according to Article 95 part 1. Part of remuneration provided in Article 95 part 3 would not comply with the interpretation of legal norms (Article 297 part 1 of the Labour Code) formed in legal practice. In national legal regulation a pay for work is qualified as a condition of employment contracts having special meaning but not the mandatory one.Straipsnyje aptariami kintamosios darbo užmokesčio dalies nustatymo bruožai ir keitimo problemos siekiant teisiniuose darbo santykiuose įgyvendinti teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principą. Aptariamos praktikoje taikomo vienašališko kintamosios darbo užmokesčio dalies dydžio nustatymo bei keitimo problemos, vienašališko kintamosios darbo užmokesčio dalies nustatymo atitiktis darbuotojo teisės į tinkamas darbo sąlygas bei teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principams, nacionaliniams teisės aktams bei teismų praktikai. Atliekama darbdavio pareigos mokėti kintamąją darbo užmokesčio dalį materialaus ir formalaus turinio analizė. Tyrime paliečiami probleminiai praktiniai aspektai, susiję su senaties termino bei ginčo sprendimo tvarkos nustatymu. Aptariamas temos objekto reguliavimas nacionaliniuose, tarptautiniuose bei regioniniuose teisės aktuose bei teismų praktikoje. Atsižvelgiant į atliktą tyrimą pateikiamos išvados

    Problem of Fair Remuneration for Work: Theoretical and Practical Aspects

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    In the dissertation there are presumptions on legal regulation of fair remuneration for work researched and features of material and formal criteria on fair remuneration for work are analyzed. Taking into consideration the polysemy of the concept of fair remuneration for work, direction of the chosen research, the set tasks, fair remuneration for work in this research is analyzed as the legal principle. Aspects on systematic relation between the principle of fair remuneration for work and other related legal principles are revealed. Influence of international, regional (including the European Union) legal norms in implementation of measures safeguarding fair remuneration for work in the national law is discussed. Influence of legal regulation method, unification and differentiation of legal norms in accomplishment of fair remuneration for work is analyzed. State’s provided guarantees on pay for work in accomplishment of employees’ right to fair remuneration are discussed. Relation, functions and goals of the minimum and average wages are researched. Safeguard of employee’s payment for work, problematic aspects of deductions from wage are analyzed. Other guarantees on payment for work in accomplishing the principle of fair remuneration for work are analyzed. Duties of the employer in payment of tariff and variable part of wage are analyzed. Employer’s liability for violation of the principle of fair remuneration for work is discussed. The analysis of employee’s requirements on fair remuneration for completed work in the practice of Lithuanian courts is carried out.Disertacijoje tiriamos teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą teisinio reguliavimo prielaidos, nagrinėjami teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą materialiųjų ir formaliųjų kriterijų ypatumai. Atsižvelgiant į teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą sąvokos daugiareikšmiškumą, pasirinkto tyrimo kryptį, iškeltus uždavinius, teisingas apmokėjimas už darbą tyrime yra nagrinėjamas kaip teisės principas. Atskleidžiami teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principo sisteminio ryšio aspektai su susijusiais teisės principais. Aptariama tarptautinių, regioninių (įskaitant Europos Sąjungos) teisės normų įtaka įgyvendinant teisingą apmokėjimą už darbą užtikrinančias priemones nacionalinėje teisėje. Nagrinėjama teisinio reguliavimo metodo, teisės normų unifikacijos ir diferenciacijos įtaka teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą įgyvendinimui. Aptariamos valstybinės darbo užmokesčio garantijos, įgyvendinant darbuotojų teisę į teisingą apmokėjimą. Tiriamos minimalaus bei vidutinio darbo užmokesčio santykis, funkcijos ir tikslai. Analizuojama darbuotojo apmokėjimo už darbą apsauga, išskaitų iš darbo užmokesčio probleminiai aspektai. Analizuojamos kitos darbo apmokėjimo garantijos, įgyvendinančios teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principą. Nagrinėjamos darbdavio pareigos mokant tarifinę ir kintamąją darbo užmokesčio dalį. Aptariama darbdavio atsakomybė už teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principo pažeidimus. Atliekama darbuotojų reikalavimų dėl teisingo apmokėjimo už atliktą darbą teisminės praktikos analizė Lietuvos teismuose

    Implementation features of principle of fair pay for work

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    The author chose to write this article due to the demand for theoretical analysis of the regulation in the legal norms of principle of fair pay for work. The aim of the scientific research is to reveal the essential implementation features of the fair pay for work principle. The conclusion is drawn in the article that the fair pay for work principle covers the definition of fair pay for accomplished work, as the principle determines aims, content and validity ground of legal norms regulating fair pay for accomplished work. The fair pay for work principle at the international level is determined in International Labor Organization Conventions - content of employees rights to fair pay is revealed by Article 4 of the European Social Charter enacted within European Council frames. Elements of the principle of fair pay for work at the regional level are implemented in primary and secondary EU law. The establishment of norms, whose goal is to implement fair pay for work in international agreements allows the statement that this principle is a principle of international labor law, as well implemented on regional level - legal acts of the European Union. The principle of fair pay for work covers not only the implementation of employee's rights set in Article 4 of the European Social Charter, but also unity of labor evaluation criteria and elements, fundamental equity laws in payment for work, and the relation with other labor law principles (notification of employees, the right to timely salary payment, the principle of non-discrimination).It is set in the Constitution as a material element of every person's behavior. Therefore, the implementation of fair pay for work principle arises from international law, indirectly enabling the state to pursue and execute assumed obligations and regulate its own behavior in respect of each other (pacta sunt servanda principle), taking into account international law implied sanctions (reprisals), as well from the Constitution, determining and enabling the application of legal norms in implementing it, taking into account the content of implemented legal principles. After Lithuania gained independence, the criteria for fair pay for accomplished work in legal acts has changed - payment for work according to the amount and quality of accomplished work, results of work, and criteria of a company's economic activity were supplemented by the criteria of pay for work dependence from demand and supply in the labor market. The regulation of a variable part of payment for work was liberalized by a declining in detailed governmental regulation

    Problems in determination and replacement of variable part of wage size in pursuance of implementing principle of fair remuneration for work

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    Straipsnyje aptariami kintamosios darbo užmokesčio dalies nustatymo bruožai ir keitimo problemos siekiant teisiniuose darbo santykiuose įgyvendinti teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principą. Aptariamos praktikoje taikomo vienašališko kintamosios darbo užmokesčio dalies dydžio nustatymo bei keitimo problemos, vienašališko kintamosios darbo užmokesčio dalies nustatymo atitiktis darbuotojo teisės į tinkamas darbo sąlygas bei teisingo apmokėjimo už darbą principams, nacionaliniams teisės aktams bei teismų praktikai. Atliekama darbdavio pareigos mokėti kintamąją darbo užmokesčio dalį materialaus ir formalaus turinio analizė. Tyrime paliečiami probleminiai praktiniai aspektai, susiję su senaties termino bei ginčo sprendimo tvarkos nustatymu. Aptariamas temos objekto reguliavimas nacionaliniuose, tarptautiniuose bei regioniniuose teisės aktuose bei teismų praktikoje. Atsižvelgiant į atliktą tyrimą pateikiamos išvados.The existence of the prohibition of an employer’s unilateral reduction of the size of the variable part of wage without an employee’s written consent is related to the form of variable part of wage implementation in the company. Therefore, the rights and responsibilities of subjects of the Labour Law in the context of the variable part of wage, the assumption of their change, withdrawal or emergence directly depend on the form of the implementation of these responsibilities. Even when an employer motives the employee on his own discretion, substantive law obligates the employer to apply the principle of fair remuneration for work, in compliance with the procedures of determination and information listed in Article 95 part 3, Article 188 of the Labour Code. When qualifying the wage condition that has special meaning as a mandatory condition of the contract, confusion arises in the linguistic interpretation of the norm. The assumption is drawn to interpret broadly not only the conditions of the Labour Contract set in Article 95 of the Labour Code, but the related norms as well - to broaden the list of dispute categories, set in part 1 of Article 297 of the Labour Code due to which the legislator sets one month limit and the employee uses a different dispute settlement procedure which would be a direct appeal to the Court without application to the Labour Dispute Commission. Article 297 part 1 of the Labour Code indicates the definition of “mandatory condition of employment contract”. This definition includes place of work and job functions according to Article 95 part 1. Part of remuneration provided in Article 95 part 3 would not comply with the interpretation of legal norms (Article 297 part 1 of the Labour Code) formed in legal practice. In national legal regulation a pay for work is qualified as a condition of employment contracts having special meaning but not the mandatory one

    Administrative and criminal liability in the case of illegal employment

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    In this article analyses the theoretical and practical aspects of administrative and criminal liability application in the cases of the illegal employment in Lithuania justice. The purpose of the article is to investigate specific features and attributes of the application of administrative and criminal liability and the peculiarities of liability application in the cases of the illegal employment. By using qualitative document analysis method is investigated legal doctrine, scientific literature and the newest judicial practice of the themes within. Article is written by using the summation, systematic analysis and linguistic methods, to ensure the qualified analysis of research and to provide eligible conclusions. By analyzing the Lithuanian law practice tendencies in the presented cases, it is being aimed to assess the essence of the applied responsibility and identify advantages and disadvantages of these legal regulation violations, as well as present possible proposals for their improvement

    Problem of fair remuneration for work : theoretical and practical aspects

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    In the dissertation there are presumptions on legal regulation of fair remuneration for work researched and features of material and formal criteria on fair remuneration for work are analyzed. Taking into consideration the polysemy of the concept of fair remuneration for work, direction of the chosen research, the set tasks, fair remuneration for work in this research is analyzed as the legal principle. Aspects on systematic relation between the principle of fair remuneration for work and other related legal principles are revealed. Influence of international, regional (including the European Union) legal norms in implementation of measures safeguarding fair remuneration for work in the national law is discussed. Influence of legal regulation method, unification and differentiation of legal norms in accomplishment of fair remuneration for work is analyzed. State’s provided guarantees on pay for work in accomplishment of employees’ right to fair remuneration are discussed. Relation, functions and goals of the minimum and average wages are researched. Safeguard of employee’s payment for work, problematic aspects of deductions from wage are analyzed. Other guarantees on payment for work in accomplishing the principle of fair remuneration for work are analyzed. Duties of the employer in payment of tariff and variable part of wage are analyzed. Employer’s liability for violation of the principle of fair remuneration for work is discussed. The analysis of employee’s requirements on fair remuneration for completed work in the practice of Lithuanian courts is carried out